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File: 4 KB, 250x96, unemployable-wht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6595893 No.6595893 [Reply] [Original]

I just went to an interview. They kicked me ins the ass. Feels bad being unemployable.

>> No.6595897

What happened?

>> No.6595900

Feels like I spoke to OP recently

>> No.6595911

I expected nothing less from you anon

>> No.6595932

I just gave an interview, there was this buttugly, smelly lardass loser - never gave him a chance, I'm only hiring promising people by principle.

>> No.6595948

I saw a smartly dressed, well-groomed young man walk into an office for an interview. It's a pity that the boss's cousin was also applying.

>> No.6595976

Start your own business.

>> No.6595985

fuck employment, acquire touhous

>> No.6596008

disregard employment, acquire welfare

>> No.6596022
File: 200 KB, 600x680, 12829-8e301487e3d4de24c8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on unemployment. Make your government work for YOU!

Enjoy a life of hedonistic pleasures.

>> No.6596033

I live in Mexico, government will just kick my ass too.

>> No.6596108

You must be borderline retarded then. WHere did you apply?

>> No.6596150

you can't be unemployable you just need to know the right people, social networking my friend and i don't mean Facebook

>> No.6596152

SAT, they manage the taxes.

>> No.6596162

Why would you want a job anyway?

>> No.6596157

damn, there is no hope

>> No.6596166

To buy things.

>> No.6596175

>social networking
Get out of /jp/

>> No.6596176


That happened to me quite a few times when I was in my 20s.

>> No.6596184

My mother isn't immortal.

>> No.6596185

Like what?

>> No.6596190

like touhous and dolls
and a big harddrive so I can store all my pictures and 2D porn

>> No.6596197


No, I think what he says has some merit...and I think by
'social networking' he means professional contacts via linkedin and such, which isn't really 'social' in the farcebook sense.

>> No.6596208

In order to have professional contacts to have to have previous work experience

>> No.6596225


Don't feel bad, OP. Just the fact that you're out there is a step in the right direction.

Don't let our fellow /jp/sies throw you off. Being employed is WAY BETTER than being NEET. Once you figure out how to deal with the normalfags, the benefits far outweigh the detriment. In fact, I appreciate my bedroom so much more after I've been forced out of it for a few hours.

That said, if you can find a way to make money from the computer that is INFINITELY preferable.

Good luck!

>> No.6596247

My mother has contacts, she works in the goverment. When I tryed to get a job there I failed the spelling test.

She helped her secretary (who studied in law school) to get a job. In return, the father of his secretary who is a leader of trade union promised to find me a job.

I got this interview because of him, but the dude who interviewed me say there was a mistake, they needed that I being a college graduate (I'm 24 and I'm still a student, the secretary of my mother was my classmate in high school).

>> No.6596258

>they needed that I being
I believe your story.

>> No.6596263

Well, I'm a little better with spanish than english...

>> No.6596264

Are you serious? Employment is like being in kindergarten again. You have
-faggots telling you how to dress and how to act
-telling you when you may eat or go to the bathroom or answer a call
-constantly giving you pointless busy work
-always expecting stupid reports that they won't actually even read/listen to
-retarded smelly kids bugging you about their stupid problems and wanting to tell you about their cats and shit

See? Just like kindergarten, except with no naptime, and instead of the teacher praising you for everything you do it's your boss bitching at you.

Work is basically hell, the ONLY benefit is the money. Which, depending on how much you earn, can be quite a benefit.

>> No.6596284

i use my breaks for naptime
don't get much napping done in 10 minutes though
sometimes i'd use part of my lunch to sleep and then eat my food really fast

>> No.6596299


Actually, I couldn't agree with you more about EVERYTHING you posted.

I just like being able to buy figures and food and shit. Some people can hack a mean existence. I did for a while. It got to the point where my anxiety about food and shelter started to outweigh my social anxiety.

Like I told OP, if you can figure out a way to make money on your own or better yet from the comfort of your own home that is the way to go.

>> No.6596310
File: 530 KB, 800x1141, 1287890325821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an interview right out of college 6 months ago
>do well
>second interview the very next day
>do well
>lady calls, says "they really like me"
>sets up third interview a few days later
>a bit tougher, but I think I did OK
>no further calls
>receive rejection letter in the mail a week later

haven't applied anywhere since.
student loans kicked in this month but I should survive.

>> No.6596314

Getting rejected sucks dick.
I know I'm not going to get a job when I graduate and it sucks because I'm just terrible with interviews.

>> No.6596338


Not as big a deal as what you can actually do.

>Uh... yeah... we'll get back to you.

>Ah, great, when can yo-
>ALSO I MASTURBATE TO DRAWINGS OF LITTLE GIRLS (shitshitshitshitshitshitshitwhydidisaythat)
>Uh... but you CAN program computers?
>When can you start?

Once upon a time, being able to turn metal into weapons was hot shit.

>> No.6596341

>>turn metal into weapons


>> No.6596343

would they still hire you if it wasn't just drawings

>> No.6596345

Some people can actually get pretty cool jobs. Or at least something they like.

But with this economy it's hard to do so, hell it's hard to find just about anything.

I just hate being in a culture that seems to think work should dominate every aspect of your life, including outside of work.

Even though I'd rather not move there, I admire some European countries for having less hours and giving more vacation time on average.

>> No.6596349


I didn't until you pointed it out. Good call.


I'd hold off on that for a few months. You might get lucky, though. Mail clerks use to be "I could go for a childfuck right about now" in the 1800's.

>> No.6596357

My first and only job I got because my friend's dad was the vice president. I fucked up and ended up quiting, so my only experience working was pretty bad. I'm living on grants scholarships at the moment, dunno what I'm gonna do after that.

>> No.6596360

If you were applying somewhere in Eastern Europe they would hire you right away.

>> No.6596361
File: 69 KB, 720x480, 093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apply for janitorial job because I'm desperate.
>Get interview.
>Told my store manager in interview that the position and shift, which they specifically mentioned in the job posting, was outsourced to some company full of Mexicans who can't speak English
>Make stupid comment
>Manager laughs and gives me the job anyway.
>Spend several hours dusting shit and dealing badly with customers who ask me questions that I don't know the answers to.

I don't know what the fuck.

>> No.6596366

Go to college
drop out because of lack of money
work fast food, delivery and other shit part time jobs for 6 years and living with parents
Get hired by state agency because of excellent references from my employers despite being shitty jobs.
Paying into retirement, renting my own place, looking at getting wheels, but still no girlfriend.
Still on /jp/ where my full sob story when I didn't have this job caused someone here to say "Holy shit Anon. :("

>> No.6596374

doesn't mean shit if it's not greentext

>> No.6596375

protip for interviewing: i screen applicants by resume/cover letter to weed out obvious retards: frat boys, religious freaks, people with douchebag hobbies, people who can't put a one-page resume together despite having basically unlimited time

when you come into the interview, you basically have the job--i'm not interested in your technical skills, education, grades (lol), etc. i already know what i need to know, or i would ask before you arrive

what i am really interested in is assessing whether i can stand working with you every day. the job is yours to lose--eyes down and whispering, interrupting/talking over me constantly, visible piercings/tattoos, sounding like a pompous ass

you just need to fake being normal and you're in. if you can strike up a casual conversation on demand, you've got the job (unless an asian girl with big tits applies)

>> No.6596378

>sets up third interview a few days later
>a bit tougher, but I think I did OK
>no further calls
>receive rejection letter in the mail a week later



>> No.6596379


Corporate managers are taught that they can only meet expenses if they hire Mexicans willing to work less than inflation says the job pays.

It turns out that Americans actually are willing to work minimum wage, which anyone being paid too much (read: anyone with any sort of executive decision-making power) doesn't realize.

Moreover, in many parts of the country, managers would prefer hiring American nationals to foreigners.

Our Congress is still astonished by this for some reason. Apparently, all Americans should be demanding so much money that no one will hire them.

>> No.6596387

Once the social security checks start rolling in, they don't stop unless you do something dumb, like notify anyone about her death.

>> No.6596386



>> No.6596384

So all large breasted Asian women need to die?

>> No.6596394

pretty much--they always make me regret it

>> No.6596399


They do.

You know how much fucking kids I get expecting that they're going to make at least $10 for an entry level job?

>> No.6596400

I've heard varying responses on this. Some that you should follow up and call again or send a letter (not sure what about exactly), then I've heard things like what this other faggot said above which is basically they already know if they want you or not, so don't fucking bug them and interrupt them.

>> No.6596401

Once upon a time, employees could walk down the street and get another $5-an-hour job (this was when $5/hr would get you a brand new Cadillac after six months of work).

But wait, employers would rather higher five Asians at 1/5th the cost with no expectations of benefits.

>> No.6596398

Lazy faggot. People should work every weekday of their lives with only 10 days vacation. You know those kikes in Israel work six days a week? Same with those smelly Japanese fucks.

I agree with not having it dominate your life outside of the workplace though. My IT douchebag at college was telling me about how there is a company that archives every page on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and all the rest of that shit and that companies will have them search those archives to find dirt on you before hiring. So if you happen to have a bunch of dumbass friends post stupid shit on your profile 4 years ago those companies may not hire you. Fucking bullshit is what it is. I've even heard of them checking credit scores. I mean what the fuck?

>> No.6596409

But according to some charts, the average wage for an employee with my skills is $15 an hour, so an entry level position at $10 is reasonable, right?

>> No.6596412

>Working crappy dead end retail job
>Parents riding my ass over getting a better job constantly
>apply for slightly better job at another store
>do well on the first interview, they tell me they'll call me for a second interview at the end of the week
>Four days later, they call while I'm at my crappy dead end job asking me if I can come in for the second interview
>Call them back, woman on the other end tells me that the manager went home for the day and I should try again on Monday
>Call back on Monday morning, manager tells me she's busy with two other interviews
>Wait a few hours, call again. "Hurr durr I'm busy I'll call you back
>well shit.
>Two days later, still no phone call, try calling her back
>"She's not here"
>Try again next day
>"She's busy"
>Try again
>"Not now"
>Try aga- FUCK IT

...Fuck me why did I just post a greentext story about normalfag shit on /jp/? I feel ashamed.

>> No.6596414


The WTF part is mostly due to the fact that they posted the job listing anyway when they have no in-house janitorial staff due to the company and I still got the job even though I'm essentially doing busy work until they lay me off at the end of the season.

>> No.6596416
File: 82 KB, 300x300, alicetired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been called to a meeting next week. I'm anticipating it to be the staff announcing my expelling from the culinary academy I've been supposedly studying in for the last two years.

It was just a matter of time. So silly of me, to think I could ever be good at something. Sometimes you just get really carried away when you're having an optimistic phase.

>> No.6596418


Just give it a few years. Companies will start realizing anyone who comes out 100% sterile via web records will be so Mormon that they don't believe in the internet.

>> No.6596422

Nothing worth having is easily obtained.

>> No.6596430

What about oxygen?
So much for that theory.

>> No.6596429

Or maybe I'm just not stupid enough to post myself on the internet.

>> No.6596440


Sorry, I might not be reassuring some of you who post bong rips on your profile, so let me reiterate.

100 years ago, the most prominent law firms in New York refused to hire "unqualified" Jewish lawyers. As a result, Jewish lawyers got the "unsavory" cases like divorce, bankruptcy and that American staple, straight-up suing. Now, the most prominent law firms in New York are Jewish owned and operated.

tl;dr The meek wind up in a ditch. The depraved inherit the earth. Keep fapping to loli.

>> No.6596444
File: 52 KB, 600x451, 1287542117795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't have missed the point harder.


>> No.6596445

The best things in life are free.

See, I can sound like a faggot too.

>> No.6596448


I don't have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or anything on the internet that identifies myself. I like how people post pictures of themselves doing stupid shit and then wonder why they can't get a job.

>> No.6596450


What happened? Did you always burn the toast?

>> No.6596456


Sounds like he was a complete jackass and finally managed piss enough people off.

>> No.6596459
File: 319 KB, 800x600, 1291005217901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6596469

They're jews and japs, what do you expect?

I never make fagbook or myshit accounts anyway.

>> No.6596479
File: 184 KB, 600x600, alicepwnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, no. I'm actually pretty up and up on my skills on the job, but my ability to take the lunch hour pressure and tolerate inane coworkers proved to be a bust. Knowing I can't hack it without becoming a nervous wreck, combined with the agony caused by just trying to meaningfully communicate with the people I had to work with ate every bit of motivation for the school I had. After having had 2 fistfights with fellow students, I practically lost the will to even leave my apartment. Cue sporadic unexplained absences for the last 5 months = GTFO, most likely.

Well, could be worse. At least the schooling was free. It shouldn't be such a disappointment. Rather a return to the usual.

>> No.6596482

I think you're just buttfrustrated that I found a loophole in your crappy philosophy 101 logic.

If this were an interview you'd have failed.

>> No.6596489

You can't even punch two peers and disappear for days on end without being fired? What's this world coming to I tell ya.

>> No.6596492

I just got a job offer. 3.6k, feels good man.

>> No.6596493

you the man, anon.

>> No.6596501

No he is getting fired remember?

>> No.6596502

>After having had 2 fistfights with fellow students
Yeah right nerd.

>> No.6596506

i already get that much every 4 months just for being autistic

>> No.6596508

What prompted the fistfights?
I find it difficult to believe that refusal to socialise would lead to a violent confrontation.

>> No.6596514
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1271037816625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that I was trying to be philosophical

Also I'm employed, are you?

>> No.6596515

From what he wrote I wanted to punch him in the fucking face like in his pic. So yeah.

>> No.6596522

>implying that's something to brag about

>> No.6596536
File: 29 KB, 276x210, angebaww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expelled. From a school.

The situation was a little odd. After two years of pissant passive-agressive wankery from a few other students, I finally snapped and smacked one of them around. And in the resulting talk with the teacher, all I was told was that he was wondering why I hadn't done it a long time ago.

So I herped a derp, wondered about it for a while, and then went and punched another dick just to see if disciplinary action really was an urban legend in the educational system I am in. Turns out I was correct. Utter loss of faith and motivation followed very quickly afterwards. So that's the kind of society I was sweating day to day to enter.

>> No.6596544

>Didn't confirm or deny
>Butthurt manchild

>> No.6596559

Whatever nerd. Get over it, you need to get ready for bed soon to head to your lame-ass job in the morning you tool.

>> No.6596564

anon i have been otaku since age 15 you should just try and get social security and be neet. its the best for everyone. just apply and go to court if you show up and are documented agoraphobic or wut ever youll get it

i know cuz i did this 29 now and i dont have to work, i got it made

>> No.6596573

Public school = daycare center. You should be happy.

>> No.6596577

How do I go to court if I'm agoraphobic?

>> No.6596582
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, [CrunchySubs] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 10 [720p][FFFD7C04].mkv_snapshot_07.03_[2010.06.06_06.10.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Visibly shaking, overly nervous, timid voice.
play the fucking part.

also, wear some crappy beat up pants and a suit/dress top.

>> No.6596601

i think he meant how do you manage to get government money for being agoraphobic, which eventually would lead you to go to court i guess.

>> No.6596618

I'm getting a little tempted to get some diagnose too. I'm going to talk to some workers tomorrow about what measure they can do to ensure I'll get a job soon, and I really don't have any ideas or motivation for it at all. But they did allow me to skip this 3-day program that everyone are supposed to go through if they want to receive any unemployment benefits, because I had already told them about my previous troubles with social situations. So maybe it will just be easiest to continue going with it.

But on the other hand, I just can't stand the thought of breaking the news to my parents.

>> No.6596625

Work job for two years, get moved to a different store. Forced to do 60/hour weeks on min wage no benefits due to retards under my power, but because finding people for the shift was so hard I got the blame. Every day at the beginning and end of my shift I would get bitched out by a different manager and everyone else for something out of my control. (Controlling someone with real ADHD is fucking hard when they're 50 and think everything is wrong with them)

After a few months of that I pussied out and quit, probably the biggest mistake of my life.

Got another job about 3 weeks after, started out fine. But once it hit Sept I was doing 14 hour days, stressed out as fuck, min wage, over time does not exist. Pussied out.

Unemployment isn't an option and every place either has me at overqualified or flat out rejects me.

I may kill myself soon

>> No.6596703

I'd be long dead if I had been born in the states. Life seems particularily brutal there.

>> No.6597207

I hate Unicru.
