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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 400x298, C76 Touhou Unreal Mahjong Revition2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6548184 No.6548184 [Reply] [Original]

1) Your favorite Touhou.

2) Do you honestly believe the holocaust happened?


Here's some 'holocaust' facts to help make up you mind...:

1. The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and De Gaulle never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone.

2. In Eli Weisel's book titled 'Night' he doesn't mention gas being used. And when the choice came that he would retreat with the Germans, or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans.

3. If millions were murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere, and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes and no ashes were ever found.

>> No.6548187

Wypierdalaj szwabie.

>> No.6548185

4. Red Cross visited Auschwitz, and they found nothing wrong.

5. Auschwitz was a place where synthetic rubber was being produced, and U.S. intelligence was focused on Auschwitz for that reason. No U.S. intelligence reports ever gave any indication of gassing or mass extermination.

6. In 1939 fact book World Almanac calculated that there was a world Jewish population of 15,748,091. In 1947 they calculated that the world Jewish Population was 15,690,000.

7. Torture used at Nuremberg Trials: The greatest argument in favour of the Holocaust is that "the Germans admitted it." The best response is to point out that the Nazis who "admitted" the Holocaust at the war crimes trials were tortured by their (mostly Jewish) interrogators, usually by having their testicles crushed; you can get almost anyone to confess to anything with the correct torture techniques.

>> No.6548189

8. Katyn Forrest Massacre - originally blamed on the Germans, and in the 90s the Soviets finally confessed. This shows that the Soviets were using claims that the Germans were committing mass murder as propaganda.

9. Original claims that Dachau and other camps liberated by the Allies were also Death Camps were later dispelled - Zyklon B is used to delouse clothing - Typhus is a very serious killer during wars especially when you have a large group of people isolated in one spot. Anne Frank died of Typhus.

10. Anne Frank - how did a 15 year old girl make herself useful at Auschwitz when the Germans killed everyone under the age of 15 because they were not useful as workers - you are telling me that 14 year old boys who would make useful labour were killed but Anne Frank, a frail Jewish girl survived and proved useful enough to be evacuated from Auschwitz? Why not just kill her along with the other million people that had been murdered instead of spending valuable resources to ship her to another Concentration camp?

>> No.6548191

1. Yuka
2. Yes

>> No.6548194

11. False photos - a number of famous photos have been shown to be fake

12. The state of Allied POWs when they were rescued - many were virtual skeletons. The truth is in war sometimes you run out of food, and who are you going to feed? The people you lock up because they are perceived enemies of the state, or your soldiers?

>> No.6548206

itt: history is rewritten under the guise of otaku discussion

>> No.6548209
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Hey OP, you're a genius.

>> No.6548248

Kike liar.

>> No.6548266

>10. Anne Frank - how did a 15 year old girl make herself useful at Auschwitz

its that simple. really.

>14 year old boys who would make useful labour were killed

apparently, the most advanced race isnt homosexual

>> No.6548270
File: 148 KB, 640x336, finkel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holocaust took place, there's no debate about that among serious historians.

It is also true that the holocaust has been used - and is being used - as a tool to further the agenda of and deflect criticism from Jewish organizations (such as AIPAC and ADL) and the state of Israel. This practice however, ugly as it is, does not make holocaust denial a Right Thing To Do.

(If any of you faggots are genuinely interested in this subject, Norman Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Industry" is a great place to start)

>> No.6548284

well, everyone talks about the lolocaust and no one mentions about the rape of nanking, or the nuking of hiroshima and nagasaki. one better topic to talk about is the present day issues like aids outbreak in africa.

>> No.6548303

1. Reimu
2. Yes

>> No.6548326

Things like that is a good indicator of how utterly dominated western media is by the US narrative. They don't talk about Nanking because Japan is a strategic US ally, they don't talk about the nuked cities because that would be "unamerican" or some other bullshit and they don't talk about AIDS because the west (read: whites) doesn't care about black people.

They do talk about the holocaust because Israel is a strategically located ally/business partner with an army of influential lobbyists.

>> No.6548333

Wasn't Anne in Bergen Belsen?

>> No.6548350

It should also be mentioned that before Israel's 1967 war, jews in the US didn't really talk about the holocaust. Like, at all. It wasn't until after the '67 war, when Israel solidified its position as a US ally, that the hysteria began.

>> No.6548361

sounds like sound person in the west have it hard.

>> No.6548362

1) Yukari
2) Yes.

>> No.6548364
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1. Yuuka
2. I guess, I don't see how it matters

>> No.6548365

1. Reported.
2. Called the cops.

>> No.6548378

can your cops fly halfway across the globe to nail one man on the internets, through a lan shop?

>> No.6548385
File: 474 KB, 600x800, Suika_snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, Hitler loves RUMIA trip?

1.) Suika

2.) Yes, with this addendum -

Our history on it may be skewed or heavily biased, however it definitely happened. Germany wouldn't have apologized so profusely if they really didn't think they did anything wrong.

I don't see why soldiers and camp workers from around the time would profusely lie about what they did when it's human nature to try your hardest to justify your side of a conflict. If there was real teeth to there never having been a holocaust then the men who were fucking there would do their best to prove themselves innocent in the eyes of history. The best soldiers could come up in defense though was that they were acting under orders of superiors etc, which is why so many high-level ex-Nazis were executed after WWII. The blame all got shifted up and up and up the command and it was a convenient way to kill off vanquished foes, out of hate and vengeance.

Humans have been capable of grand-scale horrific spite and cruelty since well before the Holocaust, just look at the tactics of the Mongol hordes.

>> No.6548387

1. Marisa
2. Sure why not.

>> No.6548389
File: 42 KB, 800x585, sea-shepherd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of these two can be saved from extinction. would you save the whales or jews?

>> No.6548393
File: 319 KB, 659x1148, 8428763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. Called the cops.

>> No.6548402

1) patchouli
2) my grandpa had a number tattooed on his forearm. And so other men that he sometimes met just to cry with.
Are you going to tell me that it's all familiar propaganda or that they were from Scientology?

>> No.6548413

they're roleplaying

>> No.6548424

Stop that please. The holocaust is no laughing matter,
My grandpa died in a concentration camp. It was very sad day for our family. We still mourn his death.
He was drunk and fell from a watchtower.

>> No.6548428

1) Reisen
2) Yes, but not on the scale that it was made out to be.

>> No.6548432

My Grandpa died too. Apparantely some asshat fell out of a guard tower and crushed him.

>> No.6548434
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>> No.6548435

I find it really suspicious that people think it's okay to have laws against holocaust denial and when you bring up freedom of speech, they act as exceptions like that are perfectly acceptable. If it's a historical fact that can be easily backed up, I see no reason they should be so elusive about it.

>> No.6548438
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody in this thread needs to get the fuck out.

Keep your crap in /int/.

>> No.6548444

Stormfag shit goes in /new/ actually.

>> No.6548447

Either way it sure as hell doesn't go here.

>> No.6548450

> 1) Rumia
> 2) No, I have it on good authority it didn't.

>> No.6548464


my grandpa too. he died of infection to his legs when he stepped on broken glass while evading snipers and liberating comrades in a concentration camp.

>> No.6548485
File: 24 KB, 450x450, 1289461766593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German here.
We are perfectly free to discuss the scale or details of the holocause (as long as it is free of propaganda) but it's forbidden to deny it by law.
I don't think that this is something bad.
If people are denying the holocause over generations, the possibility exists that the fact that the holocaust happened is being rediculed and therefore a large factor against the spread of fashism disappears.
Remember that history is only as old as the last person who personally withnessed it. Therefore it is important to establish certain facts through harsh methods, like cutting freedom of speach a bit.
I only think that this is justified for the holocaust though because of it's uniqueness and I do not aprove with any other measures against freedom of speach, but being allowed to deny the holocause could turn intto a problem in the long run.

tl;dr: I think laws against the denyal of the holocaust are justified.

>> No.6548503
File: 275 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting. Nobody cares if whether you have a new, hilarious take on the thread, or whether you want to seriously discuss things. It does not fucking belong here.

>> No.6548525
File: 138 KB, 1000x1414, 13924682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best thread I've seen in weeks

>> No.6548542


more propaganda and shit like that

>> No.6548546

>I AM /jp/

age for angry jews

>> No.6548567
File: 1.75 MB, 1600x1200, 14539983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Keine
2. Keine agreed that it didn't happen. Don't bother her about it.
