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6563045 No.6563045 [Reply] [Original]

24 hours to D-Day!

>> No.6563052

I actually woke up with a start this morning because I thought I'd missed my train.

>> No.6563353

Hey, finally!
Willing to exchange some links for some training?
I have some:

>> No.6563569

http://www.tanos.co.uk/jlpt/jlpt1/ (other levels are on the side)

>> No.6563709

why cant i hold all these grammar rules?

still cant form sentences like a 3 year old can

>> No.6563713

Okay, I think I'm ready. I've got 2 test vouchers printed, got my passport photo, got ID, train tickets, directions to test site (SOAS)...
I think I'm good to go.

>> No.6563716

Use an SRS. When you study a grammar rule, it usually comes with example sentences. Put those examples into your SRS, with translation included. By the time you review them two or three times, it'll be stuck in your head.

>> No.6563826

I'm considering using Anki. I really wish I'd used it to begin with as I'd have lots of content by now.
Previously I used iKnow on smart.fm which was useful as it included audio as well but an SRS seems more useful for revision.
I assume you can download some good decks for these? I couldn't find the 'core2000' so it looks like I'll be entering it manually.

>> No.6563854

Ask around, people seem to be using that and something called kanjiDamage. I only started using an SRS what I was very advanced, so I only put a few new sentences in every once in a while. A pre-existing deck would be useless for me.

>> No.6563891

I use anki and you can download the core 2000 deck for it.

>> No.6563898

>>6563826 Previously I used iKnow on smart.fm which was useful as it included audio as well but an SRS seems more useful for revision.
Uh... the "Drill Beta" is an SRS.

>> No.6563937

So how hard is the this test? Just started teaching myself Japanese like 5 months ago. So far I know ~250 kanji and the basic grammar stuff. How extensive does my knowledge have to be to take the jplt test? And what level is sufficient enough to be able to play VNs?

>> No.6564058

Visit the JLPT website and test yourself on the different levels. Visual novels would probably be like N1, N2, possibly upper N3 depending on the game. Most of them don't come with furigana so you have to know your kanji.

>> No.6564345

Is there any JLPT app for the phone? I have a long train ride tomorrow, but I don't feel safe taking my laptop.

>> No.6564397

How do you guys actually remember kanji?
I can grind and remember them for the first few days, but it's often hard to find texts containing them.

>> No.6564419

SRS again. If you don't find a sentence that contains it, let it slide until you find one. If it's that common a kanji, it'll show up soon enough. And if it's not that common, don't worry about it. It's easier on you that way.

>> No.6564425

Repetition, repetition and even more repetition.
I have to go over every single one I know every few weeks at least so I won't completely forget them.
Some people also roll with mnemonics, but that's not really for me besides some rare cases.

>> No.6565033

Random bunch before I go make a lunch for tomorrow.

>> No.6565067

Remembering the Kanji, plus spaced repetition to review them.

>> No.6565081

I would like to express my displeasure as I only remembered for JLPT registrations one day after the deadline closed.

That is all.


>> No.6565133

I'll be taking N5. I probably could pass N4 but I chickened out on registration and went the safe route.

>> No.6565189

I just finished all the quizzes on this page(http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/MLC_JLPT_Page.htm)), did pretty well.

>> No.6565320

I've been using the core 2000 thing on smart.fm alongside Anki, seems to be doing me quite well so far.

>> No.6565831

Don't wait till you're good, start playing your VNs: http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/blog/the-wait-that-kills-before-you-pwn-you-must-first-own

>> No.6565974

Gonna start flunking N4 (LOL N4) in about 2 hours.

>> No.6566002

I missed a few questions on the N5 sample, despite studying a couple of months already.
Fuck my limited vocabulary.

>> No.6566022

Good luck!
Too bad you aren't writing N1, then you could give me tips tomorrow morning, lol.

>> No.6566024

Doing the practice papers, it felt like the language was coming up with new words every question to stump me

>> No.6566028

Singapore, actually. Notice how I'm on /jp/ and not studying either. N1's later in the afternoon though, so it's about 7 hours later.

>> No.6566045

it seems that every grammar point in n2 and below is something ive never seen in my life

>> No.6566069

Okay, 11:20pm. Time to shower and get to bed. Probably won't have time to post all day tomorrow, but I'll come and whine about it later.
Taking N1 too, but they all start at the same time here.

>> No.6566234

Taking N3 here. Test starts in exactly 120 minutes. Good luck to everyone else.

>> No.6566306

Good luck! \o/

>> No.6566318

To the people taking N1 or N2, how long have you been studying and what have you found works best?

>> No.6566350

I've been studying on my own since 2000, took some classes in the mid-2000s, studied on my own afterwards. I don't need to take N1, but it's a nice thing to put on my resume so I decided to get it out of my way this year.

What works best? Hard to say. What doesn't work is boring textbooks. If you have to use a textbook, make sure you find it interesting and easy to understand. Also using an SRS works for me when it comes to remembering new kanji/phrases/expressions in context.

>> No.6566366

Irish fella here.
Test starts in 12 hours.

N3. Not HUGELY worried, but still quite worried. Thanks for the links though! Should help a lot for checking things over.

Good luck!

>> No.6566402

Last year I failed N3 for 9 points, this year I wiil do the new N4. I think i dont have to study. I'll just review my kanjis and adverbs

>> No.6566424

good luck to all of you

>> No.6566554

Argentina is tomorrow... anyone going?

>> No.6566581

I took a look and now I think I'm fucked.
I'm signed up for N3 and I don't recognize half of the kanji in those quizzes

>> No.6566582

whole world is tomorrow. Mexico city here

>> No.6566608

Tell me about it.
Running through the N3 vocab list I got from those links, and there're a lot of words I've never seen/heard before.

団体? I've never heard that before.
Goddamn it anime/doujins! Your training has been sorely lacking for the real world!

If I fail this, I'm going to take Japanese more seriously.

>> No.6566635

Doesn't seem like it'd be that uncommon of a kanji, though I'm not familiar with it, either.

Are only jouyou kanji used on the JLPT?

>> No.6566798

It's not really the Kanji that are the problem, it's that I've NEVER heard/seen "dantai" before.

I think they only use jouyou, but can use one or two kanji from outside the level you're doing. Like, if you're doing level 3, they'll throw in some from 1 and 2.

Anyway, I'm going to sleep; getting up in six and a half hours to eat, shower, cram, etc.

Good luck again everyone!

>> No.6567186

I'm from Argentina too
Taking N4 tomorrow.
Actually I took it last year too and passed, but I wanted more score.
The bad thing is that I couldn't study too much, so it's gonna be a gamble.

>> No.6567300


I remember the "dan" kanji from haruhi...

>> No.6568583

Nnngh, didn't sleep well. Not because I was nervous but because I'm using to sleeping between 3 and 5am and this time I went to bed at 12. Well, "it can't be helped". Good luck to everyone today!

>> No.6568606

Level 2's a bitch, y'all. Took it last year.

The Kanji section's just a blur now, but I remember being especially pissed off at the audio bit. They'd distract you with long bits of nonsense that you're so worried about getting 100% translated in your head that you miss the insignificant detail that's gonna come up in the question.

So you end up with shit like this.

Jiro wears shirts with vertical stripes and likes to play bowling with his friends every weekend. Taro wears shirts with horizontal stripes and has sex with his girlfriend in a love hotel in Roppongi, according to rumors. Nori is a delicious ingredient in many foods. Minori refuses to wear panties when she spends her afternoons practicing to get on the bomb squad and memorizing the molecular compositions of various hazardous chemicals that can be found in your local supermarket.

Question: Jiro wears what kind of shirts?
1) Plain shirts
2) Vertical stripes
3) Horizontal stripes
4) Bowling jersey

>> No.6568654

Sup brother. I was probably in the same room as you were. What was your seat number?

>> No.6568673

ROFLMAO, the N1 practice questions sounded like that too. I'm going to be taking notes.

>> No.6568680

I hope that wasn't a literal example, I couldn't even do this in english.
Not even sure if I could in my native language.

>> No.6568685

Oh it is, I can testify.

>> No.6568719

GMT +7 here.
Just done the N3 test 2 hours ago...
I think I messed up the kanji section a lot
I'm gonna take N2 next year even if I failed this one ;_;

>> No.6568733

GMT here, time to leave for the train station! London, here I come!

>> No.6568787

Same here (GMT+7). Well its 3 hours ago now.
Well I'm definitely failing, and I planned to take N2 too this June(?), I think.
The listening part got my whole class quite pissed, since there is a musical concert nearby.

>> No.6568878

How did ya'll learn Japanese? Just curious, thanks and good luck.

>> No.6568888

So as I'm new to learning Japanese, I'm interested in knowing how other /jp/ers learnt grammar rules and such. Or what methods they found most effective.

I think learning the grammar rules/making sentences with them is the hardest part for me, whereas learning new words/kanji seems to be easiest for me.

>> No.6568908

I wanted to take N5 but I chickened out

>> No.6568925

Good question. I've pretty much only been reading Tae Kim and reading VNs to get used to the language. I don't really have problems with basic grammar, it's pretty easy. But all the time I run into weird sentence structures I just can't make any sense of.
For example, this one I noted down while reading a VN yesterday:
The context is that the main character was asked why all his figures have striped panties, and I can kind of guess what he's saying, but how does this work? And how do mountains come into play? It's confusing me a lot.

>> No.6568927

I use Tae Kim (http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar)) and read porn, but I can't speak japanese so what do I know.

>> No.6568929

Took several classes, watched anime, read manga and light novels, browse Japanese sites constantly

>> No.6568930

Oh... I never used the Drill Beta, just BrainSpeed.

>> No.6568948


Been using this site on and off for years. It's a bit out dated, and the audio and the listening section is a bit muddy, but it comes with a lot of examples and is still pretty good.

Thankfully it's full of quizzes, which I often prefer over lists and study guides.

>> No.6568950

I suggest you enrol for a few actual classes to get you started. The basics are usually the hardest to grasp. After you feel your foundations are good enough, you can self-teach. In terms of learning grammar, just look at examples, and try to make sentences (ie. practising). One way which works really well for me is to put everything into Japanese in my head. Translate your thoughts into Japanese- and if you find that you can't say something, search it up so you remember. Watching animu or parsing raw text through rikaichan also works. I've found myself stuck on nuances of the grammar structures, but I end up getting them due to some anime I've watched. A personal example is with the がっている ending, which means "showing signs of". I wasn't sure how to link 欲しいwith the sentence, but in the end I remembered it was 欲しがっている. Because I watched Gakuen Saimin Reido and one character says 精液を欲しがっている

>> No.6569131
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>the listening section

Listening to a few of these has reminded me of exactly what I did during my previous bout with the JLPT -- just zone out and guess, continuously asking myself when the whole thing will be over.

It was a mistake to make Listening the last part of the test. Seriously, who did that.

>> No.6569183

Stuff like this throws me off too. Everything's cool up until the の after 山 for me, then I get confused. Thinking about it, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with mountains. 山, according to Jisho can also mean "climax" or "critical point". The panties obviously cover that "critical point".

Someone with better nihongo skills should clarify.

>> No.6569191

Thanks for the input. I've started using an Anki deck of Tae-Kim, it's helping me but I still make mistakes commonly, I guess I just need to ingrain the usages of each grammar rule into my mind. I've heard a lot of good things about Tae-Kim, and I like what I'm seeing so far though.
As for your example... I can only understand it at a very basic level, I doubt I can make much more sense of it at all, but from it I gather something about his dream of a stuffed mountain?

>I suggest you enroll for a few actual classes to get you started.
Yeah, I've been thinking about taking up some courses in university as a side next year. Thanks though, I'll try what you've said about verbalising what I think in Japanese, I imagine this might also help with my vocabulary if I search words to accompany.

>> No.6569314
File: 25 KB, 397x321, [UTW-Ryuumaru] Yosuga no Sora - 07 [480p][62CA9369].mkv_snapshot_23.57_[2010.11.17_21.47.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just returned home from taking the N5. pretty easy compared to the previous years imo.

>> No.6569364

The N1 in Osaka finished about four hours ago, I'm just settling in getting home now.

The format's much different from the practice tests I looked at, so that was kind of a shock. A lot of focus was removed from the kanji (which is a shame, cause that's one thing I can guess fairly well) and a lot more was put onto proper word usage.

The reading was ridiculous. Special topics and opinion columns made it very difficult. It didn't feel "tricky", but there was just such an unbelievable wealth of uncommon vocabulary that it made it difficult. RTK helped here, but most of it was guessing.

The listening was surprisingly easy. Most of it wasn't even an issue with listening, it was just knowing a nuance of a word (i.e., どうにかなる vs どうにかなりそう) and those were nothing but trick questions. I knew a lot of them (they were mostly colloquial) and felt really good about that.

Overall it was difficult, but I think I may have passed, depending on how good my reading guessing was. I can hardly wait until mid February.

>> No.6569396

took N3 few hours ago.

I felt bad that Listening is the only section that I can answer without frowning

I'd like it better this way, save the most refreshing ones for last. It was like bonus points

>> No.6569530

someone please post the leaked test scans w/ answers!
just like some chinese forum did last year!!

>> No.6569556

>It was a mistake to make Listening the last part of the test.

Why? I have scored a clean 10/10 on level 3 last year. While almost everyone in my room said they had serious problems understand it, I figured frequent anime watchers should be able to score high.

>> No.6569558

Ah, missed the "last". True anyway.

>> No.6570777

Just did my N3 in Dublin two hours ago; listening was the only thing I'm really happy with.

Got around 65-75% in the first part and 85-95% in the aural.
Grammar caught me by surprise though; SO MUCH READING. It was my first time seeing a JLPT exam, apart from those 13 example questions online, and the format/timing had me totally thrown. Just barely finished. Didn't have time to score myself, sadly.
It all comes down to grammar when the question of passing comes up, but I'm still fairly confident.

Will have to start working properly to take level 2!

>> No.6571469

Just got back from London. Those SOAS slowpokes almost made me miss my train!

N1 was pretty easy, just a few tricky questions. But even if I get those wrong, I'm pretty sure I got enough right to push me through. Fingers crossed!

Let's meet again in March to tell lies about how we all passed!

>> No.6571514

>>an unbelievable wealth of uncommon vocabulary
I didn't think so at all. In fact I felt quite insulted by all those (注意) notes. I mean, N1 is supposed to be the hardest level. Stop holding my hand!

>> No.6571856

What, that's it? No one else wants to talk about it?

>> No.6571947

Took N5, it was super easy.

I should have probably entered N4 but the amount of kanji scared me a bit even though every time I took a practice test online I always got around 70% right. I guess I wanted to go the safe route...

Anyway I started working on RTK like 2 weeks ago and I hope to take at least N3 next year (it's only once a year here).

>> No.6571973

>>70% right.
That would have been the perfect time to take N4 but well, better safe than sorry. The test is once a year almost everywhere. I just hope I pass so I don't have to go through this again next year.

>> No.6572007

Anyone else here who took it in Toronto this morning?

I took the N2, and I'm pretty confident about everything except the kanji readings. I was worried about the listening section before taking the test, but it was much easier than I expected.

>> No.6572019

Just got back from the N2 in London, I didn't think the listening was too bad, actually. I found it was a little easier if I didn't waste time taking notes, too.

Unfortunately, I royally fucked up the other section, so my chances of passing are basically nil. How are you meant to read all those comprehension questions in so little time...? (Shame, too, since those were the only ones I could actually do!)

>> No.6572032

>How are you meant to read all those comprehension questions in so little time...?
this is why you read VNs and light novels, it teaches you to read faster. A lot of normalfags from my university whined about the impossible quantity of text, whereas I managed to even take 5-10 minutes at the end to review all my answers.

>> No.6572041

I finished with about 5 minutes to spare. The only way to practice is to read, read, read a lot to get your speed up. Shades of the SAT.

>> No.6572085

Also, not wasting all your time agonizing over the early kanji/vocabulary/grammar questions helps a lot.

>> No.6572092

I probably could have passed N1 but my career path doesn't require bullshit test scores so
I'm not wasting my time with this.

>> No.6572098

Yeah, I blew past those and started thinking "woo hoo, I'm doing pretty good for time", then I turned the page, WHOOM, MASSIVE BLOCK OF TEXT.
It was all easy though, once you got down to it. Some of it was even interesting, like the one about the importance of first impressions (N1, I mean).

>> No.6572103

That's what I said 4 years ago and blew off the test while all my classmates were taking it.

>> No.6572131


All my classmates are indeed taking it. I plan to live in Japan but I don't need a test to show my ability to speak it. I'm content

>> No.6572151

I screwed up the reading on N1 real bad. ;_; Oh well, always next year..

At least one of the invigilators at SOAS was pretty hot, or is it just me?

>> No.6572166 [DELETED] 

They were all ugly, and that fussy, bossy Japanese cow with the harsh voice pissed me off.

>> No.6572206


Edmonton N2. Pretty small group here.

Kanji/grammar section felt quite a bit harder than the (old) sample tests (studied according to old lists, and thought I had it mostly covered ;_;), but reading comprehension was alright. And yeah, time was really tight - I really should have started from the end. Also, hated the new "fill in the 4 blanks" questions!

Listening was alright, but I regretted not taking notes when they suggested it on one of the last questions (they even seem to insert pauses/smalltalk after main points to let you write something down). Took an enormous amount of effort not to zone out on the longer ones.

>> No.6572260

I learned my lesson from the sample questions on the JLPT site and took notes like my life depended on it. I still missed a few things, but for the most part I'm confident in my answers.

>> No.6572578

Zoning out Anon of >>6569131 here. I actually also remembered that there were some sound issues in my section, but can't remember what they were since I last took the test years ago.

Anyway, took the N2 this year, and I'm not sure if it was because of the redbull I chugged during the break, or the fact that like other people are saying it was surprisingly easy, but the Listening was a breeze this time.
But god, that reading comprehension was a bitch.

>> No.6572871

Can somebody fill me in on what all this is? I've only taught myself hiragana and a few words so far but I intend to finish learning katakana soon and then I'll try to start learning Kanji.

>> No.6572913

what the JLPT is? it's a test to see how much Japanese you understand with different levels of difficulty. It doesn't really handle sentence creation or actual conversation with others though.

>> No.6573093

Some schools and companies in Japan use it to screen resumes unseen. You may not need it now, but you might need it later. Since you know you'll pass anyway, why not just take it and get it out of the way?

>> No.6573156

Yes, it tests some aspects of Japanese knowledge, not all. It's widely acknowledged that anything below N2 is useless in terms of the real world, but a lot of people enjoy having a test to work towards. It gives them a curriculum to follow and a deadline to motivate them, etc etc. If you have £70 to spare, think about taking the N5 or N4 next year.

>> No.6573366

N3 in Atlanta
got kinda screwed since all the vocab I studied didn't really match what was in the test.
Listening was okay, except some parts sort of mixed together, also forgetting what the question was

pass or fail, I'll keep studying though

>> No.6573412
File: 5 KB, 241x251, 1288532501119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Lol poor white kids. No matter how hard you train, you will never be.. lol ... wapanese.

Maybe you guys should start lifting weights. Or something.

>> No.6573416

Everybody knows Chinese people only learn English because they want to be white.

>> No.6573428

Then why you trying to learn japanese?
Lol cant live on a double standard.

>> No.6573433

but apparently chinese is way more useful to learn than japanese
so why aren't you studying that?

>> No.6573439

Because there are some Japanese things I want to read that haven't been translated to English.

>> No.6573447

Nah, a dumb fuck like you wants to be japanese. I bet you practice... lol aikido.

>> No.6573461

You might want to fix that sarcasm detector.

>> No.6573462

I don't just practice Aikido. I'm a certified Aikido master.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is

>> No.6573464

might want to check your weeb meter reading. Its off the charts.

>> No.6573470

'the fuck is a weeb?

>> No.6573471
File: 165 KB, 834x684, 1285967836577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro. Remember snapping a pringle chip in 2 doesnt make you a martial arts master.

>> No.6573473

Guys, don't feed the troll. We were having a nice thread until he came along.

>> No.6573479


Who cares, create another one.

>> No.6573481
File: 114 KB, 799x473, 1290383214624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grammar was pretty fucked up. The other two were pretty chill.

>> No.6573482

People like you. White people that think they can become asian if they live asian. Still a filthy gwailo in my eyes.

>> No.6573486

I barely even remember what took place any more. But is it true the question papers showed up online the same day last year? That would have been so funny!

>> No.6573494

I forgot about this. Oh well.

>> No.6573489

everyone in /jp/

>> No.6573496


And I'm ok with it.

At least I study and don't go embarrassing myself in anime conventions.

>> No.6573504

But I'm not even white.

>> No.6573525

>anime conventions.
how many people in /jp/ even go to such social gatherings?

>> No.6573529

yea but your also not japanese.
my statement still stands.

>> No.6573530

people in /jp/ too NEET for that

>> No.6573533

but if he was Japanese, he wouldn't need to learn the language

>> No.6573540

Looks like this thread has served its purpose. Shall I delete it?

>> No.6573546

You're fucking dumb. What if his parents learned english and spoke it in the home? Yea. Ethnics =/= Language.

>> No.6573551


Yeah, It's not like we are gonna talk about the JLTP anymore.

>> No.6573553

>What if his parents learned english and spoke it in the home?
Then he wouldn't need to learn the language.

>> No.6573563

Thread gone in 3 minutes.

>> No.6573575

Jerry: What do you call a good looking girl in Japan?

JR: What?

Jerry: A tourist!
