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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6516470 No.6516470 [Reply] [Original]

>The first response to a breakaway subculture should always be to question why the breakaway subculture is so much more appealing than the mainstream that its members abandon the latter entirely. It should be "Why do these men choose 2D, despite knowing that it cannot love them back?" It should be "Why are these 2D characters so much more appealing than 3D ones?"

>Of course, to answer that question, you'd have to propose the possibility that maybe, just maybe, these guys have a point--that there really might be a social problem that prevents these men from believing that they can find success or happiness in the 3D world. But we can't ask that question; to do so is to question women, and to question women is to question feminism, and to question feminism is to be a misogynist, and to be a misogynist is to be a social reject.

>And so the questioner's question is answered, and he is drawn towards the ranks of the very subculture he questioned.


>> No.6516476
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What is there to discuss?


>> No.6516479


>> No.6516485

It all make sense now.

>> No.6516488

Wait. It's about feminism? Since when?

Wouldn't males choosing 2D over 3D be something concerning a problem in male and female interaction, rather than feminism? Or am I missing something?

>> No.6516510

I think it's more like a general problem of todays society.
Most man want sluts so the women are becoming sluts in order to be liked by most men.
Then the other men have to become like the other men in order to get a women and be succesful and useful in the eyes of society.
It's a vicious circle

>> No.6516517

It's not really about women but rather humans in general. Otaku are not only drawn to 2D by sexual desires (that is more likely secondary anyway), but rather through childhood ideals that conflicts with their post adolescent reality. They worship 2D characters since they are complete and have a reason an object, they live in a world of purpose and meaning.

Hence otaku wants to be the little girl, they want to be an object without freedom, they want to be loved and have their existence proven needed. Something they can't feel in actual life.

>> No.6516539



>> No.6516548

I don't know, it kinda sounds like a bother to be needed by someone. I like the invisibility my lifestyle allows me. If I had a girlfriend and/or real life friends, there would be all kinds of expectations of me. It really feels good when no one expects anything from you.

>> No.6516566

Well it is not expectations but rather love that is wanted. Love as in not demanding anything. Love as a mother loves her infant child. Basically the opposite of acceptance through expectations and responsibility.

>> No.6516580

>Hence otaku wants to be the little girl, they want to be an object without freedom, they want to be loved and have their existence proven needed. Something they can't feel in actual life.

lies. i want to be the little girl not to be a disgusting 3d overweight male in late 20s, so that i could wear frilly elegant gothic lolita dresses on my small, slender 2d albino eternal loli body.

other than that i don't want anything to change.

>> No.6516588

It seems to be more about the social attitudes regarding men vs women. For example, it's still commonly believed that it's up to the man to ask the woman out, and that men have to make the first move etc. Then because of this you have people that have crippling social anxiety and end up instead wallowing in their fantasies instead of pursuing social interaction. In the dance known as dating, women by and large have the upperhand.

This is not to say that "gat dang those dirty womens" but rather to say "our social upbringing still encourages men to chase after women and rarely the other way around".

>> No.6516593

We would probably all be better off if we had a real person to share our emotions with, not just feeling the heat of our monitors and creating scenarios in our head but actual touch, scent and another mind to bond with.

>> No.6516596

I guess there are a few different types of otakus
Those who are desperate and can't get laid in real life cos they are cowards
Those who are afraid of getting hurt by disgusting 3D women
Those who just want to be alone
Those who dream about being the little girl
Those who are waiting for the perfect girl to show up
Those with a weird fetish

and probally a few more

>> No.6516610

>2D characters
>have a reason an object, they live in a world of purpose and meaning

Typo aside, I tried to match that description with Touhous and, no matter how and what I try, I can't. You might want to rethink that part. Seriously.

>> No.6516611
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>> No.6516613


Link please?

>> No.6516616

>Those who just want to be alone
>Those who dream about being the little girl
>Those with a weird fetish
what if i'm all 3 of those?

>> No.6516629

Well Touhous are objects in the meaning that they all have their positions and don't need to prove anything to be deemed necessary. They're consistent while humans in the real world are inconsistent.

>> No.6516630

There will always be /jp/. Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came.

>> No.6516634


Hi, /jp/.
Love, /r9k/

>> No.6516640

It's not just men who go this route, alot of women do as well. So it's not just a single gender that this applies to.

>> No.6516641


>> No.6516649
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This is true.
Pic related.

>> No.6516669

Then you made the right choice by becoming an otaku

>> No.6516672

Wait, what?

I think you're mixing up fictional world with its reception among real people. Sure, existence of fans gives fictional characters a purpose, but it does not affect their inherently pointless existence if they lead one in their fictional world (like Touhous do).

>> No.6516704

Well actually no i don't. Touhou characters are all in their position, they don't act but rather fill their part. They are not pointless because they don't feel the need to strive for more, they feel a meaning by their sole existence.

Compared to the actual world, we would always act to find our place or position. Our inside is always questioning the situation we've been put in.

If Gensokyo is the balanced society in which every part has their own place, reality is the world of chaos in which every part fidgets around desperately seeking something that they can't find.

>> No.6516714

The reason 2D is easier to love than 3D, is simple.
2D is less detailed.
The characters are just that; characters. The dirty details that are a part of our reality do not exist in their's.

It is easy to love a 2D character, because they are merely a collection of character traits usually bound around a stereotype. What we love, is not the character, but the characteristics that she represents.

We love in 2D, what we can only find in minute traces in 3D, if at all.

>> No.6516720

The question is:
What's better?
Living in a imaginary world you have created for yourself or living in the reality and deal with all the flaws?

>> No.6516740
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>they don't feel the need to strive for more, they feel a meaning by their sole existence

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.6516753

I think that might be why YOU like it, but I find that there's really no such thing as a lack of details.

>> No.6516760

I'm 1, 2, 3 and 6. There's really no hope for me. If a woman wanted to break through my wall, she'd have to be the initiator since I'm a passive coward, she'd have to be very patient and delicate since I'm afraid of the risks of depending on or feeling any kind of attachment to a woman, she'd have to give me enough personal space since I can't stand being around others for too long, and she'd have to put up with dozens of fetishes of the type that makes people lose all their respect for someone (immoral stuff like loli and pathetic stuff like femdom).

The "there's a lot of women out there" argument doesn't work. There's no woman out there for someone like me. And knowing that feels very comfortable.

>> No.6516789

If we consider the perceived context structure in semiotic terms, the human equivalent is immensely complex and nebulous, although not entirely without direction and "shape" (referring to the overall impression of the structure which is interpreted through the base context-gestalt of the observer).

By contrast, the 2D character is very simple, being composed of almost entirely context-evoking signs and emergent pseudo-sign links from scripted interactions, and so is highly shaped and much more easily understood.

Interestingly, in its aim of evoking a limited multi-dimensional set of signs, the portrayal of a fictional character comes close to the definition of art.

>> No.6516791

People are not consistent, they have no true or permanent form. Since you will always change you can't be perfect. And even if you were to be "perfect" only an impermanent society would be able to judge you, making it meaningless.

People seek partners to be able to be judged and defined and loved, they try to create a permanent image of one's self into this love one and through that achieve some sort of consistency. Otaku however can't do this, since they find every possible love partner to be too flawed for this.

Touhou characters find meaning because they live in a permanent society that values them.

>> No.6516798

I would have to say to deal with 3D and all its flaws. While perfection or vagueness is nice, it gets so boring to be with someone who's ALWAYS nice, or someone who's ALWAYS considerate.

Sometimes, you really want to bitch, but if you do so, your waifu would just shrink and say "Okay... ;_;" while making you dinner.

It's almost like /jp/ ignores the meaning of "opposites attract."

>> No.6516803


You can view Touhou characters as people too, and largely, they fit the mold fine. Sure, you can also Flanderize them and portray them all as single-sentence descriptions for the purpose of a gag manga, but there's nothing inherently flat or permanent about them.

>> No.6516818

In Sartrean terms, for Touhous, essence precedes existence. For those of us trapped in the other world, the converse applies.

>> No.6516826
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But my waifu isn't like that. If I do something wrong, she'll point it out and not just shrink up.

In my fantasies, I've recreated her personality and we banter back and forth like she does with Lawrence in the anime.

>> No.6516834

But if you conjured the world, surely you could give her more personality than that, right?

>> No.6516840

>But we can't ask that question; to do so is to question women, and to question women is to question feminism, and to question feminism is to be a misogynist, and to be a misogynist is to be a social reject.

Faulty logic. There's no relation between one idea and the next. It's like saying:

But we can't ask that question; to do so is to question the government, and to question government is to question law, and to question lawis to be an anarchist, and to be an anarchist is to be a social reject.

This has the effect that the reader feels this subculture is a vicious cycle that drags even those that just try to study it. Something like turning your enemy into a monster. Turn away from reason and give in to fear.

>> No.6516852
File: 23 KB, 183x214, 1273960448603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no woman out there for someone like me.
That's such bullshit I can smell it all the way from this side of the Internet.

>If a woman wanted to break through my wall, she'd have to be the initiator since I'm a passive coward
And you learn to break out of that passiveness. Learn to take the initiative. Look at everything like a competition and simply do you best to be #1.

>she'd have to be very patient and delicate since I'm afraid of the risks of depending on or feeling any kind of attachment to a woman
While this may be more bullcrap you've heard, try not to regard the consequences sometimes. Life is about enjoying the little things, you know?

>she'd have to give me enough personal space since I can't stand being around others for too long
Let me tell you something: I hate being around people, even my own mother, and I can still tolerate being around other people. Simply blend in with the crowd if you must.

>and she'd have to put up with dozens of fetishes of the type that makes people lose all their respect for someone (immoral stuff like loli and pathetic stuff like femdom).
While the woman may not like loli, there's certainly quite a few who are into femdom (something about feminism and dominating the man instead of the other way around).

>> No.6516853


Exactly. There's always articles like http://www.colonydrop.com/index.php/2009/09/16/ that assume that "2D Waifu" == "flat character with no soul". And for a lot of the moe crowd of Key-lovers, that might be true. But despite having played many Key games (or at least tried to), that kind of character just completely fails to appeal to me.

I'd want a waifu who is close to or smarter than me, able to live independently without me, and who can carry on an interesting conversation. And can tell me when I'm being stupid (and vice versa). I would want a human, not a blob of moe incapable of existence without me.

>> No.6516858
File: 247 KB, 1600x1334, shinku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If possible, I would live my entire life with her over any living woman.

>> No.6516864

Imagine a group of 3D people acting just like Touhous. It doesn't work quite the same does it?

That's because 3d people are far too complex to fit into the simple images of touhous. There is something fundamentally different between fictional characters and real human beings. (apart from the obvious existing and not existing)

>> No.6516867

Good logic, well thought-out.

>> No.6516877

>Imagine a group of 3D people acting just like Touhous. It doesn't work quite the same does it?

It depends how you visualize Touhous, doesn't it? I always visualize them in the context of real people.

>> No.6516878
File: 178 KB, 800x496, Kawapaper_Umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_0000032_1600x992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'm sure there are plenty of women like that; they just won't be tsundere like Horo is.

Hell, I still have my husbando, but he always pushes me to strive for real life, to achieve the truth and improve one's self. "Don't be trapped in an endless cycle of despair and self-hate," he'll say, "fight against it and reach for your own happy ending!"

>> No.6516882

The picture that accompanies my post you're replying to, it's there for a reason.

Long story short: you're wrong.

>> No.6516886

>I'd want a waifu who is close to or smarter than me, able to live independently without me, and who can carry on an interesting conversation. And can tell me when I'm being stupid (and vice versa). I would want a human, not a blob of moe incapable of existence without me.
Horofag here.
This x100

>> No.6516891

But that's only within the Touhou framework. If I was a History otaku, people DID in fact act that way, because it's historical fact (as far as we can tell anyway).

As I understand Autism, it's a lack of the ability to filter of non-relevant details, so maybe there are in fact a lot of autistic people here.

>> No.6516893

Are you a female /jp/sie or a homosexual?
Just curious, not judging. It's not like anyone that goes on /jp/ is in a position to judge anyways.

>> No.6516897

You're assuming he wants a 3D woman.

>> No.6516901 [DELETED] 

Yeah, 3D people aren't nearly invincible. That's basically it.

>> No.6516904
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Tbh, I would love to meet a 3D female with Horo's personality given that she'll never cheat on me.

>> No.6516906

>Imagine a group of 3D people acting just like Touhous. It doesn't work quite the same does it?

Yeah, 3D people aren't nearly invincible. That's basically it.

>> No.6516909

I'd rather not say; I'm anonymous for a reason.

Yes, and? I don't think that particular anon ever said he had not wanted 3D women, only went on describing his waifu.

>> No.6516917

Fair enough, I guess.

>> No.6516920

Most historical figures are so romanticized that they might aswell be fictional. Just because some actions the fictional image of a historical figure did corresponds to his real action doesn't mean that his persona does that too.

>> No.6516938

2D isn't that limited at all. 2D actually gives you a lot more choice. With 3D, you need to spent a lot of time with a girl if you want a relationship and you'll be seen as immoral if you just grow bored of her and decide to go for someone with a more interesting personality. You have to keep up the constant pretension of love and only when both of you notice that things aren't going too well, it's okay to start considering a break up. 2D is completely different. One day you can be spending time with you naively docile imouto who will do anything you ask her, and next day you can frantically trying to gain the attention of a hard to please tsuntsun heroine. If you truly like 2D, getting bored with it isn't a very.

Note that I'm not talking about /a/'s waifu trend, which is basically applying 3D logic to 2D. It's okay to have a girl you feel stronger for than anyone else, but you really don't see the point of 2D if you try to introduce monogamy. It's ideal to feel completely unattached to any previous 2D girls when you encounter a new galge heroine, because keeping these other girls in the back of your head will just lessen the experience of playing the route of the current heroine. When you can play the route of any heroine and feel that you and her are the only ones in this world, you have reached enlightenment.

>> No.6516950

... most characters aren't one-dimensional caricatures, either.

>> No.6516959

>Of course, to answer that question, you'd have to propose the possibility that maybe, just maybe, these guys have a point--that there really might be a social problem that prevents these men from believing that they can find success or happiness in the 3D world.

Explain how this questions feminism.

>> No.6516963

Mai waifu is from Eastasia. Mai waifu has always been from Eastasia.

>> No.6516966

What's interesting about historical characters is that the overall picture is built up from many different sources and so any resultant personality is a collage of varying perspectives which still only reflects a few facets of the original.

>> No.6516972

>you really don't see the point of 2D if you try to introduce monogamy.
Um. Horo's been my waifu for over a year now.
I would never think to cheat on her with another 2D character.

>> No.6516974

It isn't; it's just some fallacy that only "tries" to correlate liking 2D to other things.

What >>6516840 said explains it better than I could.

>> No.6516978


It's a trick, you've all got trolled

>> No.6516988


>> No.6516993

Often, we can only understand their persona via their actions when dealing with history.

I understand what you're saying, but you're looking at it wrong, I think. What you're missing is that you may be right that some people are looking to escape the complexity of life via their hobbies, but some people aren't. Math fags for instance.
Often times, they're simply trying to escape, for whatever reason.

People like things, and we're wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain for survival reasons. That's all there is to it.
if you want more than that, you have to examine the individual and not generalize.

>> No.6516995

I've met several people with less personality and depth than many 2D characters and I even had suffered through relationships with some of them, so I don't know what the fuck the normalfags are argumenting here. It's not that most people prefer 2D because they are afraid of 3D or they want soulless companions, but because they are sick of 3D.

>> No.6516996

While I could settle for someone if only for financial purposes (fuck how America's system works that married people get more benefits than single people), I would never abandon my husbando.

>but you really don't see the point of 2D if you try to introduce monogamy
What if I believed in polygamy (and/or I were a mormon)?

>> No.6517002

Nope. I had a few girls go after me and each time I declined. I would never abandon my love, and I'm sure plenty of other people who browse /jp/ would agree.

>> No.6517005

Well then obviously I suck cocks.

>> No.6517011

>When you can play the route of any heroine and feel that you and her are the only ones in this world, you have reached enlightenment.

I second that, bro!

>> No.6517014
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I will never understand how someone would dump their waifu for another 2D character. Or dump their waifu for an imperfect 3D pig, unless said 3D pig is a 100% copy of their waifu personality wise.

>> No.6517026

I hate seeing these kinds of threads on here. Look, you guys need to stop wearing this ridiculous "otaku" label as a badge of honor.

You've latched on to a subculture and taken it way too far. You're like those guys at football games that paint their chests and stomachs and faces and shit. When I first started watching anime none of you people existed. It was actually a cool thing to watch. Now you've taken it so ludicrously far it's fucking embarrassing.

Most of you have social anxiety because you were coddled your whole life by your moms, you were never nudged out of the nest, and now you're anxious when you're around other people.

Well guess what? So was everyone, but you power through it, just like they did. If you need some help you should talk to a therapist or see a psychiatrist for some medication to help you out.

Can you imagine if every single person was like all of you guys? Nothing in this world would EVER get done. It was just waste away while everyone shut themselves indoors playing make believe with cartoon characters.

If everyone was like you, you wouldn't even have a place to sit in and play with your dolls, because it never would've been built in the first place. Those guys that were supposed to build your basement dwelling? Yeah, they're at THEIR mom's basement. They're playing with dolls. They're reading poorly written stories involving 12 year olds getting fucked by some massive cock that no Asian actually has.

>> No.6517029
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There are so many wrong assumptions in this post that I don't even know where to start

here, have some fish

>> No.6517030


>> No.6517031
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>he still has hopes, dreams, and ambitions!
Fuck you, I'm living off the government and I can afford all my otaku shit without ever leaving my apartment.

>> No.6517040

>I hate seeing these kinds of threads on here. Look, you guys need to stop wearing this ridiculous "otaku" label as a badge of honor.

Do we? I don't see anyone bragging about it.

>Most of you have social anxiety because you were coddled your whole life by your moms, you were never nudged out of the nest, and now you're anxious when you're around other people.

Actually, I spent practically my entire childhood trying to get away from my parents (figuratively, not literally), and jumped at the chance to get away from home with college.

>Can you imagine if every single person was like all of you guys? Nothing in this world would EVER get done. It was just waste away while everyone shut themselves indoors playing make believe with cartoon characters.

Actually, I'd say I get far more done than most people. I have a real job, I work on many major open source projects, and I'm finishing up a degree. Why I can't I play make-believe too?

>> No.6517041

I can already tell that your life philosophy is fucked up. Don't you believe in freedom?

I'd like to tell you to mind your own business, I don't go to your hangout and tell you you're all wrong for whatever you love to do.

KNow what you're talking about before you make yourself look stupid.

>> No.6517044

The government does have infinite money, after all.

>> No.6517045

>Most of you have social anxiety because you were coddled your whole life by your moms, you were never nudged out of the nest, and now you're anxious when you're around other people.
That used to be true, but then I said, "Well life can fuck itself and its opinions" and I began to live while still having my hobby.

The monster known as life is much less terrifying when you disregard its large shadow and pay attention to its tiny body (and sharp teeth).

>> No.6517049

I have a waifu and I have no problems enjoying VNs.
It's hard to describe, but I do not believe that you have to 'discard' your wife when you read VNs.

>> No.6517052

The govt. has enough money to give me until the day I decide to kill myself. So it's all good.

>> No.6517053


Definitely this, how many times have you had to make annoying compromises just to be around a 3DPD? Almost invariably you will have to put up with places you don't like, interests you don't share at all, people you quickly grow to hate but can't dare criticize because they're your 3D relation's friends etc.

It's just fucking annoying, and almost never worth the trouble. The other issue is that our society grooms the attractive females to be social and as self-absorbed/deluded as possible. You usually need to be a simple-minded, shallow guy to get along with most women, you aren't entitled to enjoy what you do too much because it makes women insecure that they might NOT be the only thing on our minds. They are insecure at seeing men who are not afraid to do what they really want and say what's on their minds, they'd rather have men who don't think enough to realize how unbalanced the social caste is or who are pandering pushovers privately despite having the exterior appearance of an alpha.

>> No.6517056

It's pretty annoying when they start voicing this conviction. It's not like I'm some kind of ice-cold stoic about my virginity, but doesn't it display a depressingly limited worldview when you sincerely think that the only reason you would remain a virgin is if you have absolutely no chance of losing it? As someone who believes anyone could do it if they really wanted to, I can't help but think that these normalfags on the bottom of the normalfag ladder and feel the need to overstate how great an achievement it is to lose your virginity so that they can feel better about themselves.

>> No.6517059

We've had this thread a million times aren't you people tired?

>> No.6517060

I like you. You share my philosophy, which is really rare.

>> No.6517068


We talk and repost the same shit every fucking day, aren't you used to it?

>> No.6517069



Every day is repost day.

>> No.6517074

I hate seeing these kinds of threads on here. Look, you guys need to stop wearing this ridiculous "doctor" label as a badge of honor.

You've latched on to a profession and taken it way too far. You're like those guys at dinner parties that can only talk about how they're a brain surgeon and shit. When I first started medical school none of you people existed. It was actually a productive thing to do. Now you've taken it so ludicrously far it's fucking embarrassing.

Most of you have inflated self importance because you were praised all your life by your parents, you were never shown humiliation, and now you're anxious when somebody does your job better than you.

Well guess what? So was everyone, but you power through it, just like they did. If you need some help you should talk to a therapist or see a psychiatrist for some medication to help you out, don't ignore them because you think you're better.

Can you imagine if every single person was like all of you guys? Nothing in this world would EVER get done. It was just waste away while everyone waited at the operating table for sick people.

If everyone was like you, you wouldn't even have an operating table to work with, because it never would've been built in the first place. Those guys that were supposed to build your hospital? Yeah, they're at THEIR operating table. They're waiting for patients. They're reading reports of injuries sustained by 12 year olds getting fucked by some massive cock that their fledgling vaginae couldn't take.

>> No.6517076

Applies to 4chan as a whole.

>> No.6517077

You wake up every day, aren't you tired of it?

Repetition isn't necessarily a bad thing. Adjust your philosophy.

>> No.6517082
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>You wake up every day, aren't you tired of it?
Yes, I am. But I'm too pussy to do anything about it.

>> No.6517084


>Every day is repost day.


>> No.6517085

I don't wear the otaku status as a badge of honor. I know perfectly well how pathetic I am and have no problem admitting it. I have absolutely no wish to become a normal, social person, but I do intend to be able to provide for myself by getting a job and working to pay for the resources I take up.

So, is there really a problem?

>> No.6517086
File: 382 KB, 700x1000, 127605722043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government does have infinite money, after all.
That's funny because the gov. got so much money by countless generations of alpha males enslaving the rest of the world and now some lazy faggots spend it on their dream of becoming the little girl and staying perma virgin locked up on their basements.
It's like the world is trying to balance itself. Maybe we've all been haunted by some nigger voodoo shaman trying to take down their overlord's society with magic and little girls.

>> No.6517092

Overdose on pills, anything you can find on the counter of the bathroom cupboard. If you don't want to lose, that's the easiest way.

>> No.6517093


Your argument fails because I do normal work related things during the day and then go home and play with my dolls/games/anime/touhous.

>> No.6517098

The post of the year right here.

>> No.6517099

No, his argument fails because if you take any one person and say "what if everyone in the world was like them" the whole world would be chaos, no matter who you chose.

>> No.6517109

what if you picked some guy who can do anything, like macgyver

>> No.6517112


No one to make paper clips for jury rigging?

>> No.6517114

Holy shit, everything makes sense now.

>> No.6517115

Protip: The whole world is ALREADY chaos, and already has been. mankind is simply trying to build order within it.

>> No.6517121


I echo this sentiment, the only time I recall people bragging about losing their virginity was back in high school. Going "WELL I BET I'VE HAD MORE SEX THAN YOU" is basically a last-ditch effort at finding some method of asserting superiority when all other methods of argument fail. This is simply because normals can't understand why we do what we do and are often bothered by the fact that we seem to be enjoying ourselves and disregarding everything regular society tells us we should be doing.

Because they don't know a single thing about how we tick besides baseless assumptions, and thus not having any real method of arguing with what's right or wrong with our interests, they barf out typical insults that would hurt THEIR feelings. Normals don't like to be called beta or virgins, so they assume that it must zing us just as badly if not worse. And that's just false as fuck, because clearly we've weaned ourselves off of relying on primitive hormonal urges to guide our lives. We're truly in control of ourselves and that bothers a species that relies on everyone relying on each other.

People REALLY don't like to be made self-aware of their own ignorance on anything, and hence try to make up excuses for why they shouldn't look at things our way or why they shouldn't try to truly understand us first before criticizing.

>> No.6517126

So do I, but you make it seem like everyone on /jp/ is a hikki NEET who hasn't been out in years.

>> No.6517131


That is the exact opposite of what I meant to imply.

>> No.6517143

Alpha males are vital for species propagation. The problem is that people refuse to see things through the eyes of another, alpha or beta.

Many people have flawed life philosophies because they hate what they don't understand, or they resent not being understood. These are mankinds only two real problems.

The point of life is progress.

>> No.6517146

How silly of me, I thought you and ( >>6517026 ) were the same poster. I must have misread.

>> No.6517169


Mmm, I'd say that the point of life nowadays is that it is whatever the fuck you want it to be. If you want to just mooch as much as you can off everyone with as little effort as possible, that's YOUR point in life because you find it cool that you're basically using real-life exploits to avoid possibly soul crushing work, or avoiding responsibilities that would detract from your enjoyment of life. I think that's the prevailing view on /jp/.

However there are other points of life from other people... Your point in life could be to be as recognized as possible, or to change the world as much as possible. Different people have different ideas of how to change the world.. Some would think having a big and successful family is a change, a forced change that they initiated that wouldn't be there if they sat around, thus to those people the guys sitting around not making families appear to have no point in life. However if your point in life is to bring change through scientific means, family and social interaction means jack shit. Your life-goal discovery or invention will save billions of lives or revolutionize something or otherwise alter and benefit our race a billion times more than having a family ever would. That kind of thing.

>> No.6517198

Not to mention, where exactly is the progress going? Progress only begets more progress, and no matter how "progressed" we are scientifically, people will always take what they have for granted and net happiness won't increase by much. The obsession with progress has always been pretty silly.

Usually at this point people break out and say "WHAT ABOUT THAT COMPUTER YOU'RE TYPING ON NERD", the fact of the matter is that when I was a kid, I didn't have a computer or a gaming console or even a TV, I still had fun.

>> No.6517200

I'm not saying you're wrong, exactly. I simply define moving toward what you want as progress. Within this framework, we are both right.

Working toward what others want because you have to to survive is slavery. Working toward what others want because you're willing to endure the consequences is progress.

when people have ideas banged into their heads and they follow them without question, they are simply enslaving themselves to an idea.

Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.

>> No.6517211

Your conclusion does not logically follow from previous arguments. Also there are more moral frameworks than "only what we say goes" and "anything goes". Shades of gray etc.

>> No.6517212

I don't know why people are saying that this has nothing to do with feminism. I think it has everything to do with feminism. I would even say that it's impossible for the kind of characters popular in "2D" to be created by a feminist society.

what's the most generic galge scenario you can think of? a virginal girl with a cute hair accessory makes the protagonist a lunch box. that's pretty much the complete opposite of modern feminist society.

>> No.6517213

>net happiness won't increase as much.

Once people lose their internal conflicts, happiness is everywhere. group morality causes internal conflicts. if people don't question everything and find the truth for themselves, they will never be happy.

If someone is happy working everyday and raising a family, I have no business with him. if someone is happy being a serial killer, I also have no business with him, because death is natural. If you can't defend yourself, premature death is inevitable.

>> No.6517217

Now it sounds like you've transformed into that other guy who says do whatever the fuck you want. Do you have business with someone who is happy enslaving all other people?

>> No.6517221

>does not logically follow

How so? I'm eager to test my life philosophy's internal logic.

>> No.6517222

>Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.
Where is that from again... Assassin's creed?

Except I believe it was "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."

>> No.6517225


Touhou actually explicitly avoids the problem of modern VNs in a way that most people don't quite realize.

In modern VNs, anime, and other similar media, whenever there's a male character among females, it's practically always a stupid harem scenario of some sort. The females exist only for the sake of the male and have no real personality of their own. This started in eroge but has migrated to practically every corner of otaku culture.

Touhou doesn't have this. The female characters in Touhou are strong characters with actual personalities. What happened?

ZUN didn't include any males (except for one or two side characters). This is why. If you have no males, such bullshit can't and doesn't happen, and you have far more freedom to build your world.

Of course, the same works if you have mostly male characters as well. ZUN just prefers frilly dresses, so instead he picked mostly females.

>> No.6517226

Not a single thing, morally. It's not my problem if someone wants to enslave people. it's the people who are enslaved's problem. I simply point it out.

>> No.6517232

>assasin's creed

In effect, kind of.

It's attributed to Hassan-i Sabbah, a historical figure

>> No.6517239


Progress is always appreciated pretty much only from hindsight.

If tomorrow you could have woken up, gotten onto a jump-craft and rode to another star system, and went to a planet there and frolicked in meadows made of giant crystals or whatever other cool shit exists in the universe, you'd probably think "I'm so, so glad to be alive today, I can't imagine how much it must have sucked to be stuck on one planet".

Similarly we might think today "Thank god we've got modern medicine, phones, computers, cars and internet porn, I can't imagine how much it must have sucked to live without those". The difference is that we can't appreciate what's not here yet, so we are mostly content with what we've got and welcome new stuff that comes along as a bonus convenience. I mean, I'm sure a lot of medieval men were happy going to eat with friends and telling stories etc because that's all they had.. even if they died at like 40 years old and were peasants serving some faceless nobles. That sucks to us now, but most of them were content with that lifestyle for generations.

>> No.6517242

Progress becomes routine, as it becomes simply a matter of developing new things often enough to always have something new when people get used to the old, so people will feel that their quality of life is constantly being improved.

I don't think that's an invaluable thing in itself, but I doubt many scientists really think that way. Most non-hedonistic goals seem to depend on slightly metaphysical motivations, somehow convincing yourself that there's some higher value to what you're doing. Sometimes I wish religion was still as relevant, because it'd make it much simpler.

>> No.6517245

Oh really. So they just took it from the assassin guy? I thought they made it up.

>> No.6517247

It logically follows inside of its own definition. It's a circular argument. I understand the point that you are trying to get across, but your definition of individual want/happiness as the variable correlated to progress/success/meaningfulness is wholly embraced by the capitalist power structure you loathe so. I would write a much better reply but I'm typing this in between sets so thats it for now.

>> No.6517253

Also at this point I can't really tell if you're being this obtuse on purpose so masterful trolling if so.

>> No.6517259

even without male interactions they still behave very femininely. toohoos wear dresses and have tea parties. real girls wear pants and talk about having promiscuous sex.

>> No.6517260

I think the phrase was most notably used by a bunch of wackos who adopted a religion out of a novel about crazy conspiracy theories and potheads riding a huge golden submarine, worshiping some Greek goddess who caused the Trojan war through a childish prank.

>> No.6517261

The flaw here is that you're seeing pleasure and comfort as positive, and that pain and discomfort as negative, inherently (Anybody into S&M will tell you that). Positive and negative are individual opinions, when pain and pleasure are real (or at least real enough to use as a survival guide, since there's no way to prove anything unequivocably).

>> No.6517266

Discordianism predates The Illuminatus! trilogy, I believe.

>> No.6517268

Sounds like the plot of assassin's creed

>> No.6517270

/jp/ - 厨二病/General

>> No.6517284


That seems to be more a consequence of the setting than anything else. Even very masculine characters (e.g. Marisa) drink tea and wear dresses.

>> No.6517429

even animu shows with mundane settings like hidamari sketch or k-on are like that. 2d fantasy is appealing because it rejects the kind of reality created by modern feminism.

>> No.6517491

Even that's too much of as hassle. Your body has this thing where it y'know...vomits? And even if you don't vomit it out, the chances of you dying rather than just getting kidney failure or some other medical problem aren't that large with over the counter medication.

>> No.6517523

Kidney failure causes death.

>> No.6517565

Painful death.

>> No.6517577

indeed. However, pain is rather immaterial.

If pain is a hassle, drink several bottles of Ny-quil.
The alcohol is a mild analgesic, and should also enhance the dissociative effects of the dextromethorphan in it. This in combination with the kidney failure the acetaminophen causes should mean you won't care about the pain anymore.
Problem solved.

>> No.6517582

/jp/ - Suicide Tips

>> No.6517645

/jp/ mass suicide fucking when?

>> No.6517651

After I get over my little girl addiction.

>> No.6517684

We should have an offline meeting.

>> No.6517705

September, maybe.
I need some time to play MvC3.

>> No.6517712

Picking up Nyquil tomorrow. If you're lying, i will haunt your ass from the grave.

>> No.6517715


September is good for me, too.

>> No.6517718

But this is November.
You don't mean next September, do you? That's so far away...

Though, really, I'd be up for it if there was a gathering in Texas that I could walk to.

>> No.6517741


I'll need the time to walk to Texas.

Anyway, it's only around nine months. Think of it as being in the womb again.

>> No.6517742

>to question feminism is to be a misogynist

According to "feminists", maybe.

Thankfully, even most women regard the post-"give us our basic rights" feminist movement as completely retarded and hardly representative of the group's wishes as a whole.

Most women respect feminine women just as men respect masculine men, believe in personal responsibility, and know that sexual objectification is just something that people do.

>> No.6517754

Best way to avoid the pain would be to dose up with dextromethorphan first. Dissociatives won't stop you from feeling pain, but your mind will be dissociated from your body, so you won't care. Don't haunt me if you're expecting no pain at all.

Fortunately, in DXM-naive brains, it also works a sa sleep-aid, so in theory, you should be asleep by the time your kidneys fail, and the DXM lasts for atleast 6 hours, so by then, your blood toxicity should kill you. Frankly, I don't know the speed of death after kidney failure, so you may want to look into that first before you go allthe way. Sorry to see you go, but it's your decision, after all.

>> No.6517773

The use of this word itself has gotten pretty messed up.
Humans inherently view other humans (regardless of gender) and anything else external to themselves as "objects."
We're capable of empathy also, of course, but it's hardly the default way of perceiving people.
So instructions like "stop objectifying" are confusing--what action would I be stopping, exactly? We should be saying "start empathizing."

>> No.6517791

Good point.

>> No.6517797

>Most women respect feminine women just as men respect masculine men, believe in personal responsibility, and know that sexual objectification is just something that people do.
you obviously don't live in america. I get loads of shit for saying that women are better off at home, and even for complaining about them wearing pants all the time.

>> No.6517799


But that wouldn't suit their whiny "STOP USING WOMEN AS SEX OBJECTS IN MOVIES AND TELEVISION" deal.

I really don't know why the media and education system feels the need to treat these morons as legitimate. No one with a brain takes them seriously.

>> No.6517803

A painful one.

>> No.6517810


You deserve it.

One can be a stay-at-home housewife that wears nothing but skirts and still not be feminine.

Femininity is in the way that a woman caries herself: her womanly charm and elegance.

>> No.6517821

This whole 2D >3D thing and all the misconceptions and fallacies that people, socially inept people, spew is retarded. You all need to either man the fuck up, or just plain out kill yourself. Wanna make a mess? bullet to the head. Quick and painless? grab a bunch of meds from your medicine cabinet, and down that shit with a bottle of jack daniels. Not doing the job? Mix some rat poison as well.

I am 24 years old, single, and currently employed. I don't make much money, but I make enough to get by and still have a little bit leftover to spend on myself. I was a relatively normal social person. I have been in relationships, and I have fucked girls. But after experiencing all of this, along with the other minute joys my pretend social life had to offer, I decided to become a recluse.

The thing is, I realized that I can't be around other people. I hate people. I hate everything. I am so cynical that I deprecate myself while talking to myself. I'm shallow, and I'm mean. I'm arrogant, and a twisted narcissist. I know I have a problem. I don't need to be fucking told that, and have some sort of belligerent justification as to why.

>> No.6517822

I will never be happy. I have myself to blame for this, and nobody else. I like to escape reality, and see a world of happy and innocent people living out their daily lives without any real worries. It's downright pathetic, I know, but I just don't give a damn. I don't want to walk outside and overhear the retarded shallow conversations people have. I'm not smart enough to even pretend to be an elitist. I don't want to compete with people. I don't want to feel superior/inferior towards people. I don't want to understand people, however "complex" they might make themselves out to be. I just want to be left alone, and run away to a land where nobody is dragged down through shit. I like the internet. I like it because while I am a pathetic and shallow cunt, I still have an inherent need to socialize to some extent. I know it's hypocritical, but I can't help it. At least with the internet, I can imagine how everyone looks like. I can synthesize thoughts and ideas without lingering to the corporeal behind. It's amazing and I like it. I hate physical people, who, like me, have their shortcomings and issues, but I like to hear them sometimes, and read about what they think.

I value 2D people over 3D people more because they are thoughts compiled together. They have no shortcomings, and no attachments to the downright nastyness the real person behind those thoughts has.

>> No.6517826

a man who watches the lifetime channel is a pussy no matter how he carries himself. no matter what liberals tell you actions determine how manly or womanly you are just as much as anything else. of course feminists try to trivialize this fact to push their agenda.

>> No.6517829


And what does that have to do with anything in my post?

>> No.6517830

Congrats on valuing lifelessness.

>> No.6517838

This is pretty much how I feel too. I used to try justifying my solitude by the same kind of elitism and irrational hate you see so often, but I grew out of it. Now I don't care about my place in society at all. My only goal is to do enough for society for them to leave me a alone (having an income and paying my bills).

>> No.6517841

The problem here is that you are ashamed of what you enjoy. That's the problem with organized society is that they make people who don't conform emotionally faulty.
I don't know how to solve that for you, but perhaps instead of contemplating suicide, a rather unchangeable decision, you should consider recreational drug use.

I used to consider suicide when I was younger because I just did not fit in, but instead, I took up the escape of drug use instead. This solved my problem by making me realize it didn't matter what other people thought of me, and I learned to be social.

Inherently, NOBODY'S opinion matters but whatever value you as an individual assign to it.

>> No.6517846

Indeed. However, a non-masculine male is not inherently bad. There is no such thing as "inherently bad"

>> No.6517857
File: 18 KB, 440x293, random358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There is no such thing as "inherently bad"

>> No.6517859

I would just be happy being friends with someone as pathetic as me.

>> No.6517866

You wanna take up a debate on that? I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> No.6517867

That's an interesting suggestion. I have never tried any drugs aside from beer which is a depressant I believe.

brb googling "how to score weed"

>> No.6517882

You don't believe that you can be proven wrong due to your own stated belief of subjectivity in the universe. Are you retarded?

>> No.6517906

the point is that you can't brush off masculinity and femininity as subjective. expecting a woman to act like a woman goes beyond just how she perceives herself.

>> No.6517933

I've tried jsut about every drug under the rainbow. I find the best one for understanding your life situation is in fact a combination of weed and DXM. The best for understanding man's place in the universe on a cosmic scale is LSD. And the best for empathizing with your fellow man when you usually hate their fucking guts is MDMA and MDA.

What area of the world do you live in? I I might have someone who can mail you some. If you're worried about law enforcement, we can discuss how to get away with this via disposable email addresses.

>> No.6517942

sage for not being GoW

>> No.6517974

How can you say that? Can you scientifically defeat the concept of solipsism? Are YOU retarded? With your psychology knowledge, you've never studied the concept of altered perceived reality via brain-damage and drugs?

>> No.6518066

The problem with the entire logic is there is nothing wrong being a misogynist and misogyny is possibly the best thing to ever happen. Women are disgusting.

>> No.6518073

Every thread can not be about God of War.

>> No.6518081

People who cannot cooperate will perish.

>> No.6518268


>> No.6518402


>> No.6518410

Inherently bad is what is damaging to the human ego. There, definition.

>> No.6518410,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6518410,2 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder where that bum is living now

>> No.6518410,3 [INTERNAL] 

sigh... back when shitposting was fun...
