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File: 39 KB, 250x349, Steins_gate_xbox360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6614488 No.6614488 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ know about Stein's Gate? I'm from /x/, but know a good bit of Japanese and culture.

>> No.6614505

It's shit don't bother with it

>> No.6614512


>> No.6614544

It's not like you can do anything about it, it won't be translated.
From current nitro+ trend I guess that it's mediocre.

>> No.6614561

Takajun gave it a 6/10

>> No.6614562

Stop reviewing things you haven't read, anon

>> No.6614587 [DELETED] 


lol? The guy who translated Wanko to Kurasou? He has awesome taste, doesn't he.

OP, the game is great, on the same level as Cross Channel and Clannad. Japanese hailed it the best visual novel in the last 10 years. If you can be bothered to play together with Atlus translation, definitely check it out if you can.

>> No.6614581
File: 57 KB, 400x600, african ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i decided i'll download it and read it eventually. I've got a copy of "読む音楽 完全版" by DJ Technorch that's in the same status, so I guess I'll eventually get it done.

thanks for you guys' opinions, have some afro-Ness.

>> No.6614592

lol? The guy who translated Wanko to Kurasou? He has awesome taste, doesn't he.

OP, the game is great, on the same level as Cross Channel and Clannad. Japanese hailed it the best visual novel in the last 10 years. If you can be bothered to play together with AGTH translator, definitely check it out if you can.

>> No.6614596

I don't usually agree with Takajun, but everything else in your post is golden.

>> No.6614605


If by "golden", you mean "the golden truth", then yes.

Who am I kidding, I'm talking to somebody who hasn't even played the game.

>> No.6614617
File: 46 KB, 640x480, kevin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you played it with AGHT.
Come on, I gave you 8, don't make it more obvious.

>> No.6614637

Yes the guy who translated Wanko, FSN, Majikoi, and Sengoku Rance.

>> No.6614661

>And you played it with AGHT.

And I understood everything, 厨二病乙。

>Come on, I gave you 8, don't make it more obvious.

I'm not sure what this means, but I think it means you should go back to /v/.

>> No.6614693

Typical Nitroplus_expert(over_2_nitroplus_vns_played_with_machine_translation)_are_you're_body_is_ready_for_

>> No.6614775


I'm not sure why, or how you think that playing with machine translations is somehow impacting to my experience, when I've already clearly stated that I've fully understood (and moreover, enjoyed) them.

I'm no expert. I have Japanese friends who have confirmed that people have claimed it's the best visual novel in 10 years. It's very, very highly rated on Xbox Live (one of the highest games for the Japanese marketplace, I don't even think iM@S is that high). The only negativity I've heard comes from Mihara Ichirou (game developer of Arika), who used Auto through the game and hides his achievements; indicating that he just played through and wasn't capable of reaching the actual "Steins;Gate".

The rest of the negativity seems to come from 1) butthurt GKs that dislike the 360, or 2) people who dislike 5pb for whatever reason.

>> No.6614854

Just read TakaJun's "review". I think he was expecting something like chaos;head (he mentions a lack of fighting and ero, as if it's a bad thing). He seems to get the story on-point, but the rest:

>Graphics: 6/10
>The graphics are unique, but I think it fit the story well. I think the coloring really brought out the eerie effect during those kind of scenes.

So why 6/10 if it serves its purpose?

>Music: 4/10
They did the job of adding to the overall game experience, but nothing more

That is the whole point of vgm.

>System: 1/10

He doesn't even mention the cellphone system or how you can influence things throughout the game.

>Ero: 0/10
>There is no ero scene. That is all. (T T)

Complete retard detected. If he didn't like the protag or most of the characters, why the fuck would ero scenes be considered a detriment? "The game lacked ero scenes of characters I disliked" doesn't add up.

Honestly, his entire review consists of "I liked this" or "I didn't like this", not "this element is bad because", or "this element is good because". Therefore, it's more or less a bloated opinion, and not a review.

>> No.6614869

You're starting to understand what critics do.

>> No.6614875

Overrated as fuck just because xbox360 has no games.

No really.

>> No.6614876
File: 9 KB, 158x218, 1254663115055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understood everything

>> No.6614878

Maybe because it doesn't have ero-scenes. If it has ero-scene, he might have given it an 11/10.

>> No.6614880

At least he didn'tyb gave it a 3 like subahibi.

>> No.6614882

PC version has great ratings too, hurr

>> No.6614886

>xbox360 has no games
But I poured my life's blood into that software! Was it all just a dream?

>> No.6614891

Takajun uses the 1-10 scale, not the bullshit 7-10 one. 5 Is average, deal with it.

>> No.6614897

Yes considering all the people who bought the pc version are all old customers that also bought the 360 version.

>> No.6614898

Except all the butthurt of the people that gave it 1 because of the port.

>> No.6614901

>not the bullshit 7-10 one.
This. I hate this shit so fucking much.

>> No.6614904

I'm starting to feel TakaJun is just reviewing critically acclaimed games to try to be "edgy" or to "go against the flow".

>> No.6614905

Id give it a 1 too if I bought a beta version of a PC game for $80 then the company decided to release the full version for another $80 exclusively on a mac.

>> No.6614911

Read whatever manga chapters that were translated. It's actually pretty damn interesting. Also there'll be an anime adaption of it this Summer, though I fear it'll end up being shit like the Chaos;Head one.

>> No.6614919

It's in spring and at least the studio is competent.

>> No.6614921

Yep, White Fox seems more decent than shithouse. Hopefully the adaptation will be good.

>> No.6614924

Not really, I think he just is fairly subjective in his reviews, and pulls no punches for stuff he doesn't like. He did give games like Cross+Channel and Muv-Luv Alternative good reviews, after all.
If you want a somewhat more "objective" take, you can try Ixrec, who almost gives no personal bias in his reviews. Unfortunately, that ends up forcing him into the 7-10 scale for the most part.

>> No.6614929


Except they released the PC content as DLC for the 360 version.

Oh, and the fact that the 360 version is 720p and 5ch, yet the PC version is lower (can't recall resolution) and 2ch. The PC version is actually inferior to the earlier released version of the game.

>> No.6614936


I gave low scores (4 out of 10 and shit) to games I like a lot when I was doing reviews.

For example, I fucking love Demon's Souls but I gave it only 6.

>> No.6614940

Well, that's a nice way of reviewing, but not all people rate like that. Most people think it's the same as saying how much you liked it.

>> No.6614949

IIRC they never released some of the extra stuff that's exclusive for the PC version.

And I really doubt it has 5.1ch.

>> No.6614965

Oh boy, opinion can't be objective. The more you know.
I don't really give a shit about numerical scores, but his reviews are good and informative. He clearly wrote why he didn't liked Subahibi and after reading his reasons I decided that I wouldn't like it too. This is million times better that your "objective" shit: "3 lines of plot summary, link to tvtropes, game seems popular, so I'll give 9/10(+/-20)".

>> No.6614970

>after reading his reasons I decided that I wouldn't like it too
His reasons are bullshit, overexaggerated and I even doub he finsihed it.

>> No.6614986

The main reason I think Takajuns a bit stupid was because indeed finished a game he didn't like. That's fucking autism.
But you wouldn't understand something like that.

>> No.6615007

He pays for his own stuff though. Don't you wanna see something entirely when you paid 100+ bucks for it?

>> No.6615014

Nope. I resell it in hopes of making back some of what I lost.

>> No.6615025

There are plenty of games I bought and dropped after 2 hours, never to be played again.
Now I learn to pirate and only buy things I know I'll enjoy.

>> No.6615031

Well, we clearly differ then. If I bought something then I use it entirely to its fullest, and then see if I still need it in my collection or resell it.

>> No.6615049

>finished a game he didn't like. That's fucking autism.
So people don't do that sort of stuff?
Personally, I do it, as long as I have read far, or rather, long enough before realizing I don't like it.

It generally goes like that.
You can't judge a book too early even if you don't like it early on. And afterwards, I personally usually feels that I have dedicated enough time to the thing, that I feel almosft obligated towards finishing it.

>> No.6615053

If I don't like a game I just quit playing.

Like how I tried playing Fallout New Vegas but couldnt stand playing because it's such shit.

>> No.6615056

That's silly.
If I bought a sandwich that turned out to be a shit sandwich, I STOP EATING IT.

My collection has no room for games I didn't like.

>> No.6615064

I'm just as surprised to find out that people do that.
I just don't do stuff I don't enjoy.
Guess that's the reason why I'm such a worthless NEET

>> No.6615083

Many people look to him for VN reviews in English (as an eroge expert, having read 100+ VNs, etc), so he probably feels some obligation to force himself to finish and review popular titles that are brought to his attention, even if it's not to his liking. Sure, he's not a professional reviewer or anything, but there's nothing wrong with taking up that attitude for reviewing things.

>> No.6615096

Badmouthing well done techn ical aspects because you don't enjoy the story is not a good attitude for reviewing.

>> No.6615139
File: 25 KB, 495x440, PRIMER-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steins; Gate is so original!

>> No.6615140

People look out for his reviews? I thought it was universally known that he had horrible taste.
He is a cool guy and one of the few who actually deliver translation regularly but that doesn't change the fact that his taste is horrible.

>> No.6615143

The main reason he gave the 1/10 to Steins; Gate system is probably due to the instability of the game itself, randomly crashing what not; outside of that, it sounds like a 3/10 or 4/10 System, which is not atypical scoring from him - frankly, far too many VN interfaces are kind of shit, but they mean little in the grand scheme of things so the developers don't put much work in it and people just deal with it.

>> No.6615144

Are you still mad that he scored game with no ero scenes 0/10 for ero? You wanted 10/10 because it didn't had any? Or what? 8/10?

>Music: 4/10
>They did the job of adding to the overall game experience, but nothing more

>That is the whole point of vgm.
God save from VNs having good music.

And who in their right mind would even care about something like game system?

>> No.6615160

You'll really get a lot more from his reviews if you just ignore the scores, and just take it more as a general impression of the VN; at the very least, it's more useful than Ixrec's extremely abstract reviews.
Personally, I think Moogy probably writes the most insightful eroge reviews, but it looks like he took down his old blog.

>> No.6615169

>he doesn't like 2ch memes, yaoi, bullying, rape and suicide
>how can anyone have such a shitty taste, he's retarded

>> No.6615223

I was more butthurt over his 8/10 for Muramasa and him saying that the writing in it was similar to Nasu's or "how it failed to be a masterpiece due to the lack of epic ending" when it had one of the best ending ever personally

Steins;Gate is pretty good but I can see why some people could be disappointed with it, it's more of a charage than anything despite its looks.
If you like the characters you will love it.

And Subahibi I really liked it but Takajun doesn't seem to like eroge that have lots of depressive themes.

>> No.6615230

For some reason, he really liked Swan Song. Generally, I've found my views to be not too far from his, but I had to force myself to finish that pretentious borefest.

>> No.6615244

Yeah, I was surprised too. But, like I said, I don't care about his scores and after reading his review I decided not to even try it.

>> No.6615250

You should, it's great.

>> No.6615289

It started out fine and dandy, but when the author decided to use his characters as his mouthpiece to deliver long-winded monologues that ultimately says little, I started really getting annoyed by it. It's like he though by throwing more words at it was going to make it DEEPer than it really was.

>> No.6615316

This is my experience with it as well.
I really can see why people consider it good/a masterpice, I really do, but it looks like it just isn't my cup of tea. Half the time I was irritated by the scenario, it's like sca-ji went out of his way to write "see this shit? I know what it means, and you don't. How's that. Cool, huh?"
