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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 250x160, comiket-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6564194 No.6564194 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket starts in 25 days, what all are you looking forward to? And before anyone asks, there has been no news concerning Touhou 13.

Kamo Nari, Urushi, and Bkub confirmed for releases

>> No.6564210

Come back in 24 days.

>> No.6564240

Why would I do that? Theres already plenty of people announcing their releases, I presume we should at least get a bit of knowledge beforehand, as opposed to "Oh yeah, Comikets tomorrow."

>> No.6564251

is anyone going to do a /jp/ meetup this time?

>> No.6564250


>> No.6564280
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Come on, episode 2!

>> No.6564310

Obligatory Umineko reply.

>> No.6564317

enjoy waiting months for a translation
unless you can read japanese

>> No.6564321


An announcement concerning 13 would be nice.
Or maybe announcement for anew Touhou fighter/other spin-off game.

>> No.6564326

Touhou games will most likely go downhill from here.So maybe ZUN wants to delay the fall.

>> No.6564328

Personally, I'd prefer a fighter or Touhou 13, just no more 12.x, seems like they storyline is a bit stalled, though I did love Fairy War's music.

Speaking of, Fairy Wars Remixes are probably going to be everywhere.

>> No.6564329

All I want for Comiketmas is an assload of Magus Night remixes.

>> No.6564344

Actually, I'm more interested in the fighting game this time.

>> No.6564359

I'm expecting all of these.


>> No.6564367

Well, months is extremely fast for a VN translation so it's okay.

>> No.6564370

God, no, 12.3/12.5/12.8 were enough spin-off like that. I hope the next touhou will be a new start like EoSD/Mof were.

Also, Umineko EP8, umineko tsubasa, ougon musou, trance music and H-doujinshi.

>> No.6564415

Shinryaku Ika Musume doujinshi.

Can't get much better than all that delicious tentacle rape.
My body is ready, Japan.

>> No.6564418

Another touhou like PoFV would be nice.

>> No.6564445
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I'm already hard

>> No.6564468

i would like to see a remake of the 98 touhou games...but probably thats just me....

>> No.6564486

I'd like to see them to as long as reimu is riding on a giant turtle.

>> No.6564515
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I would like to see a nice ending chapter for touhous, something like watch every character die according to their own story and so on. Maybe divided on several chapters or games. Because i don't think adding more characters would help.

>> No.6564745

I'm going to buy /jp/ some doujinshi, but there aren't enough for sale yet. I'll make a thread about it later in the month.

>> No.6564771
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Lots and lots of Milky Holmes doujinshi. And hopefully at least one of them named "Milky Holes"

>> No.6564777

I saw flat chests and I assumed trap, but I was sorely mistaken...

>> No.6564787

That's a brilliant title, anon. I think you'll go far in the doujin industry.

>> No.6564794

UFO's demo was released at a winter comiket or at a Reisatai in 2009? I really want to know what ZUN will make for Touhou 13 but I guess it's still some way to go.

>> No.6564800 [DELETED] 
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I'm sorry to disappoint. It's not a trap, but is this satisfactory?

>> No.6564829

Why do you have to see them dying when you can picture them dying? Those who are neither gods or fairies, and haven't been feautured in later ZUN works could very well be dead. Sometimes I'm surprised when seeing certain characters reappear. I wonder if Aya's photoshoots count.. But yeah, I wouldn't mind some harsh calls of reality where you'd see it fit.

>> No.6564857

I hope we get something more on the SA side of the difficulty level again.

>> No.6564861


There's a catch!

It will be made by Da Hootch

>> No.6564870


UFO hard/lunatic is fucking brutal, much more than SA I believe. Fairy Wars is relatively easy but i don't think we can complain much about the difficulty from the main games. Ever since MoF they just keep getting harder.

>> No.6564877

I don't think I ever got my Umineko piss doujin called "Legen of The Golden Shower"

>> No.6564936
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I'm looking forward to more sexy kosupure from Lenfried.

>> No.6565002
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Oyari Ashito's doujinshis, pic related

>> No.6565166
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>> No.6565262
File: 73 KB, 800x600, mei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any titles that are coming out specifically? Does he have a pen-name he releases doujins under besides Ooyari Ashito?
I really like his art, but I've not seen any of his doujinshi yet.

>> No.6565438

Hey now, there are plenty circles worse than hootch. I just wish he did less too old and plot.

>> No.6565468

Same pen name, so I doubt he has done much since littlewitch "died", except illustrate one light novel called chiisana majo to sora tobu kitsune, his twitter and site:
He's doing one Kuroneko doujin too, but it seems he hasn't decided any names for either of them yet, still can't wait for comiket~

>> No.6565516
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C79 is the only thing I'm looking forward to in the near future. Or the distant future, for that matter. Give me something to do for the next three weeks.

>> No.6566343

Oh, I hope I can find a way to get my hands on those. Importing a H-doujin into England risks a death sentence, but the calendar and the miscellaneous illustration book sound good too. Milky Holmes by Oyari Ashito, it sounds awesome.

>> No.6567636

Anyone planning on being there care to show a newbie around? I've gone multiple times but have no clue how to navigate the vast labyrinth that is comiket, and all my friends who go are japanese girls so all they care about is bl...

>> No.6568045

Why do these things occur so often? I think a market once every year would be quite enough, I'm not halfway through last years.

>> No.6568144

This is how some people pay the bills, and it only takes half a year to make entirely new shit, so it kind of works. It's easier to buy stuff in rounds of half a year than buying twice as much at one time of the year.

Isn't an abundance of stuff better than a lack of?

>> No.6570231

oh god yes.

>> No.6570356

Waiting on otome function.

>> No.6570372
File: 2 KB, 123x133, 1265652824098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel
>Release date JP December 2010

>> No.6570375
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>> No.6570389

Always bet on Freudia

>> No.6571398

Have you any idea how big Comiket is? If they had it twice a year, there would be no way to fit all the people in.

>> No.6571412

Doujin games and music, and maybe... a bit of doujinshi, since i actually found some that weren't completely retarded porn, wouldn't mind finding more like that.

>> No.6571414

Cirno Racing.

But really, I am still waiting on the translations for last comiket's big touhou games.

>> No.6571453

I still have Genius of Sappherios installed and I don't think thats ever getting translated.

>> No.6571535


I want to believe.

>> No.6572105

Waiting for Otome Function.
Always bet on bossu

>> No.6572124

They have one World Series a year, but then afterwards you build up to the NBA finals and the Superbowl, much like there are a shitload of other doujinshi conventions. I think comike is too big now to just completely delete one. Maybe if it was a lot earlier into its life you could have but it is now a deeply ingrained part of the doujinshi timeline each year.

>> No.6572297

Where do the catalogs usually get uploaded to once they're out?

>> No.6575630

Share/PD, but there's always someone making a torrent not long afterwards.

>> No.6575665


>> No.6575703
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>> No.6575708

I wonder if getting doujinshi I can't order off the Internet would be worth being around that many people.

>> No.6575713

good luck. comiket is like a fucking war. you need fucking battle plans and supporting squads if you want to get popular items. you spend hours preparing (read: being in line) before even reaching the battlefield. early morning deployment is commonplace.

>> No.6575993
File: 226 KB, 600x835, koumajou-densetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koumajou Densetsu II

>> No.6576199

Catalog up yet?

>> No.6576243

The things I usually end up enjoying the most from Comiket/Reitaisai/whatever are those unexpectedly good things I wasn't waiting for, but ended up picking up anyway.

Anyway, mostly just waiting for all kinds of music, oh, and greatly anticipating watching the 5th Touhou M-1 on new year's eve on NicoNico. It's become something of a tradition for me.

>> No.6577300

I'm looking forward to hitting on dirty fujoshi. The worse she smells the better.

>> No.6577322
File: 147 KB, 850x1200, 13292881_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I keep posting this someone will surely buy it and scan it

>> No.6577437
File: 138 KB, 600x800, 29b8e9dbf8f076892baa7ffd4254fcf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid newbie question; If you can't make Comiket what online stores/sites do people usually use to pick up books? Who's reliable and picks up a bit more than the most popular books?

>> No.6577443

Don't worry, I calculate that there's a 97% chance that someone will buy it, scan it, and upload it to share for you. I'm being serious here. You did mean a 15MB scan of that front cover, right?

>> No.6580981
File: 302 KB, 825x360, rr_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, surprises are the best. TOHO EURO FLASH made me smile for two days straight just because I wasn't even looking forward to it.

>> No.6581016

you go with webshops which are what the doujin circles send their stuff to to sell after event. tora no ana, melonbooks, d-stage, are a few. alternatively you have yahoo auctions which usually costs more in the end but if there were things like event only items (sometimes postcards, copy books that were only available at the event, fliers, buttons, stickers, whatever) then the auctions will usually have them. or if the circle had a set of some sort.

>> No.6581030

I hope someone will buy the stand-out kemono doujins (like stuff from Fuwamoko Honpo & FLCG) from the small amount of kemono artists that'll be there this C79.
