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6547789 No.6547789 [Reply] [Original]



I'm writing a paper for Japanese (I'm only in third quarter) and it's due tomorrow. I don't know which one makes more sense. Thanks.

(Picture unrelated. I have nothing related.)

>> No.6547794

Oh, and it's about a game series that has games that I've already played, but also games that I haven't yet played. So I have no idea what tense to use

>> No.6547819


95% - 12 year olds who think desu is how you say "Believe it!" in Japanese.

4% - Well meaning users who are sadly uneducated in the Japanese language.

1% Fluent Japanese speakers.

Good luck.

>> No.6547839
File: 84 KB, 431x486, 1289984066782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to ask advice

>> No.6547853

Filler for my essay. I couldn't think of what to write about while using all the grammar rules I learned.

>> No.6547866

Does なっています make sense? It was what I was going to put but I wasn't sure if it would make sense

>> No.6548006

it doesnt

its like saying "i'm being good at japanese"

>> No.6548023


That sounds much more like Gaia to me.

I'd say as much as 1/4th or more of /jp/ users can somewhat read/speak Japanese, with maybe 5% fluent. It's just we're not in the business of being a free translator service and would rather you know, talk about /jp/ related things.

Also OP there's a textboard called /lang/, btw.

>> No.6548035


>5% of /jp/ fluent in Japanese

You serious?

I'm willing to bet it's less than 1 percent.

>> No.6548048


4.9% of that 5% does not give a shit enough to help translate anything, they'd rather sit on top of their mountain of untranslated VNs and go "Oho, you newfags still can't read these, huh? That's cute. Well, suck it."

>> No.6548051

You would lose that bet very badly. Stick around for longer, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.6548057

We have like 5 regular anonymous posters and at least a couple of them speak Japanese fluently, I don't think a genuine narutard has ever bothered visiting more than once.

>> No.6548075

>implying you would translate shit if you know moon

>> No.6548098

This is how every VN general thread on /jp/ goes.

>> No.6548110

this, it's just not worth it when all western fans are a bunch of autistic spoiled brats who can't do anything but whine because things aren't going faster to meet their needs.
Most people would do the same in their situation.

>> No.6548203

Cool. I wouldn't want you translating a VN if it's going to take you 3+ years, anyway.
