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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6611477 No.6611477 [Reply] [Original]

Long time, no berate, swine.

Do you want to take a little test to see how swine filthy you are?

>> No.6611492

Post this on /a/, we aren't weeaboo, they are.

>> No.6611539

I don't appreciate being called swine, Amazon-tan.

But I follow certain game threads on 2ch and post there too, so yeah.

>> No.6611565


wtf dude...

>> No.6611589

Nice job cross posting from /v/ just so see stupid results. Delete your shitty thread. Also who gives a shit reported.

>> No.6611593


Oh god not again.

>> No.6611601
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>> No.6611656
File: 319 KB, 1000x2500, weeabootest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6611657

You obviously don't know me very well.
I see that you two have noticed how flawed this is.
Semester's over. I've got all the time in the world now,

>> No.6611668


>> No.6611672

>2ch level higher than /jp/
2ch.net is a complete normalfag board you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.6611686


Best part is everyone thinks I'm a normalfag because I hide it well.

Feels... bad, man.

>> No.6611692

This isn't about how NEET/hikki someone is though. It's about weeaboo powerlevels.

>> No.6611707

Having played FFVII and knowing what a dakimakura is doesn't make someone a weeaboo. Your test is dumb.

>> No.6611711

I do qualify for everything except for the negative modifiers.

yet I am not a weeaboo because I do not prefer japan over the west.

>> No.6611738

I'm 20500
The only good thing about you swine is that you aren't the embarrassing cos-players who ruin international relations with you dedication to another country's culture.

>> No.6611749

Well obviously.

Not everyone here is a walking piece of bacon though. You don't see me addressing femanons as fat whales.

>> No.6611758

>played a japanese videogame +1000
Wat? Suddenly it's not normal to own a Super Nintendo?

>> No.6611764

I laugh because you don't know what weeaboo means and you think /jp/ as a board is that term. /jp/ hates japan (and everything else) and only likes a select few things shitted out by them. "weeaboo" are people who think japan > all.

>> No.6611766
File: 16 KB, 300x411, 333362-laughing_elf_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any japanese game
suddenly zelda is weeaboo

>> No.6611782

>know what manga is
>Play any Japanese Videogame
So, playing Street Fighter II Turbo makes you a weeaboo? OK then.
>Have played a few big-name JRPG's
Never to completion, but yeah, Chrono Trigger was fun.
>have read manga before
>know what a dakimakura is
That was /jp/'s fault
>play visual novels
You got me there.

Not too shabby.

>> No.6611794

I like how you think that I made this image.
I was just curious, swine.
I have found a few non-swine on here.
Can you prove to me and my fat, round ass that you aren't one of them?

>> No.6611797

Most people only play first person shooters. Just look at /v/.

>> No.6611801


>> No.6611800

That's pretty awful

>> No.6611799

I should get a dakimakura to increase my powerlevel.

>> No.6611807

>tripfag trying to build a character by calling everyone a swine
now we just need Scandaroon in here and then the universe will implode from the sheer assholery autism

>> No.6611827

Compared to the rest of this board, and probably you, I think I did pretty well.

>> No.6611845


>> No.6611854

Everyone who actually bothered to calculate their score, get out.

>> No.6611866

Yeah, and most people have never been to an arcade before, my ass.

>> No.6611867

>Know about Idol groups

I know they exist because of the idolfags on here. Does that count?

>> No.6611886

How to prove that?

You need a new version of the OP pic then. Swine power levels.

>> No.6611906

I'm not clicking on your image but I just thought I 'd make a post calling you an attention-starved homosexual, Nick.

>> No.6611923

idolfags were a menace on pre-split /a/.

this, weeaboo penis waiving is for faggots.

>> No.6611955

>I hate idols because 3D, and I don't care about Miku nor Touhou. I'm too poor to buy figs, even if I'd like to.
>Again, too poor to spend money on pillows. And I'm too lazy to learn japanese.
>-3000 (not like I had any choice)
So, basically, according to my list, I've watched 5097 episodes of various animes (not counting the movies), read 910 volumes of various mangas (6976 chapters), played over 50 VNs and a dozen of JRPGs... but I'm not a weeaboo at all, not even /a/ level. Eeeeh, it kinda makes me feel better, but for some reason it doesn't feel quite right.

>> No.6612173

Like, half of these don't even apply to me because I was born in the 1970s

>> No.6612319

Damn, I haven't been on in, like, forever. Who the fuck is that?

Or maybe you haven't been on here for long?

Either way, I'm seeing that some of you swine are as piggish as I thought you were.

That, or you're bluffing.
What would you suggest be on a new version of this. I agree that it's pretty shitty.

>> No.6612341
File: 24 KB, 400x430, getout jp 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6612355

Speak for yourself, I unconditionally love Japan and everything about it.

>> No.6612388

>-12000 Be Japanese
This should be - ∞ considering the definition of weeaboo.

>> No.6612407
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>> No.6612552
File: 47 KB, 446x504, 1292025271693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels good man. Only thing missing is me following idol groups (too lazy / dont give a shit about jpop atm) and owning a dakimakura.

I've also been considered a normalfag by many on this board, which is odd...I must be some sort of hybrid.

>> No.6612581


Considering I visit /a/ and /jp/ about 50/50 that actually makes sense

>> No.6612601

15100 before deductions
3100 after.

Also >>6612388

>> No.6612603

I'm only here for the Touhou and got 11500.

Your chart needs work.

>> No.6612647

+500 Know what manga is
+1000 Translated manga for the masses.
+1500 Played Disgaea/watch anime.
+2000 Know Momusu/Play eroge.
+2500 Can write in kanji all Musume's surnames, former and current.
+3000 learnt Japanese to play eroge.
-3000 Han master race.

= 7500 point. This survey is bullshit. No extra points for browsing/posting on 2ch?
