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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 465 KB, 1000x781, baten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6621457 No.6621457 [Reply] [Original]

>AoC was the one making those daily "have a nice day" threads
>saten's smile.jpg is pretty much the same exact thing
>saten's smile.jpg threads were constantly deleted, I was banned


>> No.6621461

u just mad cos ur spam got deleted, nerd

>> No.6621466
File: 61 KB, 1155x1000, maddo meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanut butthurt & jelly meido!

>> No.6621477
File: 138 KB, 1904x1072, 1289061134306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your threads were deleted because Kuroko threads are better.

>> No.6621478

regardless of the janitor's quality, wisening up to the fact that these threads are horrible is not hypocrisy

>> No.6621495
File: 28 KB, 579x575, Rail_uh87593583485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6621518

Why are Railgun and Index fans such autysmal shitstains?

>> No.6621526

You guys are being serious children.

>> No.6621561

Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.6621613

Look at you, you're all such fucking losers, sitting on your ass waiting for the next torrent to finish so you can resume your empty attempt at comprehending emotions through a modulated phased in comic book screen show of pretend feelings from another fucking continent, whose language or culture you do not understand but feel capable of honing in on your own personal digest comprehension to the living attitude around you. You've never done shit in your life, everyone you knew was a cafeteria chef opening another can of processed snuff, of segregated video game glory, of gloating Hippocratic hypocritical hypochondriac heckling of the people around you in their moments of despair, assuming them to be liars as they gesticulated in vain aimless hope that some sore ass would look their way and toss a cherry of appreciation into their cock soaked little whore mouths, like dogs, like fucking freaks, like crocodiles weeping tears of negligent inheritance, like tom cruise at the award ceremony with a hapless grin and sinning in silence in the seems of his slacks in the sauce of his sac, where the machine turned over churning out millions of sperm per minute, and he above godless but architect among 'em and fucking it up a good time with the rest of the slime. And you, in your pig box kicking up sand at the other end writing poems for no one to read, and ejaculating more seeds than can be counted by all modern schematic systems that drove themselves into cells underground, writhing in the dark and carving scripts on the stone walls for the next genetic prolapse of blind crippled horses to lick up and act aware of the world. You know what I should.

>> No.6621620

I wonder if the mod would appear and ban you for this.

>> No.6621644
File: 50 KB, 539x539, 1291319794771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

