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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6551171 No.6551171 [Reply] [Original]

Do you drink tea /jp/?
I recently bought some Darjeeling tea, it's good stuff.

>> No.6551186

Darjeeling is good, but the flavor is so delicate that most people don't appreciate it.

I prefer a more robust tea, like Irish Breakfast tea.

I main Earl Grey though.

>> No.6551188

Coffee. I fantasize about visiting Gensokyo with a pocket full of coffee beans and showing those little girls a real mans drink.

>> No.6551192

Earl grey: bergamots to the MAX.

>> No.6551195

Earl Grey, black, two lumps of sugar.

>> No.6551200

I like Frisian tea. It has a sweet note without any additional stuff.

>> No.6551201
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/jp/ is filled with tea drinkers!
I drink lots of tea. Everyday. Green teas and earl greys are my favourites.

>> No.6551206

Also a nice blend of china and lapsang. The smoky taste is really great!

>> No.6551209
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You'd better find a way to start growing it, otherwise some of those little girls are going to get agitated at not getting their coffee fix and tear your head right off of your body.

>> No.6551211

Could anyone recommend a loose leaf green tea that doesn't taste like grass clippings? The few I've tried have all tasted the way a fresh cut lawn smells.

>> No.6551212

Goddamn the Pusher man.

>> No.6551213
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Orange pekoe is a favorite of mine but I also enjoy green tea. I'm surprised at the number of tea drinkers here

>> No.6551214

You know what's surprisingly good? Jasmine green tea with milk.
I'ma go make some right now, actually.

>> No.6551217

>two lumps of sugar
It's unfortunate that I started using loose leaf tea, as now I have about a hundred bags of tea that I probably won't drink.

>> No.6551223

Drink tea all day every day.
I'll never be a little girl. Time to drown my sorrows in cake.

>> No.6551224

that does sound good. alas, I don't have jasmine tea. should get some when I go back to 99 ranch.

I do have oolong tho. I just drink it to keep me warm.

>> No.6551229

>99 ranch
No need to go to an asian mart, I think. I got mine at a local grocery store. It's bagged, but it's ceylon so I'm satisfied.

>> No.6551242

Not really. I would try but I'm extremely picky and afraid to try new foods and drinks. I typically only like very strong flavors, and there's also the chance I'll really hate strong flavors too so it's a huge gamble.

>> No.6551251

I drink oolong, jasmine, and green tea. Each brand I try has a new flavor. The last pack of oolong tea I bought tastes worse in comparison to some others.

>> No.6551255

I haven't consumed any sort of tea in a long time, maybe 2 years. I do drink coffee. but I'd still much rather have tea.

>> No.6551266

Are you drinking Sencha? That's one of the worst in the "grass" department. Try gunpowder tea. Also remember than green tea tastes better if you add a little cold water before the hot water. If you're trying out green tea for it's superior health benefits to black teas, switch to Oolong now. You can't find healthier tea than Oolong.

So you like drinking perfume. Never come near me, 'k.

>> No.6551278

What a coincidence, I bought some SFTGFOP1 Darjeeling for the first time recently, I usually bought at least one grade lower before.
So damn good.

>> No.6551288

You don't like the smell and flavor of jasmine? I do. >>6551266
>add a little cold water before the hot water
You only need to do this if your hot water hit the boiling point. Ideal temperature for steeping green tea is around 180 F I believe? I could be wrong.

>> No.6551301

I drink nothing but green tea

Sencha is my favorite, the pure color and aroma along with its subtle simple taste. Currently drinking gunpowder because it's all I have access too. Its growing on me

>> No.6551306

Sweet tea is the only tea for me.

>> No.6551313

Coffee drinker here. I drink it black with little to no sugar and no milk. What tea has a very strong flavor, I have very weak tastebuds. I've tried some Tea before and it tastes like flavored water, pretty much like nothing.

>> No.6551319
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I usually drink Oolong, but the taste sucks most of the time. I must be doing something wrong.

Though it's still nice, because it's so calming.

>> No.6551320

6-7 cups a day. My teeth look like shit.

>> No.6551337


Two bags, one cup.

>> No.6551368

Oolong is a tea that I've found can vary a lot in its taste depending on who prepared and packed it. Twinings oolong is the worst I've come across. Most however taste delicious. Steeping oolong as if it was a green tea can also help fit it to your taste buds.

>> No.6551374

Wait, what?

>> No.6551393
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dose ice tea count? i mean the stuff is only a dollar at the quick check and they are mad good

>> No.6551400

I enjoy my Roobois

>> No.6551405

I think I've actually seen Gunpowder in one of those newfangled pyramid bags.

Still, if I wanted strong taste I'd probably go for two bags of black breakfast tea instead.

>> No.6551411

Tea is tea, but that stuff is the Coors Lite of tea.

>> No.6551671

I like my chai...

>> No.6551683

I found this Twig Tea in the back of my tea cabinet.

It's pretty good, my new favorite tea flavor.

>> No.6551691


>> No.6551696

Yes for the 139044983 time in the tea threads. Gyokuro appreciation.

>> No.6551703
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i like this one much more

>> No.6551718

Yesssss oh god this shit is delicious.

Theres also some hippie brand "Peace Tea" has a really good ceylon flavor.

Doesn't taste a damn thing like actual ceylon tea, but it's still good.

>> No.6551725

Oh man, I grab one whenever I go to the store.

>> No.6551733
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Konacha - especially when drinking it by itself (i.e. not just after a meal). The only downside is the paste it leaves behind.

Mine look fairly normal, but my dentist probably thinks I'm lying when I say that I don't smoke (black tea is my main stuff)....

>> No.6551776

I don't know much about tea but I figured all of japan can't be wrong on it, so I started drinking green tea a little while back.

I like it because it's got a decent taste, doesn't need any sugar, don't need to drink coffee to get a fix of caffeine and I don't have to put up with the awful taste of coffee.
It's also got a flavor that isn't sweet, I like that because so many drinks are so sweet these days.
Sometimes I just don't want a sweet drink.

>> No.6551790

I like tea well enough, but honestly the best tea I've had was made by the bedouins in the Negev in Israel.

>> No.6551796

I'll look around for it, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.6551810
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Shut up, Wesley.

>> No.6551825

I keep a pot of tea perpetually on my desk; much better for you then fizzy drinks.

I change the tea I drink from time to time. My preferences are Darjeeling, Earl Grey and Ceylon.

>> No.6551842
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Just got some echinacea and it has a minty after taste fits so well with this peach swiss roll that was made yesterday.

>> No.6551845

Start drinking lots and lots of water. Your taste buds may be numb, not weak.

>> No.6551847

That isn't tea. Also enjoy your unrefined giant twinky.

>> No.6551863

The fuck you on about? "Dried plant steeped in hot water" sounds like tea to me.

>Also enjoy your unrefined giant twinky.
There's only so much space in the fridge so it got squished.

>> No.6551867

Camellia sinensis derived only or IP ban.

>> No.6551868

I drink Benoist Darjeeling in Hermes cups.

>> No.6551873

Go back to /train/, man.

>> No.6551875

If there's an asiany food store available, I always get oolong tea. Regular green tea doesn't have enough flavor for me. I used to get it loose at specialty places, but I found some cheap "tradition" brand teabags that are pretty good. The difference between good and mediocre oolong is subtle, so I just opt for the cheap stuff.

If I can only get to a regular supermarket, I'll get twinings irish breakfast.

>> No.6551883

Yes, but not really all that much recently unless I need a rush of caffeine while studying as all I have to heat up water is a microwave.
Even then, it's shitty 250 tea bags for 2 dollars type tea.

>> No.6551891

Make it with boiling water then let it sit for 20 minutes. Wouldn't be the best tasting tea but it'll have flavor.

>> No.6551911

So, what do you accompany your tea with, /jp/?

So, "asia only or get out", right?

>> No.6551916
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Forgot image...

>> No.6551921

I like really strong peppermint tea.

>> No.6551927

>So, what do you accompany your tea with, /jp/?
oh man I was about to ask this question

and that looks green...is it a dessert?

>> No.6551940

Mmmm, num num num. Peppermint tea and fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies on a cold day, snuggled up in my softest robe. Feels good.

>> No.6551954
File: 50 KB, 400x360, nendo_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to be drinking sencha, weeaboos.


Try Chinese tea like Dragon Well. Either that or try one of the roasted green teas like houjicha or kukicha.

The only place you can order good tea from is online. Anything you buy from a grocery store has been sitting there for months, possibly years. Find a local tea specialty shop.

Personally, I order mine direct from Japan. It's nitrogen-packed until they mete it out in airtight opaque plastic bags.

Be careful though. Once you start drinking the good stuff, you will never want to drink a cheap grocery store brew again.

Unless you wish to be like the poor mikomiko

>> No.6551960
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From the garden.

>> No.6551966

>yuuka is the same color as that cookie
Oh man, Yuuka looks tasty now.

>> No.6551967

Tieguanyin or Longjing. I also had a some jasmine tea but it run out. It was good stuff, though.

>> No.6551971

Hey, All Day.

A while ago there was some pasta posted in a Seacats thread involving Lambdadelta raping Battler and I haven't been able to find it.

I was wondering, did you write it?

>> No.6551973
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Macaron from this one shop. Bloody expensive considering their size, but I haven't bothered learning to make them yet.

>The only place you can order good tea from is online.
Not when you live next to one of the largest Chinese communities in the US. Tea places EVERYWHERE!
Granted, online ordering allows me to avoid going outside, but when I'm desperate, it's a five minute drive.

>> No.6551993

Nah, I haven't written any Umineko.

>> No.6551994


Is that financier?

I started having fruit with my tea, like mandarins, pears or persimmons. But I found it was overpowering the taste of the tea.

I'm thinking I just might not be using enough leaf. The only tea I ever make that comes out strong enough is gyokuro... and I'm guessing that's because I'm using a 2oz houhin with a whole teaspoon of it.

Well, I guess I answered my own question.

>> No.6552009

My mum actually bought some of this a few weeks ago:

Tastes alright.

Also, if anyone has mint growing in their garden, take a few leaves, put them in boiling water and add sugar and lemon. Shit's awesome.

>> No.6552012


>> No.6552068

I don't add anything to my mint tea; just mint, boiling water and a teapot, but then I don't like sweet tea.

>> No.6554523

It's so green! Oh, so green!

>> No.6554580

Tea snob here. This thread made me rage a little.

>> No.6554583

It's also great against sore throats and helps with digestion, good to drink after meals. If you don't have fresh mint at hand, dry mint also works, you can also switch mint with garlic. I like the taste of garlic better, but it's a matter of preference.

This thread makes me unsure whether every single poster on /jp/ is secretly a refined young maiden, elegantly drinking tea with the pinky finger extended while pretending to be lonely men all day.

>> No.6554591

Garlic? That sounds kinda in the "so weird it could actually be good" category, I think I'm going to try it one of those days.
I'll hold you responsible.

>> No.6554779
File: 19 KB, 634x489, ore-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Earl Grey drinking faggots,

My name is Sisko, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are sissy, pseudo-intellectual, tasteless people who spend their time drinking coloured piss with replicated leaves. You are everything bad in the beverage industry. Honestly, have any of you ever tried Raktajino? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because you know your favourite drink is vastly inferior, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than fucking up a tea ceremony.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm the God of the Bajorans and I saved the alpha quadrant from the Dominion. Under what pretense you dare to call yourself a Federation officer or even a man? I also got a new prototype battleship with cloaking device, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all sissies who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me drinking superior Raktajino.

>> No.6555392

It's funny because it's false.

>> No.6555412
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Fuck your shit, I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.6555418

I'm american so I drink coffee

>> No.6555430


I drink tea once or twice per week at work.

>> No.6555546

>Be careful though. Once you start drinking the good stuff, you will never want to drink a cheap grocery store brew again.
I wish someone would've told me this before last weekend. Maybe it's just the quality of the actual tea instead of simply the fact that it comes in a bag or not, but looseleaf tea is so many worlds beyond regular tea it's terrifying to think how I'll be able to get myself to drink the large amount of bags I have left.

>> No.6555629
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I've been drinking this 玄米茶. The taste of the roasted rice is delicious.

>> No.6556813
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>This thread makes me unsure whether every single poster on /jp/ is secretly a refined young maiden, elegantly drinking tea with the pinky finger extended while pretending to be lonely men all day.

>> No.6556839

I was afraid of this.

I haven't touched the loose-leaf while I still have bags left.

>> No.6556849

I've been meaning to try genmaicha. I've always been a little bit leery of it though.

I fucking laughed. Sisko will never beat Picard, just as Picard can never beat Kirk. Trek captains get logarithmically crappier as time goes on.

I really wnated to like Scott Bakula as a captain, but it just wasn't physically possible

>> No.6556883

Why is earl gray so popular here?

>> No.6556904

I blame Seacats but, the smell of Bergamot is heavenly.

>> No.6556910

BEcause it's fucking delicious, that's why.
Oil of bergamot forever, motherfucker.

>> No.6556931

Sorry, I prefer the taste of tea. I respect that they have to spice up the tea that's somehow lacking to sell it but that's no excuse for me to buy it.

>> No.6556955

>somehow lacking
>implying ALL Earl grey is made with inferior tea
Oh you.
Some people put ketchup on their eggs, too. I prefer hot sauce, myself.

>> No.6557005
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Anon you replied to here. If you can't trade them to anyone you know for quality loose leaf, then try this. Brew with two bags or even three bags instead of one, and reduce the brewing time accordingly. If you brew one bag for two minutes, brew two bags for one minute, or brew three bags for 30-45 seconds. It won't improve the quality of the tea, but it'll make the flavour more intense and the short steep time will prevent most of the bitterness.

Either that or just throw out all your bagged stuff. It's what I did.

>> No.6557036

>throw out
What a bleedin' waste.
I prefer good loose-leaf, but I ain't afraid of drinking inferior bagged tea either. Works for when I run out of the loose-leaf, which is often, because I have no money.

>> No.6557247

Is there a tea Touhou? Like Yuuka is the flower Touhou, Rumia is the darkness Touhou, etc.

>> No.6557264
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just had 杭菊

>> No.6557297
File: 119 KB, 400x396, 9daee310aee90b68ac75f46a8bb1ec2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Touhous are tea touhous.

>> No.6557307

I thought the Red White was the tea Touhou.

>> No.6557313

That's not Jack Daniels.

>> No.6557324

>Jack Daniels
>Man's drink
Fuck off with your redneck moonshine. A man's drink is single-malt.

>> No.6557346

After you kick their ass in danmaku, anyhow.

>> No.6558499

I don't like Earl Grey. It's probably the only tea I've had where I instantly knew I disliked it. I don't really like Darjeeling either; I'm not a big fan of black teas but I'll drink it.

My favourite by far is green tea. I don't know of any names because the green tea I always drink are gifts to me from relatives and the names are in Chinese but I can't read Chinese... They're definitely the tea to drink if you're eating confectioneries. Especially when I'm eating confectioneries, I like to use a higher temperature of water because the bitterness can go very well with some things, especially milk chocolate.
