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6552253 No.6552253 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6552264 [DELETED] 

Fate/SHIT Night

>> No.6552274 [DELETED] 


ooo so edgy

>> No.6552280 [DELETED] 

Fate Gay Shite

>> No.6552277 [DELETED] 


>> No.6552287 [DELETED] 

Shit/shit shit

>> No.6552304 [DELETED] 



>> No.6552305 [DELETED] 

Fuck/Shit Nigger

>> No.6552311

>Thanks for your request.
>It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
>This thread has been requested 3 times now.

>> No.6552314

Not gonna lie, I liked Fate/Stay Night a lot.

>> No.6552320

your taste is terrible.

>> No.6552328
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You and everyone else.

>> No.6552395

It was a solid 5/10.
I wish it was a bit shorter. Had a lot of repetition and in general wasn't worth the length.

>> No.6552590

I played the first two routes but never played Heaven's Feel. I don't care for Sakura, am I missing out on anything?

>> No.6552595

Aside from two or three good scenes, nothing that you probably haven't already learned from threads on /jp/.

>> No.6552596


HF is the best route, but the worst girl, so it evens out.

>> No.6552597

Not really. Spoilers if you want to know
Instead of Shirou whining about wanting to save everyone he finally has to make a realistic devision

>> No.6552602

>worst girl
There is no worst girl in F/SN.
They are all so terrible it's impossible to rate them.

>> No.6552603


Mind of steel isn't canon though unfortunately

>> No.6552604


How much do you know about Sakura?

Either way, it's the best route. Rin actually gets development that isn't her being a tsundere!

>> No.6552605

Ahh man I meant to save "worst heroine".
Caster was pretty good.

>> No.6552607


You take that back.

>> No.6552610

Wait what?
Which one was mind of steel. It's been a while since I've played it

>> No.6552613

All 5 Endings and 40 Other Endings of various sorts are all canon.
Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.6552615

Oh Rin. <3

>> No.6552626


Heaven's Feel True End is the "end" of F/SN, though. There really isn't any arguing about that; it's written as a capstone to the whole game.


>> No.6552627

He still went against his ideal going down that path.

HF shirou is the one who decided to try to save people, and with no compromises.

>> No.6552630

I think I know about 90% of what happens from how much it comes up on /jp/. Same reason I've never played past Episode 1 of Umineko. /jp/ spoiled it to hell It was my fault, I can't resist running my mouse over spoilers

Anyway, I guess i'll run through it if it's the best route.

>> No.6552631


And in accepting that there are things he cannot change no matter what, he became an adult. That's the whole point.

>> No.6552633

The whole focus of the route is pretty much "LOL SAVE SAKURA" (as opposed to Fate/UBW which didn't completely center around Saber/Rin), so that can be kind of a turn-off if you don't like her. (I don't dislike her, but did get pretty sick of her in HF.)

On the plus side, Kotomine.

>> No.6552634

>It was my fault, I can't resist running my mouse over spoilers
Yeah seriously I wish there was a confirmation or something.

>> No.6552638

That's more of the fact that it's the end of the last route rather than anything like it's the main end or anything like that.

>> No.6552639 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 640x480, avalon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realta Nua took care of that glaring flaw, bub.

>> No.6552680


Yes, but there's a reason the route order is enforced.

I mean, it's arguably the only True End that's completely happy for everyone (who's still living).

>> No.6552692

Which is why the True End is so bad.

>> No.6552697

Whoops, hit submit before finishing.
Not because it's a happy end, but because it feels like such an asspull the way it was reached.

>> No.6552718

The Mind of Steel dead end was the best. Just think, Fate/Zero, but with a servantless Shirou.
Actually he probably just used Ilya and 'Zerker.

>> No.6552730

>I mean, it's arguably the only True End that's completely happy for everyone (who's still living).

The same could be said of every route except for a small hiccup in UBW. Guess every route is the 'true' end of FS/N according to you which is true .

>> No.6552734

Wasn't Mind of Steel just an End, or was that Sparks Liner High?

>> No.6552742

You're totally right. I don't remember end names well.

>> No.6552750


Fate didn't really end very well for Saber. And hell, in retrospect it's absolutely terrible for Ilya (who will die within a year) and Shirou (who will become Archer as a result).


You want asspull? Try Kohaku's ending, Arcuied's True Ending (after playing her Good Ending), or the UBW Good Ending.

HF's True Ending really isn't that much of an asspull given what the Third Magic is supposed to do, what the Tohsaka gems are normally used for, Ilya's role in that route, etc. etc.

Unless you're talking about something else?

>> No.6552754


Mind of Steel was a BAD END and Sparks Liner High an END, as I recall. Taiga and Ilya even call the latter the HF Saber ending.

>> No.6552761

>Fate didn't really end very well for Saber. And hell, in retrospect it's absolutely terrible for Ilya (who will die within a year) and Shirou (who will become Archer as a result).
Saber dies. Ilya dies. Shirou doesn't become Archer (canon).

>> No.6552763

>Shirou (who will become Archer as a result).
Nope. There's only a chance that happens. Same with UBW's ends.

>> No.6552768

Ah right, can never remember which is which.

>> No.6552770


Ilya claims that Shirou has a low chance of becoming Archer in Fate because she'll prevent it from happening.

Guess who's dead in a year?

>> No.6552773

>in retrospect it's absolutely terrible for Ilya (who will die within a year)
living for that year with her oniichan is still better than having her heart ripped out or her soul dissolving to save shirou

and hell, maybe within that year something could happen to prolong it, like a touko doll body or something else that would stop her body from dying.

>> No.6552782

Nasu agreed that it was just a chance.
Looking for the bit now.

>> No.6552788

>her soul dissolving to save shirou

That's what she wanted to do with the time she had left, though. It's a good ending for her because she knows she's going to die anyway.

>> No.6552793

Guess who came to Avalon and saw Saber in the end and didn't become Archer? .

Also, you said HF was happy for it's living characters. Just pointing out that every living character in every other route is happy as well.

>> No.6552799
File: 62 KB, 191x199, FSN143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find Fuji-Nee's faces absolutely hilarious? I laughed like a little kid in a tickle fight at every scene she was in.

>> No.6552803


Sakura is still alive in Fate and UBW, and given that Zouken is still around, I doubt she can be called "happy".

>> No.6552804


She deserves a route.

>> No.6552821
File: 72 KB, 560x560, UI4P6GH25LS4APHUUWPCBAP4LLVZIRGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 routes and a silly hat.

>> No.6552825

Considering that Zouken is going to die because there's no way he can get the grail, Sakura will be off. The only thing is that she won't have Shirou to make her happy, but that's trivial.

>> No.6552827

Does anyone know who voiced Merlin? I'd really like to know.

>> No.6552837


Given that Zouken has had several hundred years to think, I'm sure he has some sort of temporary backup plan.

Who do you think is fighting against Waver and Rin in the 2010 Fuyuki War that Nasu mentioned?


He's voiced? When?

>> No.6552846

>Given that Zouken has had several hundred years to think, I'm sure he has some sort of temporary backup plan.

Considering that the Holy Grail core was destroyed in every route, I doubt that he could do anything further.

>> No.6552852

He's voice in RN and the anime.

>> No.6552872
File: 139 KB, 351x498, Fate-stay_night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first VN, I loved the anime, but love more the VN. I don't think there is only one ULTIMATE True End, i think there are all sides of one big story, pick your favorite end, thats what i love and hate about this VN, theres not only one ending.

>> No.6552874


The True Grail is only destroyed in HF. Neither Shirou nor Rin seems to have any idea it even exists, and Nasu said something about Waver Velvet showing up in Fuyuki ten years later to finally dismantle it.


He's not mentioned on ANN at all, but Mordred is, oddly.

>> No.6552887

Yes that's my bad.

It wasn't destroyed fully in UBW (only in Fate). Also, if Waver (the guy from F/z?) dismantled it canonically, then Zouken really couldn't do anything.

>> No.6552895

>>6552837 Waver and Rin in the 2010 Fuyuki War that Nasu mentioned?
what the fuck, do you got a link or more info? I love Nasu's crazy musings about his works.

>> No.6552900


>> No.6552904


Here's what happened from World Material, in Fate and UBW.

The taking apart of the Holy Grail War.
Ten years after the Fifth War. Lord Emelloi the Second (real name, Waver Velvet. One of the Masters of the Fourth War) arrived in Fuyuki and together with the head of the Tohsaka line, set out to completely take apart the Great Grail. The Association was planning on bring back the Greater Grail, so the two sides were completely opposed. After the end of the great turmoil of the same magnitude as the Grail War, the Greater Grail was completely dismantled. The Grail Wars of Fuyuki came to a complete conclusion here.

>> No.6552907

inb4 Nasu retcons Fate and Tsukihime into taking place in 2004 again.

>> No.6552909


The canon is that Tsukihime is mid-2000, and Fate/stay night is late-2000.

>> No.6552916

It used to be 2000, and 2004, then both 2004, and now that.

>> No.6552923

Was it ever actually said to be in 2004? I thought people just assumed it took place in the year the game came out in.

>> No.6552928

I'm pretty sure he said it at one point.

>> No.6552942

So... any source beyond "pretty sure"?

>> No.6552962

Checking around now.
I could be mixing up things that he said for things that were in F/Z that place F/SN in 2004.

>> No.6553053

The main thing about HF is how it brings up a situation where Shirou's ideal fails regardless of what he does.
This is in turn something that gives him some leeway when it comes to his personal feelings, as living up to the ideal and acting on it has already failed.

Shirou's ideal was after all to save everyone, not to save the most.
Archer said that he should accept a sacrifice, in order to save as many further casualties as possible, that this was the only thing Emiya Shirou could do as he could not give up on people.
At the same time, Iliya said with childlike innocence that even children knows that protecting ones loved ones is natural.

But neither was neither right nor wrong in regards to the ideal.
This for once made Shirou able to in some way consider what he, himself, in fact wanted to do.
Every option is "wrong", with that in mind he could think of what choice he prefered.
HF introduced priorities beyond the ideal.

>> No.6553113


And that's why it's the last route.

>> No.6553115

Isn't all we can know that f/sn took place somewhere around 2000-2009, wheras the dismantling were to take place somewhere around 2010-2019.
And that tsuki took place roughly the same time as f/sn, possibly one or a few years earlier?

>> No.6553206

Except that his turn to save Sakura was rushed with little explanation other than 'love' that didn't change much between routes.

I won't get into the nitty gritty, but that's why mos tpeople hated HF. Asspull ending and leap of faith for Shirou's decision

>> No.6553222

>Isn't all we can know that f/sn took place somewhere around 2000-2009, wheras the dismantling were to take place somewhere around 2010-2019.


Fate/stay night took place during 2004, it was set contemporary to its release. This is standard for most visual novels, Tsukihime took place in 2000.

>> No.6553225

>asspull ending

People loved Kohaku's ending. Why don't people love the HF true end?

I don't get it.

>> No.6553235

Because we are all one person.

>> No.6553238

That's wrong, of all the VNs I have played 1 was contemporous and one was not. Unless you think it's 1986,

>> No.6553243

>makes a broad generalization after playing two visual novels

>> No.6553261

Right, they're mostly "contemporous" (I assume you mean contemporaneous), except for ones authored by hack mystery writers who can't deal with cell phones.

>> No.6553264


If it's slice of life, it's most likely set in the "present day" or time of its release. Few novels give actual dates beyond the calendar day or month, but more recent ones like Chaos;Head actually clarify they're in the present day (in that case, 2008).

>> No.6553274

Hey. Cell phones ruin a lot of classic stories. Especially mystery. You don't have to be a hack writer to want to write without them ruining shit. Otherwise you have to write in some clichéd way in which the cellphone gets disabled.

>> No.6553328


Chaos;HEad used cellphones brilliantly, though.

>> No.6553350

>it was set contemporary to its release. This is standard for most visual novels
Some are set contemporary to when they are written, and this may differ and is not always altered.

>> No.6553355

I've finally decided to play this. What's the Fate/stay night Réalta Nua patch thing? Should I get that?

>> No.6553366

It replaces a few scenes with the enhanced PS2 versions, although they're a little unstable and can crash sometimes.

>> No.6553371


>> No.6553375

Is it worth it?

>> No.6553383
File: 53 KB, 800x600, kotomine_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also add voices, so you can orgasm to Nakata Jouji's voice.

>> No.6553385

it's a voice patch too, so your call

>> No.6553386


If you're getting crashes your version is probably out of date.

>> No.6553391

The voice patch is a completely different thing.

>> No.6553394

The newest update makes it sound like it's not done yet

>> No.6553413
File: 260 KB, 739x600, âëâôâTü[âGâvâìâôë+ë«02a(ï¯).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when my thread is still here

>> No.6553415
File: 98 KB, 800x600, IMG_0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it a few weeks ago, while it felt really dragged on sometimes (I really had to struggle not to abuse the skip function at some points), it was still a pretty good read.
Some scenes were really awesome and paid off your struggle through the boring ones, almost all the characters are very likeable and EMIYA is a pretty good BGM.
Also, fucking Nasu can't write ero scenes, oh God the laughs.

>> No.6553423

It's not. Though most of the important scenes are. If you want to wait it might be done in the next month or so. Or it might not.

>> No.6553426

Where can I get that?

>> No.6553440

The Realta Nua is absolutely worth it for the enhancement of HF's finale and Last Episode.

>> No.6553442

It's part of mirror moon's installer.

>> No.6553446

I never understood where Saber learned to give blowjobs. It sounds like a weird thing for one of the greatest king's in history to have experience with.

>> No.6553447

Why don't you use the Homogay trip anymore, Magical Typemoon Index-chan?

>> No.6553453

>>6553413 Lancer

>If Chu Chulainn had been summoned in his homeland Ireland, a castle, chariot, protection of sleeplessness, and the like would have been added probably.

Shiiit nigga.

>> No.6553459

Who cares? I can't post anything in /jp/ anymore.

>> No.6553466


She had a dick temporarily.

She might've experimented a lot with it.

>> No.6553522
File: 54 KB, 567x800, hgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura's the best girl with the best route.

>> No.6553533

Waku, you may have already answered this sometime, somewhere, but is it hard to insert the text into a custom iso of Realta Nua?
Wouldn't that really be the best for the perfect Realta Nua experience, with the added soundtracks and all the minor transitions and the like?

My guess is that there are some complications in doing so that have prevented it from being done, but is it really harder than extracting everything from Realta Nua and then port it to the KiriKiri engine?

>> No.6553580

>Waku, you may have already answered this sometime, somewhere, but is it hard to insert the text into a custom iso of Realta Nua?
I don't have anything close to the skills for it, so I really have no idea.

>> No.6553627

Back in ancient England, it was okay to be homo

>> No.6555491

Ancient Greece perhaps.
