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6614933 No.6614933 [Reply] [Original]

Okay. Major fucking spoilers, but.

Why the blue fuck does Alice randomly appear?

>> No.6614938


Because they wanted the ending to be surreal, goofy and wacky.

It distracts you from how slightly twisted everything is.

>> No.6614947

I wonder when that writer will stop writing Ever17 clones. We get it, you can do people trapped somewhere.

>> No.6614952
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Because everything was... mostly... wrapped up, and it wouldn't be proper if there some stupid bullshit thread left dangling at the end.

>> No.6614956


Not to mention the random deus ex machina endings.

>> No.6614960


OP here.

It just confused me even more, frankly.

>> No.6614963
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Not to forget the inevitable "drowning" and being underwater.

>> No.6614966

don't you mean never7 clones?

>> No.6614973
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Your childhood friend has been kidnapped by Pfizer in the past.

Are you a bad enough dude to save your childhood friend?

>> No.6614977 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 270x271, 1292232700631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this.

>> No.6614982


You have 9 minutes remaining.

>> No.6614995

Last puzzle is pre-beginner level sudoku.
I lol'd and was disappointed.

>> No.6615008

I would fuck Lotus 999 times.

>> No.6615019
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ITT we don't really give a shit about Akane. Bitch killed 3 people in cold blood and walked away like nothing happened. Thanks but no thanks. You can keep her Junpei.

Instead, let us post Clover. I need more.

>> No.6615023

I think it was just meant to throw you off and convince you that the events were wacky and not all that it seemed. Maybe to remind you that the events are fiction and the science is meant to be taken lightly.

I'm not too sure either but that's what i have chose to believe; the ending was just fine without her, probably even better.

>> No.6615030


exactly, which was why I was fucking confused as shit

>> No.6615042 [SPOILER] 
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Since all of them were somehow related to the Nonary game and Junpei having seen what Ace did to young Akane, I doubt they mind.

Making use of Ace to kill the other 3 was malicious though.

>> No.6615050
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Snake is my husbando.
I was so fucking sad when "he" always died in the bad ends

>> No.6615061
File: 617 KB, 700x1050, 1292038673160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably dies in all endings since Zero/Akane disappears and no one there knows how to open the coffin. That and there's Ace going around knifing everyone.

>> No.6615098

I just finished this a few hours ago.

As silly as the ending is, the prospect of Clover driving an SUV in the desert with Ace in the trunk is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6615109

Don't remind me of this cruelty. That ending, when Junpei heard something from the coffin but he ignored it. Damn him.
Also, badass Snake killing Ace was badass

>> No.6615119

This game is so great, but then again I'm a VN newfag and haven't played Ever17, so how does that compare to this?

>> No.6615127

Requesting more sprite animation gifs like >>6613626

>> No.6615129
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From an objective standpoint, everything Ace did was... certainly criminal, but understandable and maybe even justifiable. Greater good and all that. And in the end, Akane didn't die, because HIS PROJECT SUCCEEDED in its goal, even if it wasn't exactly the way he meant it to.

The only people who died during the Nonary Game were the ones Akane killed. Ace was cruel, but he played fair. Akane left her victims in a drugged stupor and machinated events to encourage Ace to kill them.

Say what you want, but she ain't right in the head.

>> No.6615153
File: 97 KB, 315x509, June.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The message in this game is love conquers all really. Junpei doesn't give a damn. The only one who might be bothered would be Lotus, but she might let it slide because she really loves her kids.

And hell yeah the project succeeded wonderfully. All the choices are in the bottom screen (Akane's) and Junpei sometimes wonders why he makes those choices. And each time he dies/falls down, "it's like a puppet whose strings have been cut". Subconscious mind control/suggestions from the past, fuck yeah!

>> No.6615162


Pretty favorably. I'm reading through Ever17 right now. Somehow it's really slice of life even though they're all trapped underneath the ocean. Also, it's pretty tragic. I hope I'm surprised once I hit the true end.

>> No.6615170

Remember at least ten years ago sudoku isn't as popular as it is now. Hongou expected teen kids to solve such "impossible" puzzle, forcing them to tap into morphological field. Danger = Inspiration.

Only Akane is left, and guess what?
The experiment was a success.

>> No.6615177

Some teasing, not exactly Ever17 spoiler:
Are you sure it's under the ocean?

>> No.6615179

It's in many ways an Ever17-lite - but I view that as more favorable thing than not - mostly as I didn't really care much for the romance and slice-of-life stuff in Ever17 (if I see another fucking chicken again...), and stripping that down helped with the pacing immensely; the science/pseudo-science isn't as deep, but is explained in a more understandable manner (though that may be due to the superior localization itself; Ever17 was translated like a hackjob at times).

>> No.6615184

Naturally, I knows the hack job.

Ever17 is better in my opinion. Pensex was one of the golden moments, much like wetakane.txt in 999.

>> No.6615186



I'm fired up and finishing this thing.

>> No.6615187

It might be Ever17-lite, but the whole 999 is much more suspense than Ever17 since it's 9-hours packed in-game story.

Ever17 is larger but that's because one route is one week in-game time, and they gotta fill it with hide-and-seek games or chicken sandwich, resulting in terribly slow pacing.

>> No.6615213
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Thinking back on it, did the 4 of them really deserved death? Akane didn't really die 9 years ago, and couldn't they have solve the paradox without punishing all of the 4? There's also the 0 bracelet too, that was really low.

tl;dr Akane is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.6615249

I just attributed that to Santa being butthurt at his sister almost being murdered, adding a few nasty twists to turn it more into a revenge plot

>> No.6615271

I see it as Akane saw the entire second nonary game proceeding from the viewpoint of Junpei, including the bad end branches. She saw the death of those three inevitable in order for the game to reach the final conclusion.

She gave Ace chances to save them, really, but the thread of fate determines Ace to kill them all.

>> No.6615300

Thinking back on it, did Junpei, Seven, Santa and June really deserved death? Snake didn't really die a few hours ago, and couldn't she have solve the situation without taking out her buttfrustration on all of the 4? There's also the crazy face too, that was really low.

tl;dr Clover is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.6615340

Their death is predetermined. The whole thing is set in stone. Saving them mean changing the future and the past.

Akane is just recreating what she saw 9years ago to save herself and besides Ace is the real killer. Nobody force Ace to kill them.

I guess this might be a plothole but if Akane already know what is going to happen, why isnt she nudging Junpei toward the right door? or getting Junpei to give Clover the Clover?

>> No.6615357
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I don't know, but I think that if fake-Snake lives the whole Nonary Game would probably spiral out of control.

Sadly, I think you're right, Akane just copied what she saw from Junpei's point of view and Ace would commit those murders regardless.

>> No.6615365

Her connection wasn't strong enough, I guess. Perhaps Junpei wasn't tingly enough in the butt yet? When she finally manages to influence him, he's in quite a pinch, being left behind on the "sinking ship" with no way to open door 9.

>> No.6615373

Akane saw branches where Junpei entered [5]. Without having seen it she won't know how to design [5]. In the end (present) she must let Junpei have a choice. She can play helpless moe to attract Junpei to follow her to [4], but not more than that.

You should spoiler tag that shit. Anyway, same reason: Akane saw such possibility happening nine years ago.

>> No.6615382


No it doesnt make sense since with Santa collaborating with her, both of them can easily make Junpei go through the door that they want him too.
Not to mention why they left the note at the safebox since the trigger for the true end is
1) giving clover the bookmark
2) door1
3) left/right/left/right/left/right

>> No.6615387


Information gathering purposes/shits and giggles.

They can't happen anyway because of time paradox.

Has anyone replayed it recently? I want to check the instances where the lower screen blacks out, and what causes it.

>> No.6615395
File: 202 KB, 522x750, 1292039080665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa knew he was working with Zero but he doesn't know Akane=Zero. He does recognizes her as his sister though, and that's why he always go through the same door as Akane but doesn't make Junpei take the doors which leads to the True End.

>> No.6615404

>Santa knew he was working with Zero but he doesn't know Akane=Zero.
Disagree. In canon timeline Akane survives, and both of them planned and executed the entire second nonary game. In that way, [Zero] is two persons: both Akane and Santa.

>> No.6615429
File: 185 KB, 1340x450, 1292045393188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll go reread 999.

>> No.6615435


12 year old Akane doesn't know the plan at the beginning since she's 12 and not yet Zero. The only thing she knows for sure is that Santa is her brother, and she's there too as June. With her link to Junpei, she tries to find out as much as possible, eventually finding the path to the True End. And even then she had to rely on Junpei to establish a new connection in the end. I'd imagine 12 year old Akane spent a lot of time in the first game spaced out, tripping balls and stressed as all hell.

>> No.6618859

Piyo piyo~?

(u mad?)

>> No.6619584

Why does everyone always take my attempts to get information from Clover as

"Oh, so you were trying to rape her. Okay, I'll just go search the other room."

>> No.6619598
File: 519 KB, 1193x830, 1292042821829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you were trying to rape her.
