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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6631209 No.6631209 [Reply] [Original]

Today my father told me he needed to talk about something. My heart stopped for a second, and I thought he was finally going to tell me to stop being a NEET failure. I was so excited. He told me he needed to borrow $200.

In other news, I filled out an internet application for Quiznos. I wish I had the courage to call up the fast food places that I apply to and ask about my application's status.

I was also thinking about applying to some convenience stores. Do any of you work at a convenience store? How often do you get robbed?

NEET general.

>> No.6631216

That's a cute picture of Azusa, OP.

>> No.6631217

Blog general

Today I went outside.

>> No.6631218

Whether you'll ever experience a robbery or not most likely depends on your location.

>> No.6631224

Why would you want to stop being a NEET on first place? Asking seriously.

>> No.6631225

Yesterday I was about to have THAT conversation with my parents. I could possibly be told to get the fuck out out my house.
Luckily my aunt fell very ill and they had to run to the hospital. I have been avoiding them ever since.

>> No.6631234

Try being a security guard, OP. 99% of the time you just sit on your ass and do nothing; browse a laptop or play DS to kill time.

Alternatively go on unemployment or disability for social problems. It's what the pure NEETs seem to do.

>> No.6631237

You know, working alone is one thing, but working in a position where you'd have to deal with people constantly?
You're pretty well-adjusted. I'm jealous, those kind of places are pretty much the only ones that would hire me, but I know I wouldn't be able to deal with that.
I let the previous chance I had for bearable employment pass me by, so for now it's still unemployment for me. I really have to find something though, since if I won't by the time my father gets back(he's a sailor and works few months-long shifts) things really are going to turn ugly here.

>> No.6631238
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>Today I went outside.

>> No.6631243

To elaborate on that, I went out to exercise.

>> No.6631245
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If I could build up the courage to talk to some one about my mental issues, I would also have the courage to call up McDonalds and tell them to hire me.

I just can't build up the courage to take the step.

>> No.6631250

You're going to have a hell of a time in retail if you're that bad, anon.

>> No.6631264

Mcdonalds will hire anyone, in fact they should be begging you to work there. Just place this in the back of your mind and feel as though you're superior to them so you won't feel as bad.

>> No.6631279

Today I went to work from 7-3:30, then I went to the gym to lift weights, and then after that I went to my muay thai class.

Now I'm sitting at home being forever ronery like the rest of you NEETs. Getting out don't do that much good.

>> No.6631285

That's awful. Sounds like you barely have any time for yourself.

>> No.6631290

Get out of /jp/
