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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6621552 No.6621552 [Reply] [Original]

How you give up the NEET lifestyle and become a normal member of society? I just found out my parents will be moving soon and I may not be welcome anymore.

I have no job, no money, and no work experience. This is looking like the end of the line for me, is hanging a good method?

>> No.6621557

no. get a job.

>> No.6621560

>How do you

>> No.6621562



>> No.6621567

Whatever you do, just don't stream yourself hanging.

>> No.6621569

go to uni, continue being a neet

>> No.6621581

fuck you faggot.


>> No.6621587

this japanese guy did that once
people were like DO IT FAGGOT
and then he did it
and then they were all OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.6621596

Get a job or start going to college. Killing yourself is the ultimate act of cowardice; if you have a single gar bone in your body you'll fight on. You'll only be shutting yourself out from future awesome discussions on /jp/ or places like here, future VNs etc.

You can go to a community college if you can breathe pretty much, and once there, you can get student aid or loans or whatever until you figure out what to do. Parents would probably be glad to see you actually doing something with yourself, and may even help fund you depending on your situation.

There's a lot of jobs out there that require very little human interaction, you just need to know what to look for.

Also you may find that making the transition from angsty NEET -> self-supporting dude with a bunch of awesome figures and dakimakura etc is actually nothing to be afraid of once you get started. If you have some kind of severe fear of people or some other kind of problems getting in the way of having any sort of capacity to work, you could try to get some aid for that as well.

>> No.6621600

People who survived hanging say it's incredibly painful and terrifying.

>> No.6621601

Just kill yourself. You're going to die eventually, so why not get it over with?

>> No.6621602

I always figured that when I get kicked out, I'll just live homeless for a while. It might not be THAT bad, you know. I mean, you can find a lot of good food that gets thrown out just 'cause it's past its sell-by date, or just growing places. Shit, there's all kinds of lemons and berries I see all the time growing near just where I live. Also, I think it would be fun to try to walk from one side of the country to another. Having no connections to anything, and nothing at all to lose sounds almost fun in a way. Not enough so to make me willing to give up my comfortable lifestyle, given a choice, but at least enough so that I'd be willing to try it before I try death. Besides, if it winds up sucking, I can always just off myself afterwards. I doubt I'll accidentally stumble upon the secret to immortality or anything in the mean time.

>> No.6621611

>future awesome discussions on /jp/
oh you, don't give him the false hope

>> No.6621610

>There's a lot of jobs out there that require very little human interaction, you just need to know what to look for.
Please tell me them.

>> No.6621612

Also I knew someone who got kicked out of the house by his parents when they moved. It happened sometime after high school. He got by by working at Safeway and basically couch-crashing over at the house of one of his friends for a few months.

If you have any friends or relatives in the area you could explain your situation and see what happens. They probably wouldn't take you in if you just told them you're gonna be a useless moocher though, so you'd still need to get some shit started.

>> No.6621616

Listen to this Anon, I love him and so should you.

>> No.6621623

Security guard, janitor, garbage truck driver (the ones around here just drive the truck themselves and it has an auto-loader arm), electrician (depending on specialty), yardwork guy, but the best is freelance programmer or something akin to that .. you could get by without ever meeting your clients face to face.

>> No.6621625

>if you have a single gar bone in your body you'll fight on
what if i'm fighting the will to stay alive?

>> No.6621626

Not OP here, but I remember on another thread an anon said he made do by doing freelance programming, originally through just random rent-a-coder sites, but eventually getting dedicated clients and stuff. Any of you guys have experience in stuff like that? Does it actually work to make good money, or is the market so swamped with third-worlders willing to work for nothing that it's not worth trying anymore? Seems like it would be the ultimate job for me, as I could just work a few hours a week and never leave my room, I mean I don't really have expensive needs anyway. Give me a small room, some cheap food, and a decent internet connection, and I'm happy.

>> No.6621634

swamped with third worlders so most people won't have success. there's always a few cases like that guy but any job where you can outsource to a cheaper wage country is going to be one where you're at a disadvantage

>> No.6621636

this is a depressing topic, we all have to give up /jp/ at some point down the line

>> No.6621641

What other jobs related with computers besides programming require little to no human interaction?

>> No.6621643


I've always staved off suicide by knowing that there's nothing following death, and real possibility of seeing some really neat stuff if I'm alive.

I want to live as long as I can for, if anything at all, just to see what fucking happens in the world. Maybe I'll live to see something epic like World War III, maybe I'll live to see mankind land on Mars etc. I've got a fascination with human history and think, there are people alive today that were around in fucking like, 1910 or 1920 and can tell you about it. Things like that blow my mind, thinking about how different people were back then. Things will only get more radical in scope as we live on; technology is accelerating at such a rapid rate that before we die, we might have an opportunity to meet say, our waifus in a virtual reality/advanced AI interface etc. God damn, I hope that comes around before I die, if I'm retired by then I will basically just exist in the Internet, and my own vision of Gensokyo. Such transcendent glory is tantalizingly within reach of our lifespans.

>> No.6621645

>freelancer programming
Damn, I remember Onegai Twins and that awesome job ;_; inside a great house in a quiet place.

>> No.6621646

[citation needed]

>> No.6621647


Web developer, although I suppose that's just an application of programmer

>> No.6621651

Don't kill yourself, and don't let yourself die of sickness out on the streets. If you don't die honorably in battle, you won't get into Gensokyo.

>> No.6621652


>> No.6621655

> If you don't die honorably in battle,
bullshit. Just live and enjoy your life.


>> No.6621657

>freelance programmer

Good luck getting enough money/finding enough clients to actually live off of.

>> No.6621663

>in battle
with whom?

>> No.6621672


Depends what languages you speak. If you're talented enough though you could probably just get picked up working in a company anyway, and wouldn't need to worry about finding clients. Of course the drawback to that is that you might be expected to go show up at an office and at meetings etc. I guess the only comfort with such is knowing that programmers tend to all be of very similar mindsets; we are a fellowship of god-tier nerds/geeks, and so it's not like we need to deal with disturbing normalfags at Walmart etc. Hell I know there's a lot of programmers who lurk these parts, for starters.

>> No.6621679


>> No.6621680

I know a bag full of talents programmers, artists, etc. and they've all been out of work for years; even with top industry experience in some of the major companies.

>> No.6621727


Have a look there, it can be a bit tricky to get clients when you start out and don't have any recommendations, but soon enough you'll find plenty of work there.

Some idiots pay you $50 for something as easy as changing a small variable somewhere on their homepage.

There's also non-programming work to get there.

>> No.6621736

Start studying languages.

Become translator.

>> No.6621746


Oh shit, how could I have forgotten, OP, if you have done your /jp/ homework and can read/speak nihongo fluently, bam, go start down the (short) path to becoming an English teacher in Japan. They sometimes say, that it doesn't matter if you can't speak Japanese but really, actually it does matter, because you really need to know it to get around anyway. Teaching pays enough to get by with, as long as you don't live in fucking Tokyo.

>> No.6621764

teaching in japan has huge competition from previous teachers and existing ones
also you have to talk to people and make lesson plans and shit which is something i don't think he wants to do
most of the teaching companies will more or less shit on you too
the few "good" ones have even higher standards and competition.
had this been 10-20 years earlier teaching would be an easy job to get but not anymore.

>> No.6621774

I recommend something that will kill you faster.

>> No.6621785

Get a good night sleep. Wake up, go for a walk at your local park and bask in the sunlight. The rest will come to you.

>> No.6621783

We live in an extroverted world, might aswell kill yourself. I mean can you honestly imagine doing a job 40+ years till you get old then eventually die anyway?

They've taken away the tools we need to die, it's our fucking right to die, it's free will , you can either choose to live on and delude yourself with rteraded thinking and drown your thoughts with external stimuli or you can die. Either way it makes no difference. Carbon monoxide wuld be your best bet, you'll probably experience some delirium or hallucinations but if you are prepared to die you need to eliminate fear and anxiety from your mind. A quickie would be to get fucked up from drugs so you are barely concious then do it.

>> No.6621789
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Portal to gensokyo thread???

>> No.6621797
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Go to Gensokyo

>> No.6621799

>doing a job 40+ years till you get old then eventually die anyway
Not OP, but oh God, life really does sound unappealing.

>> No.6621817

That's why I always figured I'd find something where I could work with very little pressure, for a very short amount of time, and earn a modest amount of money, but enough to live off. Sadly, I haven't been successful finding something good yet, so I've just continued leeching off my mother.

>> No.6621829

Lol @ people saying death is the pussys way out.

It's much much harder to kill yourself then to be alive. You've gotta have some guts to kill yourself. Enduring a meaningless existence is fucking gay and stupid just because you go out get a job and fuck some bitch and make more human trash doesn't mean you will gain meaning, look at the big picture. So what if it hurts your family? You'll be DEAD you stupid fuck. you can't think if you have no conciousness so therefore you don't GIVE A FUCK, do you worry about your parents when you have dreamless sleep? I didn't think so.

Nothingness is bliss, fuck god for creating us or whoever made this piece of shit universe. Sorry had to vent.

>> No.6621852

Then why are you still here in this terrible meaningless world? Surely you see something worth staying for.

>> No.6621873


It's simply because I'm too fearful to kill myself. I get the feeling that I might reincarnate and have to redo it all over again or some other stupid god hax bullshit will happen. I feel trapped in existence. My emotions aren't strong enough to propel me to kill myself. It's bullshit, I'd love to get killed well I'm not conciously aware of it.

>> No.6621899

you will go where you will belive that you will go... be it gensokyo or heaven or balamb garden, eden garden, paradise, Aaru, always green hunting grounds, top of world tree, 11 heavens, otherworlds, Tian or how you call it.

>> No.6621926


The thing is I don't want to go anywhere. Just nothingness.

>> No.6621935

What's the point of living if death holds a paradise?

>> No.6621938

LOL yall mutha fukaz fo real????

>> No.6621942
File: 301 KB, 872x1240, otonari_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean we will really get to go to the /jp/ mansion of eternal little girls and their onee-sama?

>> No.6621944

Lucky for you, that's how the brain works.

>> No.6621946

You are already dead. This is your paradise.

>> No.6621958

Being able to day dream about fantasies with my waifu as emotional masturbation is what I live for.

If only I could do nothing but that, or else live those fantasies.

>> No.6621960


Too bad you can't provide concrete proof.

>> No.6621979


>> No.6621994

Do you try to make shitty posts on purpose or does it just come naturally?

>> No.6621995

Can you offer concrete proof of anything? Throwing a ball into the air fifty million times, and seeing it come back down each time, does not prove that on attempt number fifty million and one it will do the same. People have never proved anything. The entirety of human knowledge is nothing more than incomplete conclusions based on incomplete observations.

>> No.6621999

You are literally retarded.

>> No.6622000

What do you mean by that?

>> No.6622002

Then you really shouldnt kill your self. Dont worry, everything will be ok. If it wont, then you will go to nice place with many rooms that you cant open from inside and its called mental hospital and there in that happy place friednly person with some medicines sometimes will visit you and feed you with pills that will make you sleep for few days! So you will be able to really take it easy!

>> No.6622003

Come on now, that's not very nice at all.

>> No.6622004

You mean he is right.

>> No.6622006

You're retarded. Retard.

>> No.6622011

Butthurt n ranged feelings I see.

>> No.6622020

Yes, so much so that I find myself incapable of responding to you with anything better than the sorts of ad-hominem attacks a ten-year-old might emply, actually. Sorry about that, maybe I'll go and take a few deep breaths, and get back to you when I can think of something better.

>> No.6622022

What makes you say that?

>> No.6622025

*undoes velcro pants*
*shits in you're face*

>> No.6622027

Your retardation.

>> No.6622029

Don't bother.

>> No.6622109

why hasn't somebody invented a suicide method that's reasonably appealing yet, Gensokyo is so far away ;_;

>> No.6622114


What about that clinic in Switzerland?

>> No.6622536

do as you wish. it's your life.
you're gonna spend your life watching anime?
you're gonna spend your life playing VN?
you're gonna spend your life reading mango?
you're gonna spend your life making 3D waifu?
you're gonna spend your life stalking members of your favourite jpop band?


wait.. we cares...

so do it. do what you wish for. do, what you did until now.

but don't take it easy so much. threat it like a hobby. split your personality. it's not so difficult. we have a lot of them actually.

do your works.. and then..
