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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 500x382, sHdv1qzwj9fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6561421 No.6561421 [Reply] [Original]

I want a /jp/ meet up.

I want to see what kind of people you are. Would any of you ever actually consider ever attending a meet up?

>> No.6561429

I live in Utah. You'd never want to come to Utah.

>> No.6561430

We do. They're called cons.

>> No.6561434

oh shit nigger what are you doing
get out of there ASAP.

>> No.6561435

I'll pay for all of you to come to glorious Alabama.

>> No.6561436

I live in Australia. It would be me getting drunk under a /jp/ banner by myself.

>> No.6561437

If it was within walking distance from my house. Even then I would stake out the place first to make sure no one was too talkative or out of place.

>> No.6561441

I can't imagine it being anything but extremely awkward

>> No.6561443

Yeah, I would. Seattlefag here. Much less sucky than utah.
Now I go to bed. The flyflan has thus commanded it.

>> No.6561444
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brah, I live in Salt Lake. What do you say we have a little get together?

>> No.6561448

I'll bring the bugles if someone brings their cute imouto

>> No.6561454
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/jp/ meetup?

>> No.6561457

Yeah, considering that even though we don't get along with each other here much, we still get along with each other better than we do most other people on the planet.

There's a couple thousand of us, so statistically there might be a couple of /jp/sies lurking somewhere around Nor-Cal. Hell I've probably passed some by at uni, or drove by the houses of some of the NEETs, and never knew it. Which is a shame, I'd totally like to go visit you guys and share/trade doujinshi etc.

Ultimate /jp/ meetup would be if we met up at a Comiket. We'd be styling all over the place together.

>> No.6561460

But all /jp/ users are already cute girls living together in the same mansion.

>> No.6561466
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but i live in bangkok so yeh

>> No.6561469

Another Alabama anon? Where are you at?

>> No.6561472

If it was within ten minutes of my house maybe

>> No.6561476
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This man has the right idea. Still waiting for >>6561429 to respond.

>> No.6561477


It'll be amazing

We'll all sit in a circle in one room

Then we'll bust out our laptops

and then we'll post on /jp/ as usual while avoiding making eye contact with one another in complete silence.

6 hours later, we'll pack our bags and go home without saying a word.

>> No.6561474 [DELETED] 
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How many times have a seen a thread like this?

>> No.6561480

>me getting drunk under a /jp/ banner by myself
The fact that there aren't many people on /jp/ in the first place doesn't exactly help our cause. We're much more likely to find people from /a/.

>> No.6561481

Kinda weird but I guess. I have a business meeting tomorrow, and again on Monday. That's all that's planned in my future for the next 400,000 years.

>> No.6561484

I don't get why everyone is so interested in these meetups. Even though we share the same interests, it's still a form of shitty social interaction and probably even more awkward.

>> No.6561485

I'd want to meet a few of you, but not most of you.

>> No.6561486

I highly doubt anybody wants to meet me in person.
There ARE some /jp/sies I'd like to meet myself, though.

>> No.6561488

>Ultimate /jp/ meetup would be if we met up at a Comiket. We'd be styling all over the place together.
my body is not ready

>> No.6561491


Shit, if a /jp/'er lived within even 30 minutes of me he'd probably be my new best friend. Together alone etc.

>> No.6561494

I don't need a meetup, I'm in fucking Taiwan.

In one year we have like 2 comiket-equivalent events and 2 mini-comiket equivalent events.

To add to that, apparently, they're going to be doing a Reitaisai equivalent event next May.

And the best thing? The events are all held in my campus' huge gym building.

And the worst thing? There goes me saving up for fucking anything.

>> No.6561496

>That's all that's planned in my future for the next 400,000 years.

That's why youkai shouldn't get into business.

>> No.6561497
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Eh... I'd go. If it was close enough. I'm not driving more than, like, five miles. That shit is my comfort zone. I also fear that I may not be /jp/ enough. I must spend more time here. I must MELD.

>> No.6561498

Haven't we had /jp/ meets up before? I'm sure they didn't go well.

>> No.6561502

I'm fat, ugly, have a horrible annoying voice, and an awful personality. I shower daily though, I guess.

No one would want to meet me.

>> No.6561504

I live in fucking Connecticut.
Good luck.

Although I spend most of my time either in Boston or the city.

>> No.6561508

You can meet Sion

>> No.6561510
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I do kind of want to see what other people that post here are like; I can't picture what a /jp/ user would be like or look like

>> No.6561515


> I shower daily

Congratulations, you passed the test.

>> No.6561516
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I do all my homework sunday, so that day's no good either.

>> No.6561517
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If you live in dirty Jersey better watch your 'hole cuz I'm +gunning for you

>> No.6561521

i went to a /jp/ meetup once and i was raped, OP is a motherfuck who makes this thread every year and when people show up he gets them drunk and takes advantage of them

>> No.6561523


Sion lives in CT?

>> No.6561525

I'm dedicating any money I come across to a trip to Japan; I promised a friend I'd take him. I would like to coincide this with a /jp/ meetup if possible.

>> No.6561528

Probably not. I'm suspicious of everyone on the internet.

>> No.6561529


>> No.6561530

Words can't describe how much the OP should get out

>> No.6561531

I live in Florida

>> No.6561532

Well i live in Canada and unless it was at comiket i wouldn't bother leaving the county, and even then it would have to be one i was already planing to attend since comiket trips are fucking expensive.

>> No.6561533


Speaking of which, is anyone confirmed going to C79? I know for certain that there are always a couple of us around here who make it to a Comiket at some point, we would need to organize this in advance if we're going to have a /jp/ meetup otherwise we'd just pass each other by, and mutually assume that we're probably stupid gaia or /a/fags or some such.

>> No.6561534
File: 228 KB, 811x704, Tsukihime Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't mind doing this for Christmas. Have all of us /jp/ kids meet up at a bar and have a few beers, have drunken discussions about waifu and the like. THAT would be pretty cool.

>> No.6561535


Pretty much this for me.

>> No.6561538

Adelaide, South Australia. I'm aware of a few other from here but I know all of them as a non-anon already. I've been to gatherings that would have counted as /jp/ meet ups if any of them knew the others browsed /jp/.

>> No.6561540

hey, another Seattlite

>> No.6561541

A JP meetup sounds fun then. I wouldn't mind being taken advantage of. I probably won't remember all that much of how glorious it was from being super drunk though.

Though, hopefully he'd have the decency to lube me so I don't get any permanent anal damage.

Just need to buy a skirt, and some pantsu~

>> No.6561542

I do own im@s, Live for You, and a Japanese Xbox 360. I also own a modded PS1 with Princess Maker 1, and Tokimeki Memorial 1 & 2. So I guess there's weaboo things we could do to make social interaction less akward.

I live about 4 blocks south of BYU. I own my own web business that's still under creation but otherwise I'm unemployed. Since the two guys building the website work for me I have a flexible (nonexistent) schedule.

>> No.6561547


Wait, Sion actually lives IN Boston?

Why would he do that? Living in Boston fucking sucks.

>> No.6561550


I live in seattle too. You would never be able to point me out because i'm cleverly disguised as a normal fag. Been to any con's lately?

>> No.6561558

Same. It's getting fucking cold, isn't it? Need a space heater.

>> No.6561559

I used to live there. Or rather, Redmond/kirkland. Hope to return from the backwater outpost I'm currently at.

>> No.6561560


Together with /jp/ on Christmas?
Honestly, that sounds... pretty nice. ;__;

[spoilers]Since this will be my first Christmas alone. Forced to move out to my own appartment, Parents are moving way out of state.[/spoiler]

>> No.6561562

Sounds nice

>> No.6561564

I do, since you seem the anti-establishment type. Your pseudo-intellectualism rubs me the wrong way, but thats no reason we couldn't have a beer or something.

>> No.6561565

It's okay Amanda, we're here for you.

>> No.6561572

Taiwan guy here. I was actually in Seattle for 1.5 years before moving recently. Heard the weather sucks lately, condolences.

Not sure if it's to be considered a good thing but I've always found the Sichuanese cuisine restaurants in the Eastside and the small family-run Japanese place in Chinatown to be some of my rather bright experiences of Seattle.

Looking for ACG related stuff there is fucking hard and expensive. Especially fucking Kinokuniya.

>> No.6561571 [DELETED] 
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>and some pantsu~

I'll lend you some bro.

>> No.6561574

Its like 110 degrees in Adelaide today, how are you people even alive?

>> No.6561575

That's what the Anime Expo /jp/ meet-ups are for bro. Everyone is always there.

>> No.6561576

Honestly, I don't think I'd have enough self confidence for such a thing, shit would be akward as hell.
But I live in France anyway.

>> No.6561577

Are you implying I haven't actually thought out my position? Because I'm logically unassailable.

Also, yeah, let's get a beer.

>> No.6561579

Didn't know there were nutmeggers here. I'm living in a shitty dorm at CCSU.

>> No.6561580


Would be a nice change. Orphan here, I'm having Christmas alone again so I'll probably just be getting drunk and keeping anyone on /jp/ company.

>> No.6561581


Well, I tried...

>> No.6561584

Am I the only /jp/sie in California? It sounds unlikely since there are like 30,000,000 of us.

>> No.6561588

Anime Expo is for scrubs and low power levels. Nothing but large companies pushing flavor-of-the-month anime circlejerks.
I did meed some channers there back on aught six though. But they were /b/tards

>> No.6561590

Anyone in Miami?

>> No.6561593

Michigan sucks. You guys wouldn't want to come here.

>> No.6561597

I'd never go to a meet up. I can't tolerate people in real life. I can only interact with /jp/ because it's online. /jp/ users would be just as bad as any other person in real life.

>> No.6561598
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I live a block away from U of U. Looks like we'll have a long distance relationship, a forbidden love that transcends both the bullshit university rivalries and the mormon hetero-only tradition.

and why not learn html/dreamweaver/ect if you have so much free time? It'd probably be cheaper that way.

hell, you could probably take a class or two on it for spring semester.

>> No.6561599

Every time I see these threads, I get depressed. Living in the middle of Cleveland means I can't meet anyone from /tg/ or /cgl/, let alone /jp/

>> No.6561600


Driving up there tomorrow and blasting touhou music around your campus.

>> No.6561601

Too late

>> No.6561603
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Go to bed.

>> No.6561607

I'm not there now. I''m at home, because I have to get my shit together for exams. I'll be back at Vance on Sunday.

>> No.6561608

Just PAX every year, and Sakura-con back in 2008 and 2009. Going again next year, but it would help if I had people to go with. I have friends and all, but they aren't really the /jp/ type.

>> No.6561610

Sup fellow Adelaidefag.
To be honest I'm actually quite surprised any other /jp/sies live here. Seems like too small a city to play host to any number of our kind.

>> No.6561613
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But Cleveland is AWEEEEEESOME

>> No.6561619

I believe some folks met up after this year's reitaisai? I was too big of a faggot to join them.

>> No.6561620

The people who would actually go to one are probably the ones you wouldn't like

>> No.6561624
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I can wait.

>> No.6561635

>Ultimate /jp/ meetup would be if we met up at a Comiket.

Nah, ultimate /jp/ meetup would be in Aokigahara. We'd fight the souls of the departed while collecting treasure, dungeon crawler style. We should also befriend and bring a loli itako (who would be off-limits since she's already married to a deity) to the forest so that she can summon some of the less hostile ghosts and learn about the supernatural from them. Our goal would be determining the location of the Dragon Palace in Yonaguni. After we do so, we'd set out for the palace of Ao Guang in the East China Sea and convince him to grant us equipment for our noble quest, that will allow us to survive in space (Ao Guang had some pretty crazy artifacts in Journey to the West, he probably has a few magical spacesuits lying around.)

After this is done, a select few of us, plus the itako, would go to the moon to visit Chang'e, one of the most knowledgeable people around when it comes to immortality (she consumed two doses of the immortality elixir, making her twice as immortal as anyone else.) We will use the itako to call the spirit of her long-dead husband, Houyi, and allow them to settle their grudge. After Houyi passes on peacefully (he'll still end up attacking a party in a boss fight though!), we'll ask him and Chang'e the location of Xi Wangmu's palace and the quests we must undertake to obtain the immortality elixir.

>> No.6561640

miami here, good luck finding any /jp/ besides me :_:

>> No.6561647

See, that's what people say when they don't live in Cleveland. Not Beachwood, not Lakewood, not Shaker, but Cleveland.

>> No.6561648

Next, we need to guarantee that we will be able to pass those tests. We will travel to India and track down a vetala, granting him corporeal form with out itako, solving his riddles and having him tell us the optimal course of action in order to face our trials (vetala are apart from conventional spacetime and exist in the past, present and future at the same time.) With this, we'll visit Xi Wangmu and obtain enough elixir of immortality for all of us.

Next step will be the hardest, it will involve finding and carrying out a ritual to release Sun Wukong from the Eight-Trigrams Furnace, now known as the Large Hadron Collider (Journey to the West was written by aliens from the future, it didn't happen yet and Wukong is still in the furnace.) After sneaking into the physics facility and fighting the robotic drones which CERN surely uses, we'll help Wukong out and ask him to teach us the 72 arts of transformation.

At this point, our journey will be nearing its end. We'll all transform into cute girls and drink the immortality elixir, and then we'll find the Penglai mountains and live forever as a few dozen young maidens all lesbian for each other.

>> No.6561655

But I don't think I'd go to any sort of meetup outside of a chatroom

>> No.6561657

A /jp/ meetup there would just be a bunch of sweaty guys in one room, for obvious reasons.
I live an hour away from there.

>> No.6561658

Fuck no.

>> No.6561660

Do you live/hail from Hallet Cove?

>> No.6561666

What college are you at? My cousin is up at UCONN, he says it's pretty good. Heard that Southern is kinda shitty, but they're not a dry campus.

>> No.6561672

>>Nothing but large companies pushing flavor-of-the-month anime circlejerks.

But that's the entire Japanese anime industry in a nutshell.

There are any /jp/ meet-ups there anyways.

>> No.6561675


Where and when?
I love you guys, I want this to happen. ;A;

>> No.6561676


Sounds like a plan to me.

>> No.6561678
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Southeast Michigan here

>> No.6561685

Tycho gave me some autographed books back in 2007 because I showed up for the con in crutches and a sling. He took pity on me because I couldn't hold a controller at the time.
I had just wrecked my motorcycle some days previous.

>> No.6561687

But there's a small /jp/ meet up at comiket all the time.

>> No.6561689

Norwich, Connecticut. Nobody lives near me ;_;

>> No.6561706

Sadly no. I hail from Bedford Park.
Since the uni year is finished though, I'm down on the South Coast with my parents.

>> No.6561710


Another Connecticut?
What is that now, 3? 4? That's enough, right?

>> No.6561711

If there was a /jp/ meet up I'd drive to the location and look for people who look like they are from here. Then I would say "That must be them" and drive home.

>> No.6561713

Ouch. takes dedication to show up in that condition. But at least you got something out of it.

>> No.6561717


Dude, I could fit you all in my truck.

>> No.6561721

I'm up for this. So? What are you guys waiting for? S'go.

>> No.6561722

I just have a very deep disdain for official translations.
I had a fuck of a good time, but damn, there was nothing there that I was interested in. It was like I stepped 3 years back in time, people shitting their pants over stuff I'd seen long ago.

Now that shit is getting brought over to the US a bit faster, it might not be so bad.

Best way to handle a con-- Stay awake for the whole thing.

>> No.6561726

When the hell did this place become /b/? None of you fags deserve to call yourselves NEET.

>> No.6561730


Leave /jp/ alone they are good people.

>> No.6561731

Autism meetup?

>> No.6561734

Honestly, I only went because it was free. I was never too big on Penny Arcade, but my buddy at work was.

We got free passes because we were presenting some games there.

>> No.6561735
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My car can easily fit 6-7 people.
But never mind, because I'm lazy as shit.

>> No.6561741
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fuck yea. You are going to sit on my lap infront of my computer, and together we will watch touhou remixes of Billy Harrington videos for 6 straight, steamy hours. in 1080p.

>> No.6561742


South bay area.

>> No.6561744

So you're in classes. Next weekend then.

>> No.6561745

What the hell would any of us do? I would highly suggest bar hopping. The alcohol will eliminate any chance of social awkwardness.

>> No.6561749

nobody deserves anything. Quit crying or I'll give you something to cry about.

>> No.6561750

CCSU guy here, dead center in the middle of the state. Got a throwaway email address? If people actually want to do this, that'd make it easier to organize.

>> No.6561752


Then again that would require you fags to actually be 21 so...

>> No.6561755

>bar hopping
We might as well pick up girls and watch football while we're at it.

>> No.6561756

I would definitely consider it but I probably wouldn't go.

I feel like Anonymous would gang up on the tripfags and rape us until we died to death.

>> No.6561759

FUCK. I forgot what show that was from.
My memory be slippin'

>> No.6561761

I knew this thread was just full of normals.

>> No.6561764
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I went to the one at Touhou OpenWorld 2010. Everyone looked pretty normal, although the fact that we were all dressed in black suits might've had something to do with that.

>> No.6561765



>> No.6561768

You don't have to like it, but if you endure it, you can have some very interesting times. You can take that in the Terry Pratchett sense.

>> No.6561769


Clearly the impending Connecticut /jp/ meetup will be held Monday night so they can watch the Jets/Patriots game.

>> No.6561774

I wouldn't mind going to another /jp/meetup, the C78 one was pretty nice, too short, even.

>> No.6561776

I'm actually thinking about going outside now. I hate you guys.

>> No.6561784
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Works for me, but I have no money and no car. If it's out of range of the traxx trolley or bus, don't get your hopes up.

otherwise, there isn't much anything to do at my place if you plan on visiting, unless you're a huge fan of super smash bros melee/brawl on a 10 in. square tv that I've had for generations.

>> No.6561785


Santa Cruz here @UCSC.

I sometimes wonder if I have the highest power level in this whole damned city. Maybe not, if you're around here too, but that's not likely since SC is kind of a backwater compared to San Jose.

>> No.6561789


Would you guys be up for possibly doing this weekend or Monday?

>> No.6561798

Dunno, I sent one to >>6561765

I'm up for it if we can get a day set.

>> No.6561814

I'm living in McClaren Vale at the moment myself. What do you mean by South Coast?

>> No.6561824

Norwich, Connecticut here. I'll definitely stay up to date on what's going. I really don't have any classes next week (except like two finals on thursday).

>> No.6561837

Doctor reporting, I can be the healer. We need DPS.

>> No.6561838

what the fuck

>> No.6561843 [SPOILER] 
File: 479 KB, 721x360, IgnoreTheNormals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was one at AX. All two of us.

SoCal reporting in. SGV to be a bit more exact.

No chance I'm going over to the other coast anytime soon, so come over to this one.

The night sky is pretty. Also, I like driving.

>> No.6561854

SoCal here, Chula Vista.


>> No.6561857


I'm up by Mountain View. Is anybody else in california?

>> No.6561862

Socal here. SFV actually.

I don't think I'll be traveling anywhere except maybe Arizona occasionally, but not often.

If anyone in Los Angeles area ever wants to grab a hamburger, just let me know.

>> No.6561865


I'd like to get to AnimeExpo at least once in my life, but it isn't happening in the forseeable future. Sure as hell isn't happening in 2011, my con schedule is more than full.

>> No.6561876
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Macademy Washoi!

aside from the immortal Angel of Hardo Gay Manliness, it was quite the forgettable magical fanservice/harem show.

>> No.6561884

Honestly all you need is beer, lots of lots of lots of lots of beer.

>> No.6561886

so uh... I'm new to Cal, living in Monterrey currently. How far away is all of this stuff we are talking about from here? Not that I'd ever end up going but I'm just curious I guess. I'm used to live in an area that was no where near anything interesting.

>> No.6561891


miami dade here

i dont think id do as much as to meet people, but i do have a good friend with a fellow /jp/er who just happened to have played runescape all we do we is just talk in irc and watch anime together

i dont know the lengths of how /jp/ would communicate even in irc so it might be awkward

>> No.6561907

For $2 you could take trax to Sandy, the 811 down to UVU, then take the 831 to 15 feet in front of where I live.

Unless you mean it's out of range of trax on your end? Or if you mean you don't want to spend the 2 hours? I go to SLC about once every 3 months. If I had cash Thanksgiving Point is directly between us. Dunno where I'd get the $20-40 to make that trip worthwhile though.

My roommates own a TV 1/3 the size of the entire damn wall though. They use that huge thing to play Halo. I've played im@s on it from time to time too.

Even more fun my aunt has an in home theater I can use so long as I call ahead. I've always wondered what putting im@s on it would be like. Oh god.

that's my spam email.

>> No.6561914



>> No.6561916


Do you mean... THAT Mountain View? South Bay? I'm roughly 20 minutes away.

>> No.6561920

You're too hard on it. I enjoyed the hell out of it.
But I guess you ARE right about the forgettable part, seeing as I forgot and all....
I love those obscure shows that nobody pays attention to.

>> No.6561925

How many of you went to Anime Central last year? Anyone going this year?

>> No.6561930

So many /jp/ers are in the Southern Bay Area

...and I'm stuck down here in normalfag shithole called Santa Barbara for uni.

I should transfer to SJSU.

>> No.6561931

You're in....Jesusland?
Oh god, I thought I had it bad in Nevada. At least I get to be near California.

>> No.6561937

I'm a waiter at a restaurant. There's a chance you've already met me.

Anyway, I would gladly go out to grab a beer or two with any /jp/sies that live in the Detroit suburbs.

>> No.6561941

Anybody around Houston/Pearland/Sugarland area in texas, shout out now.

>> No.6561946

bostonfag here,
you me and sion should get together

>> No.6561949

I get a sinking feeling whenever I learn that someone from 4chan lives near me.

>> No.6561951

To be honest I'd think it be pretty scary meeting someone from the 'net. This is talking as one of those /jp/ers with 0 friends and who has never "hung out" before though.

Though I guess it would be cool to have another person to bike/jog/surf with. Or we could play music instruments or compare anime figure collections or something.

>> No.6561952

Is it really as bad as people say, crime-wise?

>> No.6561964


I like to joke that it is. "You know, Robocop was set in Detroit for a reason." and stuff like that, but really, as long as you avoid certain areas, you're pretty ok. Everyone's too depressed and Detroit's literally a ghost town anymore.

I love in the suburbs about 30 minutes north, though, so crime here's not really much of a problem.


Honestly, in my list of interests, acting like I'm from /jp/ is pretty low in the list. I just like Touhou and some VNs, pretty much.

>> No.6561966


I'll be trying for next year, though it's the most financially expendable con on my list.


If nothing else, cons are useful for providing thousands of witnesses.

>> No.6561970

hey, i'm pretty hip and hop and all that young jazz. You would love being around me.

>> No.6561973

It's not that bad! I really don't see that many really religious people. Though I guess it depends on the area.

Anyways, I want to give cosplaying a try for the first time in my life! It should be fun!

Hotels are so expensive though! I just went to the hentai rooms and slept in there...

>> No.6561975


I'm across the bay from Monterrey (Santa Cruz). Who knows, maybe I could see your house from here on a clear day if I had a nice telescope (I don't, don't worry).

Monty's about a half hour away. I honestly don't know much about your town actually besides that it has some expensive restaurants and a very cool aquarium. It takes me maybe an hour and a half (or longer) from where I am to drive up to the San Francisco peninsula. So, you're about 2 hours away from SF, and 3+ hours away from the North Bay.

I used to live in the North Bay (Santa Rosa), people are generally pretty similar all around here. Normals are normals all around, no surprise really. At least since we're in the most liberal part of the whole country, people don't really discriminate or talk shit to you about your hobbies because everyone is so P.C here. You'd have to go a couple hours south to start to see what the SoCal crowd is like.

>> No.6561976

New Zealand.

There's maybe one other guy who chans the four. Problem is, he's in Steward Island.

I'll never actually meet another channer.

>> No.6561977

Sorry for the late reply. Been playing Dead Rising 2.

Anyway, Goolwa. That sort of area.

>> No.6561979

Oh man, when you find a fellow that has similar weeaboo interests, it's amazing. You just get into this mad feedback loop of nerd info and your power level increases exponentially.

>> No.6561981

I live in the metro Detroit area, too. But I feel too shy to actually participate in any online meetups.

>> No.6561982

I'm at UCSC as well. What college are you in? I have to guess Crown, for obvious reasons.

>> No.6561983

I'm trying to see if I can make it out for Hardcore Synergy next year... but being broke and unemployed are in the way.
Also because I have promises of "best fucking pizza you've ever had" from some /cgl/ peeps if I ever make it over.

>Hotels are so expensive though!
Can't stand the commoner stench on me. I NEED to shower.

>> No.6561984

Lol, I think I saw one dude in Seattle, but no one else in Washington state....

I'm all alone here in Bellingham...

>> No.6561990

It's like someone just made the same exact post I was going to.

>> No.6561991

I'd go running with you, Zun!bar. Other than that I can't promise much I'm afraid ; ;

So far since I've lived here its been way to cold to try surfing or even go to the beach... but maybe Monterey is indeed to far north.

>> No.6561992


'Scoo, I mean, it honestly would be sort of weird to go "OH MAN YOU POST ON /JP/ TOO LET'S HANG OUT."

But hey, if you're ever in a certain sushi restaurant up around the Rochester area, ask for Kyle and mention it and I'll see if I can get you some free food or something.

>> No.6561995

Well, that must be nice.
I'm in Reno, NV and this place is like techno-Siberia. Just an outpost of ne'er do well people scraping by, constantly battling the elements, fearing computers and new technology. I can't believe I was born here.

>> No.6561997

Hey, me too. What's with all these Detroit area anons?

>> No.6562000

Bellingham is sweet. Nice little west-coast college town. I broke a finger there.
If you were born there, get out!

>> No.6562006


I actually wanted to be at Crown, but I was assigned Cowell for whatever reason they decided. I'm off campus this year though (only about 3 minutes away from it though by car), and lived in the dorms up until last year.

... ... and fuck it, I can't help but ask, where you/are you in SAMA?

>> No.6562008

No one even remotely close to me, can't say I expected there to be though North Carolina sucks

>> No.6562009

>What's with all these Detroit area anons?
I blame all the stores closing down. No where to work, no where to go.

>> No.6562013

If you are in Michigan, chances are you're probably the in the Detroit area (followed by Ann Arbor, then maybe Lansing). As abandoned as it may seem, it's still its center of commerce.

>> No.6562016

SAMA? What's that? I'm a Crownie, though. I live on campus, since I'm a freshman.

>> No.6562017

Hahaha, that reminded me of that infamous Sakura-con 2009 video...

I live near an area filled with lots of universitites so most people are actually pretty liberal around here.

Hey I remember you, you told me about Hen Da Ne last year!

Anyways, do people that meet up room together to cheapen the cost in hotels? Is there going to be a massive /jp/ orgy?

Any cosplayers? Who do you intend to cosplay as?

Also, non-inflammatory cosplay tips would be appreciated!

>> No.6562033


Was this at Otakon? I've never been to ACen.

Also, yes, get roommates to cut costs.

>> No.6562040

Reno has A university, and A commmunity college.
I can't believe people take pride in the town motto "Biggest Little City in the World".
For fuck's sake, this town is known for drunken spur-of-the-moment weddings (Which I have seen firsthand;; I was the witness)

>> No.6562042
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I should say, as a U of U student, all traxx and buses are free for me to use.
I wasn't aware they went that far, though I've never really looked into it.
Let's set up some plans.
I sent an email to you.

>> No.6562046


It's the school's anime/manga club. I joined it for shits and giggles last year and was, unsurprisingly astoundingly higher in power level than most of the people there, even most of the officers. I think only the president had me bested. Not sure how it is this year.

I attended the meetings only a few times (maybe 2 or 3 out of the entire year), since I found it very very boring to watch anime I either didn't like, or had already seen. Even though the president had set some tolerable guidelines (Narutards, Bleachfag etc get automatically booted from the club among other /a/-like framework), I just couldn't stand being around low power levels. I guess I'm too elitist for my own good.

Oh and I'm a senior, I know the campus like the back of my hand, but obviously since I'm on /jp/ I don't give a flying fuck about the goings-on there, besides my own classes.

>> No.6562050

New Zealand here as well. I live in Christchurch, and know another guy here that visits /jp/ regularly, and 3-4 others that just visit other boards on 4chan. Your assumptions are a bit off.

>> No.6562070

Just don't show up with a half-assed costume. People will laugh at you behind your back.
Balls to the wall, man. Balls to the wall.

>> No.6562071

Oh, nah. Doesn't even sound like something I'd wanna be part of, although I'd have gone for the /jp/ meet-up.

>> No.6562095

Be honest: have any of you hit on any boys/girls at any cons/meetups? Or attempted any physical contact?

Deep down inside, would you want to be raped at a con/meetup?

Where do you eat? Food is friggin' expensive.

>> No.6562097

Texan /jp/er here and amazed with all the Seattlefag.
I wouldn't mind a /jp/ meet up but I do have some doubts about it. Clear my doubts away anonymous!

>> No.6562100

school anime clubs, oh man. half the people there like to think they're some kind of experts who are super cultured. and they act like these people.


>> No.6562104

I had such a hard time meeting up with people during AX.
Didn't even make it to the /cgl/ gathering and the /jp/ meetup happened because the dude was looking for me and I was easy to spot
FAnime is much more relaxed although me being 300 miles to the south might be an issue if my status doesn't change by March.

>do people that meet up room together to cheapen the cost in hotels?
Rooming with some ronery pals for ALA. Apparently it's gonna be even cheaper than last time. Which means more budget for drinking booze in my Yuugi outfit

> Is there going to be a massive /jp/ orgy?
I always hear about these orgies but then find out it was three hotels over.

>Also, non-inflammatory cosplay tips would be appreciated!
I'd say ">>>/cgl/ is that way" but that board dies at midnight.
Basically, know how to use your sewing machine. Know how to use a pattern. Always make a test outfit. Always iron your outfits. And PLEASE get a decent wig and know how to wear it.
First outfit I made only followed the last guideline and looked shitty.

>> No.6562115

I brought my own food.
I'm not sure if it's TOO weeaboo, but I packed a rice cooker, nori, and a bag of rice.
I just like nigiri, okay?

>> No.6562121

>Which means more budget for drinking booze in my Yuugi outfit

Hey, don't go crimping my ideas.

>> No.6562122

How do you folks get and learn all that sewing stuff? It sounds cool but as far away as learning Japanese...harder, actually.

I was just thinking of buying a costume this first time. Actual costume making can come later once I make sure I won't panic and run away in embarrassment out in the public.

>> No.6562138


Outfit patterns.

Sewing basically comes down to moving solids in straight lines, be they scissors, fabric or irons.

>> No.6562141

I live in SoCal, northern OC. But I would never go out of my way to meet you guys. Maybe we happened to stumble upon each other, but I don't think there'd be much to talk about.

>> No.6562167

Well, being a nerd, I leaned toward Home Ec back in middle school rather than PE, and that's where I learned how to sew. I canceled out the gay by also taking wood shop.
I really wonder if people remember the term "Home Ec"

>> No.6562195

I associate "Home Ec" with shows like Saved By the Bell

>> No.6562202


Haha, that fucking Sakuracon video.

But nah, I'm just some guy who wound up working at a sushi restaurant through a friend or two and I needed a job.

But I mean it. Try getting me as a waiter at this particular restaurant and at the very least I won't charge you for drinks and get you a 15% discount.

>> No.6562213

>Sakuracon 2009
That was the year I stopped even considering going to cons again. Once Sakuracon moved to downtown Seattle, it was much less fun.

>> No.6562218
File: 138 KB, 1600x1200, Matroska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have any of you hit on any boys/girls at any cons/meetups?
Of course not.

>Or attempted any physical contact?
Depends on the physical contact.

>Deep down inside, would you want to be raped at a con/meetup?
Not my thing. I'm not a very judgmental person though.

>Where do you eat? Food is friggin' expensive.
Denny's/IHOP. There's always one nearby. At least on the best coast.

At 4 in the morning, warm rice is heavenly. Don't give a fuck if it's weeabo. It's delicious.

I already had the idea. You just beat me to it. Also, adding popped collar and making board shorts instead of a skirt. Parental units found out about the dress and said no to skirts. Feels oppressed, man.
Won't be the only one in a Yuugi outfit either.

>I don't think there'd be much to talk about.
Other than making a new acquaintance, you're right. Cons help considerably since, at least for cosplaying, it provides a locale for derpy fun.

I wound up in the kitchen. Got to make cupcakes and everything!
As for hobby validating masculinity, I like cars. I like to drive them. And I get giddy every time I remember I have a sports car. No, seriously. It's a rinky dink AE92 GT-S that still needs work, but it's a legit sports car

>How do you folks get and learn all that sewing stuff?
Trial an error. Also, grabbing a character design, breaking down the components, finding patters for each component, making the patters, adjusting the fit, and finally making the outfit.

>> No.6562222

In retrospect, I find it ironic that we never learned a damn thing about economics in Home Economics.

>> No.6562230

Oh, shit. Nice pillows. Did you make them?

>> No.6562243

judging from the sewing machine behind them, I would say yes

>> No.6562251

Would you care to share the pattern?

>> No.6562252


On a closing note, if you're still lurking, fellow (frosh) Slug, out of boredom, I once scratched in "Suika Ibuki" into the woodwork with my thumbnail, on the wall next to the table in the lobby-like section, of the 3rd floor of Earth and Marine Sciences. That shit's not coming off.

I study at that spot a lot, since it's quiet (there's usually some faggots talking in the library); I am way too distracted by my computer at home to ever get work done. In fact I'll be there tomorrow afternoon, since finals are next week. I wear an orange-faced wristwatch. I'm not gay or will rape you or talk excitedly/loudly like a secondary or anything, so don't be a stranger. I probably won't talk much either, though, since, I am accustomed to going weeks at a time without speaking to anyone physically, and will be studying. God fucking damn, in fact I am procrastinating bad on studying as I type this out.

>> No.6562253

What I MEAN is, is it a legitimate picture? Is it Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI behind the camera?

Fucking semantics.

>> No.6562262

Yes, but someone would have to bring booze so we'd be able to break out of our shells and actually, you know, talk to each other

>> No.6562269
File: 874 KB, 2048x1536, SemiCompleteSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! I'm also selling the ones I'm making out of fleece. Going to Fashion District tomorrow to pick up more fabric, coincidentally

Actually, I'm selling all the ones I can sell. I've learned to make them rather quickly. Was gonna make a post on dA to pander to the Touhoufags on there, cause they liked my prototypes. But there's not enough light in my room for a not shit photo.
Other than the [F], I can make them all within the day.

Also made a large version.

>> No.6562272

Hey, if anybody's going to Lyon County jail (3rd worst in the nation, like any of you would break a law anyway) In pod 4 Cell 3 there are the lyrics to Melt under the table

>> No.6562273

Because "Housewife class" is too blunt of a term, even for back in the 50's

>> No.6562274

I never really needed booze to start talking. I'm just overly friendly. Booze gets people to say great things though.

I don't drink often, but the last time I did was during my trip to Japan. I ended up blacking out, and my roommate told me that I started trying to talk to him about Jesus, and how "he has almost as many forms as Frieza"

Consider it a "conversation enhancer."

>> No.6562288

Yeah, for me it's pretty much necessary to get conversation started beyond "hello".

>> No.6562293

Oh, man.. I had a similar experience
I was staying at a hostel in Tokyo, sat in the common room drinking beer from vending machines, and a Kiwi sits down next to me. He breaks out a bottle of something foul, alcoholic and Chinese, and we drank together. I still have the bottle. He told me stories of visiting Hong Kong and I told him stories of visiting Mexico.

An American and a New Zealander, drinking chinese booze and Japanese beer.

>> No.6562294

Buses go all the way south to Payson and all the way north to Logan. If you had all day and a free bus pass you could almost cover 1/3 of Utah. BYU charges students $250 for one, you're almost better off paying the $2 each way.

>> No.6562310


Well man it's either that or I give out an email. Which I'm never doing on 4chan, and am too lazy to go make a fake email over.

>> No.6562319
File: 131 KB, 600x1002, WTFIsThisShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me. Does this look familiar?
I want to try it but the person who took the shot is somewhere in Japan.

>> No.6562329

Not too much, very Chinese. I'm told it's basically Chinese house wine.

>> No.6562335

I don't get it, what's so bad about giving out an email?

So anyways, back to the topic of meetup, what are your plans?

>> No.6562345

Eh, there's always the chance some prick on here will use it for more nefarious purposes, but that's a risk you take anywhere online.

I personally prefer to exchange IM screennames. Much less risky, and it's not usually something you're on all the time, so no big sweat or anything.

>> No.6562369 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 1000x667, chigau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me milk it a bit. Haven't sold a single one of them yet.

Yes, it's me. Archive proves it.

>Kaguya is a pretty cool Toohoo, eh? Post email and doesn't afraid of anything.
There used to be a time when it wasn't an issue cause everyone was taking it easy...

>> No.6562399

What kind of more nefarious purposes? I'm used to the gay and bestiality porn.

>> No.6562401

>There was one at AX. All two of us.
I wonder if we'd be able to get more people next year?
I keep wondering whether the strangers I did happen to talk to were /jp/ers or not. I was really convinced by this one dude who wouldn't leave me alone after I helped him find something
>because the dude was looking for me and I was easy to spot
Haha yeah, you kind of are. Are you going to Anime LA? I didn't buy a ticket but a friend wants me to. I guess it'd be a very slight incentive to go

I'm not surprised at the amount of Californian /jp/ers but am surprised at the number who actually bothered posting (LA county here, btw)

>> No.6562403

Do guys notice that only normalfag tripfags are interested in this shit?

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.6562411


Getting your name inserted into email spam lists, possibly being sent viruses etc. It's not that I don't trust /jp/, I don't trust the the chance that lurkers specializing in that shit will take note. I'm not even paranoid, I just know for a fact that black hats and paid spammers exist around 4chan.

Although really, only posting an email in /b/ or /g/ would be the the truly unwise spots.. still not taking chances.

>> No.6562424

Well, I did receive some but viruses, ect shouldn't matter if I never open the emails, right? It's just a few sends of "Report Spam" button.

What are your favorite parts of meetups?

>> No.6562426

What's with all the fucking super-sociable people in here

why are you posting on /jp/ when you could be going out to clubs etc.

>> No.6562436

>why are you posting on /jp/ when you could be going out to clubs etc.
I've been to clubs and raves and all those kinds of things

they're fine and dandy but mostly shitty, and when it's over I always think about how I could have spent that time posting on /jp/

>> No.6562437

Maybe this is the only place where a lot of these people are sociable, for that matter. Think of them as middle tier in the social ladder. Good enough at socializing with people online to plan meetups, but bad at meeting people in person otherwise.

Hell, just look at how some people in here totally need booze in order to say more than hello.

>> No.6562442

Wanting to interact with fellow hardcore /jp/ fans who'd get obscure Touhou and VN in-jokes is pretty different than want to socialize with mainstream society.

>> No.6562449


I've got essentially zero friends irl, but wouldn't mind a fellow /jp/sie as a friend. We already watch out for each other here and have been through so much bullshit together; collectively we are already almost like best friends here, and so it's not too hard a bridge to cross if there's the opportunity and means.

If by the very low chance there happens to be one nearby, it's kind of a "why the hell not" kind of process.

>> No.6562451


Sure, I'm sociable. I have to be, I'm a fucking waiter, my entire income relies on chatting people up. Why is having social skills such an awful thing here that makes people flip out all the time?

So, yeah, I'm not a shut-in who's pretty comfortable talking with people. But I also love VNs and Touhou and doujin games, you know, the shit this board is about.

>> No.6562456

>Are you going to Anime LA?
Perfect chance for Touhou and booze! In the middle of making three outfits and helping with a fourth. I just need to find those damn patterns and get some funding for the rest of the material.

>What are your favorite parts of meetups?
My favorite part is when everyone leaves.

>What's with all the fucking super-sociable people in here
Some of us can. Some of us can't. Either way, at the end of the day we're all going home alone. And I'm okay with that.

>> No.6562474
File: 402 KB, 487x406, 1289328657675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would come to a /jp/ meat-up if it wasn't so scary outside.

>> No.6562488

Houston, TX here. But I doubt I'd attend a meetup, I go here after all.

>> No.6562491

77084-fag here.

>> No.6562498

I guess if I knew people with the same interests, I'd be fine having them as friends. My main problem is with most people I've got pretty much no grounds for discussion, so yeah, maybe you're all right about that.

On the other hand, where I live there's maybe just above a zero percent chance that anyone other than me has my interests, so I'm stuck with the internet (and having to constantly lie to my family about my totally active and healthy social life, that's fun too.)

>> No.6562500

I'm not good at socializing with anyone, probably not even /jp/ers. I never watched a lot of anime, haven't watched any in years, I have played fever than 10 VNs. /jp/ related stuff isn't a passion for me, it's just a hobby among others. I just fell in love with this board because of the awesome userbase. I didn't even browse /a/ much before the split but right after /jp/ was created, I felt so at home.

Thank you guys for being so awesome.

>> No.6562506

What about Touhou?

>> No.6562510

lets get together and talk about stupid shit.

>> No.6562511

Well what DO you like?
I'm reasonably confident I can hold a conversation about it.

>> No.6562513
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eye ain't afraid of spammers.

>> No.6562515


I've been here since not long after the split and have only played like 5 VNs. I have, on the other hand played a goddamn shit ton of Touhou though; I'm here almost exclusively for Touhou discussion.

Due to this imbalance I have though, I am afraid that if I ever meet a /jp/'er in real life that he could be one of those VN-only people here, that hates Touhou.. and then we'd tragically actually have very little to talk about or agree with each other on.

>> No.6562516

Wanna be friends?

>> No.6562518
File: 241 KB, 770x820, 8145185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting people in real life would be weird. How am I supposed to post pictures of my favorite Touhous there?

>> No.6562519

I like the shooters well enough. Really good fun when I've had a few drinks. I'm also a big fan of the music but who isn't? I don't really read any doujins because the stories never end up where I want.

Easy enough: RPGs and video games in general. We also did have that rather philosophical thread earlier. I'm not as well read in that as I'd like but I enjoyed it greatly.

I'm gonna stop blogging now. Thanks again guys and never change.

>> No.6562521


We're all friends here. Or well, usually we're all friends.

>> No.6562523

Yay (No, Seriously) Yay!!

>> No.6562546


>> No.6562552

Eh - Any UK JP/sies? Cheshire hooooO!

>> No.6562564

Sorry dude, I'm living in Poland. Right now, I'm considering vacation in UK so MAYBE somewhere in summer...
Also, you guys don't even like us so I'm kinda scared

>> No.6562572

I'm amused by the fact that you use "dude". Is there some sort of compulsory English schooling there?

>> No.6562584

I live in Cleveland, anon. Is your body ready?

>> No.6562598

All you South Bay Area /jp/sies should keep an eye on pooshlmer (which is not that bad as it turns out). A few nameless fairies keep scheduling Touhou meetups around San Jose. The last was at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga IIRC. I hear they're great, but I missed the last two.

Feels bad man.
Feels forever alone man :(

>> No.6562604

>/jp/ meetup
>252 posts

You should feel bad, /jp/.

>> No.6562611

How many of you are actually gay or girls?

>> No.6562612

Today being a a german eurofag feels bad man.

>> No.6562618

Meh - We like the Polish, awesome meats - even if you can't make meets :) Dunno if i'd trade life here for life in JP. We gots the Tweeds :)

>> No.6562619

I'm actually a girl, and for this reason I can't into these meetups ;_;

>> No.6562625

a GIRL, ON /jp/?!
there's hope after all fellas

>> No.6562626

Not if she's just as big of a shut in as everyone else.
forever alone ;_;

>> No.6562628

No, I'm quite sure it's because you use /int/ memes and smilies.

>> No.6562630

Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

>> No.6562632

The meetup would be very awkward. I know this as fact since I met someone who I suspected posts on /jp/ daily. A total NEET who is just now getting his high school diploma. We texted for a few weeks and I even asked to hang out and do things like ya know...normal people do. Of course he declined.

I even tried to make the interaction more comfortable for the guy by "broing" it up. Which is totally not me but I needed to do something to make our texting less awkward.

This how I'd imagine talking to most of you would be. I do not have the patience to go through that again.

>> No.6562634


>> No.6562636

Hello newfriend.

>> No.6562642

>/jp/ meet up

get the fuck out

>> No.6562648

I want to go if ZUN!bar is there.

Will you accept me? I'll do my best to live up to your standards!

>> No.6562649


There's actually a lot of girls on /jp/. It's one of those things you learn after a while but is mostly kept a secret. They know better than to speak up and be attention whores, is the difference.

>> No.6562658

I would go to a Portland /jp/ meet up. Let's have one. I'm so lonely. I want friends. ;_;

>> No.6562659

I can understand that there are girls on /jp/, which alone gives me cognitive dissonance, but a lot of them? Really?

I'd be hard pressed to believe more than 5%.

>> No.6562673

There are far more here than you think.

>> No.6562677

/jp/ girls are fat and/or ugly, which means they shouldn't count as real girls anyway.

>> No.6562685

I'd assume starved and over skinny, before fat.

>> No.6562686

Plenty of them are very thin and at least okay-looking. They just don't wear makeup or leave their rooms.

>> No.6562691

There are reverse traps here. I dunno if they count as "real girls," though. I know one FTM tranny who goes on /jp/ and /a/. I guess that technically counts as a guy.

>> No.6562696


I wonder why... oh yeah...


>> No.6562699

Actually yes. You go elementary school, you learn english and one more language like german or french.
We're not living in the goddamn Ethiopia.

>> No.6562702


>> No.6562705
File: 7 KB, 185x149, cory-in-the-house-dvd-185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody in my area
>everything's okay though because they're giving Corey in the house

>> No.6562712

It doesn't matter though since it's irrelevant.
It's easier to go through life assuming all girls are either taken or, as is the case with a good number of girls into touhou, lesbian. That way you can not give a fuck and enjoy it all

>> No.6562714

This. One girl I know in college is a total tomboy and I guess is a little bit cute, but one time we had this weird fancy ball at our school and she dressed up in goth loli clothes and had someone do her hair and makeup. Didn't recognize her at all.

>> No.6562716

Interesting. I wonder when America will realize the rest of the world is surpassing her...

>> No.6562723

>went to a school function outside of class

get out of /jp/, normalfag

>> No.6562724

I live in Denmark, and the only "con" I've ever attended was this year's summer Comiket.

Fat chance of meeting any of you guys.
I probably wouldn't mind hanging out, but my level of autism isn't that high, so I guess I'd feel left out even around you guys.

>> No.6562731

Fuck you. I just went for the free goddamn candy. Fuck.

>> No.6562732

I want to meet a Dane and discuss the wonders of girls with penises.

>> No.6562738

So what do you base all these assumptions on? I understand everyone wants to love and be loved but it's still the real world we're talking about here. These girls will be looking for someone charming to swipe them off their feet and you are looking for someone cute with characteristics from 2D that don't transition well into this world.

I'd call your situation desperate.

>> No.6562741

How anti-social are you guys? I won't start a conversation, but if someone starts talking to me about something I can relate to or if someone invites me to go to a meetup, I would totally go....

>> No.6562743

Yeah, that's where the part of autism comes in;
I'm not a huge fan of futa.

I am, however, supposed to be reading some books and write a report on doujinshi.

>> No.6562748

Really skinny and nerdy people have the potential to be cute. As long as neither of the otaku are fat, I think they could find each other attractive.

>> No.6562750
File: 103 KB, 600x600, Tenshi_flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They tend to be here because of Touhou. Compared to almost every other representation of girls in our field of media, Touhou's girls are fucking badass. Often, girls in anime, manga and especially VNs are formulaic, weak and there only to be used as sex toys.

Touhous however, whup a lot of ass, and are independent... no wishy washy bullshit over harem leads etc. And yet, they still have time for tea (and partying). They are inspiring in I guess a similar sort of vein that a lot of guys like, say, Archer.

>> No.6562755

I don't really care about social or antisocial or whatever...basically I can talk with anyone as long as we actually have something to talk about. People just don't know the value of peace and quiet. If someone honestly invites me somewhere I wouldn't mind going. If someone tries to make me feel stupid and talks cliches about having fun and getting a life and going out with them to clubs, they can just go die for all I care.

>> No.6562759

Cool. I pretty much agree.

>> No.6562769

I'm fine with someone starting a conversation with me but if I get invited someplace I go into reverse gear hard. I'd probably reply with something that allows me to get away with not showing up but not saying no outright either.

>> No.6562777

Oh dear here we go.....Tomorrow there will be a /jp/ hookup thread and then /jp/ is really done for.

Go and be happy somewhere else.I'm here on /jp/ to enjoy the fact that I'll be forever alone

>> No.6562781

I live in Croatia. You'd never want to come to Croatia.

>> No.6562784

nice triples

>> No.6562785

This is what we're here for, isn't it?

Well, except you don't notice the people who just stay quiet in the corner on the internet, I guess.

I can talk when it's around people I know, and if it's about a subject I enjoy.
I didn't really talk to people at all during my first year of university, apart from some people in the shared kitchen here at my dorm.

I still get horribly nervous when asking a question to a conference speaker and such.

>> No.6562787

Archer was just depressing though. When you think about how Shirou actually becomes like that after all his strong words and actions, it's sad.

>> No.6562788

What kind of places would you "go out to"? I guess people automatically think clubs or bars, but I usually think a restaurant or a movie. Something like that is just one-on-one for the most part. Plus, I like to indulge in fancy food once in a while and watching a movie on a big screen is nice. A crowded noisy club sounds like the exact opposite of fun to me, though.

>> No.6562790

I participated in this thread with the mindset that nothing will actually come out of it. Just a decent conversation. /jp/ will continue to hiki in their homes, afraid of the outside world and human contact.

>> No.6562792

I definitely would not, that's true.

>> No.6562803

How about a cinema?

I have one friend, and we go to the cinema every now and then.
I haven't seen him for about a month, but I plan on asking him if he wants to come to the city's amusement park to see the Christmas lights.
If he doesn't want to, I'll go myself because I've never seen them from inside the fence.

>> No.6562806

I would go to a /jp/ meet up to some quiet cafe maybe.... I know nothing will come of this thread, but I keep lurking here in the hope that someone from my hometown will show up. :[

>> No.6562811


With /jp/? To each others' houses. Bring a bunch of laptops / gamepads etc and play Soku, PoFV, Melty with each other etc.

If that gets boring we can go out and eat somewhere and split the bill. If we were in a group I think some people who normally would never go outside would at least have some tolerance of it, since they would know that they aren't alone and that as a group, strangers would not be very likely to say shit or start shit with us.

>> No.6562816

Same here.
I've been out for a walk with a girl once. That was nice.
Movies are also nice. Other people's places or cinemas doesn't make a huge difference to me, I think, although it's more comfortable if it's a private setting.

Not my room, though. It's made for one person. Me.

>> No.6562822

>To each others' houses.
Problem with that is that many of us are either college students living in dorms or live at home... I wouldn't want to bring anyone into my house until I met them somewhere else first. I guess chatting a bit online first would be okay.

>> No.6562824

oh, didn't expect there to be any other from the arse end of the world. Do you go to UC, chch?

>> No.6562828

Would you meet a really ronery girl from /jp/? Presuming she isn't fat and isn't too crazy (just shy and nervous and awkward)?

>> No.6562832

I really wouldn't, because she probably wouldn't be attractive anyway.

>> No.6562833


>> No.6562835

She probably smells like pee, so no.

>> No.6562836


Yeah, that's the real rub here. Not everyone is a dependent or in an inaccessible area, though.

Also, usually after freshman or sophomore year, college students tend to move off-campus, where there are no rules on guests etc. If they had a place all to themselves (like I do actually), that could totally be a /jp/ hangout.

Alas, due to this being the internet though we are thinly spread out all over the globe, and so it's not a realistic prospect.

>> No.6562837

Sure why not.

>> No.6562838
File: 731 KB, 566x800, alice joke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah since my email's been posted many times anyways feel free to email moekou@gmail.com!

Well, there tends to be girls at Touhou meetups though (Thankfully!) Most people on /jp/ probably won't try anything funny anyways

Depends on the people, but that definatly does not have to be true.

By the way, how many of you hang out with the /jp/ crowd at the secret hangout spot on FormSpring?

>> No.6562841

I like being around girls rather than guys. Either of them think I'm weird, but I enjoy talking to girls more.

Unless the subjects of conversations are something I can't relate to, then I'll just keep quiet.

>> No.6562851

Well...I'm bored so I guess I'll post my email too.....
I-it's not like I have no friends or anything.I just happen to be bored.And it's not like anyone on /jp/ could harm me irl right?...........right?


>> No.6562853


Ooops typo.

>> No.6562880

Honestly, I don't think people should care about gender so much. Don't be sexist! Friends are friend! We're all fellow Touhou/VN fans and should feel comfortable hanging out!

>> No.6562892

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable (state 14).

>> No.6562902

Testing for autosage~

>> No.6562919


New thread

>> No.6563420

I live in Ansonia!

>> No.6564578

Absolutely not. If I see a girl on /jp/ I automatically consider her a slut.

>> No.6564578,1 [INTERNAL] 

oh my gosh

>> No.6564578,2 [INTERNAL] 

h-how lewd!

>Fujikawa no Mokou


>> No.6564578,3 [INTERNAL] 


dont worry milk

were here for you!!!

>> No.6564578,4 [INTERNAL] 

where be those lended stuff?

>> No.6564578,5 [INTERNAL] 

I hate when you guys bump old threads. Old posts are embarrassing.

Also for this year the meet-up is at AX (yet again).

>> No.6564578,6 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like you are hoping we don't bump old posts of yours.

>> No.6564578,7 [INTERNAL] 

It's the latest warosu troll craze.

>> No.6564578,8 [INTERNAL] 

milk should do idol work.

>> No.6564578,9 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't use my tripcode.

>> No.6564578,10 [INTERNAL] 

