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6547374 No.6547374 [Reply] [Original]

howcome the hiragana ke followed by the hiragana i makes it ee instead of ei, like in keezai??
I also noticed this with other vowels like an o followed by a u tended to be oo or just o instead ou.

Is there some rule I'm missing because I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Sorry for being the ultimate noob, and thankyou for your time.

>> No.6547383

Because it's simplification for the sounds.

It doesn't actually make けい = けー or とう = とー.

>> No.6547419

It's not wrong to pronounce けいざい as keizai. It's the same thing as you being able to pronounce "Again" as either əˈɡɛn or əˈɡeɪn, most people just skip the i though.

>> No.6547438

oh ok, thanks so much. It's just the book I'm using to learn writes the english for those letters as 'i' and writes them as e in words sometimes like for 'sensee' when the hiragana would actually translate to 'sensei'.

I understand now, thanks for clearing that up.
