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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 400x300, touhou_kome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6604012 No.6604012 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys, I'm new to Touhou. Let me get this right, are all Touhous lesbians? I just got into it from a caramel dancing video on YouTube, how should I get into it more?

>> No.6604021
File: 297 KB, 1000x1000, 9313151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all Touhous lesbians
Yep. Go here:
Read anything that sounds interesting (except for the official works).

>> No.6604018

Do you want them to be lesbians? Then they are lesbians.
Do you want them to be cum-guzzling cock-craving whores? Then they are that.
Touhou appeal in two lines.

>> No.6604029

They're all lesbians except wriggle who is a man.
You should watch some fukkirete videos to get into it more, it's better than caramel dancing.

I hope you appreciate how painful it was for me to type that.

>> No.6604026

Play easy and come back to tell us what you have done

>> No.6604043

Is ZUN still making games? How come the fan drawings look better than his...

>> No.6604053

Sadly, yes. ZUN can't draw.

>> No.6604059

Rinno is my favourite lesbian

>> No.6604062

Which Touhou is the youngest? I must know.

>> No.6604066

>They're all lesbians except Rinnosuke and Unzan who are gay.

>> No.6604068

Only autistic faggots think so, OP.

Yuri and Lesbians are disgusting so obviously no Touhou girls are that,

>> No.6604078

Has anyone noticed that they get into fight so easily? I mean just look at 12.3, they are all jerk-asses.

>> No.6604083


Probably Marisa.

>> No.6604084
File: 459 KB, 586x729, ZUNstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN's art style is an acquired taste. Sure it might not be very good, but there is a unique charm to it.

>> No.6604092

>Yuri and Lesbians are disgusting so obviously no Touhou girls are that
>implying that no Touhou girls are disgusting

>> No.6604097

He released 2 games this year.

>> No.6604101

Do you all pirate his games or are they free anyway?

>> No.6604106

That one looks like Miku...

>> No.6604111

How did you all agree on a bust size when he's bad at drawing them?

>> No.6604115

You just have no taste. Or simply haven't drunk enough.

>> No.6604116

I bought the last two online, I could not find the older ones so I just pirated those.

>> No.6604136

Just looked at some game-play videos, looks fucking hard. Is it still hard in easy mode? How come I see no one use easy mode on YouTube? They're all just show offs.

>> No.6604141

So like what's the basic plot? They have to collect 7 chaos emeralds or something to save the world?

>> No.6604144

Touhou has no plot.

>> No.6604153
File: 67 KB, 233x256, Patchy_vtsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop that.

>> No.6604158

Why did /a/ and /v/ get mad at me when I tried to talk about it there? It seems to be a mix of both...

>> No.6604172

I'm surprised /jp/ didn't get mad at you either after
>I just got into it from a caramel dancing video on YouTube

>> No.6604175

If you download the games, there's a text file in the game folder you can read for plot. Otherwise, you can check the Touhou Wiki.

>> No.6604176

>Caramel Dancing

And so another secondary was born...

>> No.6604182


Because it belongs here. However, if you don't actually know anything about it... that kind of ...,won't work out, go play a couple of the games, read a bunch of stuff on Touhouwiki to familiarize yourself first. There's a lot to be said about Touhou, and so few to none here are going to bother to give a reader's digest version. Whatever you do, just don't become a secondary (aka someone who never plays the games, yet is still a huge Touhou fan).. their kind are shunned.

As for which game to start with, pretty much everyone would recommend any one from 6 up through 12. 11 and 12 are more difficult than the previous games though so be warned. If you have any semblance of google-fu you'll figure out everything else fine.

>> No.6604198

Anyone who likes caramelldansen so long after the fad died is alright in my book.

>> No.6604200

Don't ever play the games or look at any of the official materials. They are all shit. Stay part of the glorious secondary master race.

>> No.6604210

This thread is making me cry.
Stop making me cry, /jp/.

>> No.6604214

You have no idea how much I'd love /jp/ trolls switching to pretending to be secondaries instead of mocking them.

>> No.6604217

but /jp is already full of secondaries, no point in pretending to be something that's already there.

>> No.6604225

Despite this, secondary material rarely gets discussion. I believe only imposters would discuss it.

>> No.6604236

But I am a secondary.

>> No.6604244

>secondary material rarely gets discussion
what? doujin works rarely get discussion? Are you high or something?
I hope you aren't talking about fanfiction.

>> No.6604243

Sure you are. Nobody's going to believe such a weak protest.

>> No.6604247

I think Touhou looks more difficult than it really is to those who haven't tried playing it. When you're just watching someone play, you're not really looking at what the player would look at so it can look like a mess. When you start playing, I'd say it's definitely easier than it seems.

>> No.6604272

Wait, so being a secondary is good or bad...

>> No.6604271 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 338x280, Capturer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup', /jp/, I just saw this and the link is dead.
I already read EP7 in moon speak, but I'm rather curious about how they changed the epitaph, so could someone tell me the new version?

>> No.6604276

Being a secondary is very good. Secondaries are the true Touhou fans.

>> No.6604287

Touhou has a huge fanbase which involves a tremendous amount of fan created works including drawings, games, doujinshi, and music. Because of this, a huge amount of people who claim to like Touhou only really like fan created material and have never played a game. These are secondaries.

You decide if it's good or bad.

>> No.6604295


>> No.6604316
File: 20 KB, 128x256, Akyu_scorecrop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft. Primaries these days.

>> No.6604324

It's only easier than it seems because you know how to play from practice. When you're first starting out, pretty much everyone gets destroyed in short order. But then you can go back and stomp around the normal modes, and it's hard to remember what it was like to not be able to dodge the fairly well-spaced bullets.

>> No.6604327

They get mentioned. Almost never actually discussed.

And fanfiction and doujins are the same shit.

>> No.6604342

Which one has porn?

>> No.6604348

Both can have porn.

>> No.6604344


True human characters (Reimu, Marisa) are around 14-17 years old. Sanae and Sakuya seem to be that age, but Sanae is part goddess and Sakuya can manipulate time.

>> No.6604352

I've never heard anyone claim Sanae is older than she looks before. I like the idea, thanks.

>> No.6604376


Reimu and Marisa have been explicitly stated to be in their mid-teens, while Sanae is "probably" about the same age and Sakuya "appears" to be.

>> No.6604389




>> No.6604403

You're assuming god blood works like human blood. Anyway, she's a living goddess cause people worship her, the god blood doesn't come into that.

>> No.6604409

Question: Is Cirno strong?

>> No.6604412




>> No.6604414

How do you like it when I am assuming God blood works like human blood anon? I like those automatic blood pressure devices.

>> No.6604418

Amongst fairies, she is the strongest. She just often forgets the "amongst fairies" clause.

So, yes, she's strong, just not as strong as she thinks she is.

>> No.6604426

Amongst fairies, she is the strongeSt. She just often forgets the ';amongst fairies'; clause.

>> No.6604435

Shut up.

Gensokyo runs in real time. Assuming Reimu is 17 now, she would have to have been 9 by EoSD (and Marisa is/was even younger). So no. Assuming they were teenagers back then, they're in their twenties now.

Also, the youngest Touhou is Medicine, having been born shortly before the events of PoFV.

>> No.6604442


>> No.6604446


You shut your motherfucking mouth, little boy. You do not ever address me in that way, you ignorant fucking short bus resident.

I am GOD compared to you. You are worth less than dirt. You pay ME money, I don't pay YOU money. Talk like that again and I'll rip out all of your fucking teeth and shove a power drill in your throat.

>> No.6604447

I saw a lot of Touhous at another thread in /jp/ called the waifu thread, I'm guessing he misspelled wife. Anyways, how do i go about making one?

>> No.6604453

>internet tough guy
oh boy

>> No.6604457

the girl at >>6604316

>> No.6604458

>waifu thread, I'm guessing he misspelled wife

You are particularly amusing.

>> No.6604467


Oh, right, sorry. I forgot she has green hair because she stayed in a pool with too much chlorine for too long.

>> No.6604478
File: 245 KB, 618x850, 1291776365309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, clearly she inherited her green hair from the god she's descended from.

>> No.6604481

Why do they all have such unnatural hair colors anyways?

>> No.6604482

Suwako's symbol is the frog. Frogs are green. Sanae has green hair. coincidence? I think not

>> No.6604485

Like blonde, yeah.

Snakes are green too. And player 2's.

>> No.6604484

But look at Byakuren, she's only human and got gradient hair.

>> No.6604486

Wait...she was preggers?!

>> No.6604490

The gradient hair is the physical manifestation of the massive amount of youkai power she accepted into her body.

>> No.6604491
File: 29 KB, 251x219, 1276112412790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this thread makes me sad

Please stop it

>> No.6604492

>And player 2's.

>> No.6604502

Why is her head larger than usual...

>> No.6604510

She's full of herself.

>> No.6604524

Shit? Yeah.

>> No.6604527
File: 99 KB, 589x375, 1290805102962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make me laugh you silly anon

>> No.6604532

There should be no apostrophe there, obviously, but I've given up correcting my mistakes and typos ever since moot added this retarded delete delay.

>> No.6604538

Oh...your good...

>> No.6604547

That's actually a gray area. You can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6604575

Actually, now that you mention it I can't find the official reference to Sanae being Suwako's descendant. Where would that be?
It's somewhere related to SA, apparently, but I'm not seeing it.

>> No.6604587

At the margin, there always exist gray areas. That was uncalled for. Get the fuck out of /jp.

>> No.6604596





>> No.6604607

It's in Suwako's MoF profile:

>> No.6604615

>she wants to fuck.

>> No.6604618

Well then, he fell for the bate.

>> No.6604625
File: 17 KB, 263x272, 1241546146167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad? No, I'm not sad, just confused.

All these outrageous questions seem so... honest.

>> No.6604626

Prolly cuz normal fags, normalfags everywhere

>> No.6604650

You can impregnate Suwako, why the hell would you not be able to impregnate Sanae

>> No.6604699

Yukari, mistress of gray areas.

>> No.6605124

Can we turn this into a general thread for people new to Touhou?

I'm trying to do my first 1CC of PCB. This is the farthest I can get so far. I've been watching replays and practicing, but die too much at stages 4 and 5 every time. Am I doing something blatantly wrong, or is it just a matter of lacking practice?

Replay is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?8oj4dk9383y53hi
I would greatly appreciate any advice.
