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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 145 KB, 429x600, Marisa tripping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6602182 No.6602182 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday I was in Gensokyo.
I took 800mg of dextromethorphan, a whole bottle of 90 proof alcohol, and 5gs of really dank weed.
I SAW every inch of Gensokyo and woke up 3 days later with a lot of cum in my pants.

>> No.6602186

drugs are so edgy amirite brah rofl xf

>> No.6602190

Must have been a fun time.

>> No.6602193
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At least destroy your pathetic life tastefully you baby.

>> No.6602206

Just to clarify, nobody can die from second hand pot smoke, even infants,
it is theoretically impossible to OD pot,
and where did pot needles come from?
just saying.

>> No.6602212

That's silly, zun-sama is armed with the only power that even Suigin's aikido bows down to: the Power of God, aka Hoard of the Fandom. Just to clarify, nobody can die from second hand pot smoke, even infants.

>> No.6602218


hopy shit you got trolled so hard by the master anonymous trolls on /jp/

it is amazing how hard you just got trolled

>> No.6602224

I'm not saying "do it to be huurrrrr edgy dn urrrrr cewliez" I mean you all should bring yourselves on the brink of death.
It is life changing shit.

>> No.6602225
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I really hope you're a troll

or just really stupid

>> No.6602226

/jp/ more like /jmoralfags/ fucking newfags

>> No.6602227

You Joke

>> No.6602239
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>> No.6602240

Then notice the shape of the shadow and then, suddenly, whoa, she was fucking loaded, much moreso than any other character zun's ever drawn. Elephants like to sling mud as a practical joke.

>> No.6602242
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>> No.6602244
File: 370 KB, 999x1000, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mixing dxm and alcohol would give you a heart attack, get your shit out of here

>> No.6602247

Just don't want people having serious misunderstandings,
because people believe this stuff.

>> No.6602245

Not trolling, man. I fucking saw everything.

>> No.6602251

Anybody dumb enough to believe that deserves to die.

of pot inhalation

>> No.6602254

A human female can not be impregnated by a male youkai. People who live over 100 rarely mention material things as having given them quality of life.

>> No.6602258
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Die in a fire you cockjuggling scumbag. Don't lie about dextromethorphan.

>> No.6602275

/jp/ does drugs all the time.
What did you expect?

>> No.6602281


I expect for people to not lie about drugs to people undereducated in drugs for the purpose of making people like me sound fake.

>> No.6602282

My sister caught HIV from injecting Marijuana, don't let "pot" destroy your life.

>> No.6602287

do you know any methods to get to gensokyo other than drugs or lucid dreaming?;_;

>> No.6602289
File: 66 KB, 850x568, village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Gensokyo. I saw it, as I was down with a high fever.

It was one of those threams that left you feeling bitter and disappointed for waking up.

>> No.6602294

I have normal dreams about Gensokyo pretty much every day. I'm not sure why.

>> No.6602298

It's alright brother. I have them too all the time.

>> No.6602310

Love it when Gensokyo appears in my dreams/trips. I was sensing yokai the last time I shroomed.

>> No.6602330
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What are yours like? To me, it was dark, but the village was warmly lit, and I sort of floated down through the forest, and through the village with shapes around me that didn't look like they had any distinct characteristics in appearance, but which I just somehow identified as characters I knew. I remember no particular interaction happening between me and them or the surroundings, though, and the dream was over all too soon.

Now that I think of it, dreams that are emotionally significant enough to be remembered for this long really are rare. Hm. I wish I could have them more often.

>> No.6602332

>saw Gensokyo
>800mg of dextromethorphan
I wish DXM could actually do that.

>> No.6602335
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>> No.6602343

I've had so many that it would be hard to describe them all. Most of them involve the girls from UFO. It's sort of like I'm watching things happening without actually being there.

>> No.6602348
File: 50 KB, 400x600, You're On Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I think I've taken too much... help me...

>> No.6602365


I dont get it.

>> No.6602387
File: 61 KB, 567x992, marisasleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. This thread has inspired me. I shall go forth and... go back to sleep.

Cold days are best spent sleeping in.

>> No.6602388

A 4th plat DXM trip with alcohol is really deadly. Weed made me care less but I was about to die. Like REALLY close to death.
Gensokyo was right there. So fucking close.

>> No.6602393

You couldn't finish? Pussy

>> No.6602394

>4th plat
You must weigh about 60 lbs.

>> No.6602396
File: 81 KB, 453x573, 1291193438394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm browsing /jp/ with Reimu right now.

Jealous /jp/?

>> No.6602400

He is the little girl

>> No.6602426

I couldn't finish it because I couldn't move my arm to bring the drink to my mouth.
It felt too real. I could feel my hand being grabbed and I was doing this alone.

>> No.6602439

Yes I am jealous. I am sighing in disapproval of my current circumstances and posting this comment in an attempt at catharsis.

>> No.6602451

I had one dream about gensokyo: I was reading books and using computer in Patchoulis libary and learning spells. One of books had spells for summoning and I summoned some kind of scary worm (Im afraid of worms) then male version of Marisa came and saved me from that worm and later tried to learn me how to make my own danmaku spell pattern before leaving but I did cast it wrong and summoned worms that started to literaly rape me ;_; and I woke up...

>> No.6602454

I was in Gensokyo last night actually, just asked yukari to gap me there and she did it. long story short, walked into the "living room", Ran chanching Chens clothing, almost got skewered by Rans claw, Yukari was kind enough to gap me back before I got killed. Too bad she ahd a shit eating grin on her face when she said her goodbyes to me.

>> No.6602459
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>> No.6602470
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But boy did I get an eyefull of that pussy

>> No.6602468

I was in Yukari's world, dude.
Drugs fuck your mind and allow you to see things that the sober world isn't meant to see.

>> No.6603134

bump for best touhou thread

>> No.6603591


>> No.6605616

did you wake up at hospital or sobering-up station?

>> No.6605620

Let me tell you, this is a blatant lie.

Stop posting in this thread because it frustrates the soul out of me and it's just feeding this wannabe.

>> No.6605667
File: 147 KB, 850x755, village1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the thought of talking about Gensokyo dreams. But I guess you're right, not much came of it.

>> No.6605681

DXM isn't the sort of thing you do lightly. Shit can be horrifying unless you're careful (in a positive mindset/have no emotional baggage), it can easily lead to a horrifying trip. I watched my friend re-experience every traumatic event that ever happened to her, took her days to recover. Though on the other hand it can be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life.

If possible though you're better off getting your hands on some ketamine, it's very similar but mentally and physically safer.

>> No.6605704

Also, you won't tell me who, but it appears one of the girls is into the kinky business going on in the manga.

>> No.6605701

Or one can use holyseal, that has prettty much all of the trials/patches/etc for eroge.

>> No.6605722

>800mg of dextromethorphan
>5gs of really dank weed
>a whole bottle of 90 proof alcohol
(゚∩゚*) why would you do that?

>> No.6605747

>ketamine safer than dxm

Where did you hear that bullshit? If there's any difference, ketamine is more damaging to the body.

>> No.6605749

Respect for reason must exist. That was uncalled for. Reported for ';that feel'; bullshit.

>> No.6605760

You know what I mean, you'd be dead. This is a blatant lie and you never did it you're just attention whoring.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6605763

Oh God giant man killed you dead, living corpse doll forever. Don't ask me to explain it, just because it came to my attention. Get the fuck out of /jp.

>> No.6605766


>> No.6605781

DXM is a /jp/ related drug if there ever was one.

>> No.6605782

DXM is more damaging to the brain. In terms of neurotoxicity: PCP > DXM > K

K is the least neurotoxic of the big three dissociatives. And speaking from personal experience DXM has a much bigger bodyload, though that doesn't really prove anything.

>> No.6605794


Do you have a source? I'm not trying to win an internet argument here, i'm genuinely interested.

>> No.6605799

Pcp is one hell of a drug.

>> No.6605800

It's about as /jp/ related as anime.

>> No.6605807

>smoke pot
>get on /jp/
>kid pretends he did drugs

>> No.6605816
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>> No.6605826

Don't be retarded.

>> No.6605832

I don't, sorry. This is just "common knowledge" among drug forums and such if you look up the words "dxm", "ketamine", and "neurotoxicity" and I've never had any reason to doubt it - DXM certainly does feel more brain-damaging. Not trying to win an internet argument either, if you prove me wrong then that's cool.

>> No.6605843

Why do you willingly poison yourself?

You want to end up as a retard?

>> No.6605844
File: 217 KB, 400x1053, Girlsaretoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Kay bro.

>> No.6605864

So what does /jp/ recommend for one to visit Gensokyo?

>> No.6605866

As narc i say; go to hell.

>> No.6605888

I don't know, why do you put twinkies and tootsie rolls into your body? Why does everyone put physically addictive substances like nicotine and alcohol into their systems? I don't drink or smoke and I eat right and regularly exercise. I'm probably mentally and physically healthier than the average person, I just do drugs the government doesn't approve of on occasion.

>> No.6605917
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If you want to go to Gensokyo but get stuck chilling with the wildlife not giving a fuck, try shrooms. If you want to have a religious experience about Gensokyo try acid. If you want to die and spend a 1000 years in Gensokyo and then come back in 15 minutes try DMT.

>> No.6605924



Don't fuck with DXM or any of the garbage the teenagers on here talk about taking at their frat parties. I wouldn't even seriously suggest drugs to /jp/. If anyone is predisposed to having a psychotic episode, it is /jp/. I obviously include myself in that generalisation

>> No.6605935

otaku culture

>> No.6605943

>Don't fuck with DXM or any of the garbage the teenagers on here talk about taking at their frat parties.
>hey look I'm so edgy I even look down on popular drugs

>> No.6605955

This is what is left of /jp/ after only a week of no janitor?

>> No.6605956

Mushrooms tend to turn me into a lovecraftian entity for a few hours.

And wouldn't DMT be too reality altering for you to visit Gensokyo unless Gensokyo is actually a trip of a place and Zun just tones it down to make it more palatable for most people.

>> No.6605967

I had a dream I was in Gensokyo a while back. I took an old coal train to the city and in a high rise apartment, Eirin and Kaguya were playing that basketball arcade game where you have a lot of balls to throw and the basket moves.

I beat up Eirin and got the Hourai elixir, so I took the elevator downstairs to the subway station where me and Marisa made Kebabs and drank the elixir out of the same straw. A hourai elixir kiss.

Funny enough, the forest Eintei is in is a skyscraper forest, not bamboo.

>> No.6605970
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1223477609410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right!

This thread is taking up space that could be better used by a "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" thread.

>> No.6605979

Actually, as a psychonaut whose seen a lot of shit, /jp/ is surprisingly sane. It's natural to turn inward when everything outside is deteriorating. Truly, in the postmodern age of false gods, authenticity can only be found when one strives to construct one's own. Nobody is as self-conscious as /jp/ when it comes to the metaphysical implications of cultural consumption.
