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6570474 No.6570474 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6570494
File: 35 KB, 307x262, 1263319614670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a shit about the world outside my bedroom, sorry.

Maybe if it gave a shit about me I would. No promises.

>> No.6570505

Except it's important to you.

>> No.6570546

Except it isn't. My contribution won't make a lick of a difference. If lobbyists want to shut down the internet the internet will be shut down, I can't fight it.

Have you ever seen a peaceful protest that accomplished anything? Exactly.

>> No.6570554

Are you really that uneducated?

>> No.6570555

Do you really believe you can do anything with a petition? Are you that gullible?

The government will just ignore you. It's no skin off their nose.

>> No.6570557
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Some of us live in a Free world, you know.

>> No.6570564

And to clarify, I'm not saying that the only means of getting something changed is by violence. Just that you need to have some serious money or friends in high places to get anything done peacefully. It's the way of the world.

>> No.6570566

I was referring to...
>Have you ever seen a peaceful protest that accomplished anything? Exactly.
...since there have been multiple successful peaceful protests throughout history.

>> No.6570570

In the 21st century. We live in a different time.

>> No.6570572

It says the first vote (is coming up!) November 18th, but it is December 5th.

Did it pass, did it fail, did it move out of committee?

Why didn't they update their website to reflect this. I'm not going back in time for them... I don't have that kind of power.

>> No.6570576

The slaves in Trinidad won their freedom with non-violent resistance using nothing than their voices, no exchange of money or friends in high places. The governor was reading about a law that would postpone their freedom for six years, and the slaves shouted "Not six years!" long enough and loud enough that he could not be heard. That, and other such peaceful resistance, led to them getting their freedom then, instead of in ten years.

>> No.6570583

But they were getting what they wanted anyway. If the governor was telling them that they would never be free, nothing would have changed.

>> No.6570586

In 2003 in Liberia, a bunch of women ended the civil war by singing and praying in fish markets. Don't be so cynical.

>> No.6570588

It's headed to the Senate for a vote now.

>> No.6570590

Actually I'm pretty sure it was the UN disarming both sides that ended the civil war, not some women singing in marketplaces.

>> No.6570593

But we're in America.

>> No.6570598

Then I won't be able to convince you. You're too deep set in your mind set to be able to consider that you're a human and therefore infallible, so you'll always have a "but" for anything I say. Have a good day, sir, and I mean that with all honesty.

>> No.6570600

It can't be helped.

>> No.6570602

I don't see how it's fallacious to think that you cannot end a civil war by singing in a fish market but if you want to believe that that's perfectly fine. I think the threat of US military intervention probably had more of an effect.

>> No.6570607

Long story short he didn't give a fuck in the first place. Take this shit back to /v/.

>> No.6570608


Best way to get things done in our capitalist society is to contribute to opposing lobbyist organizations that match your views so they have the power to convince people to change things.

If you really want a snoball's chance in hell to help the internet stay free, donate to the EFF and ACLU.

>> No.6570612

Not sure why I should care about a government DNS blacklist. The worst that would happen is that I would have to bookmark an IP address instead. Or just use a different DNS service. Or just use Tor.

>> No.6570623
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Opposing lobbyist groups don't match my views, though. The ACLU makes videos showing stoners who have drugs in their car how to talk their way out of being stopped and searched and how to get away with smuggling drugs. I don't agree with that.

In any case I don't really give a fuck, I'm not going to be able to change anything, I don't have any money to donate in the first place. Let the people who think it's important waste their lives fighting it out, I'll just take what happens as it comes.

>> No.6570660


That's pretty sad. I guess I can understand your point of view... If you're not fairly well off, you can't really do much beyond talking with your representatives and making your case as to why they should vote a certain way.

I've called my reps before to make my case... Although my case usually ended up being their default position anyway, but whatever. It's still an avenue open to you.

>> No.6570661

I don't live in Amerika as well I find that online petitions silly and feeble. In my opinion, they're not valid compared to that of normal petitions where actual hand signatures are given. Also I do not easily trust sites asking for such info.

>> No.6570669


Where are you exactly, if you don't mind me asking.

>> No.6570709


If you guys were REALLY serious, you would have amassed REAL signatures instead of online ones. Online petitions are shit.

Either get people to sign up to your cause, send a lot of handwritten letters by BULK to your representatives or call your fucking senators/representatives, HECK even send a handwritten mail to the president's office.

It's basic knowledge that politicians fear those who take the time to write and call them because it means they're more likely to vote BECAUSE they got off their asses and wrote things on paper.

Now if you really want to succeed, you better tell this to your glorious leader, collect money, make petition drives where you get people in the streets and complain a lot to your reps like the Tea Partyfags did.

Only then would a lot of people actually help out.

>> No.6570716

But senators don't vote based on what their constituents want; google 'pork barrel' and 'logrolling'.

>> No.6570741

COICA is both stupid, fascistic and ineffective. If it passes, it will only result in people moving to alternatives to ICANN's DNS root, some just alternative DNS servers, others completly new protocols. It's highly ineffective (easy to bypass) and it also has the potential of affecting people in other countries who rely on DNS (since ICANN is US centric). I can only imagine this leading to a diminished power of the ICANN, and thus diminished power of US, without actually getting the results they want. It is however, worse than China's censorship since if they take over other people's domains, they are forcing the companies who they bought the domain from to breach their contract (tantamount of stealing), unlike China's censorship which is only passive and affects their own people.

>> No.6570774

God damn, the U.S. Government really hates Wikileaks. Apparently trumping up rape charges, ordering Paypal to stop providing service, and listing Julian Assange as a terrorist wasn't enough. Now they need to become China to stop the horrible truths from coming out.

>> No.6570783

They didn't trump up rape charges, he actually did commit rape.

...according to Sweden's interpretation of 'rape' which includes 'having sex with a broken condom and not informing your partner it broke'.

>> No.6570791


The charges came up a long time after it occurred, suggesting something else prompted the arrest warrant. Don't try and tell me the U.S. wasn't leaning on Sweden to get dirt on him.

>> No.6570792

No, apparently the prosecutor who is pressing the issue has some sort of personal history with him.

>> No.6570796
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>> No.6570800


None of the those were done by the US government.

>> No.6570805

With regards to Osama and Assange, honestly, spending the rest of your life looking over your shoulder is a worse punishment than anything the US government could mete out.

>> No.6570809


The last one was. The other two were by Paypal and Sweden respectively, but the suspect timing suggests something else at work.

>> No.6570863

>senators don't vote according to...
Check the last election. Make enough noise, REAL noise, and you will be heard.
