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6529336 No.6529336 [Reply] [Original]

Question, /jp/--what is the opposite of normalfag?

>> No.6529341

brb, going to look at all my cats

>> No.6529343

brb, going to pretend to be all of my cats

>> No.6529350


>> No.6529352

should be catchier, but that's what used around here to describe the floorshitting government-paid faggots

>> No.6529354

I love my cat so much. Thanks for reminding me that I need to cuddle with her.

>> No.6529359

Isn't straight-edge one of those supposed countercultures like emo or goth that's actually full of normalfags?

>> No.6529361

Why can't real women be as cute as cats?

>> No.6529368

screw women, I have cats

>> No.6529369
File: 151 KB, 1569x973, cmfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this.

>> No.6529370

Straight edge is a "sub-culture" of teenagers who think they're hot shit because they don't drink or smoke. Some of them even try to start fights with people they see drinking and whatnot at shows.

They're faggots.

>> No.6529373

Liking cats is one of the qualities of a normalfag.

Real women are shit and pig dig disgusting.

>> No.6529376


maybe if they just had a drink and took it easy they wouldn't feel the need to start fights all the time.

>> No.6529378

But drinking is a characteristic behavior of normalfags.

>> No.6529381

Hey guys, he just called me a word that ends in fag. Is he trying to insult me?

>> No.6529382

So is breathing, so maybe you should stop that too.

>> No.6529385

Liking cats has nothing to do with being normalfag or not. In fact, normalfags will never have a truly cute cat because they often don't give them enough attention and turn out to be bitches that do nothing but sleep and tear furniture apart.

>> No.6529394

Except it is. Look at /b/; those faggots love cats, and they're as normalfag as it gets. Someone who aspires to the title of true NEET should be indifferent towards everything except himself, cats included.

>> No.6529398

You should stop using the Internet. I hear normalfags use the internet.

>> No.6529399
File: 455 KB, 999x999, 1289331312306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats spread brain parasytes

>> No.6529406

Who cares about /b/, they don't even exist. I think you're just being mean because you prefer dogs.

>> No.6529433

shit just got real

>> No.6529439

That explains why I'm so stupid, I've had 1 - 5 cats in my house for over 12 years.

Or maybe I'm stupid because I'm lazy?

>> No.6529440

I prefer fish. So peaceful and gentle, the perfect pet.

>> No.6529441

Why do you think Anonymous has such a sick mind?
