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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 703x680, 12908210791922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6523602 No.6523602 [Reply] [Original]

How do you respond when your parents ask you to find a job?

>> No.6523603

"I know, I know"

Repeat every few months

>> No.6523604


>> No.6523606


>> No.6523608

Make a profile on those job websites where you can just click a button to apply. When your parent ask, you can say "I've applied for x jobs today". Who knows, you might even get a decent one.

>> No.6523609

"Get out of my house."

>> No.6523611

Pretend I'm putting in applications and feign depression and say a rejection letter came every so often.

>> No.6523613

Never seen that OP pic of a drugged Nikki before.

And my parents haven't asked me that for a long time.

>> No.6523616

Alternately if you don't want to take The Silhouettes' advice, drag your ass out of your bed and jump from your apartment building

>> No.6523617

Make me

>> No.6523618

I don't get asked about it, they don't give a fuck.

>> No.6523619
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My parents know I have a mental illness so they are probably reluctant to ask about that sort of thing.

>> No.6523632

Jokes on them I already have one

>> No.6523635


>> No.6523637


>> No.6523640

Wow bro cool it with the ~irony~

>> No.6523642
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I graduate this semester. Not looking forward to hearing that question again.

>> No.6523644

But then you'll have a job unless you're getting a philosophy degree or something.

>> No.6523645
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>> No.6523649

Same here. No idea what I'm going to do. I'm losing sleep at night over this.

>> No.6523651


That seems to be how a lot of normalfags apply for jobs, even. Send resume, swap out a few words in your cover letter, easy peasy. If you know people in business then you can do all that "networking" crap, but you NEETs clearly don't so no point in trying.

>> No.6523653

what don't like Oingo Boingo?

I admit the genre is an acquired taste.

>> No.6523655

I'm getting degrees in Sociology and Creative Writing

>> No.6523658


You had better be able to write a bestselling novel, then.

This is also sort of what I plan to do, sadly.

>> No.6523661

Fuck I wish I had networking friends, I wouldn't have to deal with all the manual labor and fucking on call jobs I do.

All my friends are as useless as tits on a pickle.

>> No.6523662

I am a recent graduate, majored in accounting/finance. If I had known that I needed to get top marks and have prior job experience to get a graduate job then I would have never went to university. Education is a lie except to those who try their hardest or are guaranteed a job in the public sector.

>> No.6523666

It's the opposite, I always ask my mom if I can get a job but she says I'm not good enough for anyone.

>> No.6523667


Don't bet on it, plenty of those jobs you'd think yourself a shoe-in for end up going to some dumbass relative of a middle manager in that company


Nah I like them, Miss Margatroid is admiring your cleverness

>> No.6523670

Oh god I'm an accounting major

>> No.6523674

I don't give a fuck if you think it's a real job and I don't give a fuck what you think about how I'm living my life, I've made more this month then you ever made in a year and please don't forget you're living in MY house.

>> No.6523675

Right now I'm actually wanting a goddamn job. I hate seeing y'all posting about the new figurines you got with your shiny government checks or whatever, and looking at my less-than-cluttered shelves in remorse.

Not to mention, I want to get a car soon. I've gotten real fucking tired of the city bus.

>> No.6523677


>majored in accounting/finance

Congrats (accounting grad here). Hopefully you won't end up like me, nearly a year since graduation and I'm working a part-timer where a twenty-hour work week is being VERY optimistic (with some 40 hour work weeks with plenty of crack of dawn/graveyard shift start times). All that and I'm a buck ahead of state minimum wage.

All I can say is that I am VERY glad I wasn't the one to foot the bill for college.

>> No.6523684

Wait, your parents live with you? Are they the NEET's or something?

>> No.6523685

>and have prior job experience

This is what I hated the most about looking for work; I was applying for ENTRY-LEVEL jobs and couldn't get hired for shit until I moved to the city, due to lack of experience.

Now I push carts at Wal-Mart for 9.50 an hour while I learn about dead old men at school and stay up until four in the morning playing Muv-Luv Extra.


>> No.6523693


They are now, both got laid off from DuPont a while back during one of the "downsizings". Both looking for jobs, but overqualified (aka: no one wants to pay someone who has a degree anymore).

>> No.6523694
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For my fellow accountingbros: outside of knowing someone or snatching up an internship or being slicker than an Italian's back, entry level positions have been filled up pretty roundly with a lot of deadweight with nothing really great going for them aside from bumbling along in their company while the economy was booming. Add that to the absurd requirements 99% of companies have (2 years minimum experience for a BOOKKEEPER OH GOD WHAT) and nigga u shafted as fuck

>> No.6523702

People say that the experience requirements most companies list are typically overstated.
As for me I'm going to find some way to make money from home. More people are doing it now than ever. No way could I ever function in a corporate 9-to-5 setting for very long.

>> No.6523703

Oh wait that applies to pretty much every field and save for the retarded experience expectations every economy

I'm a fucking prophet

>> No.6523704

But i do have a job

I work for my parents

>> No.6523708

Thanks for reminding me, OP, I need to send my regular confirmation to the government that I'm still unemployed so that I'm still eligible for receiving money for these two weeks.

>> No.6523728

I would love nothing more than to have a giant lump sum of money that I could live off the interest with. I would spend all my time indulging in escapism and go for long walks at night when no one would see me.

>> No.6523730

I'm quitting in a few months. If I don't get another job, I'll be on my way to being that special brand of /jp/ loser.

>> No.6523740
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>Marisa finds that fascinating.jpg

>> No.6523764

What would be a degree that has high chances of finding a job without prior connections, /jp/?

>> No.6523765

Applied sciences in Criminal justice.

>> No.6523771

Anything in the public sector that is in demand. So stuff like medicine, nursing, math, etc.

>> No.6523784

Computer Science/Biomedical
Doing them both is really worth the trouble, I already have a job lined up and I don't graduate until the spring

>> No.6523794

How well do you guys think a degree in physics would work? Because at the moment that's all I'm interested in(Besides a degree in English, but I know that's a dead end).

>> No.6523801

Not too sure but isn't it just mostly research? Possibly lecturer if you get a Ph.D. Not too sure but if its what I think it is then chances aren't too good.

>> No.6523803

That said, its better to pursue what you enjoy doing and failing at it, than to do something you don't enjoy and failing at that.

caption: whollia bachelors

>> No.6523819

I want more depressed animu...

>> No.6523834
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>> No.6523842
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>> No.6523922


>> No.6523962

My Mother gives me the whole "you're 22 now, you're a bit too old to be living off your mother, you need to start supporting yourself" speech also gives me the "You need to find a job within the next couple of weeks or you're going to have to find somewhere else to live" speech too. I usually just say "Yeah I know, I'm trying" this has been happening for like 2-3 years and she still hasn't given up on asking and still hasn't kicked me out.
No parent is going to kick their child out on the street knowing they have no where else to go or anything to eat, no sane parent anyway.

You could try the emotional blackmail approach if they're forcing you to do shit you don't want to do like applying for jobs they "find" for you or applying for benefits to pay your parents rent. Just say you're really depressed and thinking about killing yourself your parents will be really worried and just avoid asking you for a while.
I figure I'll keep on with this life style till my mother passes away then I'll kill myself.
Living the dream.

>> No.6523970


>> No.6523973

Go to Albersons and get a job as a bagger.

It's not very hard so long as you aren't a complete asshole.

>> No.6523985

this. people talking about things like degrees in this thread when they don't realize that one isn't needed to work in retail.

>> No.6523995

Learn to play an instrument and become a hobo, is this rentable?

>> No.6523996
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I tend to actually apply for the jobs they pick out of me, just to give them peace of mind. I'm pretty much unemployable anyway, and if I actually got an interview from anything I applied from I am very capable of failing it. I don't consider there to be any risk of me getting a job.

>> No.6524002

It's surprising how long you can just put off getting a job, especially with mothers. I would never have convinced my mother to let me leech off her as long as I have if I just asked her directly, but by simply being half-assed about finding a job without letting her realize I could never get a job with so little effort put into it, she just gradually comes to accept it. The process starts over again around fall every year, though.

>> No.6524004

Also, if there's something wrong with your brain, you can collect disability, which is a good 500 dollars a month, even if you're working.

When they diagnose you with Autism, just try not to roll your eyes, and say "Yes, my fucked up brain I've spent a lifetime trying to fix can be easily explained by this week's popular disability". They will give you money.

>> No.6524034
File: 298 KB, 630x805, 1284684822410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get a job, really. I mean I cant really do much manual labor.. I can barely lift 40lb boxes without extreme effort. Theres no clerical jobs around here that aren't already commandeered by the fattest snobbiest women who don't even know that you can select multiple objects with shift/ctrl+click.

A friend of mine got lucky and landed in some medical center doing data input and filing.. They're having a hard time deciding what to do with the other employees since he finishes the same work as two of the fatlady departments in three hours, goes to lunch and comes back to finish his own work afterwards.. and he's been there for all of like two-three weeks.

Maybe I should see if they want to cut back on useless fat bitches in exchange for a second person who knows how to work a computer.

>> No.6524038

Somehow, I don't really feel that that kind of money is worth going to seek medical help. Sounds way too scary to start talking to a stranger about all your personal problems.

>> No.6524041

>I mean I cant really do much manual labor
Unless you're physically disables, you can handle being a courtesy clerk. It's minimum wage, but it's a job, and it's always easy to get. Just avoid Wal-Mart.

>> No.6524042

Go for it anon, tell your friend to put in a good word for you(Specifically how you can work on the same level as him) and hope for the best. Good luck.

>> No.6524047

I just nod and go back to my room.

>> No.6524048

You don't tell them about you lolicon doujin collection.

>> No.6524049

I have been trying to get a job, mostly because to continue claiming unemployment welfare soon I will probably be made to do manual work for free (well, to keep my paltry welfare payments), but it turns out I am pretty much unemployable. For the minimum wage stuff, they'd rather hire 16-year old girls because they can pay them less than me and they look probably hotter to the interviewer than a slightly dishevelled NEET. For everything else I require about two to three years of experience or some bullshit. UK has no jobs

>> No.6524050

I wonder what it is about being female and overweight that makes you become completely useless to society.

>> No.6524053

The being female part causes a sense of self-centred entitlement that being overweight provokes into becoming completely overblown. The next thing you know, you're a fat chick who thinks she's too good to do anything her life entails doing (like the job for which she is paid)

>> No.6524061

Hey you know they've changing the Job Seekers allowance next year. They've changed it so you actually have to have a 45 minute session with an "advisor" and explain what you've been doing. This advisor also goes through the database with you to find at least 6 jobs which you HAVE to apply for. Also, they enrol you on training and education courses and make job interviews for you. I'm not even kidding, in Manchester they already do this and they're rolling it out to the rest of England next year.

>> No.6524062

>Jokes on them I already have two


>> No.6524073

Being a lifeless loser with a constantly open schedule makes you MORE desirable as an employee than a high school student, since they often have trouble finding people who are willing to work minimum wage in the afternoon.

>> No.6524081

Not in my experience. I've even pointed out at times that I can work any hours. No dice.
Yeah, that's pretty...well, they've been doing that with me, but with 20 minute sessions and two jobs at a time, but they don't give me any special referrals or anything so it's exactly the same story as when I'm applying of my own volition, I'm lucky as hell to even get an interview and I never get past that.

>> No.6524103

It's super annoying because they make you apply for loads of random shit like "Hospital porter" "old peoples carer"and they arrange the interviews for you. Shit's fucking dumb.

>> No.6524112
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I don't get that from my parents because I'm a university student at the moment. They do ask me how school's going all the time though... and I have to flat out lie and tell them it's going fine and I'm doing ok. The truth is I'm pretty much failing (definitely not getting the grades required for these classes to count for my major at least) because I fucking suck.

This compounds with the fact that I took the previous year off of school because I was struggling and having panic attacks and couldn't handle how depressed college in general makes me, coupled with the amount of works. After seeing a doctor (according to whom I'm an aspie, lol!), changing my major entirely, and actually having a real job for half the time (full fledged neet-hood the other half: living the dream)... I was supposed to have my shit together.

Now that this is happening, I think my previous goals were over-estimates for myself and have no clue what to do with my pathetic ass. Continuing in Engineering seems to no longer be an option (I'm not stupid, but I fucking suck at school).... And no, my parents know none of this yet, and that's because I barely even know what to tell myself about it all. My history with depression isn't helping, because I think of suicide as the only way to get out of this mess daily. I truly wish I could just be escapist forever.

>> No.6524118

Smoke weed not only will you not give a shit about anything but you will seem cool.

>> No.6524135

I've been where you are, and the only advice I can give you is that you have your whole life ahead of you, so no matter how greatly you fuck up, it won't matter in time.

Tell your parents how well you're actually doing, though, as people in that specific position tend to do especially stupid things when the truth is going to come out.

>> No.6524138

Stay off 4Chan for a while. You don't realize how much this place makes you hate yourself until you've been away.

>> No.6524143

This is true. Misery loves company though so I find myself coming back here.

>> No.6524149

I dunno, man. This thread is making me feel pretty good about myself. It's a good pick-me-up before I head off to work.

>> No.6524151

>people in that specific position tend to do especially stupid things when the truth is going to come out.

*cough* Bart Whitaker *cough*

>> No.6524155

Majored in Software Engineering
Got picked up by IBM in my final year.
Uh, yeah.
This means that I'll have to leave the house next year...something I'm uncomfortable with.

>> No.6524158

And suddenly the benefit of living in 20 different towns growing up becomes apparent.

>> No.6524160

majoring in a useless language
no prospects to find a job after major
finding incredibly hard to finish it, even
no idea on what to write thesis about

feels depressing man

>> No.6524161

I quit university because it was making me depressed as hell and asked dad if I could start living at his place, with the promise that I'd get a job until I figure out what the study next. He promptly told me he didn't believe a word of it and that I'd just spend every day in front of the computer, but agreed once he realized he had no choice. He was right though, so he didn't even bother to tell me to get a job. Unlike mom, but I just kept telling her that yeah sure I was looking for a job every couple of weeks.

Recently I got to start training at a workshop. Drawing pretty pictures for a few hours errryday. It's like I'm really doing nothing but getting paid and avoiding getting whined at, life's great.

>> No.6524164

Yeah, I hope so. But I think I really need to do something about it, rather than trying to pretend it will somehow work out.
But I don't like this advice! Well, mainly because 4chan is a great time-consumer and I am not sure what I'm able to do at the moment besides be depressed all day once I get bored of whatever game I try playing or something. Trying to motivate myself on other school related things is near impossible now that I've already done so bad and my near-failing/failing grades are essentially set in stone. Not to mention that having a roommate in general is incredibly uncomfortable to me, something I would be a bunch of room-staying people like us of /jp/ can understand. It's sad, but I don't think I should stop coming here until I have something legitimate to do instead during my free time.

>> No.6524165

I already have a job. Pays pretty well too, at least for an 18 year old. I work maybe 2-3 days a week and bring in about $2000 on a good month (It's in a hospital)

>> No.6524167

they only tell me that i need to learn to drive
they'll probably be bummed when they lose their housekeeper that they pay only in food and electricity

>> No.6524170

Just graduated from game design academy
procrastinating on my indie project
looking for a gaming job in the area

yeah. I'm not too excited about moving away.

>> No.6524186

you could be in my situation.

I have an armed guard card (3 years experience), emtb liscence and cna (1 year acute psychiatric care experience), and just recently willingly dropped out of nursing school/taking a retort.

you'd think with all these liscences and various job/life experience I'd have a decent job.

but i push carts at target for $11 an hour, and my new boss thinks I'm crazy because target was the only job i could find.

(its okay though, i love it ~ no responsibility whatsoever)

>> No.6524188

Stuff like this makes me kinda worried about going to university next year. I wonder if I can really make it through.

>> No.6524191

Just make sure you're going really to like the subject. Otherwise enjoy your motivation plummeting down to hell.

>> No.6524197

Joke's on you OP I'm working as of three months ago.
I miss every second of my neet lifestyle but at least I haven't got my parents nesting on my shoulders like crows on a corpse.

>> No.6524206

How do I make sure I'll still find it interesting when I actually start studying it?

>> No.6524210

Now you see why people get depressed

>> No.6524241

Isn't that the most important question of all? I'm currently aiming for genetic research, but how the fuck am I supposed to know if I will actually find that shit interesting once I get enough degrees to actually start it?

>> No.6524247 [DELETED] 



>> No.6524248

A good indicator would be if you actively read science journals regarding genetic research and follow developments in the science.

>> No.6524256

This is the hard part. For me it always seems that the difficulty continues to rise at the same rate that my interest seems to decrease until a certain point comes and I can't seem to motivate myself to do the massive amounts of work I'm required to do and I have no clue why the fuck I'm doing the work to begin with anymore.

Difference is, for most people this happens once ever and it's called a mid-life crisis. For losers like us it just happens every other year or so.

>> No.6524299

Since I've already have a good taste of how bad it feels to not have any future and know that the degree I'm going for would make things much more ideal, I'm hoping that I can tell myself even when I'm not feeling very into it that my future will be brighter, giving me a good answer to "why the hell am I doing this anyway?". But it's much easier to tell yourself that you will pull through somehow before the time actually comes when you have to deal with everything.

>> No.6524310

No one knows where my mother is and my father spends half of his time in prison and the other half drunk.

They never say anything to me.

>> No.6524322

How do you support yourself?

>> No.6524324

Government money.

>> No.6524328

Yeah, >>6524112 here... my current state is pretty much exactly that. Realizing that I can't just keep the whole attitude that 'if I keep going like this, things will work out'. It's extremely hard to be objective about it too - because sometimes just powering through IS the right course of action. Hard to tell if you started out unrealistically hopeful, or are being excessively hard on yourself right now. Probably both, knowing us crazy people.

>> No.6524344
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They "gently" remind me that I am 22 years old and that I should grow up and search for a job every days, all the time. Truth is I sure as hell don't want to work 40 hours a week when, anyway, I don't really need cash.

>> No.6524377

I'm beyond the point of them saying shit about it, maybe twice a year. I went to college for 2 semesters so I could take a couple Japanese classes, which was a pretty good idea, jump started the self learning process. In another year I should be able to read most shit no problem.

My parents think it's difficult to learn new languages and you need to go to school for it. Which is 100% bullshit, it's just repetition, effort and time, and talking to people that can help you on shit you really don't get. In short, you can do it alone easily, and faster. But since my parents think "going to school" for it is good, I have a reason not to have a job. And as long as I have no job, I am happy (I worked for 2 years you see, it was FUCKING HELL).

At some point, I will move out though and find myself a job (preferably one that isn't awful). I will not be a burden on my parents when they are THAT old. I mean, I'm pretty far past the point where I should of moved out (25), my brother moved out at 26. I plan to move out at 26 or 27, on my terms though, so my parents can take it easy.

>> No.6524411

I think most people believe you have to go to school to learn a language because they're so undisciplined and unmotivated that they need teachers to force it into them. And it's really no wonder that they are that way, since they usually go for languages they have no interest in learning, thinking that learning some shitty language like Spanish will advance their future career somehow.

Also, in general we're probably the ones considered weird for being able to study without people around. Most people can't seem to be able to do any slightly dull and repetitive tasks unless they can mess around with their friend every 5 minutes.

>> No.6524437

i can't make eye contact, might be autistic. parents feel bad to ask.

>> No.6524464
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"Son you should get a job."

I nod, put on my coat, step out the door. I wait a second, then come back in.

"What the hell was that all about?"

"Oh well I went out to find a job, and then I looked around, and I realized~!"

"Realized what?"


>> No.6524467

When my parents ask me to find a job, I scoff at them. They know that i'm a worthless sack of shit, and generally only ask every couple of months, when they can convince themselves that maybe, just maybe, im not as bad as we all know.

It never works.

>> No.6524475

>I plan to move out at 26 or 27,
Good luck with that, you will need to be making a lot of money to afford your own place, either have a good job or work 80 hours in walmart.

>> No.6524478

Real men have the government pay their living expenses.

>> No.6524483

I graduated with top marks in Finance and have been unemployed for 6 months now

>> No.6524489
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I tell them no.

Because I already have one, and my class hours won't allow a second one easily.
The job I work right now is dead end. Christ, I'm lucky if I get 8 hours a week. That's around $120 every other week, and I'm almost wasting that much gas getting there. I Might as well quit...
But I wanted this job so bad. ;_; It's so much fun.

>> No.6524494

you own fault for doing a silly course.

>> No.6524499


Holy fuck, are you me?
I also say, "I've applied to some places, but there's been no response."
It's true, too.

>> No.6524501

well since it is blog time may as well join in

I got a two year degree from the local technical college about three years ago. A couple of certifications too. I could not find a job thanks in part to the economy talking a dump right when I finished. No connections really hurts too. Once I finished school, I lost my insurance and that means no more Zoloft. That hasn't gone so well. I am still working retail.
Working at Walmart would be living the dream. They pay a lot better than Target does here.
I qualify for full-time benefits next year. Time to get pilled up again.

Working soul-crushing jobs as you would imagine suck. At least I can buy beer and the occasional otaku item. Wish I made enough to have my own place. Even a shitty little apartment would be nice.

>> No.6524506

what i said when they ask me this question ?

the answer in one website : http://www.secopex.com/index.php/english/accueil

>> No.6524507


Make friends, get roommates.
Where I live, you can easily find a 3 bedroom apartment for a little over 1,100/m.

Around 360 per month per person.
But I know /jp/ would never even think about that.

>> No.6524513

>Make friends, get roommates.
get out of /jp/

>> No.6524515

Yeah, let's get two of us male and female weeaboos together and ... play eroge all night!

>> No.6524522



>> No.6524523

You can get a government subsidized apartment for less, even if you divide that by three.

>> No.6524530
File: 380 KB, 850x1345, 1288485873909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys really have to get a job that badly, you should be a janitor. It's not hard and it's pretty relaxed.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6524567

Too much humiliation for the lowest paying job. Not that I care about the humiliation, I've gave up on self-pride long ago, but I still care about the money.

>> No.6524572

I have a job.

>> No.6524580

No pride? There is always prostitution. Thousands of years back its efficiency at making money for the least effort.

>> No.6524578
File: 30 KB, 300x409, 1290357458090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>store closes in 20 minutes
>start sweeping
>people are still all over getting in my way
>finish that and start to mop
>we're closed but for some reason they're still letting people in
>as I'm mopping an aisle a black couple literally follows me down it leaving muddy footprints all over
>they tell me I need to put a wet floor sign up when I obviously couldn't because they were walking right behind me the entire time
>my fucking face
