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6597858 No.6597858 [Reply] [Original]

Alright so I looked and didn't see a thread for 999. I'm only here to ask a question but if an interest rises again then we can make this a 999 general.

So I beat the True End silly sudoku was silly and escaped Building Q but I have a few questions.

1. If there were no detonators in the watch like Junpei said, how did Kubata die? I assume only he had one in his watch so that Hongou was presented the opportunity and ability to kill him like Nijisaki and whatever the last guys name was.

2. Why did Seven lie about Akane's death? Or was it that he HADN'T lied and time corrected itself in all present environments excluding Junpei, thus Seven is smirking because he thinks he lied?

3. Can someone expand on the relation of Akane becoming June? Junpei merely made it sound like Akane died and thus June was born because he saved her. I'm a bit confused on this one.

4. And finally, Was that fucking Alice at the end? What the fuck is going on with this? I don't even have any conjectures as to what is going on here or how this happened. They aren't on the Gigantic and Hongou's team made Building Q to emulate the Gigantic so that would mean that they would to have found her at some point. Yet Houngou refutes this by saying he only found the herb he created Soporil with. How the fuck did she get there? I understand how's she alive no need to explain that, but seriously how the fuck did she get to Nevada?

Overall I'm extremely pleased with the game but the ending felt extremely cliffhanger. I enjoyed the Ideas behind the morphogenetic field a lot though. Makes me question a lot. I reccomend the game to anybody with free time. The puzzles -are- a bit too easy though. Personally it was only just enough to tickle my brain.

I wish we got more Clover though. Lovable psycho (yan?)dere girls are right up my alley.

>> No.6597869 [DELETED] 

1. I think only the ones that deserves to die gets a small bomb in their stomach, probably only the 4 of them.[/spoiler[

2. No idea about this one, perhaps he already guessed who Zero was and wanted to help.

3. Isn't Akane always June and Zero. She is always alive until Junpei fails to do the Sudoku, and if that happens she wouldn't be able to solve the Sudoku puzzle 9 years ago and thus disappear like in the Safe End.

4. No one knows, probably there to mess with our brains.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it's been sometime since I completed the game.

>> No.6597872

1. I think only the ones that deserves to die gets a small bomb in their stomach, probably only the 4 of them.

2. No idea about this one, perhaps he already guessed who Zero was and wanted to help.

3. Isn't Akane always June and Zero. She is always alive until Junpei fails to do the Sudoku, and if that happens she wouldn't be able to solve the Sudoku puzzle 9 years ago and thus disappear like in the Safe End.

4. No one knows, probably there to mess with our brains.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it's been sometime since I completed the game.

>> No.6597873

Also if someone has a link to all the easymodo threads for the old generals I'd greatly appreciate that.

>> No.6597875

discussion hint: read a real fucking book

>> No.6597876


>> No.6597890

Regarding Alice, the writer has said that it definitely is Alice there and that she 'is there for a reason', but won't say why.

So, who knows? She has nothing to do with the actual story, anyway. It's probably just a sequel setup or something.

Seven was in on the plan with Santa and June, and was lying about his amnesia and saying that Akane died.

Akane is always June and always Zero. She survived the explosion, but only with Junpei's help. If you take any path but the right one, her fever gets worse and she disappears at the end of the game due to a paradox.

>> No.6597919

Different theory regarding Seven: He is as much as not in the known, similar to Snake. His amnesia is caused by paradox; in any route but true end like in [2] and safe end, the past and his memory get rewritten to the fact that Akane died (like Santa being sad at [6] but, that's not faked). In true end his memory get corrected to otherwise, and that's why the smirk.

>> No.6597944

Jesus christ, not this thread again.

>> No.6597946

Is that an erotic novel?

>> No.6597955

Did anyone else order this from axelmusic? They said that it's back ordered and I'll have to wait for it to come into stock. Feels bad, man.

>> No.6598001


It's a stable time loop. June set everything up to match with her memory. The alternate endings never existed because they would cause a paradox. However, Akane was able to view them and derive information because she was in the past. In the past, the future is not set in stone and can branch. Seven was in on it. Alice was just there for fun. It was a very light hearted ending.

>> No.6598177

Despite two got popped while one got axed? No matter who actually did it first-hand, isn't Zero still commit those murders?

>> No.6598195


1. If you read the letter at the safe end, it is implied that only 4 of them have small bombs in their body
2. Because Akane is trying to react the scene that she saw 9years ago.
3. Akane = June = Zero. Akane is the You of 999. Just like You was creating the same scenario in 2017 to summon Blick Winkle, Akane is recreating the scene that she saw 9years ago to save herself.
4. No idea, seems like a joke/teaser that the devs left in there. I believe that she is just another Las Vegas tripper.

>> No.6598208

3. You mean "You was creating the same scenario in 2034" since the first accident is at 2017.

>> No.6598214

Yup yup. Thanks for correcting me.

>> No.6599058

So I have a question, it's about doors 3, 7 and 8.

Was it ever explained that who put the metal components back into the RED? We all know it might be Ace, Santa or Clover (Snake can't see shit) since they've played the Nonary Game, but is it physically possible to reactivate the RED, kidnap Snake,swap his clothes and then put his replacement into the room? All that had to be done while Ace was retrieving Bracelet 9 and the knife. Does this have an explanation?

If I remember correctly Akane was with Junpei during all those time.

>> No.6599144
File: 18 KB, 256x384, theonlypuzzleidonthave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already finished the game and gotten all of the endings except for the coffin ending, because I got the safe ending before the June ending.

However, I'm missing one of the puzzles. I really have no idea which puzzle it could be. Would one of you kind anons with a complete game please take a look and tell me which one I've missed? Thanks.

>> No.6599411


Ace said he did it in the Safe Ending.

>> No.6599441

Did you miss Room 3? I think you can miss that one and still get all the endings.

>> No.6599939

Yep, that's the Shower Room puzzle. Take door 3 whenever you have the opportunity (Santa tells you to choose between the three doors in the hospital room and if you choose Door 3 twice you enter it, this might require going through a Sub Ending again.

Also, I can't even look at/do the cargo room puzzle without searching Junpei's card multiple times. "...I want to eat it."

>> No.6600986


Yep. June isn't as pure as we were led to believe. I think she was legitimately freaked out by Ace actually going to murder those people though. She gave him other options in the slim chance that a "perfect" scenario where everyone lives and she gets saved in the past exists. Alas no dice. Since she's an accessory to murder and kidnapping, both her and Santa ran away. She probably thinks Junpei hates her. He doesn't, and the rest of the group probably don't either. Lotus is still gonna slap her shit though.

>> No.6601039

Is there a gif or something June's blushing animation. I could watch that shit all day.

>> No.6601050

Doesn't it tell you which door the puzzle is behind if you select the empty space? I remember there being big 9s on on the top screen for the final two puzzles before I beat it.

>> No.6601661
File: 144 KB, 127x217, clover2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6603627

do you have a rar of the ripped animations? if so, please post it here

>> No.6603635

Oh my god she's so cute

Every time this happened I wanted a replay button

>> No.6603637

Oh shit, not this thread again.

>> No.6603879

nope, just that one. it took me few hours to manually assemble that one animation from the game's files.

the ds's screen height was smaller, so parts of the animation were always off screen.

>> No.6603886

>it took me few hours

Thanks a lot.

>> No.6603997

You're my hero. Thank you so much. I appreciate the work.

>> No.6604007
File: 52 KB, 473x335, aceventura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing a few days ago. My face when COFFIN END

>> No.6604019
File: 15 KB, 260x240, 109koffing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when KOFFING END

>> No.6605056

You are a true man.

>> No.6605097

Okay, I have a question:

If June/Zero only disappears in the bad endings due to the effects of the time paradox, why does she disappear in the True Ending as well?

Furthermore, if she disappeared, how is she riding across the Nevada desert with Santa in the ending? This confuses me.

Good game overall, but it would have been a lot better if I wasn't familiar with Ever17 already.
