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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6600483 No.6600483 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ like clannad?

>> No.6600487

some of us do.
some of us don't.
I do.

>> No.6600489

I could never finish it.

>> No.6600494

Opinions vary, it's still highly rated.

>> No.6600497
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Clannad is life

>> No.6600499

does /b/ like tits?

>> No.6600501
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If I'm going to spend 90 hours on something it sure as hell won't be moeblobs

>> No.6600503

yes sir, yes yes forever yes.

>> No.6600505
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I hated the main character. If it hadn't been that she was the main girl and official end I would have liked it.

>> No.6600508

I love it.

>> No.6600509

Are you trying to be ironic here?

>> No.6600514


Life's a bitch aint it? If only Kyou was the main character...

>> No.6600518
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Forever my waifu.

>> No.6600521

Personally, I don't give a shit. But I don't speak for /jp/ in any way. I'll be back to reading the Iliad.

>> No.6600527

I would have hated it, fucking tsundere bullshit. I'd rather watch toradora.

>> No.6600532

You better read it in its original language or it isn't worth a shit.

>> No.6600533


But, but the hair. The beautiful hair

>> No.6600537

At least it wasn't Tomoyo, her after storyu is one of the worst dramas I've read.

>> No.6600540
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I like the way yoy think.

>> No.6600545

Clannad was one of the first VN I read in moonspeak and I remember really liking it back then.
It was pretty easy to read too.

>> No.6600546

It's shit

>> No.6600552

are you me? fucking agreed... it was like a cheap copy of "50 first dates" only 100000 times worse.

>> No.6600563
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My favorite part of the VN is that one when ushio and tomoya are in the train and he starts talking about his late wife... I bawww'd like a bitch.
should I watch the anime?

>> No.6600566

The trip with Ushio is really well done in the anime. You should at least watch that.

>> No.6600579

No one sane would like Tomoyo after (tomoyofags that like it are definetly NOT sane).
The tumor, the operations and all that shit.
The VERY definition of forced drama, really, it had no sesne of pacing at the end.

>> No.6600585

Cockroach is shit.
People die when they are killed.
I signed up for real deal drama, not some dragonball bullshit.

>> No.6600596

>not some dragonball bullshit.
1. read the novel
2. go back to /a/, since it's obvious you belong there judging by your comments.

>> No.6600602

It's like I'm really on early 2009 /a/

>> No.6600604
File: 27 KB, 300x225, Ushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt even watch the anime.
Perhaps you are the one that should go back there?
Clannad ended here.

>> No.6600610

There were dragonballs, not light orbs.
Fuck off.

>> No.6600612


Well maybe I like forced drama.


>> No.6600613

Yes, but not nagisa.

Purposely I never went to talk to Nagisa after the very first scene. And I always make different choices. And in the end it really is stupid how KEY made her the protagonist because when I stop seeing her from the very beginning in the novel itself, mostly all other routes lead to BAD ENDINGS. Fuck nagisa.

I will mention the reason why I hate her. All I will say is that she is uninteresting and far worse than any other character in the Clannad world.

Pic related, that's how it should be.

>> No.6600622


I only liked the main character. I tried playing the other routes just to get to the after story, but I felt dirty ignoring Nagisa.

>> No.6600623

No. It's not worth the length at all.

Nagisa was the worse heroine I have ever seen in my life. She still makes me a little upset when I see her face to be honest.

I liked several of the other routes but when the whole thing is built up to after story and it sucks dick the whole thing just seems like shit.

>> No.6600627

How dare they not completely cater to your tastes

>> No.6600632
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>> No.6600639

I will never understand the Nagisa hate.
She is a really endearing character who actually develop quite a bit and pretty believably.
She is a good character and bring some of the best side characters with her

>> No.6600641

Still the best VN I read.

>> No.6600645

Not to mention the anime was horrible like every other recreated from a novel itself.

>> No.6600646
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Years later and Kyou fans are still asspained.

>> No.6600650
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I'll tell you why I hated her was because she has 0 self confidence and relies heavily on her friends to justify her existence. I HATE girls like that. I dated a girl like that once and couldn't stand the idea of having to reinforce her horrible self esteem for her entire life.


>> No.6600654

Shuffle disagrees.
It was actually entertaining.

>> No.6600657

She changed throughout the story in case you didn't notice.

>> No.6600659

Yo missed Nagisa's development or something?
She learns to be strong on her own.
She even wants to give birth at home knowing she could die.

>> No.6600661


Wonderful argument Anon. That's one of the main reasons.

>> No.6600663

Her whole route was basically about her getting confidence and standing on her own feet.
By the end she was basically the one pushing Tomoya.

>> No.6600664

It's shit.

>> No.6600665

sunohara and nasisas mother and father where the only reasons to read it, also the only time i cried was with toyomas father.

>> No.6600668

Nagisa was way too much of a wish-fulfillment character.
That says a ton coming from a medium in which pretty much all the characters are wish-fulfillment.
She's meant to be the cute and innocent Nagisa.
The Nagisa so weak you want to protect her.
I'd rather let her die.

>> No.6600669

It's awesome

>> No.6600674



herpdy derp

>> No.6600675
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Shuffle! was great up until the end of episode 10 when Rin chose Lisianthus. In episode 11 it stopped making any sense whatsoever ... Lisianthus who?

Terrible writing was terrible writing. I watched the anime first and didn't even realize Asa was a main character and love interest, I thought MAYUMI was a main girl for god's sake until suddenly the writers pulled Asa out of their asses in episode 17 or 18 and had her win?

Fucking bullshit anime.

>> No.6600676

>The Nagisa so weak you want to protect her.
and yet she's stronger than any other girl.

>> No.6600680
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Best VN I have ever read. Also the best anime I have ever seen. I cried like a bitch during the both ;__;

>> No.6600681

I quit WAY before then and there's no fucking way I'm going back to watch a wishy washy retard learn to be less wishy washy. She was shit from the beginning and I'm not putting up with that.

>> No.6600684

No, she isn't fucking Aeka or something.
Heck in the game she is basically the one who help Tomoya rather than the reverse, she is even the one who basically wear the pants in the relationship, stop pushing your false view.

>> No.6600685
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Sunohara is a friend to die for. One of the best male characters overall.

I cried so hard on his route. And it sure wasn't a single time.

>> No.6600687

>call something shit
>don't actually read it

>> No.6600688

the anime at least gave something to all the girls and made them a bit interesting
>the writers pulled Asa out of their asses in episode 17 or 18 and had her win?
This was to turn the second most boring character in the whole Visual Novel, Kaede, iunto one of the best parts of the show.
the VN was utterly generic, with extremely boring and badly paced routes and many forgettable characters with horrid development.
The anime was more enjoyable and at least the characters had some personlity instead of being blank archetypes.

>> No.6600691

>False view
I could say the same thing back asshole. You have no real argument.
Oh she helped Tomoya a bit?
Doesn't change the fact that everything about her was made out to be cute and innocent.
Even the way she talked holy shit.

>> No.6600697

Airhead & retard moe is one of the worst trait ever conceive by the nips.
I have no idea why they lap it like it is gold.

>> No.6600699
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One of the best visual novels I've read.

>> No.6600701

No, the anime was shit. The only people who disagree were Asafags who can't see how shit it was for "OH GOD ASA!"

>> No.6600710


You even admitted you didn't read it, so why are you arguing?

>> No.6600712
File: 360 KB, 574x800, 452_6509_db2cefd0ff81a09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you.

If you didn't cry during the climax of Kotomi's route you have no soul.

The strength of Clannad was that it relied more on happy tears rather than pure drama, if you look at it the game is surprisingly uplifting and the real drama really only take a small place.
Also it has so many routes that focus on many different things than everyone could find something they like.

>> No.6600714

I read enough to know that what I read was shit. I'm not going to keep watching some dumb ass chick I hate with a passion win in the end. I got through Fuko's route, got Ryou's 'bad end' and quit. There was nothing left for me to do.

>> No.6600717

If the anime was shit the VN was even worse.
And way to try to refute ANY of my points, and just call it shit.

>> No.6600723

I'm a different guy actually.

>> No.6600726

She talks pretty normally.
She is just someone polite but holy shit these kind of people can't fucking exist right?

>> No.6600728
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Nagisa is olev... If I didn't have a waifu already, she would be mine.

>> No.6600729
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>> No.6600739

>Oh she helped Tomoya a bit?

But did you really read it?

>> No.6600748

She's not just polite. She's extremely polite even when talking with good friends and family.
I've certainly never met anyone that talked like that all the time.
Anyone the point is she talked like that because it makes her sound more cute and innocent.

>> No.6600749

I would absolutely love to try it out, but when I searched for it I could only find the anime. The anime was OK, but the VN is always better

>> No.6600751

i happen to love clannad

>> No.6600761

Nagisa's route made it clear than the one who was truly being "saved" was Tomoya.

As for Clannad I liked how it was full of little hidden things.
Like the game you play with Sunohara with ninja attacking the president, or the laser tag game.
Or the hidden Fuuko hijack in Tomoyo's route, or the alternate way to do Fuuko's route while dating Nagisa.
It's full of things like this.

>> No.6600762
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I love Clannad, and even more so Nagisa.

>> No.6600770

Japan has a thing named Keigo.
Being polite like this isn't unusual there.

>> No.6600778
File: 116 KB, 850x684, sample-4620a0a0a968da18c376230b6857dde3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lady right here, is one of the strongest characters I've ever seen. You know what I mean.
She really grows on you, I could never fap to her.

>> No.6600781

Well I could point out that she was the only one given this pattern of speech along with all of the other cutesy traits but people who like Nagisa think she was supposed to be a really strong character or something.

>> No.6600789
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>> No.6600791

Politefobic detected.

>> No.6600792

You want me to refute your points? Fine.

They ruined Urasia/Kikyo's character, made her into a total bitch that used blackmail to force Rin into ditching Asa. If you hadn't known Kikyo from the VN she would be the biggest bitch of all time.

They ruined Kaede's route COMPLETELY which was about forgiveness and getting over the past. Instead they made Rin look like an asshole who couldn't realize that the girl he was living with was in serious anguish and suffering a mental breakdown.

They completely ruined ASA for making her steal Rin away from Kaede AND ACT LIKE SHE HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE'D DONE which shows she's either dumb as a rock or a horrible backstabbing bitch who enjoys watching her friends suffer.

Nerine was completely shelved and became less than a side character.

Primula's route, the best in the game, was completely changed to make little sense and SUCK. If she gains emotions she'll lose control of her magic and destroy the world? WHAT THE FUCK?

They seriously pulled shit out of their asses, ruined several characters, and made an anime that could have been good and turned it into shit with plotholes and blatant lack of logic.

>> No.6600799

I can't care for mentally stable people who do things that end up killing them.

>> No.6600802

Oh and, what the fuck was "I don't want to make my mother sad so I'll just die?"


>> No.6600804

The problem with Shuffle is it wasn't that good to begin with as a VN.
The anime made it interesting a little bit.

>> No.6600805

Sanae talked just like Nagisa you know?

>> No.6600809

That ass is one of the great treasures of Gensokyo.

>> No.6600811
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But she is, why are you so butthurt and who are you trying to kid?.

>> No.6600826
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anyone read the mango? scanlations have stopped though.

>> No.6600835
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how would I describe clannad:
It's not the best story.
They're not the best characters.
But it's the strongest love.

>> No.6600850


>> No.6600856
File: 216 KB, 856x1200, CLANNAD42_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I was following it... It's been months since a chapter got translated ;_;
Now all I have is a bunch of raws.
>capcha: nagica care

>> No.6600860

>Nagisa is a really strong character!
Blind stupidity =/= strength

>> No.6600863

That's the beauty of touhou H-doujinshi : most of the times, I end up fapping to someone I have never cared about and suddenly she becomes one of my favorite characters.

>> No.6600876

Nagisa's voice in this scene gave me an orgasm.

>> No.6600898
File: 22 KB, 455x500, tosiyoridango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 you're not even trying and you seem mad.

>> No.6600902

somebody please translate, I'm dying here...

>> No.6600912

anyone got his CLANNAD・ポスターカレンダー2011 yet?
I need scans.

>> No.6600916

It's not moon, sorry but I don't understand these runes.

>> No.6600922

just say fucking poster calendar
dont have to prove youre a weeaboo anymore.

>> No.6600925

How is 渚 pronounced in Chinese?

>> No.6600926
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I'm ok with this

>> No.6600931


>> No.6600932

Why would I? I'm not the one with a waifu who killed herself.

>> No.6600937

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.6600949

I ain't even mad.

>> No.6603025
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>> No.6603272


I kind of felt this way a bit, but I would have felt bad for Nagisa if she wasn't the main. All the other girls seemed to get on fine on their own.

>> No.6603322

I'm Asian
I've had assorted wallpapers featuring my waifu
My mom has asked me more than once, "Your wallpaper is so girly. Aren't you embarrassed?"

>> No.6603337

Tomoya and Nagisa were so beautiful together, i dont understand people who think Tomoyo or any other girl route was better, Tomoya shows so much love for Nagisa, more than for Tomoyo or Kyou. They were meant to be together, their love was so powerful and touching and pure at the same time. Bawwww.

>> No.6603339

You slap her shit after that?

>> No.6603342

This must be like the third time I've seen this supposed "asian custom", I suspect you're always the same person who's been told a white lie from your parents or something.

>> No.6603386

She pays for my education so no.

>> No.6603640

I will never fucking understand how people can hate Nagisa, a sweet and endearing character who matures and grows to stand up on her own two feet by herself and cares so much about others, and prefer a tsundere who the only thing she can do is to hit people with dictionaries.

Also, on Shuffle, anime made Kaede better, but I hate Asa, and Lisianthus was much better for Rin imo.

>> No.6603656

Also, Tomoya and Nagisa had a wonderful relationship. They are meant for each other, Tomoya helped Nagisa grow as a person, and Nagisa pushed him forward from the low place in life he felt he was at. I also don't see how people think Tomoyo and him had chemistry, and the only girl who even comes close to having such a nice relationship with him is Kotomi, and even so, Nagisa was far better for him.

>> No.6603670

>They ruined Urasia/Kikyo's character, made her into a total bitch that used blackmail to force Rin into ditching Asa. If you hadn't known Kikyo from the VN she would be the biggest bitch of all time.
You mean she turned into an interesting character and gave Sia an actual personality in contrast to the VN?
Because VN Sia was dull as hell, at least you had something entertaining in the anime from her
>They ruined Kaede's route COMPLETELY which was about forgiveness and getting over the past. Instead they made Rin look like an asshole who couldn't realize that the girl he was living with was in serious anguish and suffering a mental breakdown.
aede was an obsessive retard that even asked Asa to be by Rin's side forever in Asa0s route. The anime just pushed her a bit and you got a genuinely inetersting character
>They completely ruined ASA for making her steal Rin away from Kaede AND ACT LIKE SHE HAD NO IDEA WHAT SHE'D DONE which shows she's either dumb as a rock or a horrible backstabbing bitch who enjoys watching her friends suffer.
It was the first and she acted according to the kind of personlity she had in the VN before she started being slutty with Rin
>Nerine was completely shelved and became less than a side character.
This couldn't be avoided when you have so many characters
>Primula's route, the best in the game, was completely changed to make little sense and SUCK. If she gains emotions she'll lose control of her magic and destroy the world? WHAT THE FUCK?
Makes more sense than
>the most dangerous homunculus
>lolhealed by the power of love
that also happened in her route.
>They seriously pulled shit out of their assestaht made it more interesting
>ruined several characters
more like make them actually inteersting instead of retarded archetypes
>and made an anime that could have been good and turned it into shit with plotholes and blatant lack of logic.
You are acting on the premise that Shuffle was good.

>> No.6603676

this thread is for clannad so fuck off shufflefags.

with that said, I love clannad. i read the visual novel first, then watched the 2 seasons of the anime, then finished the visual novel after story.
cried at both versions of after story of course.

they should've kept the ending like the movie did, the whole light orbs just doesn't work in an anime, just makes it look shitty quick-fix ending. i love how in the illusionary world the things that were happening there was kind of like metaphors for things that were going to happen to tomoya in the future. (burying the robot, only having the girl there, it started snowing once tomoya became depressed and other things)

>> No.6603683

also, i've only seen he anime and movie of air since I don't read moon, but holy shit what a shit story. the guy treats her like some kid he has to babysit throughout the whole thing then magically 'lol i loev you i cannot leave you'' and misuzu becomes a retard for no real reason, made me so pissed off watching it. key has improved since air in my opinion.

>> No.6603700

I was ignoring this thread because what more can you say about Clannad, and I almost missed this gem.
You're defending Shuffle the VN? And trashing the anime at the same time?
Haha, oh wow.
/jp/ - Delusions/General

>> No.6603704

Best anime I ever watched.

10/10 would watch again.

>> No.6603904


Kyou > * > Cockroach

Nothing against cockroach, but her end is forced. She's boring to boot as well.


Kaede > Sia > * > Asa

Nearly all of the females in Shuffle were mediocre, but Kaede's yandere tendencies made up for her mediocrity.

>> No.6603953

Did it cross your mind that perhaps the sudden jump from one end of the spectrum to the other could be attributed to the fact that they condensed the story into an anime that is approximately a tenth as long as the original VN? And then the movie condenses it even further. Don't talk shit about Air because you watched a shitty adaptation.
