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6622501 No.6622501 [Reply] [Original]

Japan thread only
Pig english get out

>> No.6622509

typing in fullwidth doesn't make you Jap.

>> No.6622507

Слав тред, го.

>> No.6622513

Sorry, Mr. Nipponman but your borders are defenseless now that you have no army or navy.

>> No.6622527


>> No.6622529

motherfucken coreans ! get out !!

>> No.6622531


>> No.6622546

Ты охуел штоле, меня корейцем называть?

>> No.6622555


>> No.6622560
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when Japan wants Dokdo and the Kurils even though neither territories are ethnically Japanese

>> No.6622563

Are Koreans allowed to post on 2chan?

>> No.6622570

how are rocks ethnic anything?

>> No.6622567

Magician of stupidity

>> No.6622572

And why does that matter? They were taken by force so they have right to bitch

>> No.6622582

If Japan really cared about what they did during World War 2 they would have at least given up the southern portions of Japan to China and Korea to make up for the atrocities.

>> No.6622642

The Koreans maintain an earthquake research lab and a team of scientists on the rock formation.

>> No.6622669

Those "rocks" are inhabitated.
Dokdo has a few research labs and a lighthouse run by ethnic Koreans.
The Kurils are house to roughly 16,800 people (ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Nivkhs, Oroch, and Ainu).
But what's important is that neither of them has one Japanese person.

>> No.6622720

бг тред го

>> No.6622886

Japan is serious. (- -;)

Neighboring countries of Japan. ↓↓↓

① China, ② North Korea, ③ South Korea, ④ Russia

①②④ = Anti-democracy

①②③ = Anti-Japan education

①②④ = Nuclear bomb (Japan does not have a nuclear bomb)

①③ = Forgery product

①②③④ = Threat diplomacy

>> No.6622945

>①②④ = Anti-democracy
Democracy sucks though. Look at the clusterfuck that Japanese democracy is. Changing PMs every year, all years

>> No.6623123

>①②④ = Anti-democracy
Democracy is overrated. The most powerful countries on earth have incidentally the least number of parties. USA just has Democrats and Republicans for instance. I don't see what's the problem to it, since giving free rein to populism will only result into political infighting and copious waste of money.

>①②③ = Anti-Japan education
Maybe you shouldn't have pissed those countries off in the past, Japan. Also teaching about the atrocities committed by the Japanese army isn't exactly the same as giving an Anti-Japan education.

>①②④ = Nuclear bomb (Japan does not have a nuclear bomb)
Like NKorea even has any working nuclear devices. Also, it is only normal for powerful countries to built nukes as deterrent. The only countries that are afraid of their arsenal are enemy countries, way to show your true intentions.

>①③ = Forgery product
Competition hurts when you're on the losing side, right Japan?

>①②③④ = Threat diplomacy
Throughout the 20th century Japan strained diplomatic relationships in East Asia and the world more than any of those four countries combined. Think about that.

>> No.6623771
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>> No.6623784

Damn, I didn't save the edit.. do you have it?

>> No.6623810
File: 18 KB, 250x188, c0070225_20755671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democracy is overrated. The most powerful countries on earth have incidentally the least number of parties. USA just has Democrats and Republicans for instance. I don't see what's the problem to it, since giving free rein to populism will only result into political infighting and copious waste of money.
Any form of democracy beats the hell out of dictatorship conducted in China by the CCP.

>Maybe you shouldn't have pissed those countries off in the past, Japan. Also teaching about the atrocities committed by the Japanese army isn't exactly the same as giving an Anti-Japan education.
This chink sure is devious. Check my pic for reference.

>Competition hurts when you're on the losing side, right Japan?
I wouldn't speak of competition when you make carbon-copy of products and market them as Japanese.

>Throughout the 20th century Japan strained diplomatic relationships in East Asia and the world more than any of those four countries combined. Think about that.
If we take out China, then yes, just maybe. Otherwise, nope.

>> No.6623985 [DELETED] 

>Any form of democracy beats the hell out of dictatorship conducted in China by the CCP.
The fact is that the opinion of the Average Joe will fall on deaf ears regardless. Democracy gives you the illusion that anyone older than 18 can play a proactive role in national politics, but it's a lie and keeping up appearances just leads to rips in the political fabric.

>This chink sure is devious. Check my pic for reference.
Oh, I see you are trying to slip a circumstantial evidence fallacy in your post.
I guess that if I showed you one American person burning the Quaran, I can say that all American are educated to hate Islam and Arabian countries, right? Typical fact-twisting propaganda.

>I wouldn't speak of competition when you make carbon-copy of products and market them as Japanese.
Since when China marketed their own products as Japanese?

>If we take out China, then yes, just maybe. Otherwise, nope.
Ahaha, sorry but no. China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at any point in history, if anything it served (like it has always done throughout the century) as a mediator and stabilizer in the region.

>> No.6623990

>Any form of democracy beats the hell out of dictatorship conducted in China by the CCP.
The fact is that the opinion of the Average Joe will fall on deaf ears regardless. Democracy gives you the illusion that anyone older than 18 can play a proactive role in national politics, but it's a lie and keeping up appearances just leads to rips in the political fabric.

>This chink sure is devious. Check my pic for reference.
Oh, I see you are trying to slip a circumstantial evidence fallacy in your post.
I guess that if I showed you one American person burning the Quaran, I can say that all American are educated to hate Islam and Arabian countries, right? Typical fact-twisting propaganda.

>I wouldn't speak of competition when you make carbon-copy of products and market them as Japanese.
Since when China marketed their own products as Japanese?

>If we take out China, then yes, just maybe. Otherwise, nope.
Ahaha, sorry but no. China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at any point in history, if anything it served (like it has always done throughout the centuries) as a mediator and stabilizer in the region.

>> No.6623994

>China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at any point in history
Good for you.

<- Also /int/ is that way.

>> No.6624068

There is something weird about that chinese man. I wonder what it is...

>> No.6624075

None of them are Chinese, try again.

>> No.6624169
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>> No.6624179
File: 69 KB, 561x478, 1280873544679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at any point in history
i knew chinamen were deluded, but holy fuck.

>> No.6624210

to be fair, China was always isolationist and even resented foreign exchange in trade.

It was always shitting up itself in civil wars.

Unlike Japan, China seldom was expansionist.

inb4 Tibet.

Tibet was a theatre within the civil-war.

China only goes into war, to alter diplomacy and political constellations for his own security, like in the Korean War, Indian Border War or Vietnam Border Conflict - never to occupy or conquer new territories.

>> No.6624223

Yeah because China doesn't think Taiwan as their own, right?

>> No.6624231

Irredentism exists in every country, get over yourself.

>> No.6624235


Correct; the only time when China genuinely expanded/conquer, was it was ruled under the mangolian king, G Khan (it wasn't long lived in history either, his sons couldn't hold it together). Other than that, China has hardly been expansionary.

>> No.6624243

Don’t listen to all this sino-core
an propaganda.

>> No.6624268

Oh wow, I only typed that to counter "China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at any point in history". Of course it exists, but to say that China didn't have any negative effect in international politics at all shows how shalow your arguments are.

>> No.6624284


Taiwan is a part of the unfinished civil-war.

Also, it was the US who butted in and turned this domestic conflict into a invitation for WWIII.

China and Taiwan's relationship up to date is very good, with direct flight connections and free-trade unions.
This all, because the US wasnt involved in a sabotaging action to the reconciliation process.

>> No.6624315


Not this guy, but just to add some bit about US's hand in this - even as late as 1990's, US admitted Taiwan is part of RPC, however in the same legal document, they passed the bill to allow selling of US weaponry to Taiwan to allow it to defend itself.

Regardless of this bit, Both ROC/RPC claims both regions are under "China", so people really shouldn't have any illusion as to where Taiwan belongs to (it even says that in the name).

>> No.6624350
File: 176 KB, 1357x950, brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624367


It's funny because Brazil has neither.
