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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6520116 No.6520116 [Reply] [Original]

Blog thread!
Tell how you are today? feeling down? Don't! We have each other. Never alone.

>> No.6520118

Not as long as i got cactus juice.

>> No.6520120
File: 476 KB, 851x572, hot ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6520117

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6520122

>together alone ;_;

>> No.6520123

I love you, iluvOP. I have for a while now. I don't have anything to say about myself, but I hope you're having a food weekend.

I'm watching King of Kong right now. Pretty fun movie. I think /jp/ would like it.

>> No.6520130


How embarrassing.

>> No.6520131

First Satori, and now this joker?

Reported. Forever reported.

>> No.6520132

I'm feeling better than usual today. I think it's because I got up early rather than sleeping in forever.

>> No.6520137

I'm feeling pretty awful.

>> No.6520138
File: 232 KB, 487x613, 1421525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D'awww. I love you too.
I've had a good weekend! Skipping tomorrow like allways so I can take it easy. Haven't heard of that King of kong, I'll google a bit.

Don't be mad. Im sorry to anger you.

>> No.6520140

This clown is probably the most autistic person around here.

Making a trip and dedicate all of its posts for the sole purpose of shitposting as a troll is really disturbing.

>> No.6520148

Sometimes that can really make you feel genki. Try to do it from time to time. As long as you are feeling good, it's awwwright.

Why awful?

Once again. Sorry, from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.6520151

He's Scandaroon after all.

>> No.6520158

and deleted

>> No.6520160

Not him, but same class of faggotry. I remember him discovering this board mere months ago and desperately trying to fit in, failing to this day. This thread just being further proof.

>> No.6520181
File: 162 KB, 674x800, 0cd6ea72a9edd6d06bafe65dfc9101094ebff681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you.
I've been here for a looong time. Made a trip this summer. Reason behind it? Unknown! You gonna get hugged for that.

>> No.6520200

I'm studying abroad in Japan which is just incredibly stressful when you realize the size of the problem you face. There are people who study for years and years and only manage to attain a near-native proficiency. Not that I plan on making it my life's goal, but it's daunting nevertheless.

I am infinitely jealous of those who are fortunate enough to have learned multiple languages as a child. I think it prepares you for the problems you face in learning others.

>> No.6520241


I must admit that I am quite jelly of you. I wanted to try studying abroad but on top of being a massive poorfag I also don't think I would manage well being so far away from home. I also have no idea how I would go about doing it or how it would affect my current university program.

I personally would be content with attaining near-native proficiency. Thinking about it, even if you attained perfect fluency, it would not make much of a difference at that point on the way people will likely judge you. Or rather, what they judge you on. Plus near-native proficiency is something worth bragging about on its own.

I also agree with the part about kids learning tons of languages early on.
