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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6528340 No.6528340 [Reply] [Original]

You now realize that the Japanese haven't really invented much at all, they've just made small improvements to pre-existing technologies.

Goodbye weeaboos. Pic related, it's Japan's crand idea of improvement.

Before you mention VHS tape, Charles Ginsburg invented, pioneered and perfected it for marketable purposes 20 years before Sony could even begin to market it.

>> No.6528345
File: 11 KB, 130x179, 1290804331092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you one of those faggots who bawwws about how Edison stole other people's ideas?

It doesn't matter who came up with the idea if they never fucking made it marketable.

>> No.6528349

>Small improvements
And this is less valid than a wholly original invention, how?

>> No.6528356


Suddenly wikipedia strikes back with a fist to your face!

>> No.6528362
File: 611 KB, 720x405, lazatin_fanta_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda hate your idea, OP.

>> No.6528365

Thanks for proving my point, subhuman slav, all that this page proves is that they didn't invent shit, they just made pointless improvements. See how they say handheld color television instead of just television? You created a subset of something that already existed for 50 years, congratulations.

Half of these don't even count as inventions. You don't invent the B vitamin. You don't invent a "man with no name", whatever the fuck it is.

You can tell whoever compiled that page had huge inferiority complexed and jut padded it out with lots of pointless entries.

>> No.6528369

What's the purpose of this thread again? OP being jealous for some stupid reason?

>> No.6528370

The entire human progress is based on very small increments and improvements over other people's work or approrpriation of ideas from one field in another. There may be entirely original works, but they are few. By far most things(scientific theories, works, papers, inventions, discoveries, etc) are just small increments over other things in related or unrelated fields. Others are works of synthesis, however that still does not imply any large-scale discovery.

Why do care anyway?

>> No.6528373

>hurr durr pointless improvements
Yeah I mean let's just stick with our prototype CRT televisions in black and white, let's never move beyond CDs, let's have cars that never go beyond 30MPH, let's have guns that need black powder poured into them and load from the muzzle.

Face it, the inventor is no more special than the people who improve his design.

>> No.6528374

they got plenty of invention thread lately, why would i need 80 USB port ?

>> No.6528376

Perfecting manufacturing process and making shit practical is important (I'm not claiming Japan does this, but in some cases, they do). A lot of technologies are good in theory, but practical implementation which is also cost-effective can be a challenging thing.

>> No.6528378

>convinced a new idea based on an old idea is less valid than a wholly new idea.

They're BOTH new ideas.
And JAPAN has the inferiority complex? Are you sure you aren't just hiding a secret shame of your own nation?

>> No.6528382
File: 608 KB, 720x405, lazatin_fanta_2_4ch_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to dig deeper, bro.

>> No.6528396

And yet Japan never made any of these breakthroughs. Look again at that page and notice how limited and insanely specific those "improvement" are. Japan was the first country to make a specific type of sword that's only found in Japan, big whoop.

>> No.6528400

But I've never said anything like that. Please don't put words in my mouth.

>> No.6528406

Specific type of sword

If you had any grasp of metallurgy, you'd have a lot more respect for the idea. Scimitars and katana are some of the best examples of sword design that man has ever produced.

>> No.6528407
File: 35 KB, 150x150, portrait_shirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us OP, what have you invented?

>> No.6528415

It should also be noted that said sword was also more prone to breaking and bending that many other swords, and who the fuck comes up with the idea of throwing star-shaped shrapnel at foes when you live in a place where iron is hard to find and of terrible quality?
See here's another example of the kind of "improvements" can think up when left to their own devices.

>> No.6528416

You're wasting your breath, Bro.

Bitches don't know about Japan's robots and ever-increasing efficient technology designs.

>> No.6528420

I think OP is trying that old troll that claims asians are only good at copying or whatever.

I suggest you try to imagine the current world without China, Japan, Malayesia, Taiwan, HK and other manufacturing hotstops. Without them you'd be using overly expensive shit made in US fabs (which are incredibly few in number). In the current situation, they by large dominate this market. Do you think perfecting semiconductor technologies and practically rebuilding entire fabs/processes every few years is anything easy?

Only someone ignorant of where his technogy comes from and how it was made could ever think this.

>> No.6528421

Honestly, my favorite pastime is bickering. I'm obviously posting in a troll thread, but I love to bicker and argue so much I don't care.

>> No.6528432
File: 20 KB, 406x536, 1280343245285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW it took Japan 30 years to teach a robot to climb stairs
>MFW the rest of the world is already applying their knowledge of robotics in every practical field (i.e. prosthetic arms controlled by brain) while Japan has never gone past useless gimmicks to make babbys happy
>MFW even Iran can into robotics, thus proving Japan is nothing special

>> No.6528435

>terrible quality
>comparing god-tier swords that cut through bodies like butter with western swords that are essentially sharp stabbing clubs

>> No.6528441

Japan invented Super Mario.

They're the kings.

>> No.6528444

It's just hourly dose of autistic dirty gaijin butthurt about Japan.

>> No.6528480

I think this thread was made by a Chinese/Korean person though.

>> No.6528496

If it's a Chinese, the argument is poor as they're competing on similar things and their behaviour isn't anything that different. If it's a Korean, I don't even see how that has any relevance as Korea's industry in this regard is smaller than Japan's and even other asian nation's.

>> No.6528501

What happens to product
 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by German
 ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by Japanese
 ⑦ (  `ハ´) Pirated by Chinese
 ↓   _,,_
 ⑧ <ヽ`д´> Claimed its origin by Korean

>> No.6528512

Same poor trolling being repeated over and over. I really don't understand what's your grudge with those two nations, but this won't make you feel any closer to your Nipponese otherkin, weeabo.

>> No.6528520

> he thinks actual weeaboo's (using the original definition of the word) actually lurk in /jp/
Ah, the wonders of people wandering from other boards

>> No.6528522

Didn't you know Chinese/Koreans are jealous that people look up to Japan? They're also butthurt that Japan committed atrocious war crimes even though they've never lived in China/Korea. It's pathetic really. You can see them quarrelling on /jp/ and /int/ all the time in these kind of threads. I'm having a hard time imagining that it's some white guy spewing this crap out of jealousy.

>> No.6528543

>You can see them quarrelling on /jp/ and /int/ all the time in these kind of threads.

How do you tell?
Is your browser enabled to detect other posters' IPs on a site where they are supposedly kept hidden? Are you a major in some sort of weird anthropological science which allows you to determine someone's ancestry just by looking at a piece of text? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Anyone who's jealous of Japan clearly hasn't fully looked at what his own country has to offer before forming an opinion. Every country is better than Japan in every aspect, every traitor who wishes to betray his country for some open air sweatshop is welcome to do it any time.

>> No.6528583

Changing your goal from "I want to be like a normal Japanese person" to "I want to be like a lowlife from 2chan" doesn't change the fact you are a weeabboo, Jimmy-kun. If anything, it makes it more painfully evident.

>> No.6528594

You can pretty easily infer if someone is having some fucked up grudge against Japan for some retarded reason from the way they post, the length of mental acrobacy they go through to defend such corrupted citizen suppressing country such as China. I've nothing against Chinese people, but it's ridiculous to see people who has never lived in mainland badmouthing Japan in China's favor.

>Anyone who's jealous of Japan clearly hasn't fully looked at what his own country has to offer before forming an opinion. Every country is better than Japan in every aspect
lol, oh ok. And anyone who's criticizing Japan has an obvious biased view of his country and views it as some sort of utopia. Yep. If you're not Chinese/Korean, why are you defensive? You're just jealous because people "like" Japan and the shit they spew out, that's it.

>> No.6528639
File: 70 KB, 275x329, 1275951234861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus OP, why don't you just skim through a couple pages of /jp/. None of the threads are about praising Japan, their inventions or "how to be japanese" etc

This board is just about animu related shit etc, yeah?

It's a bit annoying having to see this on the front page when honestly, I don't give a damn as this does not have anything to do with my lolis.

saging in case you left, hope you don't get "offended"

>> No.6528644

weeaboo == japanophile == A person who loves the country, culture, or people of Japan. (random definition picked from a dictionary)
Most people here do not claim to love EVERYTHING about Japan, nor its people or country, or even the broad culture. They only claim to enjoy Japanese otaku culture, which comprises of all kinds of drawn media (manga, anime, eroge/VNs, doujinshi games/h/..., light novels, and so on). It's a rather narrow interest, however that does not mean one does not know of the actual situation in Japan with regards to its general culture and people, but this in no way means that the person loves it or wants to live there or anything. It only means that they enjoy Japanese media. Would I be called a Americanophile because I watch US TV Shows (I'm not from the US or Japan for that matter)? Should I be called an Italianophile, because I enjoyed an italian motion picture? Or maybe I should be an Anglophile, because I enjoyed reading some great british literary works?
No. I'm merely an avid consumer of certain types of Japanese media, among many other things. This by itself does not make /jp/'s population any more weeaboo (while some of them could be, but I'm talking about the majority).

>> No.6528656

So it's the latter, you are a major in blind-guessing anthropological sciences? I envy your ability to deduce somebody's ethnic background from just 4 lines of text, it surely must've taken a lot of practice and years worth of experience to reach this level of proficiency.
If you could tell me the school where you majored from, I'd be happy to enroll my children there.

>> No.6528660

Oh come on, you can't expect him to know what weeaboo really means when he barely wrote it correctly.

>> No.6528667

Took you long enough to come up with something as irrelevant as that. I'll cite my post again since you didn't have anything substantial to say
>You're just jealous because people "like" Japan and the shit they spew out, that's it.

>> No.6528695

You're defending a country even though you're not a citizen thereof, you've never been there or you have no firsthand experience of what it is really like.
All the threads in this board are more or less veiled attempts at imitating Japanese culture and mannerisms as how they filter out of 2chan.
You are much more than a weeaboo.

>> No.6528708

You're criticizing a country even though you're not a citizen thereof, you've never been there or you have no firsthand experience of what it is really like.
All these kind of threads in this board are more or less veiled attempts at bashing Japanese culture and mannerisms out of jealousy.
You are much more than a fucking retard.

>> No.6528724

You haven't even read my post. WHERE DID I DEFEND JAPAN IN MY ENTIRE POST?
The only thing I claimed is that I enjoy Japanese media, I really couldn't give a fuck about other things, unless they're useful to me in some way. I'd imagine it's not to different for other /jp/ lurkers. Do you think we come here to discuss Japan? We come here for one thing and that's (mostly drawn) Japanese media.

>> No.6528730

>arguing on /jp/

Do you literally have austism?

>> No.6528814

Sorry for thinking an intelligent argument could be had. At best, I would be able to make them understand that if they want to political trolling, they should go to /new/, /newpol/ or maybe /int/ (don't ask me details, I don't go to those boards). /jp/ is hardly the place to troll Japan, despite being named after it as it only adresses a certain fanbase within a fanbase (was /a/), and it really doesn't have much to do with Japan besides that.

>> No.6528895

Wow, your butt is literally mad.
excuse my spelling
do you even know what a weabboo is? Nobody here even want to be Japanese. We just like the shut they make.
You so mad. And if you think I'm lying about this board, you're also retarded
