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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6603659 No.6603659 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6603661


>> No.6603663

Even i have a fridge in my room, so?

>> No.6603666

I wish I could taste the beer he made. ;_;

>> No.6603669

Will my touhouing improve if i drink a few beers before playing?

>> No.6603671

The brass band was cool as fuck.

>> No.6603674

Yes, you may even see Gensokyo.

>> No.6603696
File: 124 KB, 624x411, ZUN cameo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say hi to ZUN for me..

>> No.6603715

Zun hates westerners.

>> No.6603733

90% of Japan is xenophobic, what else is new.

>> No.6603738

they're not xenophobic, they just don't want filthy and big gaijins looking and being better than them

smell monkey

>> No.6603755
File: 197 KB, 800x600, cdcba5b8a5e4877bf0b1543f21dcfe883b58a058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just jealous
protip:all animu/manga chars look european

>> No.6603762

They actually look like nothing on this planet.

IF you happen to find someone with ~uguu eyes.. or pink hair, call me.

>> No.6603763

>100% of the world is xenophobic

fix'ed for you

>> No.6603766

I'm not :3

>> No.6603787

you are on /jp/, of course you are
protip: it doesn't necessarily refer to foreigners in nationality only.

>> No.6603801
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>all animu/manga chars look european

>> No.6603804
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>They actually look like nothing on this planet.

Give me a break.

Japs hate whites and blacks yet they keep sticking random-ass black people and white people in their media.

It's like, who even needs this bullshit? If I wanted to read stories about random black people or random white people, I'd just read something from my own country.

>> No.6603809

Has it ever occured to you that those in charge of making anime/manga do not, in fact, HATE whites or blacks?

>> No.6603813
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Japs hate everything that isn't slanty-eyed. And I meant to post this random negress instead of Reisen.

They especially have beef with whites because of the whole Hiroshima+Nagasaki thing. I'm just glad there weren't any niggers on the Enola Gay or Bockscar bombers.

>> No.6603821


>> No.6603819

Sigh. You're not even worth arguing with.

>> No.6603824


I'm glad we agree that the japs are a hateful, insular, racist society.

>> No.6603825

>trying to argue with Arc

Nigga, you crazy

>> No.6603833

I still want to find that Japanese Prison documentary you mentioned awhile back, Arc

>> No.6603836


And you know what's even more hilarious? Japs even hate their own slanty-eyed brethren in China and Korea. That is fucking hilarious.

I'd like to put a Jap and a white neo-nazi in the same room to see who could out-hate each other.

>> No.6603837


I have to go out right now (LE GASP, calm down, I'm getting beer) but when I get back I will go look in Al-Jazeera's archives for it.

>> No.6603846

>Japs hate everything that isn't slanty-eyed.
Pretty sure it varies from person to person and hate also includes other slanty-eyes. Shouldn't this conversation be on /int/ instead?

>> No.6603859

I think what Arc means to say is the Japanese tend more towards xenophobia than most other peoples on account of the insular and homogeneous nature of their society and the importance placed on national pride and racial purity in their culture. Arc doesn't say this exactly because he is probably high.

>> No.6603871
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>> No.6603872

Actually they would get along just fine. Hitler said Japs were honorary Aryans and many Japs have a hard-on for nazi Germany.

>> No.6603884

These are the worst kind of threads. They do nothing but attract non-/jp/ goers and shitty crossboard posters.

>> No.6603891


Everyone has a hardon for nazi Germany.

>> No.6603899


>> No.6603927
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>> No.6605222 [DELETED] 


I agree that these threads are complete shit, but I think it's a good thing that we're acknowledging the hateful, xenophobic nature of the Japanese, unlike other less knowledgeable boards that genuinely believe the little slants like them and want them to be in their private space. On the other hand, we all know /jp/ hates Japan, so the status quo is still the same and you are absolutely correct in saying that these threads are unneeded.

Also, here is that tale of a Gaijin going to Jap Prison that I promised. It was actually not on Al_Jazeera at all, but Al_Jazeera DOES have an excellent story about Japanese capital punishment.


>> No.6605225
File: 239 KB, 361x600, 4863d63624251af1c861d04ebc26d314..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree that these threads are complete shit, but I think it's a good thing that we're acknowledging the hateful, xenophobic nature of the Japanese, unlike other less knowledgeable boards that genuinely believe the little slants like them and want them to be in their private space. On the other hand, we all know /jp/ hates Japan, so the status quo is still the same and you are absolutely correct in saying that these threads are unneeded.

Also, here is that tale of a Gaijin going to Jap Prison that I promised. It was actually not on Al_Jazeera at all, but Al_Jazeera DOES have an excellent story about Japanese capital punishment.

