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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6627636 No.6627636 [Reply] [Original]

Japan general. Do you like Japan or only animus?

Would you like to live in Japan. Why yes, why not?

Maybe you are living in Japan now. How is it? Love it or hate it? (the underdog's on top, and I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop)

>> No.6627651


Ash gala wonderful.

We are the wad of dough, we didn't eat


>> No.6627658

>Do you like Japan

>or only animus?

This board isn't about Japan or anime, it's about other otaku things that come from Japan.

>> No.6627668
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I do not miss the days of Japan/general

>> No.6628384

>Japan general. Do you like Japan or only animus?

most of the things i like about japan are for pedophile related things like:

1) enjo kosai (paying money to junior high schools for dates and possible sex)
2) junior idol videos (basically legal child porn)
3) their love of cute things (and cute girls)
4) lolicon hentai (child porn, except cartoons)

>Would you like to live in Japan. Why yes, why not?

moving to japan or anywhere else for that matter is a big committment.

but just once, oh god, just once, i would like to penetrate the vagina of a 10 year old japanese schoolgirl (without going to jail)

god, please grant me my one and only wish.

>> No.6628398

I like how there have been seven or so tripfags named Investment Banker or something related.

>> No.6628399



>> No.6628400

I don't care what /jp/ says. I really liked living outside of Tokyo. Great food, arcades, music, transport, etc. It was expensive and the daily commute really wore me down, but I'd like to go back one day. Settling down is a different story. I could never do it. I would like to feel comfortable in my own surroundings after a while, and that would never be the case for a foreigner in Japan. You will always be stared at by somebody. It's not too bad once you get used to it, but it would never feel like home.

>> No.6628401

Fuck off you disgusting hebephile. Teenage fuckers like you don't belong in /jp/. Here we prefer our girls 2D only.

>> No.6628403

Neither, go back to /a/b/v/.

>> No.6628408

I would like to be able to go to Comiket and Reitaisai without having to fly in.

Otherwise it's just another country.

>> No.6628411

Even in Japan you'd go to jail for that.

Unless you silenced her afterward.....hmmmm

>> No.6628417

Somebody posted a decent rapist's guide a few months ago. Search the archive.

>> No.6628422

Japan's not so great a place to live in no matter what, and it's a downright fucking terrible place to live in if you weren't born there.

Cool place to visit, though.

>> No.6628423

I'm no putz-- I like to think that if I opted to rape a girl, I wouldn't need a guide to get away with it.

>> No.6628425

>Fuck off you disgusting hebephile. Teenage fuckers like you don't belong in /jp/. Here we prefer our girls 2D only.

in an ideal world, you would willingly have sex with a 12 year old japanese school girl (or a girl of the race of your choice).

dont bother lying to me about how biological urges to fuck young girls dont apply to you.

>Somebody posted a decent rapist's guide a few months ago. Search the archive.

is that the 'mole's guide to sex with children'?

i think its a pdf file

>> No.6628426

But could you do it without hurting her too much?

>> No.6628429

It's in this thread:

>> No.6628432

In an ideal world, girls could stop aging whenever they want and you could have sex with 50 year olds who look identical in every way to 10 year olds.

>> No.6628435

>I'm no putz-- I like to think that if I opted to rape a girl, I wouldn't need a guide to get away with it.

i honestly dont think raping a girl and getting away with it is that hard and the chances of getting caught is low as long as you kill her and dispose of her body in a random location properly.

for every news report about a pedophile rapist that gets caught, there's probably 99 others who get away with it. the reason u dont hear about those 99 successful pedo rapists is because:

1) its not news
2) well, we cant show pedo rape success stories on tv, can we?

so why dont _I_ rape and kill a girl then? mainly becos, even if the chances of getting caught is low, i have a lot to lose (wife, money, job, etc)

>> No.6628436

I love 10 year old little girls. But I would be a little turned off by them having a mind that's old. They need to be young in mind and body.

>> No.6628437

>In an ideal world, girls could stop aging whenever they want and you could have sex with 50 year olds who look identical in every way to 10 year olds.

the statutory rape law exists is because apparently, 10 year old girls are not able to consent to sex.

the joke is that the moralists will still find a way to find sex with 50 year old women (who have the minds of 50 year old women, and the bodies of 10 year old girls) illegal. even if it isnt.

its a fucking joke, i tell ya.

>> No.6628439

nvm this is the original thread

>> No.6628443

>I love 10 year old little girls. But I would be a little turned off by them having a mind that's old. They need to be young in mind and body.

the girl from hard candy was really unattractive to me so i think u have a point there.

>> No.6628444

I don't even think it would be necessary to kill to get away with it. Especially if you're targeting underage girls, as they really aren't the best communicators.

>young in mind
That's where the whole thing falls apart for me. I don't find stupidity sexually attractive.

>> No.6628448

You have a point there, but I think there's a fine line. A precocious little girl would be good. But I don't want her mind to be too old. She still needs to be a bit innocent.

>> No.6628449

>That's where the whole thing falls apart for me. I don't find stupidity sexually attractive.

i dont like stupidity either but theres a difference between stupidity and naievity.

for example, naievity is when you show a girl your rapidly erecting penis.

and that penis is the first penis that girl has ever seen.

that knowledge itself is enough to make me twice as hard as usual

not to mention teaching her how to stroke my penis properly, suck it properly etc

>> No.6628455

>You have a point there, but I think there's a fine line. A precocious little girl would be good. But I don't want her mind to be too old. She still needs to be a bit innocent.

innocence... something ALL women, DONT have.

innocence is sexy, but no woman has it.

who is to blame?

>> No.6628456

Why not.

I´m already east asian.

If I picked up some decent nihongo and nihongonized my chinese name from Xin into Shin, nobody would even notice that I am a dirty foreigner/chinese

>> No.6628462

Just pick a pseudonym, like all the cool Chinese did back then!

On totally unrelated note, I already miss the janitor. ISM is popping back.

>> No.6628465

I wonder what percentage of girls under 12 had sex with much older men.

>> No.6628467
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, Evangelion_1.11_You_Are_(Not)_Alone_(2009)_[1080p,BluRay,x264,DTS-ES]_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_01.28.09_[2010.11.26_14.26.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I´ll name myself....

Shin Jikari

>> No.6628468

>If I picked up some decent nihongo and nihongonized my chinese name from Xin into Shin, nobody would even notice that I am a dirty foreigner/chinese

hey, im not sure if ur the right person to ask but why isnt there more chinese child porn?

in case u didnt know, im white and im an investment banker. throughout my career i meet quite a few up-and-coming chinese career women and it amazes me when i find out theyre in their 20s and 30s when they could easily pass for a 15-18 year old (with some makeup and school uniform).

chinese women are also similar to japanese women in that they value cuteness and feminity as opposed to the white women culture of sluttiness and whoreness.

im sure theres gotta be some chinese schoolgirl dancing nakedly webcams out there.

>> No.6628474

You can potentially find naivety in females older than your usual fare though. Not bloody likely, but it is POSSIBLE. I like the naivety, but hate the rest.

>> No.6628477

The Chinese government would come down on your head like a ton of bricks.

>> No.6628486

Imagine China being the PS3 and porn being games.

Other than that, I have no idea.
I never saw/bought a lot of chinese porn.

Hell, I even saw Hitomi Tanaka(JAV) bootlegs at a mall or something.

>> No.6628487

i c wat u did thar

Now seriously, you should pick a common Japanese name to blend in better.

>> No.6628481

Yes, there were times I've seen women do things and thought, "if she were a little girl that would have been cute."

>> No.6628490

pornography is banned in China.

>> No.6628495

How does Shin Asuka sound?

>> No.6628505
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>Hitomi Tanaka Bootlegs


>> No.6628507

>The Chinese government would come down on your head like a ton of bricks.

my firm deals with china on a business basis frequently and it is repeatedly stressed that the chinese government only cares about 2 things:

1) stability (no one can speak against the government, everything is a-ok etc)
2) money

china is a big fucking country, no ones gonna care if a little chinese girl gets raped. or 10 chinese girls for that matter.

chances are they'll be aborted anyway. might as well rape them first. well, let them grow up then rape them. u know what i mean.

>Imagine China being the PS3 and porn being games.

i have no idea what u mean by this analogy

>pornography is banned in China.

but not elsewhere in the world. a chinese schoolgirl can easily film herself dancing seductively on a webcam and upload it to the internet.

the chinese government can ban it but that wont stop me from seeing it.

>> No.6628511
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_03_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[BEE27A09].mkv_snapshot_14.12_[2010.12.05_18.38.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to Japan for the anime and rename yourself:
Jossif Wissarionowitsch Dschugaschwili


>> No.6628517

China has no porns because PS3 haez no gaems HURRRR

>> No.6628515

ISM is a troll, disregard him.

>> No.6628523

I like Japan.
It's so clean there, and I'd like to live there if I could get a job. If anything I'd have to pay way less shipping costs to get figurines and shit.

Also; soba noodles all day every day.

>> No.6628529

>China has no porns because PS3 haez no gaems HURRRR

lol i understand now, thats pretty funny.

well like the anon above me said, china can bootleg japanese porn (and they do all the time), i dont think u can bootleg ps3 games yet.

>> No.6628530

>well, let them grow up then rape them.
Awful lot of time and resources wasted just for a lay. Cheaper and quicker to go to Thailand

>> No.6628532

Pure maidens from the glorious motherland would never strip for dirty foreigners on webcams.

>> No.6628533

>Implying you would ever have time for figures, anime and shit if you had a job in japan that does not pay like crap

>> No.6628534

I guess I could watch anime on my phone while riding the train.

>> No.6628537

>Awful lot of time and resources wasted just for a lay. Cheaper and quicker to go to Thailand

u have a point there. little chinese girls are killed because of the economy in the first place. i like east asian lolis better than little brown ones but i cant complain about choice.

>Pure maidens from the glorious motherland would never strip for dirty foreigners on webcams.

i see a lot of asian girl/white guy couples so i dont think it is unreasonable for their to be underage chinese girls to strip for 4channers on stickam.

>> No.6628541

Yes, because watching anime on a full train isn´t going to score you a lot of spite or anything.

>> No.6628539

>Do you like Japan
Indifferent. I don't really like any country.

>Would you like to live in Japan.
Sure why not, as long I have a job when I get there. But I really don't feel the need to move out of my country.

I went there once as a tourist, and it was fun, I liked it.

>> No.6628543

They'll just call him Joshi

>> No.6628545

As long as you wear headphones and the sound isn't too high.

>> No.6628548

I lived in Osaka for 4 years or so. It was expensive and crowded. Can't really say anything else about Japan..it's just a country.

>> No.6628549

Not like the Japanese themselves don't do it.

>> No.6628556

Headphones. Everyone else is either too busy looking at their own phone or reading a book to care what I do.

Also; what I have on my screen is my business, and people wouldn't stand that close to me anyway since I'm a foreigner.
Not that they'd have much choice on a packed train, though.

>> No.6628568
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9/f/cal looking for friends

>> No.6628574




>> No.6628582 [DELETED] 


30s/m/looking for non-penetrative (i wont stick my man-wee-wee in your girl-wee-wee) consensual sex with a girl aged 15 or lower

>> No.6628586

I just want friends.

>> No.6628600

I'll be your friend.

>> No.6628602

>I just want friends.

can we be friends AND fuckbuddies? i'll be your friend if we can fuck

>> No.6628608

You're funny mister

>> No.6628626

>You're funny mister

i think ur funnier missy

>> No.6630170
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>(the underdog's on top, and I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stop)
I laughed WAY too hard at this.
