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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 192 KB, 839x776, webvne-fh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6619719 No.6619719 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Collaboration!

How do I participate?

A. Edit Images.
Go to http://flyabletrans.pastebin.com/uVqngtMZ
Download any image, edit the text, and upload it when done. Upload the image here or post a list of links.


B. Translate Text.
If you haven't been granted access already, post your IP and role in this thread and wait to be granted access.
Go to http://rechan.eu.org/go/fhtrans
Click on 'Go forth and translate'
Choose the new AJAX interface if you're using Firefox.
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Progress: First 70341 lines done.

晶, Crystal
結衣, Constipated Clothes
あきら, Getting Tired
天音, Sky Noise
くるり, Turning Around
すずの, Of Bell
茉百合, Jasmine Lily
桜子, Cherry Master
奏龍, Report Dragon
繚蘭会, Bound Orchid Meeting

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.6619750

Bullshit and you know it

>> No.6619752

So, now you're confirmed Cudder beyond any shadow of a doubt. No wonder this is so shitty and you've got a hard-on for finishing the crap heap that is the Hatsukoi project..

>> No.6619764


Just something they were working on.

>> No.6619770

Good recovery, dude. The rebels will never crack that one.

>> No.6619771

I haven't seen a hatsukoi thread in ages, didn't that start before this anyway? What happened, other than cudder scaring off all the translators?

>> No.6619777

I'd rather translate something good instead.

>> No.6619785

Similar shitstorm as here. No progress for months, then suddenly a flurry of machine translated nonsense. Then translators came back and pointed out all the machine translated stuff. Then Flyable Heart started and Cudder decided he only had the energy to spam one thing at a time apparently.

>> No.6619797

Pretty much this. The Hatsukoi translation was even worse than the FH one, as impossible as it may sound
But it's okay! According to cudder, the "translator" currently butchering FH will be working on Hatsukoi after he's done!

>> No.6619800
File: 27 KB, 358x450, Moogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6619811

At first I thought these threads were pretty funny in a gleeful way, but I'm so fucking tired of these troll threads now.

>> No.6619812

Except [1] Hatsukoi died because the translator got butthurt, and [2] Flyable Heart has had steady progress since it first started.

>> No.6619815

Most of Hatsukoi's translation is actually only bad, but not machine translated. Most of the translators just weren't very good and ReTrans is a shitty interface that created additional problems by splitting common text into multiple files, so you had the same lines translated by five different poor translators each with a different result. I think that after months of no progress and driving translators off, Cudder tried to automate it by scripting something to parse the text through Google Translate or something which created the one script that was a horrid mess. He learned from that though and it looks like what he's using here is a selection method with Translation Aggregator's output.

>> No.6619823

Steady progress meaning machine translation though, right? So why is cudder even making these threads when his robot minions do all the work?

>> No.6619826

The problem with that 'steady progress' is that all of it has to be redone. If you can find five lines in a row in 95% of the script without syntax, grammar, AND translation errors, then you are the Chosen One.

>> No.6619828

I don't recall Hatsukoi's translation being too bad, but people still trolled it incessantly.

>> No.6619833


To troll /jp/ of course.

>> No.6619838

Any project that isn't hosted on TL wiki is destined to be trolled.

>> No.6619841

I recall people being more annoyed at retrans, which lead to fights with cudder, which lead to quitting in disgust. I don't remember the translation itself being trolled, but I probably just wasn't paying attentions.

>> No.6619843

First lolita created drama by being an asshole. Then Cudder created more drama by yelling at translators that didn't say please and thank you for the opportunity to work for him. The major shitstorm happened when one of the translators took a script off ReTrans, translated something like 3,000 lines, and then sent it back to Cudder. The translator accidentally introduced some kind of typo that fucked up ReTrans and Cudder went ballistic in the thread and called the translator a piece of shit who wasn't welcome to work on it anymore.

>> No.6619846


>> No.6619849

Delusional troll. Next thing you know you're going to be accusing yourself of being Cudder.

>> No.6619872
File: 49 KB, 240x240, 1255548680213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand these threads.

>> No.6619879

So why did cudder go through all the effort of making a script hosting service? From some of the comments it sounds like he has a grudge against tlwiki, is what why?

>> No.6619900

It was founded to create a /jp/ alternative to TLwiki of the time, which was getting a rather large number of C&Ds.

>> No.6619906

Why do I laugh at this picture everytime.

>> No.6619927

take it easy brosef

>> No.6619929


It's alright~ Everything's going to be okay!

>> No.6619940

I only read them every month or so but damn they are funny. I understand at least that much.

>> No.6619947

Yes, no, yes.

2 out of 3 OP. Except I don't want to translate that. Anyone got anything else they want translated? My Japanese is near native and my English is phd educated native, so the translations will be good. Plus I'm a writer.

>> No.6619958


>> No.6619969

ReTrans could be an alternative if it wasn't designed by someone who obviously has no idea how translators work, which isn't surprising since Cudder's belief is that there is one and only one valid translation for any line, and the machine always gets it right. When using ReTrans, you can only see the line before and after the current one and you need to enter a captcha for every edit made. That's fucking impossible to work with.

>> No.6619976

Reika bitch training.

Seriously though, if you're picky about the project just pick one you want. If you're serious, that is.

>> No.6619980

this has been bothering for a while, are you actually using those names?

>> No.6619984

They are the ones in the patches they keep putting out, yes.

>> No.6619992

>When using ReTrans, you can only see the line before and after the current one and you need to enter a captcha for every edit made
That's like using the "Mac's can't right click" argument in 2010.

>> No.6620028

Cudder made some sort of chart that explained those would be the names for the "alpha" with a beta and release to follow. Why, I have no idea, but Cudder probably thinks of translation as something you iterate like software.

>> No.6620050

It's even got fucking AJAX now, holy shit.

>> No.6620054

>奏龍, Report Dragon
Which one is this? Not that I want to spam her in bad threads on anything.

>> No.6620060

And yet it's still less functional than Notepad.

>> No.6620110

>implying Notepad is cloud-based
>implying Notepad is collaborative
>implying Notepad is scalable
>implying Notepad has history capabilities
>implying Notepad can formally ensure the integrity of structured data
>implying Notepad has a management interface
>implying Notepad can aggregate statistics
>implying you're not just a TLwiki shill

>> No.6620155

What the fuck, Cudder. If you're going to be so obvious, at least put on your trip.

>> No.6620167

How is any of that important for translating? Do you seriously think that Ixrec or Takajun use any of that shit? Why not learn from successful translators instead?

>> No.6620183


>> No.6620184

I don't know what you expect from someone who thinks that "tlwiki shill" is a real thing, like a secret police out to get him.

>> No.6620192

They probably use Assembla. I know Ixrec has a profile on there.

>> No.6620219

I think it depends on how well the script unpacks and the hacker. Sengoku Rance is designed to unpack to work with VASTT. Galaxy Angel's script unpacks to the entire game script structure, so you could use any text editor you wanted, preferably one with spell-check built in.

>> No.6620226

In the beginning, Moogy created the TLwiki. Now the TLwiki was blank and empty, 0 bytes was shown in the file manager, and the Spirit of Moogy was hovering over the keyboard. And Moogy said, "Let there be Mediawiki," and there was Mediawiki. And Moogy said unto Ixrec and Takajun, "Thou shalt use Mediawiki". And they did, and all was good.

>> No.6620253


I'm very serious. But I've never played a VN, so I don't even know where to begin there. I'd be up for translating manga or even a 小説 (light novel) if anyone wanted.

Any real ideas or sometimes you want translated, let me know.

ryuujin2788 AT gmail

>> No.6620255

Ixrec definitely does. Many of his old repositories are public, so you can easily google them.

>> No.6620258
File: 17 KB, 241x230, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How robust! And yet it is still a worthless piece of garbage
Line-by-line format is as autistic as having people from /jp/ translate
>semi-open translation

>> No.6620261

Translate the Shana light novels

>> No.6620263

>he still thinks REtrans is line-by-line

>> No.6620267

In case you don't get many serious answers, I guess you could try browsing this painfully long forum thread: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/forums/index.php?topic=279.0

>> No.6620271

ugh no light novels man, they're so bad. Spice and Wolf is the only good one to come out of the fad.

>> No.6620277


I've been meaning to read them for a while. They any good?

>> No.6620280

Fad? Did you really just write that?

>> No.6620294

You know something really short you could do right this second? This manga, Criminal girls. Only two chapters, and dialogue frankly looks pretty simple.

>> No.6620296

I enjoyed the ones that were translated.

>> No.6620307

Why not? The light novel explosion is very recent, and all of them (shana, toradora, index, spice and wolf) are owned by the same publisher who spams them all over the place at every opportunity. I can't call their popularity legitimate, that's for sure.

>> No.6620319


That doesn't even sound like it's worth the download from the quick reviews I read after a google in Japanese

>> No.6620325

The AJAX system is still shitty. Here's how one fixes a single typo.

Click on a line.
Wait for the system to respond.
Click on the typo.
Fix the typo.
Enter captcha.
Click submit.

Here's another problem. Imagine someone's playing the game and finds a typo. They decide to log into ReTrans and fix it. Oh wait, there's no searchable function and the 50,000 line script is separated into 100 line chunks (75 really since ReTrans adds its own garbage). No way to find typo. No way to fix it.

You seriously have no idea how a translation project works at all.

>> No.6620330


You kidding? There are more people packed into the light novel section of any bookstore I go to here. It's ridiculous. Light novels are ludicrously popular. Many of them are very good, too.

>> No.6620335

Do you mean young adult novels? Because that's different.

>> No.6620351


I'm not him but how did you get 'young adult' novels when he mentioned 'light' novels multiple times

Fucking autism

>> No.6620355

You can find typos, but it requires you opening the txt files that ReTrans uses, searching for it, then using that to find the right line so you can browse there in the interface. Still far more than anybody should expect a volunteer to know or do and horrible design, but it is possible.

>> No.6620359

It's pretty much pure bondage porn with good art. Let that decide whether you think it's worth the download. You can download it all in that thread though.

>> No.6620383

Because light novels are what they call young adult novels in Japan, and I've never seen as many people reading them as he indicated.

>> No.6620400

>implying there'll only be a single typo in 100 lines

>> No.6620421

You really have no idea what a successful or good translation project looks like, do you?

>> No.6620435

No, I'm pretty sure that's not what he was implying
You're retarded

>> No.6620620

The Suzumiya Haruhi series had sold 4,3 million copies by October 2007. That year sales volumes for this type of novels was on the order of 30 million copies. I think it's safe to say light novels are very popular in Japan.

>> No.6620665

RWI is a next-generation synergy of Web 2.0 principles and localization technologies designed to drive the gomphosis of lightweight, mobile localization environments and established best practices in project workflow and lifecycle management.

We have added many features since RWI's first release, those mentioned being some of them.

Are we releasing stone tablets with translated text engraved in them or something else physical? The end product is undoubtedly software. You should become more familiar with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_lifecycle_management

>> No.6620688

Every time I think that you're as retarded as you can get, you set a new low. Congrats.

>> No.6620703


Cuddler :3

If you upload a photo of your dick next to your code I'll upload a photo of me cumming on your photo

>> No.6620848

spoilers: she doesn't have one.

>> No.6621297


>> No.6621308

Knock it off, Cudder.

>Since before taking off clothes, the dressing room is confirmed.
>"Because the study came to a deadlook again......would...bath......"
>"Usually, the bath......charging."
>Again my eyes blindingly, cannot open.
>"Really? Everybody, everyone has unreasonable willingness."

>> No.6621325

Today's total: 399
Sixth file: 9300
Remaining Subtotal: 2820
Subtarget: -11
Total: 70740
Remaining: 2820

>> No.6621335

Why is this thread such continuously continuously, continuously a starving banzai?

>> No.6621339
File: 190 KB, 640x480, 1208094638739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to edit this translation to provide, hopefully, an accurate experience of finished product.

>Before taking my clothes off I've confirmed dressing room's location.
>"My studying was interrupted because I've woke up in a bathtub again."
>"I'm charging my bath!."
>I was blinded again, unable to open my eyes.
>"Really? Everybody, everyone has unreasonable willingness." This sentence is already perfect, 10/10, would read again.

>> No.6621343

Seriously, dude? You bumped this 10 minutes before you bumped it again?

>1: Two lives. If holes are made in both of the throwing something away on the head, it's disqualified.
>2: Only the water which is given off by the distributed water pistol can make a hole in the throwing something away.
>"And, we're members of team C! I'll insert and insist fight, best friend!"

It's really sad that I can't post the things that are obviously insane by context, but you can't see that with only one line. Like when handed a set of rules for a game of water pistol fighting, his reply is
>"I see, with the food..."

>> No.6621983

So the finished product will be utterly incompressible?

>> No.6622420

And, bump!

>> No.6624181


>> No.6624877


I live and work in Tokyo. At any given time there are more people in the Shinjuku kinokuniya's light novel section (in the adjacent building) than any other floor.

>> No.6625009

I thought you were talking about the west, my mistake.

I don't mean to be too harsh on light novels, but the medium is sort of defined as literature that is short and simplistic. Even when I was a teenager, that would have been an insulting premise for writing targeted at me. I won't deny it's successful because of it, but it's hard for me to see why I'd prefer that to other forms of literature. I mean, I love Spice and Wolf and Kino's Journey, but a lot of the stuff is really bland and skimps out on descriptions. Kyon-style sarcastic narrators were fun the first time around, but by Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai's time it was feeling very old. I know they have illustrators (very good ones, in most cases) but the lack of description is a big weakness for those novels, and it feels like I can't really see what's going on.

I don't mean to hate on them spectacularly, but I guess the premise they're founded on is kind of bankrupt, even if some rise above.

>> No.6625337


>> No.6625505

You try running visual novels while they're rar'd, then talk.

>> No.6625693

Damnit, I was going to throw in a joke about how even machine translated output isn't random data.

>> No.6625721

Would you be up for translating Ookami-san to Shichinin Nakamatachi?

>> No.6626069


>> No.6626104

Keep up the good work!

>"Yes. I have to fundamentally baste the personification of the badness which considers such a frivolous event fundamentally."
>"Naturally! No romances are felt to keep protecting little by little!"
>"Ahahahaha. I'll impart to them the fullest resentment of this body today!"
>"Uwawa, such flapping parts attached to this body is pardon."
>"Yes, it's entrusted. There is entrusted for sure, go defeat and don't return until it's defeated."

Well, keep up the work at any rate.

>> No.6626128

>"Yes. I have to fundamentally baste the personification of the badness which considers such a frivolous event fundamentally."
holy shit that sounds deep

>> No.6626231
File: 464 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for taking on translating Figu@mate?

>> No.6626239

Just translate the OP and be done with it

>> No.6626241

I hope not.

>> No.6626251

Why not?

>> No.6627243

There are two pokeballs on her skirt.

>> No.6627443

The best part of Figu@mate is MOSAIC.WAV

>> No.6627510

So that's where that came from...?

>> No.6627685

Today's total: 501
Sixth file: 9801
Remaining Subtotal: 2319
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Total: 71241
Remaining: 2319

>> No.6627704
File: 13 KB, 170x170, K1-shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make it to Christmas release!

>> No.6628396


>> No.6628476

Couldn't you just machine translate this all in one night? Why is it taking so long?

>> No.6629491

He's using retrans
It automatically makes things 4x more tedious

>> No.6631141

And... up!

>> No.6631148

Go fuck yourself, Cudder.

>> No.6631168

What's wrong?

>> No.6631184

Flyable sage.

>> No.6631338

Someone from TLwiki who's still butthurt about the failed takeover.

>> No.6631456

What is this topic's obsession with TLWiki. It's unhealthy

>> No.6633455


>> No.6634282

Apparently anyone that makes a negative comment about this project, retrans, or cudder is from tlwiki

>> No.6634453

Today's total: 417
Sixth file: 10218
Remaining Subtotal: 1902
Subtarget: -12
Total: 71658
Remaining: 1902

>> No.6634480
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x1200, moe 75666 flyable_heart game_cg katsuragi_shou noizi_ito seifuku shirasagi_mayuri unisonshift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flyable Spam Anon reporting in.

The presence of this project makes my heart fly!

>> No.6634491

ever since someone posted that pic with it zoomed in on her face i can't stop seeing her expression as "U MAD?"

>> No.6634506

>read VNs online
this is basically promoting piracy firsthand, you're basically fucking over the companies just to have more e-rep
good job on being the scum of the eroge world

>> No.6634748

Cudder has this weird personal butthurt about them which I guess he expects everyone to share? But since he's the only one, it makes it easy to tell when he's samefagging because no one else would call someone a "tlwiki shill"

>> No.6635210

Flyable bump.
