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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6625561 No.6625561 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of the upcoming Tales of Xillia?

>> No.6625569

I prefer 2D graphics.

>> No.6625568

>Tales of

I think it won't be localized. Move along.

>> No.6625580

what system is it on

>> No.6625576

I'd be more interested if you posted a bigger scan

>> No.6625586


Says PS3 near the middle, on the right.

>> No.6625585

No worries, anon. PS3 is region free.

>> No.6625592

that means I have to buy it damn.
not happening.

>> No.6625630

Sawashiro Miyuki = day one buy

>> No.6625690


>> No.6625703

Too many games to finish. Backlog is massive. Still need to force myself to finish FFXIII

>> No.6625726

Had no idea about it. I love tales and will keep an eye on it.

I expect in 6 months I will be satisfied with my japanese to understand everything.

>> No.6625756

Oh cool, a new Tal-
never mind

>> No.6625769


Well I understand, FF XIII is shit ...

>> No.6625772

I really wish they would stop making Tales games.

It's like saying "Hey, here's this game that you'd love but will never get to play."

Fuck Bamco.

>> No.6625774

Get used to it

>> No.6625783

Do you realize what year it is?

>> No.6625785

Eagerly awaiitng. About 98% completion in Vesperia. Just missing some synthesis items.

>> No.6625788

I'll play it when it gets ported to a handheld in eight years.

>> No.6625790

What's with the stench of /v/ in /jp/ nowadays?

>> No.6625797

Here's the official website. Don't expect to get very far though.


>> No.6625803

Kira on the left

>> No.6625800

Mira is mai waifu

>> No.6625811

Yes. Your point?

>> No.6625817

Your joke is stale. 360 has no gaems.

>> No.6625823

We still discussed Ar Tonelico when the meido was still around.

>> No.6625831

I wasn't referencing one of your shitty /v/ memes dumbass. I'll never be able to afford a PS3 and I can't pirate it, so I'll never get to play it.

>> No.6625839

AT is more /jp/-related than no games and FFXIII hate. Is school out in Amurrka?

>> No.6625897


Go back to you piece of shit board /v/.

>> No.6625903

Oh Bandai Namco

Making me waste near a thousand just to buy a J360 and Im@s 2, now you're going to make me spend more

>> No.6625944

>near a thousand

What the hell? At that point wouldn't it make sense to just buy/use a modded 360?

>> No.6625990

Complete version coming out later for the Wii.

I fucking called it.

>> No.6625993

Must be rounding up. It should be more around $500.

>> No.6625999

No, bangkok. No.

>> No.6626000


>> No.6626006


You mean 3DS.

>> No.6626023

Fuck Namco Bandai in the ass with a crowbar.

>> No.6627315
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>Tales of game
Namco Bandai's face

>> No.6627341

Not many people buy Tales games and it's unreasonable to expect a company to localize games when they won't make much of a profit. Keep in mind, Namco pretty much fucked the series themselves by releasing it in the same week as Final Fantasy twice, putting Vesperia on 360, Graces had bugs, Abyss had bugs, Symphonia's sequel was garbage. All of that is enough to turn people away from the series.

>> No.6627362

I actually buy'd tales of symphonia - dawn of the new world and aspected a good game. Still haven't finished it.

>> No.6627368

I prefer Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.6627378

I made that mistake too.
Slogged through MC jabbering for about 5 minutes, then dropped that shit because I hadn't even got to play yet.

>> No.6627393

Im more hyped for The Last Story. Too bad it doesnt has a confirmed NA release yet.

>> No.6627396

i bet the hero is a fag, like every other tales of games
or maybe a wannabe badass

>> No.6627405

nobody cares about the last story in moonland

>> No.6627406

I doubt it will leave Japan. Xenoblade didn't.

Then again, it's not like this has much of a chance of leaving Japan either, but at least it's region free.

>> No.6627411

>The Last Story
I think it looks good, but it's going to bomb just like Xenoblade and we won't get it.

>> No.6627424

good news guys
there will never be another localised tales games.


>> No.6627428

Good old xenophobic Bamco doing what they do best.

>> No.6627437



fuck this

what does it say I don't speak moon

>> No.6627440 [DELETED] 


>Not many people buy Tales games and it's unreasonable to expect a company to localize games when they won't make much of a profit.

Sorry bro but that's just bullshit. Most of the time Tales games' sales better in America(s) alone than in the Moonland and if you already tranlated it you might as well release it in Yurop to sell even more. So that's not really a valid reason.


>bomb just like Xenoblade

So 150kk sold units is a bomb now? We're talking about a Wii game here, it would be retarded to compare production costs with PS3 games so it would be surprising if those 150kk units weren't enough to make a profit.

>> No.6627441


>Not many people buy Tales games and it's unreasonable to expect a company to localize games when they won't make much of a profit.

Sorry bro but that's just bullshit. Most of the time Tales games' sales better in America(s) alone than in the Moonland and if you already tranlated it you might as well release it in Yurop to sell even more. So that's not really a valid reason.


>bomb just like Xenoblade

So 150kk sold units is a bomb now? We're talking about a Wii game here, it would be retarded to compare production costs with PS3 games so it would be surprising if those 150kk units weren't enough to make a profit.

>> No.6627461


Thank you Xbox for killing it.

What the fuck were they thinking trying to sell an RPG to an FPS fanbase?

>> No.6627464
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>> No.6627466

Anyone want to summarise this for us non-moonrune speakers?
>Most of the time Tales games' sales better in America(s) alone than in the Moonland
I find that extremely hard to believe, to my knowledge only Symphonia sales in US/EU were higher than the jap sales.

>> No.6627470

360 is the otaku console in Japan. It has the huge share of eroge ports in consoles. That's an indicator.

>> No.6627492

I would say they're going to try and drive the 3DS as the main future platform for Tales games, given they've already announced the Abyss remake, but Tales games have been on every fucking console this gen.

>> No.6627519

>production costs
Except that most of the production cost for both Xenoblades and TLS are TVCMs so yeh it probably doesnt make any profit.

TV station in Japan was being bombarded nonstop with Xenoblades TVCM so it's considered a huge failure.
Same will happen with TLS.

>> No.6627586

I think the character designs suck.

Also, they finally ran out of good titles?

>> No.6627597




>> No.6627600

It's like I'm really playing a Wii game!

>> No.6627609

>my TV is CRT

sure bro

>> No.6627620
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>implying Wii games can ever look this good

>> No.6627631
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Fuck, I actually want a PS3 now.

>> No.6627656

>jump over the stairs
>only move his head to avoid an arrow
>fist, no weapon

wannabe badass confirmed

>> No.6627661

Nah a wannabe badass is someone who makes snide remarks on the internet.

>> No.6627687
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>> No.6627751

I bet they'll have to localize it to earn their money back. But yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.6627941

I don't care how much people love to bash jrpgs, if there is one thing they do right it is have very beautiful locations.

>> No.6628001

Thumbnail it looks like some kind of wrinkly pink testicles

>> No.6628011

clearly it's inferior to symphonia

>> No.6628015
File: 206 KB, 510x379, 7702403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This video has been removed by the user.

>> No.6628202

Search Youtube for Tales of Xillia

>> No.6628233


That actually looks doable.

It's true that Wii games tend to look like ass, but damn, look at Mario Galaxy. They could probably make the games look better, but they don't seem to give a shit.

>> No.6628242

It's because customers don't expect awesome graphics from a Wii game. Developers don't have to invest a lot in order to fulfill the customers expectations so they don't because it saves money. Why invest in a better product when a mediocre one will sell just as well?
The Gamecube had the same problem. Then games like Resident Evil 4 came along and showed how much the GC was actually capable of. Too bad that that was near the end of it's era already, so it didn't have that much of an impact.
If more games are released for the Wii that look really good, standards will hopefully go up, because people realize that it can be done.

>> No.6628250
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1080p3geo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii games look nice using Dolphin.

>> No.6628307


Dolphin is a bitch. It never worked with my computer ...

>> No.6628375

well true dat

>> No.6628388

Too bad my 7750 can't deliver 60 fps with Mario Kart ;_;

>> No.6628390

The Wii version is bad anyway. The stages are nice but the gameplay is broken.
