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6567942 No.6567942 [Reply] [Original]

100 yen per night

>> No.6567956

You just ruined my day.

>> No.6567953

At first I thought those were turds on the plate.

>> No.6567964

I would pay her just to have a soft bed to sleep on ;_;

>> No.6567970

What do I get for such chump change?

>> No.6567972

On one hand I want to take her on but on the other hand she's most likely used goods by now.

captcha: condemning innies

>> No.6567976


>> No.6567980

I'll buy her huge ribbon for 200.

>> No.6567983
File: 195 KB, 800x853, donating to Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6567989

"1 time 100 yen"
"Second and beyond 50 more"

See. This is what sets my inner crusading paladin on a rampage, screaming for justice.

>> No.6568003


That isn't yen.

>> No.6568006


Reimu deserves to be in that state, she an evil bitch.

>> No.6568007

Who said they use yen in Gensokyo. Anyways that's better than yen.

>> No.6568009


>> No.6568013



>> No.6568032

/jp/ no autism -What a QUALITY People-


>> No.6568033

Do you have some sort of currency inferiority complex?

>> No.6568050

That actually made me laugh since it's a VN I really liked.

>> No.6568058

>paying with hryvnia.

>> No.6568063

I would take her in, give her a nice dinner, a chance to take a warm shower and some clean clothes. I'd let her have my bed for the night while I slept out on the couch. Sometime during the night she climbs out of bed and comes out in the living room to curl up on my chest and fall asleep sobbing while I pretend to be asleep. When I wake up, everything will be gone. She takes everything I owned during the night, crushing my mind with betrayal.

A few weeks later, while walking the streets, I see her passed out next to a dumpster in worse shape than I first found her in. I take a gun from my pocket and put a hole in her chest, then turn the gun on myself. As she's lying in the dirt next to me with the light fading from her eyes, she whispers Thank you..

Never trust a female, /jp/.

>> No.6568099

Hm, if you live for, say, 70 years:
100yen * 365 days * 70 years = 2555000 yen =30913.4560 dollars.

That's not a bad deal at all for a waifu. A bargain, really. Plus this contract is in nominal terms, so it will get cheaper and cheaper as time passes.

>> No.6568104

I looked at the pic for a while, imagined some things, and came to the same conclusion.

>> No.6568121

Get out.

>> No.6568143

I'll kill for her.

>> No.6568160

Not cool bro.

>> No.6568173
File: 533 KB, 1280x1024, stalkangeams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ meetup

>> No.6568218

You'd think she'd find work easier.

Sell out priest types always make good money.

>> No.6568363

You forget that in societies filled with debauchery homosexuality runs rampant. Every single time.

So it comes as no surprise if women are relegated to being a piece of furniture.

>> No.6568367

Can't she just hunt down some animals and eat them or something?

>> No.6568380

I wish I had something to vent my white knight tendencies on. Pics like this build it up, but I've got nothing to use it on.

>> No.6568382

Contrary to popular belief, hunting takes years and lots of calories to master. Specially if you lack any weapons or bait.

Hell, even finding edible vegetables is a chore.

>> No.6568398

Why you do this?

>> No.6569453

that was a cool story bro, I mean it

>> No.6569468

Then your Persona comes out

>> No.6569512
File: 24 KB, 201x299, yoshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminded me of something.

>> No.6569534

So she managed to lose all her clothes but not the ribbons on her hair?

>> No.6569543
File: 194 KB, 800x600, 1285574282966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably forced out of the house in a violent hurry after prostituting herself, giving herself no time to grab her clothes.

Alternatively: drug habit, and the bow is next to be sold.

>> No.6569570
File: 46 KB, 395x600, catcher-in-the-rye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would buy her so i can have a nice, friendly talk

>> No.6569573

Fool, the bow is obviously her selling point. She would have no business with out some gimmick. Marissa already has a monopoly on 90% of all cocks.

>> No.6569578
File: 78 KB, 640x840, sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Marisa isn't a dyke
Although, I do see your point. It's competition against Sanae I would imagine. In the end it's quite difficult, though, because Aya just hands it out for free.

>> No.6569588

Someone post that image where there was this loli trying to eat trash behind a stall during a festival

>> No.6569591

>implying Marrissa, the biggest slut in Gensokyo, limites her self to women.

>> No.6569602
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1297, 1268223463237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about limitation, women are just more fun to be raped by.

>> No.6569633

100 yen per night? I'd take her in for that price and have a miko maid.

>> No.6570072

Why the fuck does OP's pic say Gunma prefecture??

>> No.6570088

if she lost the ribbon, nobody would be able to tell it was Reimu at all.

>> No.6570109

duhh, she'd die if she takes off her head-accessory

>> No.6570129

Meanwhile in Gunma

>> No.6570164

Reimu's poverty is her only moe trait.
