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6527531 No.6527531 [Reply] [Original]

It's taken years after I first started playing Touhou, but I've finally managed to beat a game on Normal!

I hadn't even played in about 6 months, due to being busy with military training, but then I come home on leave and play a bit of Mountain of Faith. I'm not even expecting to beat it or anything, since it's not like I've played in a while and I'm not super focused. On the 3rd or 4th game, I'm at Kanako's second-to-last spellcard with 4 lives, and think, "Well, looks like I might beat her this time." Then I am struck by the realization that I haven't continued yet on this playthru. Holy shit!

My last thoughts during the last spellcard is nothing but "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck..." but in the end, I got the good ending with a life to spare.

Image related.

>> No.6527538

Back in high school I was able to do that somewhat normally. Then I stopped playing for a while in college. When I tried again a few months ago I found I couldn't anymore. Thanks for reminding me asshole.

>> No.6527545

Didn't ZUN fuck up on the programming for the last spell card, as in on Easy it's harder than on Normal?

>> No.6527547

I 1cc'd MoF about a month ago on Normal. I didn't think I'd win that time after getting steamrolled by Kanako's last card with 4 lives left two attempts before while only having two lives left when I made it to her. I won with no power and no lives left, on the skin of my teeth. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Now I experience the pleasure of being spun by Hina on Hard mode while trying to 1cc the other games on Normal as well.

>> No.6527550

IN and EoSD are both pretty good follow ups to MoF.

>> No.6527555


Still trying those, no luck on EoSD, Sakuya and Patchy rape me. Got close with IN, but not close enough. I did 1cc PCB a few days ago, so hooray for that. I play SA to get a hang of forward shot types since the homing shot is absolutely terrible in it and UFO if I want to get murdered.

>> No.6527568

>UFO if I want to get murdered.

I gave up trying to 1CC UFO. Feels like I'm learning more by playing the other games on Hard than the brickwall that is UFO.

What character are you playing on EoSD? I find ReimuB's Patchy to be fairly easy. Mercury Poison? It almost dodges itself.

>> No.6527577


Yes it is, but MoF has fucked up balancing everywhere

>> No.6527581


Wouldn't know. The only game I've played on Easy was IN, which was the first Touhou game I'd beaten at all. In fact, it was also the first I ever played. Hmm, maybe I'll try that next, for nostalgia's sake.

Can you feel nostalgia for something that was only 2-3 years ago? Hearing the IN menu theme makes me think so. It's a weird kind of nostalgia, though, since at the time I was NEETing it up despite being enrolled in college and subsequently failing out, in no small part due to the hours that slipped away browsing /jp/.

>> No.6527583


I'm doing okay with UFO, it's about as bad for me as SA. I can get to around stage 4 on both, getting to stage 5 on both only once. For EoSD, I used to use Reimu A and I switched to B recently because even though I find Patchy easier to dodge with A, the homing shots do almost no damage so I'm left with the alternative which I'm not used to.

>> No.6527586


UFO isn't that bad, if you get through the first three stages and gather enough bombs to bomb through stage 4 while collecting massive amounts of red UFOs..

The stage part of stage 6 is just for getting new UFOs and you probably won't get killed there.. and Byakuren is easier than Shou, so...you should try it again..and again..and again

>> No.6527594


Why aren't you using Marisa B and just MASTER MOTHERFUCKING SPARK your way through practically everything?

>> No.6527590


I have managed to get a good ways thru Byakuren on Normal. Until I unexpectedly beat MoF I had thought that would be the first game I 1 CC'd.

It is frustrating, though. The UFOs seem specifically designed to piss you of, what with how they will STOP CHANGING COLOR if you fly towards one that's about to switch, and all.

>> No.6527596

>fucked up balancing everywhere

Like Sanae having spell cards easier than Keine?

Then again, UFO has a bit worse with Hijiri. Easiest last boss since Kaguya until you hit her last spellcard which rapes you to a halt.

>> No.6527603

2nd anon you quoted.
I stand by Reimu and her needles. For every game.

>> No.6527605


I always do worse with Marisa in every game. I do better with Reimu A in MoF than Marisa B with the bug.


I might be doing something wrong. Sanae's spellcards still kick my ass...

>> No.6527609


I was especially talking about her last spell card and her and her stage overall being way easier than stage 4 and Aya

>> No.6527614

>Easiest last boss since Kaguya
You kids really need to play something other than Easy and Normal.

>> No.6527636

Isn't Kaguya still pretty easy on Hard/Lunatic because of the auto-game over if your have to continue on her stage?

>> No.6527637


I'm playing Hard on two of those games, not getting past stage 2 anytime soon though. I'm more used to platformers, still need to get more experienced at this.

>> No.6527646


I already 1cc'd EoSD and PCB on Hard but for some reason MoF kicks my ass on Hard

Now I want to play Touhou, knowing I have to leave for university in 10 minutes and won't be home for another 10 hours ;_;

>> No.6527677
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Kaguya's non spells are mostly trivial, but her spells are all kinds of shenanigans. I don't know, maybe I just don't play IN enough. Yuyuko is probably the easiest stage 6 boss on Lunatic though.

As for Byakuren, and UFO in general, the Hard is like Lunatic for other games, and the Lunatic is really something else.

>> No.6527681


Never mind that, even fucking Meiling is beating me down now. Losing two lives to her and having to use two bombs, I might be getting worse. ;_;

>> No.6527682

Yea... UFO has some bad difficulty creep. So did SA, to a degree. Kind of makes me wonder how TH13 is going to turn out of the creep continues.

>> No.6527688

Meiling's last two cards are full of EoSD's brand of shenanigans. Also see; Cirno's Perfect Freeze and Sakuya's (worst spell card ever) Eternal Meek.

>> No.6527694


The problem is I never used to have any problem with her. She was just an easy boss to pass by on the rapetrain to stage 4 and for some reason she's putting up a fight AFTER I get the vsynch patch.

>> No.6527707

Then uninstall the patch or get used to the new timings.

>> No.6527710

I'm really really bad at touhou and only have any interest at all because of the cute girls.

>> No.6527713

secondary pride

>> No.6527717


It's not the patch's fault. I feel less heavy, it's how I managed not to fuck up death bombing on IN. Maybe I'm just really strange. I'm having better luck on Fairy Wars Hard Mode than EoSD normal.

>> No.6527721

Thank you for reminding me.

>Yuyuko is probably the easiest stage 6 boss on Lunatic though.
I take this back. It is easily Utsuho. SA Lunatic is a joke, which is funny since everybody considers SA to be one of the hardest games.

>> No.6527771

>it's how I managed not to fuck up death bombing on IN.
I'd imagine the half-second of deathbomb window is the more likely cause of that.

>> No.6527789


Even with the huge time to deathbomb I managed to mess it up until I got the patch. Also, is it just me or is Fairy Wars a lot easier than I remember? I almost made it to the end of Hard mode A route even though it's my first time on Hard.

>> No.6529848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6529858 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6529865 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6530776

Off page 15.

>> No.6530806

Almost foiled by stealthsage-chan.

>> No.6530852

>Millitary training
out. Now...
