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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6550238 No.6550238 [Reply] [Original]

How is your average experience with e-friends /jp/?

The few times I make any they turn into fags.

>> No.6550254

Never had e-friends, but I do have a hetero nerd lifepartner.

>> No.6550258

I have /jp/.

>> No.6550260

My only e-friends are Anonymous

>> No.6550269

I fucking hate you

>> No.6550272

I've found IRL friends that later became e-friends for various reasons, but never the other way around....

>> No.6550275

If I consider them friends, the experience has to have already been pretty good for a while. It tends to stay that way.

>> No.6550278

Actually, no. I've changed my mind. I love you.

>> No.6550283

Friends are fucking useless. Acquaintances are more than enough if you know how to use them properly.

>> No.6550285

I never had any because I lack the self-confidence to talk to people without anonymity on.

>> No.6550301

OP I can be your friend, I promise you that I'm nice.

You can add me on msn.

>> No.6550302

i´m a complete shut-in. i even avoid people on the internet.. in most of the mmo´s i grind like a madman until i get imba-tier chars and at some point everyone is nagging me to join their fucking clan. But i always make up some excuse and log out fast because i don´t want to chain myself to others. Worst thing imo is being in a shitclan while being forced to be on ts half of the day and constantly making partys with other faggots.

>> No.6550297

Horrible creatures, I avoid them whenever I can.

>> No.6550309

I used to often exchange emails and chat with some South Korean girl. Her English was awkward but she was nice. A bit of an alcoholic, too.

>> No.6550311

I stopped bothering with MMOs because of that.

>> No.6550318

I'm a gigantic ego-tripping, hypocritical sarcastic asshole when I post unanonymously, so I didn't exactly make many online friends.

>> No.6550334

>play a multiplayer game
>doesn't want to interact with the other players

what is even the point i just don't even

>> No.6550344

I can't keep a friend for more than a month. 90% of the time I'm waiting on them to say something because I never know what to talk about.

>> No.6550351

Oh, and she was a bit naive. But that was ok.

>> No.6550359

I play multiplayer games and prefer not to interact with people either. I just like the variety of gameplay that some multiplayer games offer. It's much more fun learning to play against a real human and overcoming them than beating the hardest AI setting over and over again. Other people in multiplayer games to me are nothing more than tools for my enjoyment.

>> No.6550361

Twice one of my e -friends fell in love with me.
And twice we had a distance relationship which failed because of me.
I guess I only have very few e-friends nowadays(Guildmates in a mmorpg don't count because I barely know them.Sometimes a guildmate can become a e-friend though)

>> No.6550374

I have about two e-friends I've known for a while. I like them both

>> No.6550375

So were you the girl or them? Or were you all girls?

>> No.6550376
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Anons are good e-friends, used to be in a /tg/ group. We chatted pretty much daily and still do several years on.

Only problem is that when someone goes away you have no way of contacting them, and you'll know you'll never hear from them again. When you've known them for a year+, it's like they've died or something. Hell, for all I know they actually could have. No way of knowing.

E-friends are fine, but most of the time its out of convience and e-friendships rarely last longer than a few months, especially once IRL priorities take over for a while.

>> No.6550380

I made a few IRL pals and a friend from Internet relationships. I pretty much despise useless or forced friendships - IRL or OTW -, but I'm not too much of a shut-in either I guess.

>> No.6550382

I was the guy.

The 2nd one was bi thought

>> No.6550391
File: 38 KB, 679x343, echo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the echo command in command prompt count as an e-friend?

>> No.6550401

I'm bros with everyone on Desuchan, especially IRC. Now I feel guilty cause I haven't visited them in forever.

>> No.6550414

No, that's a waifu, please don't confuse the two.

>> No.6550415

>Alternative chan

Honestly, my so-far unwavering loyalty to 4chan makes me want to hate you, but on the other hand....4chan now is not the 4chan that earned my loyalty.

>> No.6550408

Of course it is, your computer is your best friend.

>> No.6550423

I went on the #/jp/ IRC once. Weeaboos, weeaboos everywhere.

>> No.6550430

I have two best e-friends, I treasure them dearly.

I haven't had a e-fag experience, yet.

>> No.6550431

Indeed, 4chan is for discussion, small *chans are for friendships. I come to 4chan because I can constantly post.

>> No.6550436
File: 9 KB, 175x247, 1287028051370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had e-friends when i was 12-17 now i don't talk to anyone besides you guys.

I haven't talk to a person in 2 years.

>> No.6550438

Don't go to Desuchan, it'll make you gay. There's like three guys after me there.

>> No.6550445

>Join IRC channel
>Watch everyone talk
>They're all old friends
>Have things to comment on but don't type anything

Story of my life.

>> No.6550447

Same here, almost. I only talk to people IRL if I have to, "real" friendships aren't my thing, I don't feel like I can be honest to real people.
