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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 195 KB, 723x720, justlookatthatslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6623816 No.6623816 [Reply] [Original]

She wants to fuck.

>> No.6623825
File: 454 KB, 909x1275, 1287968550840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha as fuck.

>> No.6623835

Ika x Yuugi is my OTP

>> No.6623845

I don't know how many times you people have been told "just report silently, hide the thread, and move on," but evidently it still hasn't sunk in.

>> No.6623850

But I like these threads

>> No.6623861
File: 325 KB, 1024x768, yui_geschminkt_wie_eine_tunte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a fag!

>> No.6623873

What happened to Yui's tits?

>> No.6623983


Excessive makeup is supposed to make a character look ugly, not far superior to their normal design.

>> No.6623993

her nipples look kinda gynecomastic

>> No.6624017

Why does she actually look more beautiful?

>> No.6624152

I like those makeup edits when they're not too excessive...

>> No.6624168

She was moeshit to begin with. It doesn't take much to improve on it.

>> No.6624172

What does that even mean

>> No.6624185

Yeah, what does that mean? We /jp/ like this "moeshit", so go back where you came from.

>> No.6624187

Boring featureless characters who are geared towards moe pandering in order to attract fans.

>> No.6624193

>/jp/ likes moeshit
If you hadn't typed the board name out I'd tell you to scroll up to see that you aren't on /a/ at the moment.

>> No.6624200

We like touhou and girly things, therefore we like this "moeshit" you just described. If anything, YOU should get back to /a/ with your rivarly bullshit that shits up places like /a/ or /v/ (console wars).

>> No.6624201

So I take it you don't play eroge and aren't interested in the Touhou characters.

>> No.6624209

Ignorant newfriend trying so hard to fit in~~

>> No.6624217
File: 123 KB, 447x332, sshot-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624221

What the fuck am I reading.

Name me a single Touhou character that is a helpless moeblob in even the majority of her depictions.

>> No.6624229

There is no such as "moeshit", /jp/ of all places knows this.
The way /a/ started to use moe because they didn't know what it was has always been increadibly vague and the way they use it the term barely has a proper meaning at all.

To say "moeshit" on /jp/ seriously, really do imply you aren't from around here.

>> No.6624230

ahhaah oh wow, touhou is epitome of so called moeshit if anything is

>> No.6624239
File: 11 KB, 130x179, 1290804331092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Touhous are completely helpless and must rely entirely on the male protagonist? Oh shit, looks like it doesn't have one.

>> No.6624233

Ahahaha oh god, you're not serious.

>> No.6624238

>To say "moeshit" on /jp/ seriously, really do imply you aren't from around here.
This. It's not hard to discern a lost /a/ newfriend when they toss that word seriously around here.

>> No.6624244
File: 48 KB, 281x283, kaguya amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup samefag

>> No.6624245

But that is not the definition of "moe". What the fuck, am I arguing with an idiot or a troll here? Oh wait, they're both interchangeable with each other.

>> No.6624248

Touhou characters are only girls to pander to lonely otaku. Thus, they are the very definition of moeshit. Also, no personalities, as admitted by Zun.

Not the other guy, even.

>> No.6624251

Yes, moe is about a woman being completely retarded to the point where she is entirely subservient to a man, because Japanese moe fanboys see any possibility of self-direction or self-reliance in a woman as a threat to their very existence.

>> No.6624257

But that's wrong you idiot

>> No.6624259

Oh okay, that's why people think Nanoha and Fate are so moe, right?

>> No.6624264
File: 324 KB, 560x700, 1292215374603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, moe is about a woman being completely retarded to the point where she is entirely subservient to a man,

Ahahah faggot. Go back to /a/ and ask them what moe means before you shit up our board.

>> No.6624265


>> No.6624272

People: stop feeding the shitty /a/ troll.

>> No.6624279
File: 42 KB, 292x256, cirno sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like neo-/jp/ very much.

>> No.6624310 [DELETED] 

moeshit is the cancer killing /jp/

>> No.6624312

You need to throw "pretentious" or "generic" in there before it's a real /a/ post

>> No.6624314

The kind where anime and world of tanks is /jp/ related, confirmed by janitors?

at least we don't have PSG threads

>> No.6624354

Which is quite surprising. Maybe sion and his cohort don't enjoy its style? Sluts, sex jokes and so on were all elements of show's they've spammed in this past, after all.

>> No.6624359

generic moeshit is the cancer killing /jp/

>> No.6624365

I'd post it if there were more transformation scenes.

>> No.6624368
File: 410 KB, 1280x960, 1292356167364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6624392

I'd release my spermatophores in her buccal membrane if you catch my drift.

>> No.6624406
File: 35 KB, 150x150, portrait_shirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624408

I'm waiting on the episode with a Giant Squid girl.

>> No.6624452

I guess they'd be elder sisters to Ika Musume, since the squid she's based on (most likely a loliginid) is rather small. There also needs to be a colossal squid to go with her, so that the two can constantly argue which one is taller (both species are similar in size, with the colossal squid having a slightly larger estimated maximum).

>> No.6624819
File: 156 KB, 512x650, 1280597879357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My reaction in image form when I found out this was a real word.
>Also my reaction when google doesn't turn up any suggestions or instant searches for loli, including gothic lolita.

>> No.6624856

Yes, google wants to be on the safe side, even if you are looking for a person named that or the Nabokov book.

>> No.6624873

>even if you are looking for a person named that

The internet is just waiting for a time where someone gets arrested for looking up their own name or can't register on facebook or something with it.
