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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6614764 No.6614764 [Reply] [Original]

Banzai /jp/ I have done it!

I success kill worse enemy in anime.

I outlaw pedophilia, homosexuality, incest, furry, 2d sexual act.

Now fat neckbeard can move on and Nippon strong again!

>> No.6614768 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6614776

yknow, if all this stuff that I've been into for the past 6 years just disappeared, I think I'd be alright with it.

I've had some damn good times, but like, I'm running out of money. Money that could be spent on good things like food that isn't spaghettios.

>> No.6614783

>>I outlaw pedophilia, homosexuality, incest, furry, 2d sexual act.

But that's wrong, you fucking idiot.

I'll be over here enjoying my hentai, which is still totally legal.

Obari needs to hurry his fucking ass up on Angel Blade when SRW The Inspector is finished.

>> No.6614800

>Banned furry
I, for one, approve this.

>> No.6614813

>Obari needs to hurry his ass up on Angel Blade
...I thought Angel Blade was finished.....

>> No.6614832
File: 70 KB, 1024x625, ce.d0a13ec0a277d02e9feceead02117aa7.nuke,j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nippon strong again!

Not so fast Mr. nipponman

>> No.6614848

>I outlaw pedophilia, homosexuality, incest, furry, 2d sexual act.
is that everything? I'm okay with this. Won't affect me at all.

>> No.6614867

Good thing I can still fap to lolicon...

>> No.6614870

And Japs still blame gaijin for the oh-so-bad eroge censoring.

Fuckers bought it upon themselves.

>> No.6614877

>Mr. nipponman
I don't know why but I smirked. Hope this name sticks.

>> No.6614879

>2d sexual act
>Won't affect me at all
This taste...
it's the taste of a liar

>> No.6614881

I feel like the internet is overreacting to this shit.

Why the fuck would it be in their best interest to neuter what could possibly Japan's best PR industry next to sushi??

>> No.6614885

I've got tons of hentai, I don't need more and they can't erase what I have.

>> No.6614890

What is the scope of this bill anyway? Will it affect Comiket or not?

>> No.6614893


>> No.6614894

BEcause Japan's politicians love to make sure the economy stays shit, for some reason.

>> No.6614895

> Japan's best PR industry
>tons of weird tentacle/rape/scat/whatever shit that makes Japan looked down upon in most cases and actively antagonized by feminist associations in exceptional ones.
"lol japs and their weird porns, so funny XD" is not PR, it's your own autistic brain.

>> No.6614907

It's probably just some dumb industry thing where they have to mark everything as R-18 now. Worst case scenario, Japan churns out neutered kid shows until their Liefeld comes along to save the industry.

>> No.6614909

Good thing you never watched their AVs bro.

>> No.6614918

it will not affect adult doujinshi since they are supposedly unavailable to children
it may affect non adult doujinshi as those don't have age ratings and so may be available to children
it will primarily affect games, anime, and manga
even though it is technically for tokyo it will still affect the rest of the nation as people want to sell to as big an audience and in as many stores as possible so unless they want to make one tame version for tokyo and an a different version for the rest of the country they will just make one version that they can sell in tokyo and the rest of the country

>> No.6614922


It'll be that way for a short while, as things reorganize - but the end result is going to be that the industry moves away from Tokyo and continues to distribute the same content somewhere else.

>> No.6614926

Please, let's not have it come to that.

I think I'd rather have neutered shows than suffer another Liefeld to live.

>> No.6614932

even if a production house is outside of tokyo they will still want to be able to sell things in tokyo itself. they won't want to cut off a huge portion of their potential store sales market. hell, akiba is part of tokyo.

>> No.6614944

Speaking of Japanese news, were there any interesting Japanese Wikileaks?

>> No.6614946


But you have to remember what it is they're marketing. As we've seen from the protests, the people in Tokyo don't want to lose what they have now. They'll just start ordering it from elsewhere - but if the production company changes their content to comply with the Tokyo rules, no one will want any of it - they'll lose a whole hell of a lot more doing that.

>> No.6614948

The only interesting leak from Japan is the fishing boat crashing into a Coast Guard thing.

>> No.6614954

They won't want to, but they'll kinda HAVE to. The companies' wishes aren't exactly being honored here. Unless the proposed bill is voted down, Akiba won't be the geek capital of the world for much longer.

>> No.6614968

in-person store sales is a large part of selling anything that requires mass-marketing. that's the problem.

the whole thing is a bad idea in general but just try getting the politicians to figure that one out. they're probably too afraid of having it used on them in future election campaigns if they don't vote for it.

>> No.6614979

>too afraid
Indeed. In a country that is effectively apolitical, the only way to reliably stay in office is to politicize morality, which is exactly what is going on here.

>> No.6614981

Check out /v/ has to say about the issue. They are under the impression the bill has already passed and, apparently, all hentai or fanservice is here on out outlawed.

>> No.6614983


>> No.6614985


Of course it's going to suck for the publishers either way. No matter what they're going to lose something - but I think it's pretty obvious they stand to lose a lot more (including respect, which also amounts to sales in some fashion) by conforming to the Tokyo standards than they would by simply not selling offending products in Tokyo.

>> No.6614988

Typical /v/ stupidity. Why do you even go there?

>> No.6614990


Already passed.

>> No.6614992

If anything, sankaku complex totally owned you fags as you still think it's not passed.

>You mad

>> No.6614996

Look at the bright side - we'll all be dead in just over a year anyway. I'm sure there's enough manga left that you haven't read to last that long.

>> No.6615001


I thought they weren't voting on this until next session.

>> No.6615005

Bill 156 Scheduling

2010-11-22 Bill submitted for consideration to member of the General Affairs Committee of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly.
2010-11-30 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly convenes.
2010-12-07 Party representative’s questions.
2010-12-08 General assembly member’s questions.
2010-12-09 General Affairs Committee meeting (debate).
2010-12-13 General Affairs Committee voting.
2010-12-15 Full assembly voting.

>> No.6615017

>this i how i felt when the bill passed


>> No.6615035

oh for anyone who is still paying attention, the bill passed the general committee and still has to be passed by the full body of representatives. technically it hasn't been passed into law yet but if the 15th goes like the vote on the 13th, it will pass

>> No.6615037

I'm ok with this. If this is the price of destroying furfaggotry, it is a good day.

>> No.6615052

I am perfectly okay with this. Death to furry pedo brother fuckers.

>> No.6615058

Would someone care to tell me exactly what its about, as I am yet to find an easy to understand explanation of what it passing would mean in reality.

>> No.6615059

I don't like your mentality /jp/, or in fact, most people's in this matter. You think even if it passes it'll get revoked soon or it just going to have a minor effect on the industry.
If you don't stand up against injustice strong enough the politicians just going to think it doesn't really matter to you.
If this shit gets passed it is going to affect the industry severely in both direct and indirect manners. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.6615062

1984: Asia edition

>> No.6615073

>oh noes i wont be able to jack it to loli raep

>> No.6615076

protip: As we are not Japanese citizens, there is little point in trying. We could go out and proselytize in our own nations, but I figure going out and saying "Japan won't let us have our underage porn" won't really win us any allies.

The politicians don't really care what you think. They only care enough to get you to vote, and then it's Bon Voyage, principles and mores.
Wake the fuck up.

>> No.6615077

Its perfectly alright to watch real videos of people being horrifically murdered, but god help you if you so much as think about looking at a loli with a nice flat chest or your own sister funny.

>> No.6615080

We're not Japanese, we can't really do anything about this. The Japanese aren't ignoring the law anyway so I doubt it'll go through - anime/manga IS a huge industry and this would have a big negative effect on it.

>> No.6615082

basically most risque material would have no place anymore in normal anime/manga/games
the bill says something vague to the effect "it's prohibited to have something which could adversely affect minors in not r+18 things".
Basically whenever they feel like it they can crack down on whatever it isn't two stick figures talking.

>> No.6615085

we can't anything
besides not being japanese voting citizens ourselves, not even those who can vote for representatives can do anything as the people who are voting are already in office and this bill is already on the table for voting. japanese major mass media also is notorious for not broadcasting things like this. i'd be amazed if any "normal" people knew about bill 156 at all in japan.

>> No.6615094

God bless you sir!

>> No.6615099

Well, it doesn't sound THAT bad. Bad, but if I understood you right, it isn't anything like making all "risque" 2D material illegal in Japan.

>> No.6615100

>The politicians don't really care what you think. They only care enough to get you to vote, and then it's Bon Voyage, principles and mores.

That's not exactly true, but I can't elaborate because I'm in a hurry. The point is, if a significant amount of voters stand up the politicians shit their pants.

>> No.6615107

Sounds stupid, and it better get repelled.
It doesn't seem like it's too dangerous, but it will probably mean even stronger anime censorship.
This shouldn't affect doujinshi, bd/dvd versions and adult manga, right?

>> No.6615111

adult doujinshi no
non adult doujinshi yes
bd/dvd yes
adult manga no

>> No.6615112

BEcause their power is threatened.
They will pay lip-service enough to get people to forget there's a problem, then do a 180.

Also, YOU try and hold the attention of "a significant amount of voters" for more than the time it takes for outrage to subside into apathy.

A "significant amount" of voters are gay in the US. Gay marriage situation is fucked.
A "significant amount" of voting-age population does drugs. War on Drugs rages on.

Also, a "significant amount" of voters still believe there was WMD in Iraq, and that they were involved in 9/11.

Politics has failed and the time for revolution has come, but nobody fucking cares.

>> No.6615121

So would, like, Nue-chan Raper have been hit by this law?

>> No.6615124

Why would it affect DVD/BD?
TV version on public (non-private) stations is almost always censored anyway. DVD/BD probably comes with higher ratings (adult in some cases), so it shouldn't affect them. I mean, I've seen plenty of DVD/BD's which tend to come with entire (sometimes woth 2-3 episodes in time) fanservice-only sections, usually containing nudity (as far as the law allows). I can't imagine those DVDs not being already 18+ due to those sections, thus I don't see why it would affect them.

>> No.6615126

Healthy development for young people in Tokyo ordinance amendment to regulate the sale and rental of sexually explicit cartoons depicting characters from children at 13 pm Tokyo Metropolitan Government Affairs Committee, made a vote, passed by a majority vote was.

Expected to be enacted in this conference to be held on pass 15.

In the bill is due to children's characters, "such as criminal law sexual touching" with "cartoon unfairly portrayed as exaggerated praise" and, after deliberation by third parties, for the bookstore, the public be transferred to the adult section requiring bookshelves. For example, to be followed and the comic scenes of sexual violence receive little girl. Be implemented by July next year.

Over the same bill, PTA and other organizations seeking the establishment of an early, and had to make a statement against the cartoonists and publishers, such as.

>> No.6615128

i'm assuming that's an adult doujinshi so no because this bill only affects things that are not already limited to adults.

>> No.6615131

not adult

>> No.6615133

Even though the name doesn't suggest it, it actually wasn't. It was the first Touhou doujin I thought of off the top of my head with a lot of ecchi humor.

Is there a place where I can get a summary of this law?

>> No.6615134

if they are rated for adults only then it won't affect them
i'll be honest and say i don't know what they rate anime dvds with fixes like those in japan

>> No.6615137

Read this and be enlightened:


>> No.6615142

What does "little girl" even mean, it's usually impossible to judge an animu character by its looks. If it's something like an age limit, they can go all US-y about it and claim that all characters are above 18.

>> No.6615151

oh. well, if it has a lot of ecchi it would probably have fallen under the ban.

there's probably stuff on animenewsnetwork that goes in summary about the law. i had another tab open but i closed it and i can't remember what the hell the site was

>> No.6615156

i believe it was appearance which means they can define it broadly upon actual enforcement/usage of the ban

>> No.6615164

So just slap a R+18 sticker on everything and this bill won't affect a thing?

>> No.6615166
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My face when I just downloaded and fapped to several Inuboshi doujins



>> No.6615173

Pretty much, however, there is still a problem; I am fairly sure the industry will rather move into a more family-friendly direction than make everything R+18 as that would certainly make everything sell less.

>> No.6615175

the problem there is that you cut out a lot of your under 18 demographics from being able to purchase it.

>> No.6615176

It appears that it will affect series who try to have multiple targets (both kids, teenagers or adults), and we know there are plenty of those (here's one popular example of many: Nanoha).

>> No.6615180
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7chan here, suck it.

>> No.6615190

but Nanoha isn't continously raped in her series. Shows like that aren't going to be affected, just works not r-18 who have shit like minor sex and extreme stuff.
Which is why you're overreacting, most shit you think it's going to be banned or whatever is r-18 to begin with.

>> No.6615191


So will things like Ore no Imouto, strike witches and Blood get banned?

Doesn't this law affect REAL shows? I can name like 30 movies and series from the glorious nipponesia that have schoolgirls having blood orgies and what not.

>> No.6615197

>30 movies and series...schoolgirls having blood orgies

I'm gonna need to see this list. For research purposes and fact-checking.....Yeah, that's the ticket.

>> No.6615203

they may be allowed to continue if they modify their content. already published content will likely cease distribution to addresses in japan. this all depends on how publishers handle things but if they act like i think they will, they will restrict as much as possible in all future works.

>> No.6615206

I'd be impressed if you got 15.

>> No.6615207


Don't forget to ask for links. You do want to make sure you're getting the proper source, right?

>> No.6615215

>Doesn't this law affect REAL shows? I can name like 30 movies and series from the glorious nipponesia that have schoolgirls having blood orgies and what not.
I bet those are R+18 already.

>> No.6615217

There is no banning going on, but basically it tries prohibiting selling them to minors or showing them in places where you wouldn't show 18+ material (such as primetime tv).
If this actually becomes a law, I'm afraid it will limit and fragment the anime and manga industries, making it either too kid-oriented or too adult-oriented, but nothing inbetween which is what is most common now. This is bad because it would kill a lot of plots which are rather great, but far from porn, basically most "serious" anime and the good majority of ecchi comedies. While not truly killing them, the incentive for companies to produce them would be lowered because they won't be able to broadcast them except on ATX and the BD/DVD's will have to go in the adult section, even if most of the stuff is hardly porn.

>> No.6615220
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Godammit the Tsukihime remake is never gonna happen now.

>> No.6615221

Pretty much all eroge is 18+, this doesn't affect eroge at all, however it could affect galge a lot. Think of things like Amagami.

>> No.6615226
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Shows like this will now be banned outright because they deal with something that is taboo, regardless of how realistic and mature it handles it.
How is this not a huge step backwards?

>> No.6615228
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/v/ here. There are those of us who are sorry for your loss.

>> No.6615234

Shut the fuck up and die.

>> No.6615236

>Shows like this will now be banned outright
Not really, but yes making them would be less profitable than now.

>> No.6615238

so did that thread in /v/ ever recover or is it still talking about tangents and not about the bill or its effects?

>> No.6615242
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If it passes, NIS will really go bankrupt ;_;

>> No.6615243
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Why so salty? I think this is bullshit also.

>> No.6615245

So the facts seem to be:
1) This hasn't completly passed into a law, but it's close to that
2) This has the potential of retarding the industry and separating it into kids and adults-only content, with little inbetween, while the majority of the content today is made for the in-between age group.

I can only hope the industry manages to stop this before it's too late for them.

>> No.6615246

I've been in a 2ch thread about this for the last few hours.

The people that are actually FOR this thing are mindbogglingly retarded.

It's basically nothing but ad hominem consisting of "Otaku are so disgusting, I'm glad"
or stupid parents that abandoned parenting and want the law to do it for them.

>> No.6615255

the bill is set to vote on the 15th
in political terms, it's too late

and people wonder why otakus withdraw from public

>> No.6615257
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The thread is still full of morons, so I came here to discuss it. I just realised I won't be going back....ever...I can talk here and not be contradicted by dumbasses constantly.

>> No.6615259

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6615261

Normals at their finest.

>> No.6615262

Wait a second, if this passes, it will only affect Tokyo right?

>> No.6615263
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>banning loli as cruel, harmful and immoral while the exploitation of living and breathing children in the junior idol industry doesn't seem to concern them

Two-faced fuckers.

>> No.6615270

>I can talk here and not be contradicted by dumbasses constantly



>> No.6615275

Tokyo is a huge market, and the publishers are based in Tokyo. It could have nation wide effects.

>> No.6615278

Welcome to /jp/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.6615281

While I couldn't care much about junior idols, you should consider that those idols are getting payed their fair share and taking photos and smiling is hardly that exploitive. If those were outlawed, they just wouldn't get payed for dressing up in funny clothes and posing. Seems hardly exploitive to me.

>> No.6615285

don't worry, we have our own brand of idiots. i don't think it's as bad as /v/'s though.

unless publishers want their authors and dev teams to make two versions (one acceptable in tokyo, one for the rest of the country) it will affect everything regardless.

>> No.6615287

Nothing is banned, only to be marked 18+... Can't stress this enough.

There have been a lot of manga especially that try to put as much adult content into "non-adult" comics to increase sales. Personally I don't see a problem with making those marked as adults only. Of course due to poor wording of the law it could cause other problems too.

>> No.6615297

for a publisher to mark something 18+ and therefore cut out a large segment of their target demographic is a huge issue for them. they will likely tone things down instead.

>> No.6615298

>taking photos and smiling is hardly that exploitive
Considering the content of some of that shit, that's REALLY debatable.
Frankly, it's more exploitative than drawing fictional characters in sexual situations, that's for sure.

>> No.6615309

One thing that many people seem to be missing is that age restrictions in Japan are largely "Honor system" sorts of things.

>> No.6615315

Yes, of course, nobody is being hurt in fictional drawings.
I don't really follow junior idol stuff, so I don't really know what they really publish, but from what I've seen most of the pictures are SFW, if risque sometimes. I kind of doubt the idols aren't doing this voluntarily or that they're forced into it - I'm actually guessing most are just doing it for the money of because they enjoy it, not that different from adult fashion models.

>> No.6615322
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Sounds good. See you guys around. I sure do love being able to actually talk about touhou.

>> No.6615330

>Nothing is banned, only to be marked 18+
>>Another section of the revised bill would allow the government to directly regulate the above images if the depicted acts are also "considered to be excessively disrupting of social order" such as rape.

Shit's getting banned hard.

>> No.6615331

people love money

and that is why we have enjo kosai. cash to buy louis vitton? a bit of sex is worth it!

>> No.6615346

It's pretty exploitative in the sense that the child can't understand she what she is consenting to: children the age of junior idols don't understand the concept of adult sexuality, and obviously, they aren't told what the pictures will be used for to begin with and how it might impact their future. When the child realises what those pictures were for, it's probably not a very pleasant moment, and they may feel betrayed since their parents allowed this to happen.

Also, you really think the child gets the money? The parents sell their daughters for the industry to get some pocket money for themselves, not to secure her future or any of that shit.

Compared to imaginary little girls with no feelings whatsoever, the junior idol industry is sinister, and the sad thing is, the decline of loli manga that the ban may cause might shift the focus to this industry and support it.

>> No.6615377

You need to stop with that avatarfagging shit.

>> No.6615383

I've no idea what ages those idols usually are, but I'm guessing most of them are at least over 12, and at that age (puberty and past) they would probably learn or realize it anyway.

>> No.6615411

>2d sexual act
I haven't read the rest of the thread, but that better be a joke.

>> No.6615412

Technically junior means 17 and under, so there are of course some cases where the junior idol is older and realises what they are doing, but at even 12 or 13, they probably do not get it. Many of the children are pre-teens, and the industry sometimes uses children as young as 6.

>> No.6615419

The youngest I've heard of was 4 years old, I think.

>> No.6615436

>don't understand the concept of adult sexuality
I'm pretty sure that all but maybe the youngest of Junior Idols are going to be aware of sexuality in general, unless they've been raised in a nunnery, even if their own sex drive hasn't developed yet. Don't forget that girls develop earlier than boys too.
Not to mention that they are going to be doing this under a stage name, not their real one, and so when they are older they can just leave it completely behind them, no problem.

>> No.6615443

>they are going to be doing this under a stage name, not their real one, and so when they are older they can just leave it completely behind them, no problem.
Uh huh.

>> No.6615451

You seem to be missing the point. The point is that the Junior idol stuff goes unchecked, and victimless artwork gets the obscenity banhammer.

Whether there's a legitimate call to describe the idol industry as exploitative is irrelevant.

>> No.6615453

In case you never knew : girls are born with the crave for attention

>> No.6615462 [DELETED] 

Being aware of sexual concepts (what sex is, etc) isn't the same as understanding adult sexuality, and preteen children are psychologically uncapable of the latter. Their brain simply isn't at the stage where the forms of adult sexuality that the junior idol industry is linked with cannot be comprehended.

This is also why science says child abuse enlightment targeted at children doesn't really work: because they can't grasp the concept of adult sexuality to begin with, they can't recognise the difference between good touch and bad touch and so on, no matter how simply and clearly the ideas are explained to them.

>> No.6615472

Since when has moral outrage been logical?
In the UK its now illegal to not only photograph but even draw acts between two consensual participants of legal age.

>> No.6615480

Being aware of sexual concepts (what sex is, etc) isn't the same as understanding adult sexuality, and preteen children are psychologically uncapable of the latter. Their brain simply is at the stage where the forms of adult sexuality that the junior idol industry is linked with cannot be comprehended.

This is why science also says child abuse enlightment targeted at children doesn't really work: because they can't grasp the concept of adult sexuality to begin with, they can't recognise the difference between good touch and bad touch and so on, no matter how simply and clearly the ideas are explained to them. Children, before growing old enough and developing their own sexuality, can't judge sexual situations.

>> No.6615484

I would say it's arguably the response from adults that kids get when a case of "bad touching" has been discovered is largely what causes psychological trauma in children.

Also, protecting children from "Adult concepts" really only makes the shock of discovery worse, much in the same way being raised in a sterile environment gives you no immunity to disease, and in fact makes you much more susceptible.

>> No.6615491

All anime studios move out of Tokyo, and suddenly crisis is averted.

>> No.6615496

Ass odd as this might seem, I'd actually welcome this bill.

Sure it's going to cripple a lot of my series but we need some innovation, anime has been too stale too pantyshot service same with manga...

I wouldn't be so bad to go to an era where story development was valued more over moe and sex.

>> No.6615498



>> No.6615499

They don't need to move out, but they can't sell their stuff outside of 18+ sections in shops located in Tokyo. This has the potential of affecting the industry. It would also affect some one third (or less) public TV stations.

I really do hope they manage to prevent it or get it repelled later on, but who knows if repelling will ever work, they've had their stupid censorship law which was imposed by Americans for half a century now.

>> No.6615517

>tons of weird tentacle/rape/scat/whatever shit >that makes Japan looked down upon in most cases and actively antagonized by feminist associations in exceptional ones.

feminists strike again, damn you women DAMN YOU

>> No.6615522

Maybe it'd mean that the industry moves outside of fucking Tokyo, too.

>> No.6615526

If such a stupid law somehow really passes (and it looks like it really will because of how dumb everyone is), that would probably be the ony way out. Oh, everything is banned in Tokyo? Ok, enjoy dying, we'll just move out. Enjoy having your stale TV too. Let's make a new Akihabara somewhere else while they enjoy their plain and stupid money-less world.

And now that I think about it, everything boils down to BUT THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!

>> No.6615528

but i fucking love shows like kampfer
wat do

>> No.6615533

Partly, yes; a big part of it is also the sense of betrayal that they feel once they discover that they were used for something that they didn't understand at the time, often by someone that they trusted and cared about. In nonviolent cases, anyway.

Awareness is important, though I'd say parents actually paying attention to their children and realising the reality of sexual abuse (that it is usually a person the child knows, that the child usually doesn't realise what is happening at the time and so on) is even more crucial. If you're interested in the subject, I recommend the book The Trauma Myth. It basically debunks the feminist myths of child abuse and provides hard facts based on scientific research instead.

Enough off-topic from me, but it was nice discussing this with you folks.

>> No.6615537

This is a Tokyo law, implying people can't watch Osakan TV in Tokyo that just going to broadcast these series instead of the tokyo ones.

While Tokyo is as big as like 3 Croatias, it's not the whole of japan, it's just one tenth of it.

>> No.6615542

Yeah this is the most probable case. Well see a decline in anime because they had to spend money to relocate, maybe for one or two season then they'll pick up the usual pace.

>> No.6615552

It doesn't say anything about interfering with their work, so they can be based in Tokyo just fine. It does say about where they can't sell their shit (non-18 sections) and where they can't broadcast it (public tokyo tv).

>> No.6615555

But Ishihara is 78! And all his children are grown men from Kanegawa! He can live out the rest of his life in utter debauchery and corruption and leave a burning, smoking husk for the complete strangers that follow!

>> No.6615558

Is there any chance companies would move from Tokyo to other cities because of this?

>> No.6615561

In case you never knew: most animu studios arent located in tokyo.

>> No.6615566

Is there any chance otaku would move from Tokyo to other cities because of this?

>> No.6615573

anime/manga/games are a billion dollar industry, it's not like they can't afford to move away from Tokyo.

>> No.6615588

Bring back the days of Rozen Aso.

>> No.6615592

>AT-X (アニメシアターX, Anime Shiatā X?, lit. "Anime Theater X") is a Japanese anime television network owned by AT-X, Inc. (株式会社エー・ティー・エックス, Kabushiki kaisha Ē-Tī-Ekkusu?). AT-X, Inc. was founded on June 26, 2000 as a subsidiary of TV Tokyo Medianet, which, in turn, is a subsidiary of TV Tokyo. Its headquarters are in Minato, Tokyo.
Well, shit.

>> No.6615594

He'd make a law forcing the production of a third season.

>> No.6615613
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I doubt they can afford losing such a big market.

>> No.6615618

This fags think that this will only make publishers put a +18 label on their products...

>> No.6615619

It's either that or making crappier content, mostly oriented at kids?

>> No.6615626

It'll be the later.
Industry is fucked

We'll have to wait and see the publisher response on the subject when they won't be able to sell anything

>> No.6615633

What extra hoops does a retailer have to jump through to sell loli eromanga now? Will they need to be licensed as a sex shop? Or just have an 'adult' section behind a curtain?

I wonder what effect this would have on light novels. If there are 'bad parts' in text only, but nothing explicitly offensive is illustrated, is it in the clear?

>> No.6615642

Wouldn't they be fine as long as they don't sell/produce it in Tokyo?

>> No.6615643

Now that I think about the extent this has, it's pretty damn restrictive. What the hell where they thinking? Bringing 2010's kids morals back to 1930's? Seriously?

>> No.6615645

Novels and live-action won't be affected at all, so don't worry. I guess that they can't put ero-ilustrations now, though

>> No.6615675

But light novels are illustrated, and in mango style. Will normalfags be able to tell the difference?

I don't know much about Japanese law but I know they have a written constitution based on the American one, with protection for free speech. Do politicians (or anyone) over there complain about proposed laws being unconstitutional, like Americans do? And is this a serious consideration of their supreme court?

>> No.6615677

>If there is going to be truly free speech, one must take the good with the bad, the savory with the not so savory. And any legislation that is directed at video games, manga or anime, should likewise be aimed at novels, TV, film and photography. That would make sense. This, however, does not.

This article does a better job at being realistic, complared to the shitkaku one.


>> No.6615695

What about video games? Fuck I dread to see what Persona 5 and the Persona 2 IS remake will have to change to comply with these new laws.

Plus, what about non-ero visual novels? I can see them shoe-horning in sex scenes to achieve an R-18 rating just so they won't have to edit anything out. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6615706


It kills fanservice, basically. Games will suffer. Things like Rune Factory will get all the well-written innuendo taken out of it and games like Valkyria Chronicles will lose the tits and beach "episodes".

>> No.6615708
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Just fapped to some gay shota.

>> No.6615714

>bill also does not target material that is 18-years-old and up as that material is already inaccessible to minors.
>Tokyo government already has the power to dictate what, as Kanemitsu writes, is "too sexually stimulating for minors OR too sadistic for minors OR too likely to cause criminal acts among minors OR cause suicide among minors as 'harmful material', and force such material to be treated as adult only material."
>only manga and animation that glorifies or exaggerates illegal sexual acts will be subject to the regulations
fanservice is not going to be touched, only rape and extreme things like that, and if you put things like that in not r-18 manga/anime you're retarded to begin with.

>> No.6615720

This is if you expect them to be nice. They are usually nice, but then some random femenist group harasses them and you end up with censorship. Luckily this isn't outright banning, but this is something that will be cutting into the profits an industry that is not in its best shape. We'll see how this goes. I really can't imagine a complete change in the status quo of the industry, so I'm betting towards more Adult-Only ratings and more airing on private tv stations (AT-X as one example) and of course Osaka and other stations outside Tokyo.

>> No.6615722

Saw this in the comments
>OK, this was just passed a couple hours ago, so there are still a lot of unanswered questions surrounding this bill....but according to several people in the know, because video games have a ratings system (CERO), that they will NOT fall under regulation by the government, and this will only end up affecting manga and anime
Anybody know if it's true or not?

>> No.6615724

Final vote is on the 15th, but it would be rather difficult to change the vote now.

>> No.6615730

Haven't read the entire thread, but several large companies like Kadokawa are already planning to boycott the 2011 Tokyo Anime fair, which is a pretty major event, because of this. I wouldn't be surprised if other companies like say Bandai that have a large hand in anime and such aren't readying countermeasures to take in case the bill does go through.

>> No.6615741

Nothing will happen even if this bill is passed.
They can just relocate to kyoto and join up with kyoto animation. Comiket can go to the place where they held koroumu.

>> No.6615752
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Before and after. Maybe they'll rethink their vote when they realize how much it's going to cost the city.

>> No.6615765

other prefectures will follow like sheep

>> No.6615771

It'll be good. They can move the money around and revitalize Japan. The Otaku will move out of Tokyo and become a bland haven for the naive foreigners.

>> No.6615777

Besides the nips are already outsourcing some of their works to China and Corea to cut cost.
Maybe with this bill, they will relocate the whole industry outside of their current shithole and bring along the golden age of anime and manga with renew creativity.

>> No.6615813

Unless pixiv is somehow going to be censored, I'm not seeing any reason for me to give a shit.

>> No.6615874

You honestly believe that?
If anything show will be family friendly from now on, children will lose interest and the industry won't have anyone to support it once our generation is gone and anime will collapse.

Just like what happened to american comics.

>> No.6615879

I don't think the industry will just take it. They'll do more 18+ stuff, maybe a rise of private stations (like ATX) which don't have to follow regulations could happen.

>> No.6615883


>It kills fanservice, basically. Games will suffer. Things like Rune Factory will get all the well-written innuendo taken out of it and games like Valkyria Chronicles will lose the tits and beach "episodes".

I'm really ok with this.

>> No.6615889

This only regulates public TV stations. Every major American comic was regulated.

>> No.6615892

>show will be family friendly from now on,
limiting rape, torture and other sick shit from all-ages shows, it's not going to suddenly turn into preschool bubbly shit everywhere
>children will lose interest
so the only reason children have interest in anime is because of rape and scat? flawless logic
>industry won't have anyone to support it
I doubt anyone is supporting the all-ages industry for illegal sexual things as it is.

Again, r-18 are not going to be touched, so not a fuck was given.

>> No.6615905

>show will be family friendly from now on
Shows that sold well are already family friendly. Just look at K-On or Ika Musume.
We are gonna be seeing a lot of more of these cute girls doing cute things and kid show like ika musume which is a good thing.

>> No.6615911

Interestingly, Sankaku has an article talking about a BL manga artist complaining that her publisher has already banned "school paraphenalia" like sailor uniforms in prep for the law.

So the goal -- fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the industry, is working just fine.

>> No.6615914
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Now you will never have an Iliya Route ;_;

>> No.6615924

From what I've understood, the bill doesn't concern eroge. They're already rated 18+, after all.

>> No.6615942

Since when there was rape and gore in daytime shonen shows anyway?

You guys are missing the point that this bill is purposefuly vague so it could target anything, from anime to videogames to even non-h doujinshi.

>> No.6615951

The only thing that I want to add is that fags blaming the DPJ are fucking retards, this whole fiasco was sponsored by the Governor, LPD and New Komeito(aka Agnes-chan goons). Remember the whole lol Tokyo loli ban earlier this year? This is the same fucking bill and the DPJ killed it back then(and there was never such a thing as a loli ban, if anything this deal hits harder all the Fujoshi material), however the detestable governor completely reworded it to get it passed, not to mention that the nefarious trio mentioned above spent all October and November calling the DPJ "pornographers that sell porn to children" and with elections coming up next year that was not good PR.
Ha, Osaka already went there and will revise their youth laws on February next year and while nobody knows if they are going into full retard mode like the asshole pictured in OP the chances of similar regulations are high. So much for "just get out of Tokyo lol".
If you think "sick shit" is the only stuff that is going to be regulated you are wrong bub.

>> No.6615978

well sooner or later japan will just be "another" country. I guess ill have to go back to when i was a 10 year old and play video games all day. But now it will be American and European games sadly. Japan wont even be able to make Zelda, have fun being north Korea japan.

>> No.6615990

daytime shounen shows have violence and even death in some cases, and that's illegal, and so there will be no more big 3 and neither shounen jump or any other manga except for kiddie shit like dogtato.

>> No.6615992

Oh relax, a stupid law prohibiting what can be displayed in PUBLIC and what can be sold to CHILDREN won't destroy the entire culture, it will just make it less public and more private. This won't affect eroge, h games, ovas, h mangas and so on in any way, but it may affect borderline anime and manga which is not rated 18+, which I believe will have a negative effect, but it will hardly destroy what they have. I find it more likely that this local law(if passed) will get repelled or neutered even further.

>> No.6615995

Maybe this isn't so bad.

Kodomo no Jikan for example will have to either stop publishing completely or go R-18. Maybe the mangaka will stop being such a fucking cocktease now and actually include some sex scenes.

>> No.6616001

He could go 18+ without including 18+ content.

>> No.6616007

I'll be really depressed if that gets canceled. I want to see how it ends ;_;

>> No.6616024

The most likely outcome, if this completely passes, will be a more distinct line between child and adult anime/manga/games. Compared to the rest of the world, it's always been a blurry line, but now it'll simply be This is adult's / this is children's. They'll adapt and you'll see those who were treading the line either cave in and go for children or go all out and go to adults.

In my opinion, I think more will go to adult, as honestly, where do you think the money lies, the kids who get a little money from their parents, or the adults who have they money/get it from their parents? There may be more children who watch anime, but there's still a fuck ton of adults that do, plus it's the adults that spend absurd amounts of money on their obsessions. As funny as it would be, you don't see a 9 year old with a ton of box sets, wallscrolls, figures, dakimakura, etc.

>> No.6616025
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>I read KnJ for the plot

>> No.6616030
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>> No.6616036
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>> No.6616047

Partially Yes. I started reading it long before the heavy fan service kicked in (which is just a bonus now)

>> No.6616059

>ITT people trying to police sexuality, pretending like they don't have any weird fetishes of their own, especially considering they post on 4chan

It's hypocritical faggots like you who are going to end up fucking up freedom of speech for yourself in the future.

I'd love for the publishing industry to fight this, but Japan is fucked as far as politics go. They went from an otaku loving know-nothing to a diehard right winger who wants to destroy the only good thing to come out of Japan, and that is currently making Japan the most money.

>> No.6616063

Nothing important's going to happen and we all know it.

>> No.6616069

Don't judge the country for what a few politicians do, even if those politicians have the potential of fucking stuff up for a lot of people.

>> No.6616072

Please do judge my country by it's former prime minister.
Because it's exactly THAT BAD. I'm serious.

>> No.6616073

>pretending like they don't have any weird fetishes of their own
but weird fetishes are safe you braindead moron, this is all-ages things broadcasted and sold to children we're talking about, not things already rated r-18.
unless you want to argue that 10-year-olds should be able to buy tentacle rape loli guro?

>> No.6616075

So does this mean that Japan's economy will implode even further?

It's funny how Japan went from international super power to complete basket case.

>> No.6616084

What 10-12 year old didn't start on a porn spree?

>> No.6616085


Oh no they won't.

>> No.6616091
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>International super power

You must be kidding me, nigger.

>> No.6616101

Then that 10-year old girl will start looking for sex.

>> No.6616110


I was more or less speaking in economic terms. They were indeed riding high in the 80s and stood shoulder to shoulder with the leading nations of the world.

Also.... Greentext? Really?

>> No.6616113

You fags still insisting on this r18 broken record.
Think about what will happen to shows like Panty Stocking or even Dragon Ball and its ocassional perverted old man jokes, you think shit like that deserve to become adult-only?

>> No.6616114

Go to /a/....are you too stupid to do that?

>> No.6616117


It's called quoting.

>> No.6616118

Isn't Japan the 2nd most powerful nation in the world after USA ?

>> No.6616119
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>meanwhile in Japan

>> No.6616121
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Get out.
He is using the greentext as a quote function.
Perhaps you need to lurk more at /a/ or /v/ before coming back here

>> No.6616123

>go to /a/
This DOES affect your precious doujinshi and otaku culture, asshole.

>> No.6616124

But the publishing industry are fighting this. Hell, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF JAPAN publishers are actually making a stand against government censorship. Yes, we autismic buttmad virgin nerds are watching history in the making.
Hell, just now PM Kon said that he's worried about the boycott of TAF and the big ten are saying that they will not backpedal and the opposition/boycott will continue.

>> No.6616126
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Those shows are shit anyway. Most of the things I get from Japan lately are R-18 to begin with, namely eroge, or are really cute and family friendly anime. I doubt this will affect me at all.

>> No.6616127

>so the only reason children have interest in anime is because of rape and scat? flawless logic

Here's a little something: the only people who like "children's cartoons" are parents of children. Parents like to keep it safe. Kids like the opposite, they want to watch whatever the bigger kids or their parents watch. They want what's unsafe.

If they make anime safe for kids, kids will lose interest. Kids don't want to watch things that are safe for them to watch.

>> No.6616129

They arent selling doujins to minor and they have other convention outside of tokyo.

>> No.6616133

Does this affect visual novels? If yeas it would mean cancellation of that space hitler vn from Alice.

>> No.6616139
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>> No.6616141

all because american

>> No.6616143

That is R-18, so it wouldn't be affected.

>> No.6616146


By what standard?

...No, don't bother answering that. The answer is "no, it is not that and has never been that".

>> No.6616149

Go to /a/...you'll find a ton of people willing to agree with you that this is shit. Why are you so stupid?

>> No.6616160

Finally!! Good anime abound!

>> No.6616168

I look forward to R-18 loli anime.

>> No.6616172

The best thing to come out of this are the retarded people that think this means they're going to ban the kind of anime they hate while favoring the creation of more anime like the ones they like.
The 15th can't come any sooner. Can't wait until we get a definitive answer on this shit, and if it really passes, we get some actual confirmation on what's allowed and what's not.

>> No.6616173

Gross Domestic Product?

It's officially third behind China now, but judging from the recently leaked cables China's GDP numbers are not to be taken at face value.

>> No.6616174

It's also arguable how much "damage" can anime and manga even do. Kids should be thought to think rationally and make their own ethical decisions as well as see the difference between fantasy and reality. I have severe doubts that censoring public TV is the way to go about "keeping kids safe".

I'm actually quite worried about this, I'm not worried about eroge, or anything porny, but I'm worried about things which are not porn, but do touch more "sensitive" topics, either as main themes or just on the side. I believe laws like this, if followed by publishers (to be able to have their stuff in non-18 sections in shops in Tokyo) will lead to a dulling of certain genres, maybe to the worse. Things like anime which is not all fanservice (as that will just go to 18+), but things which are somewhere in the middle, which happens to be a lot of anime and manga. More advanced plots may include more risque elements, but if they decide to censor such things, it would go against the author's wishes and would make this large segment of the market a lot duller than it was. There are plenty of legal ways they could still allow for interesting borderline content, but I don't really want to see authors going through hoops because of this stupidity again (however, some hoop jumping lead to creation of interesting fetishes such as tentacle porn as an example). The japanese artists are quite apt at avoiding legal issues while still creating some very interesting things.

>> No.6616180

Things like that will just be labeled as R18.

>> No.6616181

>Implying seinen isn't for ADULT MEN.
This will affect shounen and shoujo manga and anime.
Example: Shugo Character and all these Naruto/Bleach-like anime. No more nudity/sexual content there.

>> No.6616184

Label all former popular manga +18 and continue like before. Most of the buyers are adults anyway. For those series, which have younger audiences : Move the publishing outside Tokyo.

>> No.6616185

But Shugo Chara must have naked transformation scenes.

>> No.6616187

>It is very difficult to objectively assess the scope of >the law – along with vague and subjective terms like >“interfere with the healthy development of youth,” the >law also includes “etc.” on the end of most of its >examples, leaving it quite unclear, for example, >whether the “improper glorification of illegal sexual >activity, etc.” applies to only virtual sex crimes, or all >crimes in general – presumably the interpretation >adopted will be whichever is convenient to censors.

Sorry brah, but we will never have an actual confirmation of what's allowed and what's not. it was made this way on purpose.

>> No.6616189

>shugo chara
Why would this affect shugo chara?
Amu is a pure maiden and the show is targeted at young girls. Ok maybe they will cover up transformation scene.
You faggots sure are overreacting.

>> No.6616196

Can't wait until villains with the names of the people who thought this was a good idea are introduced in every kind of manga series, then killed in interesting and unthinkable ways.

>> No.6616221

I think the hardest hit will be mahou shoujo...

No more naked transformation sequences...


>> No.6616226

You shouldn't fap to good girls anyway.

>> No.6616232

But that's just for the TV versions.
They'll keep them for the DVDs, right?

>> No.6616234

Won't this bill clash with existing laws?

>> No.6616239

You know with them passing this bill, wouldnt the mosaic law be kind of pointless now.
Someone should get them to remove the stupid mosaic law since now everything will be r+18.

>> No.6616253

Hey, why do stupid people govern the world?

>> No.6616259

No! My mosaic fetish!

>> No.6616261
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This has the stench of moral panic all over it. Otaku are disgusting, therefore we must ban the things we consider disgusting about them so we can protect the children.

Let's see what happens when the dust settles. This could either turn into something minor to work around like the censorship on genitalia in ero manga that is just a thin black bar, or a full on Comics Book Code situation where a publisher will have to decide if to go for mainstream appeal or purely otaku marketing. No gray area.

It's a shame, sure, and it will only serve to push anime and manga further into pariah territory, as if it wasn't looked down enough already. But there is a certain degree of overreacting going on at the moment that is clouding the facts.

The thing that really annoys me from this whole thing is the "for the children!" excuse. Sickening.

>> No.6616262

because the world is filled with stupid people ?

>> No.6616263

Another fucking bill to ban loli, why don't rulers learn their place?

>> No.6616267

Why don't you work your way to govern then? You would be the non-stupid guy.

>> No.6616272
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/a/ visitors getting their pants in a twist for nothing because mature anime for mature persons such as themselves like Panty&Stocking is threatened to be rated accordingly to content, visual novels and Touhou master race not giving a fuck.

>> No.6616279

i swear somehow ausfailia is responsible for this
indirectly or otherwise

>> No.6616280

Intelligent is inversely proportional to charisma.
Most politicians have cha but zero int.
And you should be blaming the voters. Normalfags vastly outnumber the hikkimori/neet. Most normal japanese citizens are supporting this.

>> No.6616283

We have to look at this from a positive light. What can we reap from this?

First, segregation of the fanbase. There will be less casual anime fans from now on, the current ones will either move on to our side, recluse into their pretentious crap artsy crap, or quit.

Second, the true fanbase will now be wilder. We'll have more stuff than ever to compensate our casual losses. To put it simply... which one has more porn: Sora no Otoshimono or Heartcatch Precure? Precure obviously, because SnO is already softcore porn. If Precure is censored, there will be more Precure porn. At the same time shows of SnO's caliber will become full-fledged R+18, so that's a third positive consequence.

Fourth, >>6616239.

>> No.6616293

No, shows like SnO will just not be made, because they can't justify the cost of making a full anime for just the R-18 market.

>> No.6616300

The worst part of this by far is the yuri.
I won't be getting anymore Yuri.

Will I never get another Aoi Hana or MariMite?

>> No.6616302

They mad.

>> No.6616303

How is that a "ban loli" law? Oh god are you fucking retarded? It's a bill to force people to remove sexual content involving MINORS (yes high school is minor you fucking hypocrites!!!) from non adult-tagged anime/manga/games.
Seinen stuff is NOT touched by this because it is already adult-only manga.

>> No.6616304

I don't see how shows having sex scenes now is a positive. They're boring as hell.

>> No.6616306

What, are they banning yuri? Marimite is about as worksafe as they come, how could they ban that?

>> No.6616307

There won't be a full anime then, just OVAs. The competition will force them to increase the quality of their products.

>> No.6616310

By the way for those of you who don't know there are tons of mangaka who are boycotting the shit out of this.
Boycotting the tokyo anime fair and not allowing their titles to be used

>> No.6616314

They are banning homosexuality as a whole.

>> No.6616316

I believe something as softcore as that wouldn't be considered offensive. But it's not like these franchises make a penny anyway. ;____;

>> No.6616318

I mad.

>> No.6616321

what was the manga they're talking about?

>> No.6616322

Japan has to raise that birth rate somehow.

>> No.6616323

This will just end up driving yuribait series to ramp up the "they're just friends honest" to ridiculous levels.

>> No.6616325

They can't possibly do that. There'd be a huge international outrage from LGBT people. Give a source for this, or you won't be believed.

>> No.6616327

Mainstream stuff like big3.
They arent gonna show tentacle or incest rape manga at an international anime/manga fair.

>> No.6616331


>You ask, What makes it worth defending? and the only answer I can give is this: Freedom to write, freedom to read, freedom to own material that you believe is worth defending means you're going to have to stand up for stuff you don't believe is worth defending, even stuff you find actively distasteful, because laws are big blunt instruments that do not differentiate between what you like and what you don't, because prosecutors are humans and bear grudges and fight for re-election, because one person's obscenity is another person's art.

Thought I should add this for those that seem to support this law solely for the fact that it attempts to ban what is perceived as disgusting behavior by them.

>> No.6616334 [DELETED] 

Something that delicious has to be illegal.

>> No.6616335

no I mean, the Rookie award thing that's been barred from animeka
I skimmed quickly but couldn't find any mention of the title, did I just miss it?

>> No.6616336

>>6616261 This could either turn into something minor to work around like the censorship on genitalia
In response to which Japan invented the tentacle-rape genre. I am looking forward to the perverse innovations Tokyo's ban will bring to the market.

>> No.6616338

Then they need to reduce the cost of having children.
Schooling is too expensive in Japan, most families can not afford college for more than 1 or 2 children.

>> No.6616344

stop using the fucking word ban
nothing is going to be banned, just rated accordingly to the content instead of having loli sex in normal manga
nothing is going to be banned
nothing is going to be banned
nothing is going to be banned
nothing is going to be banned
nothing is going to be banned

>> No.6616347

It's not like people with otaku tendencies don't want kids, it's more like we can't find proper wifes. ;_; I'd love to have a little daughter, I'd raise her with all of my heart and my little income, but since only the latter matters to a female, I'm stuck.

>> No.6616351 [DELETED] 


AoC is a faggot.

Meido was AoC.

Thus, Meido is a faggot.

(My impeccable logic aside, I agree with you. /jp/ never changes.)

>> No.6616352

Please go fuck yourself. There is no ban. Fucking canadashit faggot.
Learn to read. They're doing the same as we do here putting tag "18+ only" on games and such based on their content. Disgaea was 18+ because of all the adult theme in it in quite a few countries.

>> No.6616353

And what the hell is wrong with loli sex in manga marketed towards preteen girls?

>> No.6616355

Fair enough. I just worry about a situation akin to western cinema MPAA rating. NC-17 spells sales death which is not an outright ban, just a rating system, but it effectively pushes the producers and publishers to adjust to it.

I stick by my previous statement, there are just too many things playing into this and artists will be artists, it's going to be worked around in some way to varying degrees. To attempt to predict the future on this is futile.

>> No.6616356

Do you honestly believe Disgaea deserves an 18+ rating?

>> No.6616361 [DELETED] 

Why is /jp/ filled with retards like OP?
They are just banning sexual content in stuffs that were not ADULT ONLY.
Spoiler: Seinen is mangas for young ADULT men.
As long as there's a tag "adult only" on an anime it will be safe. Do you really think stuffs like Koihime Musou and such are supposed to be shown to kids or teens?

>> No.6616360

Does it matter if it does or doesn't? You are over 18, aren't you?

>> No.6616362

Yes, all of those flats have killed thousand of people.

>> No.6616364

Whether I believe it to be or not is irrelevant.

>> No.6616386

more proof that tokyo is a cultural wasteland

>> No.6616389

When will japan learn that pointless censoring will only lead to more rape and violence.

>> No.6616397 [DELETED] 

'Anti-Otaku Bill' sounds like the name of someone from /b/ or /r9k/ who trolls us repeatedly.

>> No.6616398

Japan is a decadent society. News at eleven.

>> No.6616403

If anime and manga artists and writers cannot properly express themselves collectively without use of pedophilia or rape it is better that they do not.

>> No.6616413

Why is it that they use "z0MG protect CHILDREN!!1" as an excuse for every damn obscenity law.

>> No.6616415

>pedo, rape
>banning school uniforms


>> No.6616417

But this law will only affect children, anyway.

>> No.6616421

If manga can't express pedophilia or rape, I'll just have to express them myself.

>> No.6616428

Say goodbye to your Strike Witches movie, your little busters! anime, another Spice and Wolf anime, more Haruhi, and others

>> No.6616430

If this affects video games, won't innuendo and Sony ( who is trying so hard to be like xbox) be fucked? I see sony dying.

>> No.6616432

in h shit, don't be deceptive.

>> No.6616437

Another law that confuses reality with fiction.
ITT people who thing the moralist lobbies will be jappy with this and not ask for more. Send them to Iran, IMO.

>> No.6616443

I mean nintendo , stupid phone

>> No.6616451

this sort of attitude is why i'm in favor of proactively criminalizing pedophiliac and rape tendencies as shown in earlier consumption of related material

>> No.6616454

Trolling for the sake of trolling, or is that a genuine belief? Who knows, film at 11.

>> No.6616455
File: 15 KB, 480x360, nuke_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

☢ Gentlemen!, We need to do moar research in nuclear fission, looks like japs another round of radiation therapy. Post the link to your nuclear research papers in this thread ☢

>> No.6616459


>> No.6616460

Y'all don't get it. All this means is a bunch of old salarymen are going to get to watch anime all day.

>> No.6616488

Yes, because there is a definite and well-documented link between people consuming loli and rape-based material and their committing similar acts in the real world. Oh wait, except no, there's not.

>> No.6616516

who cares whether there's a strong correlation? getting you all off the streets is a public good, whether you're active child rapists or dormant child rapists.

>> No.6616541

Come get me then. Stop foisting off your responsibility to change what you do not like on the government.


>> No.6616545

The problem with that is once you start to arrest people for showing tendencies towards committing crimes based on theories that might not even be accurate, the prisons will be filled with potential rapists, potential burglars, potential tax evaders, etc. You can't arrest someone because you think they might commit a crime in the future.

But you're trolling anyway, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6616554

also, if there's not a strong correlation there your argument's got no legs to stand on. So you should care about that.

>> No.6616562

>You can't arrest someone because you think they might commit a crime in the future

Actually, they can and do quite often. Especially if you're already on record as an offender of any kind.

>> No.6616564

>getting you all off the streets is a public good
>ban what keeps them locked in their room, not harming anyone

Flawless logic.

>> No.6616575 [DELETED] 


>> No.6616572

So my understanding is the bill only effects stuff that isn't R-18. Does this homosexuality ban mean we won't be seeing Shoujou/Shounen Ai content in non-R-18 titles?
If this is the case:
I feel as if a part of the heritage of Otaku culture has died.
"Oh, Senpai..."

>> No.6616613

Watching people get murdered on TV or murdering them in video games does not make me a murderer. Nor do I want to kill people.

Watching lolis get raped or raping them in video games does not make me a child molester. Nor do I want to molest children.

What now?

>> No.6616614

Those anime are for adult to begin with. Why do you think they air at NIGHT when kids sleep?

>> No.6616725

Have there been any opinion polls on the subject? I wonder what the normals think of suppressing us.

>> No.6617907


It matters and it's relevant.

An R-18 rating for Disgaea here would have killed it's sales. The game could never be released like that because no retailers would carry an adult product, which means no sales which means no money. It's not a ban per se but it will effectively kill it if they don't modify the game to meet the standards of the law.

So in a sense it's a ban.

>> No.6618035

So there really is no more reason to live...
