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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 420x578, 1243865286624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6574988 No.6574988 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread: >>6539826
World of Tanks is a Tank MMO in Closed Beta, Battles are 15 vs 15.

The /jp/ channel is called "/jp/ (Mew)"

PanzerMoe is all about tanking it easy, enjoying your tanks and having fun with other /jp/ers.

If you're impatient about Beta codes, check with Mmohut or ShatteredCrystal or Alienware for keys, they give them out.

Decals (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?j04f2kfhl7hxazh
Touhou Tankmen (by AllDay): http://www.mediafire.com/?nq8ikbwv49vubd1
More decals here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post?tags=transparent_png
Or there: http://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/index?tags=transparent_png

>> No.6575002

You forgot your trip, croatia.
Epick spam nonetheless.

>> No.6575016

is that a Stug3 or Hetzer?

>> No.6575022


>> No.6575586


>> No.6575613

Requesting those StuG/Hetzer drawings some anon did.

>> No.6575624

I got my T29 yesterday, it's so OP.

Will probably get all the gears by end of the week, promise me you won't shoot me in the ears once I get my new turret /jp/

>> No.6575875

The long grind to the T20 is now over!
One I get that engine, turret and M3 gun, I'll be a terror to behold

>> No.6576235
File: 271 KB, 1680x1040, shot_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In LOLtraktor at Komarin
Most of team charges middle, a few TDs roll to defend, and I alone go for the enemy's flag. I sit at the back and wait. Later a Cunningham rolls up as well. I end up with 84% of the capture because the enemy couldn't see me and leave the battle with an invader award without firing a shot.

>> No.6576244

I always had the feeling the loltraktor was about the same upgraded.

>> No.6576261

My loltraktor pushes 36km/h over flat ground (not to mention it's 38°/s turn rate, even at full speed). I'm not sure my Hetzer ever managed to get that fast, even on a downhill.

>> No.6576263

I got 7 kills in the T-34 last night. 6 kills the game before. The thing is a fucking MEAT GRINDER.

If you have building cover you can keep a tank of any size perma-tracked until you run out of ammunition. Upgraded KVs are doable. Other mediums and lights have become cannon fodder.

>> No.6576267

Komarin: shittest map ever.

>> No.6576295
File: 110 KB, 985x1352, 1290805610296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In this game: butthurt Russians buffing the stats of mediocre tanks.

>> No.6576297

Was the crew's vision really this bad or is it just kraut propaganda?

>> No.6576299

Sounds more like ``in this thread: krauts buttmad over accurate stats''.

>> No.6576309

Don't even get me started on the Tiger's peanut brittle armor, faggot.

>> No.6576313

How the fuck do I kill shit with Panzer2 ?

Seriously even with my leichtraktor I scored more kills than with the PzII.

I just hope grinding for the Luchs is worth it

>> No.6576321


It isn't view cones, it's armor penetration.

Not a native German speaker, so my translation is going to be ass, but here:

green text = I will be shot
orange text = I can shoot you, but you cannot shoot me
bottom right = Letting the T34 in the cloverleaf is forbidden

Basically its showing how much further out the German tanks could penetrate Soviet armor.

>> No.6576329
File: 112 KB, 994x1344, 1290805088559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting vs the Sherman for posterity's sake.

>> No.6576360

I meant unupgraded sorry, not questionon the topspeed but uphill and acceleration.

>> No.6576374

Get in low ranked games with loltraktors.

>> No.6576437
File: 86 KB, 1442x436, vg57085_is4worldoftanksbuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what is /jp/ getting after the wipe?

I decided on an IS-4 and something else ~100,000 exp.

pic related

also posting this because it makes adolf's butt tingle in frustration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOfeNfRF54s&feature=related

>> No.6576479

My god, there's no armor in the gun! Firing right down their barrel is a sure kill!

>> No.6576489
File: 137 KB, 1600x782, 1291391138531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 400,000 exp, so I'll be getting a fully upgraded Tiger I and a fully upgraded Jagdpanther. Then I'll grind up a King Tiger and use whatever leftover exp I have to upgrade the turret and suspension.

>> No.6576494

One more, this time one on one inches apart.


Love all the shots that bounce.

>> No.6576532

I was going to go as far down the US Heavy tree as I could with 400,000 exp, but out of the blue I decided to either regrind all the way to the Easy 8 and the M6 and then use all that free exp, or spend it all going as far down the French Heavy tree as I can.

>> No.6576549

I'm getting an IS-4 and a T-44, maybe a Hummel depending on how long I have left to grind some extra exp until the soft wipe. I've only had German heavies and mediums so far, so it should be interesting.

>> No.6576550

>3 is7 killed
devs:"guess we need to buff russian tanks again~"

>> No.6576558


What's this about a wipe now?

>> No.6576560

>between 14th to 16th
>all your money, exp, tanks and gold will be wiped

>> No.6576562


That's a bit annoying.

Guess I'll blow that gold now, then.

>> No.6576566
File: 158 KB, 640x480, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it.

>> No.6576579

>and gold

>> No.6576606


Nevermind, that guys just full of shit.

>Most likely there will be NO soft wipe prior to this update.
-Group: Developers


>> No.6576613

There is going to be a soft wipe when the EU servers go live, which is also pretty soon.

>> No.6576624
File: 324 KB, 550x650, GM pilot takes it easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore this person

>> No.6576997

36? That's fucking speedy! My goddamn Churchil goes 27 km/h downhill.

And yet I still love it. :3

>> No.6577022

Crew vision in the T-34, especially the earlier versions, was absolutely terrible. Hell, the early ones did not have a cupola for the commander, which means that everybody had to look out a few small viewing slits in the front of the hull and turret, with zero awareness to anything at the sides or rear of the tank the moment they buttoned up.

The pic there isn't about sight, though, it's about penetration ranges. Basically, if you're in a Tiger and up against a T-34 with 76mm cannon, don't let the T-34 into the green areas and it won't be able to kill you. If it's somewhere in the red area, you can kill it.

>> No.6577032

He's just trolling you. When a softwipe happens, ALL of the exp you ever earned is refunded to you as free exp. Which means that you can use it on whatever you want, to research the tanks you want. Usually, this means that people can skip ahead and avoid wasting exp on tanks they don't intend to use, and the exp they save usually bumps them up a Tier. So if you are at Tier 7, expect to be able to get a Tier 8 tank after the softwipe. Also, any tanks in your garage are refunded to you at their full price. Any gold you have saved is also kept in your account, as well as any credits you have.

>> No.6577070

When the game goes live, will we continue to get 150 gold a day or is that a beta thing?

>> No.6577072
File: 340 KB, 1280x768, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably go back to the M-41 after the soft-wipe. I am loving that vehicle. Besides I won't have enough XP to go too far with heavy tanks or TDs, so I may as well stick with what I know and hope they add more American stuff later.

Downside to the M41: It has no real flat surfaces to decorate with decals. There are some side panels that cover the engine at the back there, and that is all.

>> No.6577133


>> No.6577189


Does that Nigger crew ever hit anything?!

>> No.6577192
File: 5 KB, 166x200, 1276388696518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you even ask something like that?

>> No.6577193

But why do they have irish names?

>> No.6577239

Soft Wipe apparently coming December 14-15.

T-44, ISU-152, Konigstiger. Maybe I'll check out the French queer mobiles.

>> No.6577326


I kept getting random crew of black dudes with Irish names... So I stacked my team with them.

>> No.6577356
File: 293 KB, 1600x1000, shot_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French tanks arn't due for a few months.

I think we are getting tier 9 mediums this update, the T-54 looks fucking insane.

Here's the tier 9 US medium. You can mount the 300damage/200penitration US heavy gun on it.

>> No.6577364
File: 60 KB, 1202x472, pantherii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panther ll

Can use the King Tigers cannon.

>> No.6577371 [DELETED] 


Can use the IS-3's BL-9

That's right, 390 damage in a medium.

>> No.6577381
File: 59 KB, 1180x576, t54k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can probably use the IS-3's BL-9

That's right, 390 damage in a medium.

>> No.6577385 [DELETED] 

How is this thing supposed to compete with the other tier 9s?


>> No.6577394
File: 57 KB, 884x614, object212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Object 212

Tier 7 russian SPG

>> No.6577398
File: 42 KB, 864x420, gtiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geschutzwagen Tiger E-Series

Tier 8 german SPG

>> No.6577403

Like we need stronger artillery, right?

>> No.6577405


>> No.6577418
File: 150 KB, 1050x432, object704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be getting T43, KV3, ISU152, S51, Easy 8 and T29

Plan to grind ISU152 to 100k exp to get ready for Object 704 with the 0.6.3 patch. That thing looks deadly

>> No.6577435

Is that the starting gun it gets?

Because that's the BL 152 the ISU-152 gets

Oh god. If it is I can imagine it getting something that penetrates 500mm and does 2000damage

>> No.6577449

If the ISU-152 has a 152mm gun...
If the SU-100 has a 100mm gun...
If the SU-85 has an 85mm gun...

What gun will the Object 704 get?

>> No.6577458

Object 704's stock gun is BL10 (aka Finger of God) and can't be upgraded

>> No.6577460

Did the devs ever talk about adding a secondary weapon on the tanks? like a flamethrower or a sub machine gun or missiles?

>> No.6577469

Coaxial guns (machine guns mounted with the main cannon) have been announced with the implementation of infantry.

maus's secondary cannon doesn't count and will do nothing

>> No.6577489

o cool, hope the add a flamer so i can burn tanks too death, they could start adding different types of planes and jets too, it would be crazy.

>> No.6577491
File: 47 KB, 550x480, Warsaw_Uprising_-_Prudential_Hit_-_frame_2a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop fouling around and give me the real Tier X German SPG already!
inb4 siege artillery and 600mm caliber, it's not like it would be nerfed anyway. ;_;

>> No.6577496

any info on how infantry will work?

>> No.6577504

I would think, fps style

>> No.6577517

That's dumb and definitely won't happen.

>> No.6577542

How else would you control them? maybe it would be a like a rts?

>> No.6577549

NPCs that defend the base

>> No.6577553


I believe they will work as a bother throwing AT-Grenades at you or firing Bazookas/Panzershrecks and the Machinegun is just to get rid of them.

Like swatting flies.

>> No.6577563

I'm still amazed /jp/ loves this game more than /k/ does...

Unrelated to WoT, has anyone else here tried "Barbarossa", the tank loli card game? They published English rules and card translations. Fun game.

>> No.6577566


They're paraxial, fuckdamnitall. The large gun in a genuinely coaxial pair would be unable to function due to have another gun in the middle of it.

>> No.6577570
File: 398 KB, 1716x1287, barbarosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic.

>> No.6577611
File: 6 KB, 411x149, it can´t be helped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine with me as long as you´re not able to get out of tank and run across the battlefield to cap enemy tanks like some kind of mechwarrior abomination

>> No.6577662

CarlR (4:23:31 pm)
news is as follows:
1) no soft wipe in December small chance for January
2) server split estimated at 20th-24th of December
3) update is coming along with the server split!


>> No.6577672

he´s trollin

>> No.6577691



So I don't lose my crew of African-American Irishmen just yet?

>> No.6577699

Are the servers currently in US or EU?

>> No.6577754


Well fuck, I'm waiting for that update badly enough.

>> No.6577773
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, WHAT DID YOU SAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no soft wipe
>will never get to m41 because the priest is literally the worst artillery ever

>> No.6577774

You have my attention.

>> No.6577778

They added the patch note today: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/19394-beta-0624-update/
(second post)

>Projected timeline - December.

>> No.6577795


>Any word yet on when they plan on releasing the patch?
>This month, before Christmas.

>> No.6577797

On the M4 sherman, I Would like this on the side of the turret:
This on the opposite side of the hull:

>> No.6577827


Is this JoseElUno?

>> No.6577831


And that's not the last SPG the russians will get. That one will be 'Object 261', which is a SPG version of the IS-7

>> No.6577847

I guess so. Are you going to work on it? I don't have an M4 to work on, but if you don't want to then I'll give it a shot.

>> No.6577858


No i'm not working on that one... I don't have an M4 either.

>> No.6577868

I'll give it a shot. Can't promise it'll be pretty!

>> No.6577901


As long as Chen shows up somewhere on his tank I am sure he will be happy.

>> No.6577961

What? No softwipe?

>> No.6577966

>no soft wipe
Well shit all my grinding in the King Tiger is for naught?

...To grind that 100k exp left to get a terrible Ausf B or grab a KV-3 I already unlocked and go for the IS series....

Whelp, either way I'd better stop being lazy thinking I'd just grab an IS-4 after the softwipe and be happy. Time to get grinding.

>> No.6578008

Well, duh. Object 704 was its factory name. Military designation?

ISU-152 model 1945

Well, will get the Sturmtiger as a premium tank eventually. 380mm rocket-mortar. Oh boy.

>> No.6578009
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, S6301329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to switch to German tech tree after the softwipe, but meh.

>> No.6578010
File: 88 KB, 512x512, M4_Sherman_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DDS: http://www.mediafire.com/?b942pba4lm8guy4
PSD (for editing): http://www.mediafire.com/?252i5stuaeixl81

How about this? To use it, unpack the M4_Sherman.dds file to C:\Games\World_of_Tanks_closed_Beta\res\vehicles\american\A05_M4_Sherman (assuming you installed to the default location).

Sorry if the girls are upside down or not facing the front. Not sure how good Chen will wrap around the body either...

>> No.6578017


Is he still on? or did he go to bed?

>> No.6578021

>Okay there seems to be some confusion today :)

>The upcoming patch will not include a softwipe.

>The Softwipe is planned to occur with the Server split.

>The Patch will more then likely arrive prior to the Server split (aka softwipe time)

>The plans for the Softwipe have not changed, There may have been some miscommunication on that part.

>IF the plans change it will be posted officially and it will be done as soon as the plans are changed (I do not see any changes coming for the softwipe beyond the date it happens)

The dev in >>6577662 was trying to say there will be no wipe in this patch. There WILL be a wipe when the server split this month.

>> No.6578024

No idea, he left the game.

>> No.6578025

Do want, where do I buy?

I'm at a loss for words. There is only rage and autism.

>> No.6578029
File: 687 KB, 1920x1054, shot_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll into enemy base in a STUG, fuck up the arties' day and not afraid of anything, well, except for the camping heavies.

>> No.6578031

I have never been aroused by tanks before, I feel a fetish brewing.

>> No.6578046

>dat book

>> No.6578057
File: 24 KB, 445x456, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sup, fellow StuG driver?

>> No.6578075

Oh jesus christ do I want this.

>> No.6578115
File: 283 KB, 1024x768, MC Axis stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aniani sells the Barbarosa card game.>>6578075

The german tank recognition book came with an issue of MC axis magazine. Those magazines come with calendars and striek witches posters and shit.

I frames the Rommel-chan pic and put it on my wall in the gun room.

>> No.6578126

I wonder if they will add that really long Russian monster tank that had four hull turrets, anti air missiles and was so powerful when one one prototype shot everything it had, it flew up into the air and crashed.

>> No.6578164
File: 982 KB, 1400x990, Tank - KV-V1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck playing in urban maps with it

>> No.6578174

No problem, we'll just blast through everything in the way.

>> No.6578180

Must have that tank... Anything like that now? Like modern? Stalin was a pretty awesome guy, i bet he would he would be all like yeah sure ill give you funds for a giant mech! If he was still alive that is.

>> No.6578184

It's like Stalin said.

It doesn't need to turn, it will drive straight to the enemy base.

>> No.6578192

Something gigantic and slow like that may be armored, but it's a sitting duck for aerial bombardment. Air power basically made gigantic armored batteries, like the battleship and the railway gun, obsolete.

Speaking of that sick monster of a tank, does WoT have Katyusha rocket artillery?

>> No.6578198
File: 392 KB, 600x600, wriggle tankbug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wriggle Tankbug!

>> No.6578208

It's just a myth, never existed.

>> No.6578213

Hardly. Today we don't go LOL WUT designing our military stuff.
Well, at least not that obviously.

I kind of wish we still did, for some reason. LOL WUT as that stuff was back then, functionality aside, it was awesome to behold.

>> No.6578217

yeah but aren't there already tons of tanks in wot that never existed? They could add this and certain player can be in each hull

>> No.6578222


Doesn't seem to have slowed the devs from adding half the stuff in the game already.

Besides, it's russian, how can they turn it down?

>> No.6578223

lots of land battleships did exist though.

>> No.6578228

nukes ruined creativity ob the battlefield, there might never be a mech or crazy shit because lol who cares we have nukes!!

>> No.6578238

Are you considering land battleships as 'vehicles that are heavy as fuck' or as 'vehicles that have enough dakka to make an Ork blush AND are heavy as fuck'?
Because I can think of a few existing examples of the former, but not the latter.

>> No.6578241
File: 104 KB, 1019x630, anti-tank vespa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we're not accuracy fiends, I'm waiting for them to add the Vespa 150 TAP to the game.

>> No.6578270

>nukes ruined creativity ob the battlefield, there might never be a mech or crazy shit because lol who cares we have nukes!!

Especially when they made portable nuke launchers. Why even making a super-fortress tank when this asshole could take you out with his Davey Crockett.

>> No.6578272
File: 44 KB, 400x358, davy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anda again, I forget pic.

>> No.6578286

Nukes didn't ruin battlefield creativity, aircraft did. If they did make the Ratte, they would've used other awesome tanks to fight it, they would've just bombed it to hell.
If combat aircraft were never invented, we would have incredibly awesome shit on treads.

>> No.6578294

>wouldn't have used other awesome tanks
Damn I'm tired

>> No.6578323
File: 676 KB, 2046x1470, Phalanx_CIWS_test_fire_-_081107-N-5416W-003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then we invented awesome missile defence systems, so until flying railguns become popular, there's a chance for a return to awesome tank warfare?

Except there won't be, because huge tanks are far more vulnerable to infantry with RPGs than a group of smaller tanks are, are less flexible, introduce additional logistical complications, etc.

>> No.6578331

Well you could just make the amour on the tank so strong that a nuke couldn't destroy it...
hull and turrent amour 1000/1000/10000

>> No.6578339

>flying railguns
The mental image of this is too funny for me.

>> No.6578341

and a V64 engine producing 100000HP super turbo charged with a 0.0000001mpg and 0.1kph top speed

>> No.6578342

The crew would be baked even if the armor was thick enough to protect them from the blast and dense enough to shield them from the fallout.

1m thick plate is not anywhere near enough, by the way.

>> No.6578351

All the tanks in WoT existed at the very least as design plans.

The KV-VI? Made up in modern times.

>> No.6578358

Can be done, we have the technology.
faster, stronger, /jp/ will build it.
anyway there has too be some sort of tanks and aircraft, battleships for nuclear warfare being planed.., if you say they will be baked maybe the people in side will have some sort of anti nuke armored clothes on.

>> No.6578374

Adapt that PDS to also shoot down AT missiles. Problem solved!

The Israelis are putting something like this in their Merkava tanks, if I recall.

>> No.6578375

I was talking about simple heat, not high energy radiation. The tank would absorb massive amounts of heat if it were to stop a nuclear blast.
The crew will be quite literally baked inside. They'd probably be dead before the ammo has a chance to cook off and blow them to shreds, which is a small mercy.

Look, this thing would have to essentially be a bunker on wheels.

>> No.6578386

Shit, who ISN'T? DARPA has an "iron curtain" system in testing to shoot down RPGs before they impact the side armor of Humvees, and interceptor missiles to counter anti-tank missiles.

It's necessary technology for the next generation of battle tanks.

>> No.6578389
File: 358 KB, 500x500, 1284670537943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hetzing in tank thread

>> No.6578401

Stop posting this image. Makes me sick to see Tenshi like this.

>> No.6578406
File: 39 KB, 449x356, Tank - Bolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also make your 'tank' so big, a nuclear weapon will just shut down a part of it.

>> No.6578411

I am sad that there are no Italian Tanks in this MMO.

>> No.6578415

mmmm a bunker on wheels... I can see it now. If theirs any good artists here, draw a picture of it. Also how about inside the tank it had a super AC that would keep the tank just cold enough too beat the heat, also the anti nuke suit would keep the person warm too.

>> No.6578420

Tanks are increasingly worthless for asymmetric warfare, and in a World War III scenario the only things I see as being significant are long-range weapons and defense systems: by the time tanks would get on the ground, chances are the war will have been mostly decided and neither nation will have much will to fight.

I won't deny that they're fun to play, though.

>> No.6578430

I think there will be Italian tanks in the future.
What tanks will they put I don't know. I don't recall any Italian made tank in WW2, or anywhere else for that matter (excluding the Ariete)

>> No.6578432

I remember this story. Didn't it go toe-to-toe with a railgun after its driver died?

>> No.6578438
File: 307 KB, 1920x1018, shot_049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tanking in hetz thread

Out of curiosity, can any history buffs tell me why the 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 makes such a huge leap in penetration from the 8.8cm PaK 36 L/56? I'm looking at the German TD Tree, drooling over getting closer to a JagdPanther, and I noticed that you get almost double the penetration from the same caliber...

Pic unrelated, just having fun rounds killing the tiers above me (and some below, too.)

>> No.6578469

The gun fires the shell at a higher velocity.

>> No.6578507

Yeah. compare the penetration of the M4 Sherman's 75mm gun with the 76mm gun.

tl;dr is this game realistic at all, or lol arcade?

>> No.6578513

The L/## specifies barrel length in calibers, so one is 56 calibers long, the other is 71 calibers long, resulting in increased velocity like the poster above said.

>> No.6578526

The long 88 was a higher velocity gun. The higher the velocity, the better the round penetrates armor. The long 88 was an extremely effective anti tank gun, capable of penetrating the front armor of any allied tank in existence by the end of the war. Famous tanks it was mounted on were the King Tiger and the Jagdpanther. The long 75 mounted on the Panther also saw a great increase in muzzle velocity over the standard German 75mm guns. This again turned an already great anti-tank gun into one that could kill any allied tank with a single hit.

The longer barrel will help the shell build up more velocity from the pressure of the shell going off being trapped in the barrel. It also increases accuracy.

>> No.6578530
File: 49 KB, 482x386, Imperial_Guard_Cadian_Basilisk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578543

Caliber has very little to do with the armor penetrating performance of the gun. Velocity is EVERYTHING for an AP shell. The American 76mm gun was a much, much longer barreled gun than the short 75, and also had more gunpowder stored in the shell. All these things combined to make it much more effective at penetrating armor. The best 75mm tank gun of the war was undoubtedly the German long 75mm L/70 gun though. This is historical fact.

Though, remember, nobody claims this game is historically accurate. If it was historically accurate, tanks wouldn't be firing on the move, and you'd have to stop to shoot. Also, you wouldn't be in a third person view. If you want more realism play a game like Red Orchestra: Darkest Hour or T-34 vs Tiger. However, for an arcadish game, this one does seem to do a lot of things nicely.

>> No.6578734
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>> No.6579018
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Think they will add this?

>> No.6579016 [DELETED] 

dont do it, unless u like having your ammo rack blew up all the time.

>> No.6579028


I want a fucking Baneblade. Screw your silly German shit.

>> No.6579042


>Though, remember, nobody claims this game is historically accurate.

Actually, that's where all the bullshit Russian buffs keep coming from. "Genuine historically accurate" documents.

I'm sure we'll see an MSpaint IS-3 with 1000m armor on everything and they'll claim it as legit.

>> No.6579107

Don't forget back up and turn for the sherman, the tiger having to wait an hour or two between matches, and russian crews yelling at eachother.

>> No.6579128


>> No.6579182


Arty bait detected.

>> No.6579283
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bump with content

>> No.6579368

I see what you did there.

>> No.6579647
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first match never fired a single shot and won; next match got blown the fuck up in the first 30 seconds. i love this game.

>> No.6579741
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Someone should get a Maus with me so we can be Maus Bros.

It's a great tank. For what it lacks in speed, it hits hard, has plenty of health and can hold a large amount of ammo. My ammo rack RARELY gets hurt, maybe once out of 30 games it gets damaged, and I don't even have the wet ammo rack upgrade.

The main thing to know is that it's a DEFENSIVE tank, not a medium tank. You park it where you want the enemy not to go; although sometimes I've gotten lucky and I've had some great Maus rushes against the enemy.

Just give it a try after the wipe if you are interested, don't let others deter you from giving it try.


>> No.6579756
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>> No.6579762

How much EXP we all gettin after the wipe?

>> No.6579772

You get back as much EXP as you've made in your entire carrier. It turns into free EXP so that you can research whatever it is you'd like.

>> No.6579933

So if you hit the machinegun, the IS-7 receives damage?

>> No.6579970

You really love your Maus huh? Seeing your devotion and love of the Maus almost tempts me to get a Maus.... but I already know that I will regret it if I do.

I love seeing and fighting along side Maus's, they are really neat and they look better than the IS-7 with their silly machine gun sticking far up... but I'd never drive one myself. If I didn't have to go through the terrible Ausf B to get one I might have done so as really if I focused on the German heavy tree I'd only be 100k away from it, but getting it with the exp gotten from soft wipe just isn't worth it. So the result is either grind enough free exp to skip the Ausf B(Hahahaha) or grind through the terrible Ausf B.

The German heavy tree stops at the King Tiger for me. Which is one of the reasons I'm going to go through the Russian heavy line with my soft wipe exp.

>> No.6580017 [DELETED] 
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>Terrible Ausfb

You are wrong, my friend.

I've had my greatest game post patch with my Ausfb. Had no trouble standing up to IS4's with it, since it mounts the same 128mm as the Maus. The only problem I had with it was that the turret was in the back and it was a little hard peeking around corners. The armour is great, and will bounce most shells. Plus, the 1950 health you get is pretty good as well. Moving it wasn't that bad either, once you get the upgraded tracks. You see, once you get past what other people say about it, and play it from a neutral standpoint, it's pretty decent.

check vk4502b stats

>> No.6580023
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>Terrible Ausfb

You are wrong, my friend.

I've had my greatest game post patch with my Ausfb. Had no trouble standing up to IS4's with it, since it mounts the same 128mm as the Maus. The only problem I had with it was that the turret was in the back and it was a little hard peeking around corners. The armour is great, and will bounce most shells. Plus, the 1950 health you get is pretty good as well. Moving it wasn't that bad either, once you get the upgraded tracks. You see, once you get past what other people say about it, and play it from a neutral standpoint, it's pretty decent.

check vk4502b stats

>> No.6580047

World of heavy russian tanks and artillery

>> No.6580052

LOL!... Yesterday I unleashed a new and powerful weapon to use against opponents...


It is being executed by transmitting the following messages to the enemies... here are a few...




and many others with varying results with me getting singled out and blown up most of the time... I wonder why...

P.S. (Wish I could team up with you for longer Marisa but alas... I have to sleep too)

>> No.6580056

>it's a DEFENSIVE tank
Too true. They are often the first to die if they lead an offensive.

>> No.6580083
File: 4 KB, 219x160, Dibujo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the turret was in the back and it was a little hard peeking around corners
What about doing this? I always thought the Maus and Minimaus had firing from cover easier doing this

>> No.6580097


By doing that you expose your side and rear. Mini-Maus has 200/100/90. So, anything that's tier 5+ and above can pierce that side and rear.

>> No.6580148

if exp gets reset and I put it all into the american medium line I can get to tier 7 if I get 30k more exp. how long will it take to get to tier 9 if I keep the m4 and the easy 8 and funnel all the exp into it?

>> No.6580154

That explains why could I successfully hit one with a M1A2 armed Easy 8.
Too bad even with successful penetrations I can't kill it, because of the fuckton of health it has.

>> No.6580191
File: 798 KB, 1920x1200, shot_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopeing whoever made this skin is making one for the VK 3002(p), I'm almost up to it.

>> No.6580305

My major complaint about the Ausf B is the 100mm side armor where as IS-4 gets a massive 160mm 30 sloped side armor AND is faster.

Combined with the turret positioning and how the damage, rate of fire, and penetration of the top gun is worse than the IS-4's while still having equal accuracy and just .5 faster aiming time...

The Ausf B just doesn't match up.

>> No.6580472
File: 668 KB, 1920x1058, shot_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Marder even more now. Taking a request for something similar if anyone is interested.

>> No.6580520

What anime soundtracks do you listen to while you play WoT? Don't pretend, I know you all do it.

>> No.6580540

The /jp/ radio.

I've gotten bored with my current playlist of all my music. Wanted to download a massive Touhou music collection but 790GB geez. That would take forever to download.

>> No.6580569

this game is fucking stupid. I finally get put into a low tier match with my leopard and find a lone grille to take out, but it takes 4 hits to kill him even with the best gun and he kills me in one hit.

>> No.6580572
File: 18 KB, 431x500, 1289941335739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

790 gigs, just for the music? Excuse my newfaggotry: you're fucking kidding me right?

Also, /jp/ radio?

>> No.6580581

>Using a reaction image and not knowing about the Touhou lossless torrent.
Please kindly gtfo.

>> No.6580601

The leopard is a designated scout tank. If you don't know much about the types I'll give you a general rundown.

Light tanks are basically only useful for scouting. Scouting is waiting about 25 seconds then running full speed towards the enemy base to spot enemies for your artillery and sometimes heavy tanks to shoot. You will be placed in high tier battles a lot, you will die a lot, your life expectancy is roughly one minute.

Medium tanks are the border between light and heavy. They are faster than heavy tanks but not as fast as light tanks, they are more armored and have more health than light tanks but not as much as heavy tanks. They have to use their speed to their advantage or they are dust infront of a heavy tank of equal or higher tier.

Heavy tanks are the ones who dominate the battlefield with high armor and powerful guns. There's not much else to say about them. They are slow and easy targets for artillery.

Tank destroyers are the best defense. They have massive frontal armor and very powerful guns, but they do not have a turret so they can be circled easily. They have a bonus to hiding so they are the best tanks for defending strategical points.

Artillery is artillery.

>> No.6580603

Back to /b/ with your greentext.

>> No.6580610

Because /jp/ is a secret club, amirite?

>> No.6580618
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talking of Leopard, it's an awesome tank, and I love it nearly as much as the Marder.

>> No.6580633

except he said he was in a low tier match, which is where leopards can decimate a base full of arty and TDs.

The more appropriate advice in this situation would be, how did you let the grille get a bead on you when you can circle him faster than he can turn? (this is assuming it really was alone as said, if there's an arty crossfire then things can get a lot trickier) Also were you using HE ammo? Although this is one of the things that makes the Pz3 a better scout in ways, the 75mm HE can make short work of arty if you actually manage to get to it, while 50mm HE is pretty shitty.

>> No.6580653

Lowest tier match I got was a few KV's I think which can almost one shot a leo with the 107mm.

I do have some general knowledge and tips about every type, but from his complaint about finally getting put into a low tier match I figured he didn't know the type roles. I did forget to put that you need to keep moving at all times in a light tank though which was probably important as he did say he got hit by the Grille.

>> No.6580666

but that's wrong you moron. light tanks have lower view range than the things they're supposed to be scouting, and even if they do get close enough to see the enemy they die in one hit and your team loses vision.

I was coming in at an angle, but since my first hit didn't kill him or take out his tracks he was able to turn towards me and shoot before I could get around him.

>> No.6580671

Even if they have lower view range, scouting is..well..literally the only thing that they can actually do in high tier battles.

The other thing they can really do is roll with the heavies and try to detrack one of the enemies before getting one shotted, which is far far less useful than spotting a few tanks and maybe a artillery for your artillery.

>> No.6580678

just because it's the only thing they can do doesn't mean they don't suck at it. a t-44 is a better scout than a light tank could ever hope to be. it's really annoying to hear people who only play high tier tanks act like they know anything about playing low tier.

>> No.6580685

The thing about that though is the T-44 costs around 16.5k to repair, which is as much as a fully damaged(ammo rack explosion) King Tiger. While the tanks such as a Leopard cost about 4k to repair and they also can't do nearly as much as a T-44 could.

The light tanks are just really underpowered at this moment, it may be fixed later, but for now they have a hard time even doing the only thing they are good for. I actually sold my elite Leopard because of this.

>> No.6580686

Light tanks have no inherent role. They are shitty, just the way it is.
The only reason they are used is because players have no choice but to progress through them.

Consider this: do you have any incentive to go back from your T-44 to your A-20, for example? No.

And there should be some incentive.

>> No.6580738


Well, cost to repair would be an incentive.

But an easy way to fix the light tank problem with little effort would be UNFUCK THE MATCHMAKING. There is no reason Leopards or A-20's and even worse PzIII's should be rolling with IS-4's. Not being able to damage anything and be expected to go suicide makes for a pretty shitty and unenjoyable game for both sides, one for the guy who's whole team is bitching at them to go kill themselves to the point they will friendly fire them. (I've seen this way too many times) and for the other side who dies a minute into the round and can't play again until the match is over. (I play a TD, so artillery fags have a total hard on for gunning for me.)

Sure the artillery players will bitch if you take out light tanks from their high tier matches, but tough shit. There really isn't any excuse to have people dying in the first minutes of a match, that just makes for an overall shitty game experience.

I mad.

>> No.6580767

Why are there so few MC Axis scans out there. :(

>> No.6580799

>can't play again until the match is over
sounds like someone needs to play more variety of tanks. I'd rather die instantly and get in a different tank than spend 15 minutes camping. The worst thing is spending forever doing nothing then dying anyway without accomplishing anything.

The problem is the warping fix and the insane frequency of tracking made scouting next to impossible, the tier isn't really the issue. I had tons of fun scouting against tier 8s in my Pz3 before the last update because they couldn't hit me, and if they did my tracks didn't fall off and I kept going. I never really cared whether I was against tier 6 or tier 9, you died either way IF you got hit, but now you ALWAYS get hit.

And scouts should scout, period. I rage when faggots refuse to scout and force me to try to scout with my sluggish, Tiger-sized, no-sloped-armor 3001P. I had one round where this Stuart refused to scout, finally a Jpz4 and I sacrificed ourselves to light up the enemy for our heavies, and then he still didn't try to scout the enemy arty during the distraction, but instead started circling the heavies pinging his peashooter off them until he got one-shotted having accomplished nothing.

>> No.6580801

Still dreaming of my Black/Irish Easy 8 crew~

>> No.6580884

>spend 15 minutes camping

true, that's why I don't like to play as SPG's, they're a waste of time and the rate of progression is snail paced, guess these players have been playing to much CS in the past and somehow incorporate such tactic in every shooting games they get into and think its gonna work every time

>> No.6580986

VK3601 is best.

>> No.6581179

Not the best, but when I got it the game became 1000% more fun.

>> No.6581184

For those who are bitching about how the Panzer IV is shit, you guys have obviously not ridden the Panzer III/IV. I have, grinded to a VK 3k1P, and all that, and I have come to appreciate the Panzer IV's superior fighting capability with its delicious Howitzer or L/70 choice armaments.

tl;dr: PzIII/IV helps build character.

>> No.6581206

I'm on my way to that tier myself, can't wait to research it and let loose out in the game

>> No.6581348

when using light tanks in the game:

-accelerate, run, and scout, that's all, just wait till the arties get in position, run around halfway the map but do not go strait into the enemy base yet without their signal, when they are ready, then go run there circle around to spot targets for the arty then run away while ducking for cover(usually works excellently in a map with lots of buildings)
-do not engage heavier tanks than you or your dead, avoid open areas or they can home in on you
-when opportunities arise and there is a lone SPG you encounter, just run around him in circles a very close range and fire, it will hit him
-keep moving when inside enemy lines, do not be a hero attacking higher teir tanks than you are cuz your 50mm gun will not do any much damage at them at all
-when you are damage or stopped aground its natural you get killed at least you gave your arty teammates the sight they need to do their work, its still rewarded good

seriously, this game involves a lot of teamwork, tactics and knowledge, its not your average run and gun game where you can do whatever you want, if your not smart enough to play it, I think you should consider playing a different game instead

>> No.6581357

if you think the III/IV is shit you obviously didn't play 80 games in the fucking M3 Lee

>> No.6581389

80games? you are noob tier, I got the sherman, the T1 and the m7 priest with the M3 Lee

>> No.6581426

If you play the Lee as another medium tank, of course you'll get annihilated.
Play it as TD, and you'll find yourself killing more. I got some Top Guns in it.

>> No.6581444

why does the crosshair of your gun change color when pointed at an enemy tank?

>> No.6581458

Red means the shot won't penetrate.
Yellow means it might, with a fair chance to deflect.
Green means it most probably will.

HE ammo will still do damage even if the shot doesn't penetrate.

>> No.6581462

It tells you how much of a faggot your target is, from green(low) to red(high) respectively.

It's the chance of you penetrating on that exact spot. Green = 100%, Yellow = maybe, Red = not a chance. Don't rely on the colors on your shots, though; since the shot can go anywhere in that circle, and may thus hit a red spot although your pointer is green

>> No.6581480

>HE ammo will still do damage even if the shot doesn't penetrate.

indeed, but I find them quite useful especially for scouting

>> No.6581492
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>> No.6581493

>HE ammo will still do damage even if the shot doesn't penetrate.
Unless it bounces

>> No.6581549

>if your not smart enough to play it
>if your not smart


>> No.6581576

Stug III is moe

>> No.6581593

Or hits the tracks or some subsystem or something....

>> No.6581616

Everytime I hit a HE on something and hear 'critical hit', not only I do shit damage to the target but they continue to fight at 100% efficiency.
So, critical hits may not be

>> No.6581643

Regardless of what you see, something happened to them. You might've just damaged (not broke) a track, or hurt the radio operator or something.

>> No.6581683

I've been following these threads and I've been thinking of joining the game.
But I have a question: how do you gain experience? By killing? By being on the winning team? By not getting yourself killed?

>> No.6581685

You get experience by damaging, killing and detecting enemies, and I think by capturing the enemy base.

>> No.6581725
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It also factors in how much you move, and (so I'm told, at least) how close you get to enemies. Don't know how much of a difference those factors make.

So when is the Russian tree getting the T-90?

>> No.6581748


>> No.6581797

From the forums:
>1. Damage to enemy tanks.
>2. Critical damage to enemy tanks. The difference in levels between the tank is taken into the account. The higher the level of the tank you damage the more experience you'll get
>3. For discovering an enemy tank, You will get more experience for discovering SPG than for a regular tank.
>4. For "lighting up" enemy tank while your allies damage it from beyond their range of vision.
>5. Bonus experience for destroying enemy tank. Only if you actually got the kill. The difference in levels between the tank is taken into the account. The higher the level of the tank you damage the more experience you'll get
>6. Bonus experience for capturing enemy base. Applied only to the tanks in the "circle", not the whole team, proportionally to the time spent in the enemy base circle.
>7. Bonus experience for restarting the capture counter by damaging enemy tank which is capturing your base. Experience is given in proportion to %HP you took off the enemy tank in your base circle.
>8. Bonus experience if you stayed alive.
>9. For "active battle actions" - shooting in some radius from the enemy and being in the radius of enemy fire. You don't get much but it still influences your experience gain.
>11. The more your team damages the enemy the more experience each player on your team gets. Only damage to killed enemy is taken in account. Coefficient is not that big but still it's experience.
>12. Bonus experience if your team wins: +50% to each player!

>> No.6581927

I don't really play very much anymore and i'm still a long way away from the VK, so not anytime soon.

>> No.6583818
File: 22 KB, 526x415, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Fastest Heavy tank
-Very Sloped armor
-Fast turret movement
-Gun more powerful then Maus
-Machine guns for infantry update
-Small inner components
-Weak rear armor
-Tracks vulnerable
-Weak spot at rear of turret

-Thickest armor, hard to penetrate
-More HP then IS-7
-Tracks protected
-Very slow top speed
-Very slow turret movement
-Little sloped armor
-Huge target
-No machine guns for infantry update
-Weak spot in front of hull
-Easy target for arty

If you want a tank that is fast and built for mobile combat and getting your hands dirty, get the IS-7

If you want a tank that is slow with a lot of armor that is good for staying put and shooting, get the Maus

Here's a crude profile of the tanks

Here's a few videos of them fighting eachother:

>> No.6583848
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, vg56397_vehicles_german_g42_maus_collision_hull.primitives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maus inner components.

>> No.6583854
File: 50 KB, 1024x768, vg56396_vehicles_russian_r21_is-7_collision_hull.primitive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IS-7 inner components

>> No.6583995

The IS-7 has a low profile + slopped armor.
In other words the IS-7 has an equivalent armor to the Maus.

>> No.6584003

In one of those videos, the IS-7 bounces just about every shot the maus fires.

>> No.6584017

Is it me or the reference website is dead?
I wanted to study it ;_;

IS-7's armor is superior then.

>> No.6584035

>Overlord from wargaming.net asked me to remove the renderings and I had to comply. Sorry to anyone looking for the pics.


Anyone able to open the collision files? They should be in the texture folders or something

>> No.6584036

Why are they trying to slap each other with their canons?

>> No.6584063

I pop open Osu! and play Touhou - Bad Apple over. and over. and over.

>> No.6584069


>> No.6584086
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>> No.6584640


>> No.6584671

I hope they add in a credit donating system of sorts, so I can beg people to give me some.

>> No.6584725

>Overlord from wargaming.net asked me to remove the renderings and I had to comply.
So basically, "stop pointing out how obviously biased towards soviet tanks we are by exaggerating module sizes."

You'd think any sort of lingering nationalistic asspain would have been soothed by the fact that Russia did in fact roll right up to Hitler's place, bust in the door, shit on the rug, and then fly their colors off the fucking Reichstag, all the King Tigers in the world be damned.

>> No.6584780

you're the one who doesn't know how to play giving advice like that. a high tier tank can kill you in a single hit, and will probably spot you long before you can see him. you obviously play with map hacks or have no idea what the fuck you're talking about so please don't act like you know how to play.

>> No.6584848
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I am told that my playstyle of supporting my teammates at a medium range as TD is wrong, and I should stick next to the flag next to all the artys instead. Here's a picture.

Should I adjust my playstyle to just stick to it?

>> No.6584889

In your playstyle, you are supporting the forward lines, which gives them less chance to fail. You are also leaving the artillery undefended.

In what they want for you to be your playstyle, you are defending the artillery alright, but who's gonna bust the frontliners' asses out when they get surrounded?

tl;dr if you see the artillery is already being defended by somebody else, stick to your playstyle. Otherwise, do what they say.
It's your choice.

>> No.6584938

Fuck defending the artillery, no one ever gets to them anyway.

>> No.6584960

But the only point of light / weak medium tanks is to rush the artillery.

>> No.6584991


I've been rushed by shitty medium tanks more times than I can count because of autistic teammates who don't defend the artillery. One or two people need to do it.

>> No.6585736

That's why I use my hummel as a tank destroyer.

I call it S.H.I.T.


>> No.6585802

Hey BOOF!... What time are you on usually (GMT) ?... I now have mastered the art of penetration and will be of much use to a platoon now...

>> No.6585813

It's 11:00pm US central time now. I'll be available tomorrow around 5:00pm.

Have you gotten your leopard yet?

>> No.6586092


Oh fucking wow. That's such bullshit. Does the IS-7 run on a V4 and use a Prius's gas tank or something?

>> No.6586450

As a Ferdinand I was staying near the base until a majority of the enemies were dead and/or following the heavies by far. It depends on the map actually.
Sand River: stay in base (huge sight to attack just about anything)
Malinovka: Follow the team.

>> No.6587046

I've see a lot of Hummels doing that recently. I laugh a bit as the HE shell drops on them.

>> No.6587161
File: 237 KB, 1024x768, shot_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got the easy 8 but aside from the increased hp it barely seems any better than the regular sherman. why does it have lower view range even though it's the exact same turret?

>> No.6587172

people make always fun of me because i only play arty.

what should i do ;__;

>> No.6587174

play arty and fuck the haters

>> No.6587184

get some self respect

>> No.6587242

Easy 8 is very fast and nimble for a tier 6 tank. Yes that top speed doesn't seem very impressive, but with the 520hp engine you are constantly hitting that top speed.

M1A2 gun is pretty bad for M6 but quite good for a tier 6 medium. It's average penetration is not that low, 128mm vs 138mm for German long 75 or 144mm for Russian 85mm D5T. But that gun has a staggering 18.75 RPM, vs 15RPM for long 75 and 11.79RPM for D5T. With quite good accuracy too, it's excellent for catching scouts or tier 5 medium, and it really annoys any heavy tank you shoot at because you can keep them perma tracked.

Also, Easy 8 is getting 105mm howitzer in a future patch along with T1 Heavy, in case you really miss the normal Sherman. 105mm will be deadly on Easy 8, since it's speed allows it to flank people and put that 105mm HE in the rear for massive damage.

>> No.6587258

Oh yeah one other thing I missed: Easy 8 is the only tier 6 tank that gets Vertical Stabilizer. Most other nation needs tier 8 to get it.

High speed/agility + stabilizer + 105mm howitzer = derp

>> No.6587259

I saw a guy in one going faster than my leopard but right now with the standard suspension and the 440hp engine it seems really slow. is it worth holding off buying the last engine since you unlock it automatically by getting to the next tier? I can save 11000 exp that way.

>> No.6587265

No it's not, you'll need that speed to grind for the 51k exp. It's one of Easy 8's main advantage.

>> No.6587266

Am I the only person who REALLY doesn't want infantry to be in this game? Would be piss annoying to have a thousand little ants you can't even see raining down a sea of rockets at you.

>> No.6587289

They are adding infantry? Fuck I'd play as an infantryman given that the controls and movement will be decent.

>> No.6587352

I normally prefer tanks that stay put and shoot decent damage, but one anon recommended me to go down the panzer 2 ---> luchs ---> panther route

Now, I see that the pz2 is some kinda fast attcking guy, but I kinda suck at using him since I prefer standing and shooting instead of driving and shooting.

Still I dont want to give up on it since ppl tell me that the luchs is totally worth grinding for.

Any good combat tactics for a Pz2 ?

>> No.6587366

Not to mention the gore and trailing blood after being run over by a luchs.

I agree with you, this will certainly ruin armor lovers mood and screw up gameplay. Though I am looking forward to their 30 x 30 battles...

>> No.6587370

light tanks are all shit. basically just grind it out and get to something decent. if you like staying in one spot go for a heavy tank or a tank destroyer.

>> No.6587374
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>ruskie mmo game

>> No.6587375

also the luchs goes to the vk1602 not the panther. the panther is a much better tank you get to by going through the panzer 3.

>> No.6587379

As I understood:
This is not officially announced that they will add infantry, and if they will, they won't be playable.

>> No.6587382

Their should be pretty weak, but imagine a bunch of them just aiming for your tracks. The horror.


>> No.6587387

Just received the TRON: Legacy soundtrack by Daft Punk in my mailbox.
Gonna listen to it with my glorious Sennheiser headphones at full volume.

>> No.6587408

I just downloaded that days ago and I already did it. For free.

>> No.6587415
File: 279 KB, 1024x768, shot_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... might as well post my current workhorse...

She's a decent tank... not as fast as Luch's but she definitely can hold on her own. Favorite tactic is ramming a smaller tank while dashing downhill... it will screw my tracks but it was fun seeing them panic a bit.

The AP rounds are there just in case I got thrown in a battle of high tiers and give them a good and surprising resistance.

>> No.6587421

piece of shit cannon fodder in the face of my heavy lulz

>> No.6587429
File: 279 KB, 1024x768, shot_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is my little darling... the Luchs... she's a nimble fast agile girl that can outrun, out turn, out climb most of the lumbering heavies. With her I play safe... if hits bounce or ineffective I just pop a few rounds for harassment purposes then retreat and let the arty's take care of the rest... otherwise, I just do a mad dash towards their base or stick in a pack of bigger guys and wait for the right moment to shoot so the credit of kill goes to me...

She's got a nice paint job too... too bad they can't see it.

>> No.6587468

why are those modules locked?

>> No.6587490


It means you can't remove them. With the camo net, you can pull it off one tank and throw it on another, but with things like that, it is a "permanent" mod that you can't just throw onto your next-tier-up tank when you upgrade.

Re: the infantry using antitank weapons:
>During these trials, a skilled user was unable to hit a target more than 60% of the time at 100 yards (90 m), and faulty fuses meant that only 75% of the bombs fired detonated on-target.
>Penetration less than 100mm
At least if they're using the british PIAT, they'll be more of an annoyance than a threat.

>> No.6587507

so basically you're cannon fodder and a big ass pink pussy.

>> No.6587509
File: 40 KB, 447x599, 447px-Manlytears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful world.

>> No.6587513

you mean, its a single use, single snap module, geez and they cost 100k-500k each, so that means I should be very careful on whatever tanks I snap them on, right?

>> No.6587525

shoot at their tracks

>> No.6587535
File: 37 KB, 187x273, uhm...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could someone please repost that how-to for removing the annoying iron cross on the tanks?

>> No.6587549


Download this


...and copy it to this folder


This should make them invisible...

>> No.6587561
File: 1.41 MB, 1450x900, LS jagdtiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay it worked, thanks!

>> No.6587618
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Grin Chitose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a crew with 100% repair abiity

>> No.6587634


>> No.6587657

They are firing man portable AT weapons, not sabots

>> No.6587665

That happens when you play against SU-14 and SU-52s

>> No.6587690


It's a King Tiger, not a JagdTiger

>> No.6588188

It appears to be made out of wicker at any rate.

>> No.6588634
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Oh Stalin, you so crazy.

>> No.6588717
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Dunno why they did this, but they made notches all over the armor of some tanks.

Anyone know why? Aiding in camoflage? Assisting deflection or something?

>> No.6588726

its zimmerman, google it.

>> No.6588727

I suspect it was to break up the appearance of a flat surface. Nature doesn't generally do flat surfaces, so the key to camouflage is to break up hard edges, flat surfaces, and recognizable profiles.

>> No.6588737

Zimmerit coating used to prevent magnetic mines from sticking to the tank. Useless, since no magnetic mines were used against them in the first place. But it looks cool and breaks up the tank's silhouette, so whatever.

>> No.6588741

To break the magnetic properties of steel. A magnetic mine wouldn't stick to that surface.

>> No.6588796
File: 788 KB, 1600x900, shot_095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One gun of the StuG can make in average 410 damages with the HE shells, which is pretty powerful for something of its tier. It is also useful to fight high tier tanks and damaging their modules/crew.

Also the Leopard sucks, I made 3 critical hits on a IS-7, checked the results,
>0 tank damaged.
So even if they shout "CRITICAL HIT", you're not even damaging a module/crew.

>> No.6588808


Thats it, fuck the luchs, fuck the leopard, fuck lighttanks in general

I ranked up more kills in a Leichttraktor than in those 2

What are some good tanks to use for someone who wants to shoot decent damage but not be artillery or sspugs?

>> No.6588817

>You agree not to do any of the following while using the Game or any WN public and battle chats, message boards, messenger-type and other communication features:

>1. Register nicknames and/or use clan names and symbols that can cause misunderstanding or point to WN or its partners, connected with organizations and/or Nazi figures, violating the law of the country of player’s residence or international law, as well as using Nazi symbols, designations, abbreviations (SS, HH), and their stylizations (55, 88);

>> No.6588832
File: 100 KB, 769x477, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally bought my KV, with Okuu, i can't lose.

>> No.6588842

Wow are you really surprised a Leopard can't do damage to an Is-7?

>> No.6588858
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>> No.6588871

SPG = Arty
So I'd say TDs.

I expected HE shells to kill modules/crews.

I make 5% per hit on a IS-3 with that StuG gun.

>> No.6588962

Zimmerit paste. Gets applied to the surface of the tank and then hardened with a blowtorch. Makes it nigh-impossible to place a magnetic satchel charge on the tank. Ironically, the Germans were the only ones to use it and were at the same time the biggest user of magnetic anti-tank charges.

>> No.6589031

Which gun is best on the StuG? I'm almost out of tier IV. Finally.

>> No.6589041

L28 seems impresive but no, unless you're fighting against mediums or lower.

>> No.6589527

Tank drifting is better.

>> No.6589617

>get 14,000xp in M3 lee
>want to research the T1
>accidentally click the sherman

>> No.6589826

Oh BOOF, you clumsy man.

>> No.6589867

Eh, just a week till softwipe, so no real harm done.

>> No.6589883
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>> No.6589948
File: 76 KB, 639x477, irisu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got killed by a SU-85B. All my shame.

>> No.6589970

In what. Also, eh, I managed to get insta-gibbed in my StuG. By a Hetzer.

>> No.6590016
File: 298 KB, 1024x768, shot_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nothing

>> No.6590063

>7+4+4 = 15
IS-17 is superior to your IS-15.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.6590197
File: 323 KB, 1680x1035, shot_079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be sad, the SU-85B is a killing machine.

>> No.6590200

Someone give me an account.

>> No.6590362

New Thread

>> No.6591232

I'd suggest waiting till things die down before making a new thread.

Also.. use a proper image next time.
