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6522025 No.6522025 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6522031

The routes in this VN were pretty damn hard-hitting.

>> No.6522054
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>> No.6522058
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>> No.6522065

Sachi being such a cunt in her route reminded me of myself too much.
Subtract the convoluted end and Natsumi this VN would be the best english translated VN of all time.

>> No.6522069
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>> No.6522071

Ending was fine, only thing I didn't like was that shitty speech from Ririko and the bullshit with everyone having to have a role in the ending. Only people that should have had a role were Ken, Ririko, and Isono, since they all had their reasons and were capable.

And yes, Natsumi was insufferable.

>> No.6522074

I didn't find her speech shitty so much as very unnecessarily drawn out.

>> No.6522089


You both pretty much summed up my opinions of the game. As for the end, the whole 'LOLFAKEADDICT' twist was just too much for me to find acceptable anymore. I also found myself coming close to ctrl'ing through Ririko's speech.

But yes, other than the points already mentioned, the VN was excellent. It was definitely one of the better ones I've read through.

>> No.6522092

NEET Touka ending is the best Touka ending.

>> No.6522093

Sauce please.

>> No.6522100

Learn to think+google and you will find it.

>> No.6522101

sharin no kuni

>> No.6522104
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>subtract Natsumi
Why would you do that? Adult Natsumi can go die in the mountains, but loli Natsumi is the best character in the game save Ririko.

>> No.6522106

Fuck yeah. Forgot to mention that I loved loli natsumi

>> No.6522108

thank you kind sir.

>> No.6522115

I had no idea what this game was. Googled the character names mentioned, found game name and 2 mins later, a download and english patch.

>> No.6522119

Sharin no Kuni was great, but I thought Houzuki's story in the fandisk was even better.

>> No.6522123

>Houzuki's story in the fandisk
Really? It was good and all, but I found that the girl in it completely unlikeable.

>> No.6522129

Is this title REALLY as good as people often say?

I always felt like trying it, but it was always because of some H scenes so I still haven't.

>> No.6522131

I was talking more about the TWISTS! when through both Morita and Hozuki fights (fake cripple and drug addict NOT). The Ririko twist was done well enough so I can't complain.
>And yes, Natsumi was insufferable.
No one debates this, a D- in a group of A heroines.
The music when the speech kicked was badass though, Soundtrack was good all around.
I am ok with everyone having a role in the end because it really lends itself to the whole friendship theme it had going in the end even if it was very ham handed.

>> No.6522132
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1200, Syarin_Mana1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana desu.

>> No.6522133

A fine example of a good browser.

>> No.6522139
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I really need to reinstall the fandisk and try out the 100% patch.

>> No.6522140

game has great story, if you don't feel like watching h-scenes you can just skip them.

>> No.6522142

Can't you just skip them?
On the note of H-scenes, I'm fairly sure I went through my first play through without seeing any. Even with VNs I'm a virgin.

>> No.6522144

You are pretty odd meido

>> No.6522150

I'm not complaining about H-scenes, what I tried to say was that I liked some H-scenes pictures posted in /jp/. They are a bonus as long the plot is good.

That's why I'm asking if it's really worth reading it, because I don't wanna play a game for the sole purpose of fapping.

>> No.6522154

as I said before, the story is very good so I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

>> No.6522159

In that case, I enjoyed the story, and would indeed recommend that you read it based on my experience.

>> No.6522172

>100% patch.
They made a full fandisc translation? Oh boy.

>> No.6522676

I doubt it, or we'd probably see a rise in image spam of Sharin shit again in /jp/

>> No.6522699

Can't someone translate the rest of the fandisc? Doesn't tlwiki make this possible if someone wishes to do so?

>> No.6522716

There's not really much substance to the fandisc outside of Houzuki's route.
The 360 port only includes the main game and Houzuki's route, anyway.

>> No.6522770

>That's why I'm asking if it's really worth reading it, because I don't wanna play a game for the sole purpose of fapping.

you dont belong here fag go back to /v/

>> No.6522771

There is porn. We love porn. Also, there is a fair share of non-porn content. It might be fanservice, but it is a good sort of fanservice, the epilogue stuff. Something that would be very nice to read after the game. Atlas just doesn't cut it.

>> No.6522774

I know, and I could probably read half of the H-scenes myself, but I don't like it.

>> No.6522785

This is actually happening right now, go check the page!

>> No.6522811

Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.6523424

Oh god yes. This made my day.

>> No.6523458
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Awesome. Can't wait for Mana Transfer.

>> No.6525675

bumping for the good news

>> No.6525740

what page? don't see shit on tlwiki

>> No.6525752


Check out the italicized script files.

>> No.6525760

So... is Sharin no Kuni worth playing?

>> No.6525763

It's Disney as hell

>> No.6525769

No realdeal elements?

>> No.6525774

Don't be so easily trolled, anon.

>> No.6525775

Interesting world
Awesome twist
Norio Wakamoto as lawful neutral antagonist
Good soundtrack

>> No.6525781

G-senjou > Sharin

>> No.6525792

I like potatoes

>> No.6525794


Hahaha no. Surprise, they're brothers is the most stupid plot twist ever.

>> No.6525797

It's PLOT WITH PORN, and well worth the effort to read.

That's just the main VN. I haven't gotten around to the fandiscs or Houzuki stories, but I hear they're incredible as well.

>> No.6525802

Boil 'em
Smash 'em
Stick 'em in a stew

>> No.6525803

Read the Houzuki Story, now.

>> No.6525817

But that would require me to reinstall the original SnH, find the Houzuki story, and install that, all while really having no time to read anything. Wanko and Cresendo have been sitting on my HD for months now unfinished.
