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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6560901 No.6560901 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question time.

If /jp/ were to shut down, say... tomorrow, what would you guys do? Honestly. You know /a/ wouldn't take your shit.
And this isn't just a week thing either, I'm talking about a permanent closing of this board.

>> No.6560908

Because 464 posts already done about this are not relevant at all.

>> No.6560907

I think I can do without another sanae is a slut thread for the rest of my life.

I really don't give a shit. I'm only here for the Touhou.

>> No.6560913

If you're from /a/, then why do you care? Go away.

>> No.6560912
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Go back to post Touhou on /c/ and /u/. They don't give a fuck.

>> No.6560915

Force /a/ to take our shit. It's not like this site is moderated or anything.

>> No.6560916
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/jp/ wil nevir die as logn as im in chaerge

>> No.6560917

/bun/, iichan, and easymodo. Tohnochan if desperate enough

>> No.6560918

Start learning how to suck my own dick.

>> No.6560919
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If there isn't a specific board for /jp/ stuff, then /a/ will take it up the ass whether they enjoy it or not.

>> No.6560921

Won't happen, moot knows we'd retaliate.

/a/ already has a liking for Touhou, but just force themselves not to talk about it... they'd fall within weeks if /jp/ was taken down. And since /a/ is tied to /v/ and /v/ tied to /b/, it's actually against the best interests of moot if he still doesn't like Touhou.

>> No.6560924

I would take the opportunity to study more rigorously for my exams.

>> No.6560929

I'd go to /c/ or desuchan

>> No.6560928
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I'm going to shit all over /a/ until /jp/ returns, spam big 3 threads, report shit posts, fuck newfriends in the ass, etc, etc.

>> No.6560927

I wouldnt even have place to post threads about touhou, fanfics or read how people plan on creating portals/playing mmo with hot glue/post japanese birds ;_;
/jp/ is only thing that keeps me alive.

>> No.6560923

Move to another chan.
If they stay as dead as they are now.. Well stick with my Christmas plan.

>> No.6560922

Start my own *chan.

A place to take in the refugees of the sinking of Oldfag Island,

>> No.6560932

/v/ has better Touhou threads than /jp/ anyways.

Don't care. I can do without the angry hostile manchildren that infest /jp/ as well.

>> No.6560938

Isn't that what /a/ is already like?

Why would you willingly post on /a/? I don't want those guys posting in my threads. Plus it's way too fast and full of stuff that's not relevant to me. And even though I'm only interested in a handful of /jp/'s threads, they last for a long time.

>> No.6560943

Browse other boards and other chans like I already do and always have done.

>> No.6560948

I propose we all 'squat' in a slow board like /po/ or something. Or go back to /a/ and make lots of toho threads until moot makes another /jp/.

>> No.6560954

/bun/ it is then.

I shall wallow in the land of the dead.

>> No.6560956

So you only care about touhou I see.

Why you stay on /jp/ then? If /v/ has better touhou threads and not the same userbase why waste your time here?

>> No.6560971

I don't wanna go to other chans, because i can't use useful scripts there (thread watcher, hide threads, auto-updater, etc, etc).

I want to stay here on /jp/

>> No.6560976

I would go back to /g/
/jp/ has been dying slowly as of late anyway.

>> No.6560989

>You know /a/ wouldn't take your shit.
They would but I am browsing 2-3 other boards anyway.

>> No.6561037

Dont you guys care about visual novel at all, one of the only reasons i come here is because your the only guys i know that plays them and keeps me on track with them. If /jp/ dies the visual novel world will crumble.., We really need a fucking /vn/ god dam it.

>> No.6561069

/jp/ quits the TROO NEET shit to fit into /a/ better and becomes ragey, less pretentious STOP BRAGGING ABOUT YOUR LIFE FUCKING NORMALFAG /a/non types. /a/ tolerates VNs already, anyways.

>> No.6561076

We need a /hikki/ board.

Simple as that.

>> No.6561081

>one of the only reasons i come here is because your the only guys i know that plays them and keeps me on track with them.
Very much this. bun is slow, /a/ and /v/ might have threads about VNs, but they barely have any idea outside of few hyped ones. Forums are instant no deal.

>> No.6561083

I guess I'd go to /v/ more because video game board etc despite the fact they don't talk much about video games. If I get bored I'll probably just stop browsing 4chan regularly and start playing more games.

>> No.6561085

There's honestly a lot of good forums to seriously discuss visual novels on. I haven't read a visual novel in like a year though myself so no I don't care really.

>> No.6561120

This entire post is a steaming pile of infinite summer.

I can only imagine how awesome things would be.

>> No.6561137

What happened to anonib /hikki/?

>> No.6561158

So we quit being who we are. Wonderful solution.

>> No.6561162


^Part time solution.

I'll probably head over to /a/, or just quit chans altogether.

>> No.6561163

It's more than I can't take /a/'s shit. They're just a bunch of normals.

>> No.6561166

Go shit up other boards like we always do.

>> No.6561168

Why do you think that's a solution? Look at the posts there. Look.

>> No.6561181

No idea. /jp/ is my main form of social interaction.

>> No.6561185

Probably send an email to moot expressing my dissatisfaction with the board's removal. Then probably stop browsing 4chan all together. Catch up on all those movies and games I've had laying around.

>> No.6561206

I think it would be cool to create off-shoots once /jp/ disappears, if it ever does. Each with their own little niche where everyone can take it easy alone.

/jp/ can't handle a 4chan board. /jp/ers are the most intolerant crowd and extremely delicate with the kind of stuff a /jp/er will allow to be posted on /jp/ without shitposting on people's threads.

If everyone had their own little /jp/ that they could lord over, maybe they could finally take it easy and people would only visit the boards they liked.

>> No.6561578

I'd just discuss eroge on irc, just like I do now.
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, but /jp/ has been pretty lacklustre at discussing them for a good while, to be honest.
I have absolutely no interest in any other /jp/ stuff besides that.
