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6620588 No.6620588 [Reply] [Original]

FACT: If you don't support Israel you're a racist.

>> No.6620594

I have no problem with Jones

>> No.6620603

FACT: OP is a faggot.

>> No.6620612

Average underage kid on /jp/ being a nazi over the internet.

>> No.6620610

I am a racist. Israel isn't a country.

>> No.6620627


I support any nation that supports logic, reason, and rational free thought.

Both America and 99% of the Middle East fail on those counts.

>> No.6620636

Where I'm from its the other way around...

>> No.6620648


>> No.6620655


Nope, sitting on my leather couch in sweat pants listening to Mitsuda on my new Bowers & Wilkins speakers.

>> No.6620661

I'm fucking tired of our country needing some super-close (or forced) friends basically everywhere in the world, because we constantly having to go stick up for them if they get into some shit (which some seem more likely to do because they are emboldened by our support).

I guess that's left over from Cold War era, where the USSR was doing that everywhere too. You know, that's really the source of most of the angst against the U.S these days; we still act like it's the Cold War and that we need thousands bases worldwide to fight the threat of communism.. if China turns democratic within the next decade or something then we REALLY will have no excuse for that anymore.

Even so, I'd much rather that we not waste our money on stupid wars and global transport/maintenance, and dump that into yet more R&D.

>> No.6620684
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>> No.6620698

The 1920s called, they want you back, Pauly.

>> No.6620701


They're both guilty of saying shit like "derp, derp, it's our land because some two thousand year old scribblings by ignorant desert dwelling savages said so!"

Real intelligent.

>> No.6620709

What? That's not what the comic was trying to illustrate at all.
And actually one side believes it's theirs because they were you know... living there for a thousand years or so.

>> No.6620718

>mfw a fat American complains about the goverment helping poor Americans but has nothing to say about the 30 billions of dollars the US gives to Israel every year.

Israel is a first world country but receives more free money than all other countries combined in the world.

>> No.6620730

You know how sometimes, you get horrendously injured and people buy you drinks and stuff?
Same concept, except Israel has been milking the injury LONG after it healed.

>> No.6620734


It would be nice if they were worthy of the attention. If they stood up and promoted the well-being of all humankind on something other than religious grounds, they'd get a lot more respect from me.

>> No.6620749


Here is a video about it.


>> No.6620756
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Israel was never injured though.

It seems to be going out of its way to injure its neighbors

Yes, I'm posting in a /new/ thread in /jp/, Not like this board is worth taking seriously anyways.

>> No.6620769

s'ok it's better than all the other threads anyways

but it's really disgusting how many americans nonchalantly support israel, even when they marginalized the fuck out of jewish americans and still do

i suppose the worst part is that americans still believe in the idea of the "religious state"

>> No.6620787

The 'injury' would be the Holocaust, which allowed for the creation of the fake state you now know as Israel.
"Nazis murdered millions of us! Give us money and land!"

>> No.6620799

Why do millions of innocent Muslims have to put up with the insane territorial violence of the Jews because they were killed en masse by a completely unrelated nation 80 years ago?

Why should Palestinians foot the bill for the crimes of Germans?

If you think anyone but Germans should be kicked off their lands to facilitate a Jewish state you're a retard and probably a racist thinking Muslims are less worthy than Europeans.

>> No.6620810

They ARE less worthy than Europeans, but that's completely beside the point.

>> No.6620815


Only the rednecks and republitards believe that. Most of the younger generation is perfectly sane, but, the baby boomers (people born mostly in the 50s-60s) still have much clout in politics with their aging moralfag ways. Once they die off, then the U.S will start to see some shifts in policy, unless they manage to vote in someone REALLY stupid before they go who will mess things up irreversibly, like Sarah Palin (who would, as a president, may as well be the apocalypse incarnate)

Such a pattern is not exclusive to the U.S either; Japan is dominated by really old politicians with downright obsolete ideals.

>> No.6620823

When the Israelis have butchered 16 million mudslimes (1 Jew life = 2 Mudslime 'lives') the world debt will be repaid and the Jews will move back to the former site of Germany.

>> No.6620829

Man /jp/ is racist.

>> No.6620835
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>> No.6620839
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>Implying I'm racist
>Implying Scandinavians can be racist
>Implying any people outside Scandinavia have the required cultural strength to be called a race or even be considered human
>Implying there are countries outside of Scandinavia in the first place

>> No.6620840

Good luck with that ever happening. They claim to have found Jewish artifacts in the land that they are currently squatting in, and fully believe that it was theirs to begin with.

>> No.6620841
File: 89 KB, 466x442, israel - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really blame them, I would be pretty erratic as well if all my neighbors wanted me dead for some unexplainable reason. Pic related: people want Israel to give up more of their land.

>> No.6620842

4chan in general is racist, for some reason.
I got no truck with different races, I got problems with COUNTRIES.

>> No.6620847

Oh, you forgot..

> implying I should bump this thread to the front page
> implying this thread isn't supposed to go to >>>/int/

>> No.6620849

Oh god, the stupidity.... it hurts...

>> No.6620845

Everyone can seem racist when participating in cul-de-sac discussions such as this.

>> No.6620843

This whole Israel thing will be the start of world war 3 mark my words.
It's almost sparked it a few times with conflicts with Iran and shit.

>> No.6620850

>for some unexplainable reason

>for ethnic cleansing

>> No.6620852
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Rest of the world, are you even trying?

>> No.6620855


Pretty much anywhere with an anonymous congregation could bring out racism.

The thing is, even if there is only 1 seriously racist person per 100 people on here, you'll only notice that one racist guy ranting, which he can do freely here in an anon environment with people hardly taking the time to verbally slap him for it, because we'd rather just look for another thread than wallow in his shit. Thus they can sit and vent all day long and make it seem like 4chan is Stormfront, when really it's a couple of dudes reposting day to day and most of us not giving a shit.

>> No.6620865

I would love it if Israel conquered its enemies in the Middle East and became the dominate power there. I trust them more than the Muslim extremist psychopaths. Israel gets a lot of hate but they at least seem somewhat willing to enter the 21st century, unlike most other nations in that area.

>> No.6620867

The Israelis robbed the Palestinians of their land, who cares if they lived there for over 2000 years.

And with the way the United States is backing the Israeli armed forces, it will never fall.

Zionist pigs.

>> No.6620886
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Zionists are like the modern day nazis who look down on everyone else because they're not as wonderfully jewish as they are.

>> No.6620912

Back when I was younger I blamed both sides for the conflict... until I tried to find out where it all began and to answer the question as to: "why there are still muslim families in Israel if all of them were forced out?".

In the leadup to the 6 day war, the talk of driving the jews into the sea was building among the arab nations. Propaganda told muslims living in Israel to leave the area so they would not be killed in the conflict, with the promise that they would be able to return after their victory.

Well the jews beat the arab nations, and now the refugees wanted to return. No doubt that there were a lot of innocent families that just didn't want to be in the line of fire. But compared to the muslims that did stay in their homes, some of which even fought against the invading arab nations, these refugees must have seemed like traitors. It's like having someone point a gun at you and the guy next to you moves off to the side. Logical choice, but would you be willing to let him move back next you after he left you to die?

So now Israel doesn't want them, and arab nations didn't want them either. The response varied from letting a few in, turning them back with aid or forcing them back with deadly force.

Stuck in the middle of this, the Palestinian refugee camps grew and grew and now serves as the tip of the spear for the arab nations. Many arab charities are set up to give money to Hamas. Even Saddam Hussein gave money for them to buy suicide vests.

It's a mess. I side with Israel only because they can be talked down and controlled as a puppet most of the time.

>> No.6620939
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Eh, they have better tanks and are easier to play as
