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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.27 MB, 1857x2631, Battle Garegga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6516343 No.6516343 [Reply] [Original]

When it comes to arcade shooters /jp/ only talks about CAVE


>> No.6516347

Because it's a form of trolling against Touhou. Nothing else.

>> No.6516348

because they are casuals that dont know of anything else

>> No.6516349

I discuss all of them if I am given the chance.

>> No.6516363

Because Touhou invented CAVE.

>> No.6516367
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Black Heart up in this thread

>> No.6516372

Because Raizing is too hard for them they cant handle games without bullet cancels

>> No.6516376
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>> No.6516380
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>> No.6516410


faggots that why

>> No.6516411
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Raizing needs more love

>> No.6516434
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>> No.6516710

You know, that's a good question. I love almost all shmups.

This thread is now about Treasure.

>> No.6516716

Why would /jp/ be interesting in this?

SHMUPs are quite mainstream nowadays and fairly well-known and played by the everyday gamer.

>> No.6516725

No threads should be made with a generic restriction that doesn't promote discussion.

Treasure was a nice company, but why make a thread solely on it just because you can?

>> No.6516745

If I find Shatter Star way easier to use than Golden Bat is that weird? Like everyone ever seems to like the Bat, I'm kinda concerned that I'm missing something. I'm pretty shit, I guess. My best score is only like 5.3 million. Probably just me.

>> No.6516750

>5.3 million
>Battle Garegga

Who the fuck are you Ket-Garelab or something?

>> No.6516752

Not really, no. Look at any "what's your favorite game from X genre" thread on /v/ and at LEAST half of the replies will be "I don't play shmups," and the majority of the others are Ikaruga. Which, nothing against Ikaruga, but that pretty much means they don't play any shmups other than Ikaruga (in my experience).

So really, it's altogether too optimistic to say that shmups are well-known and widely played to the average gamer.

>> No.6516759

Simply because if there are complaints about only talking about Cave, they can talk about Treasure instead. I don't believe in restrictions.

>> No.6516762

The "everyday gamer" only plays things like call of duty and assassin's creed. I've yet to meet someone who plays shmups too.

>> No.6516767

>5.3 million

Thats like 53 extends.......

>> No.6516768

Since when is /v/ a good indicator of anything; and that's completely ignoring the many other factors and fallacies of that.

I'm not saying they're well-played, but people do know of them due to the expanding Western markets of SHMUP shooters, not to mention the people who actually buy them and get their friends to try it (especially the "gamer" types who like "hard" games).

>> No.6516770

You realise that's a decimal point and not a comma or anything, right? Like, 5364390 points. That's not hard to get.

>> No.6516775

I see we have a time traveler here all the way from the 1980s.

>> No.6516780

The only shmups that people I know play are Touhou.

>> No.6516782

The everyday actual gamer is far more than the casual stereotype people like to throw out.

Not saying they're all hardcore SHMUP player, but a fair number of them have heard of the popular games of he genre and a decent number actually play them.

>> No.6516784

Am I just playing a different Garegga to you guys or sometihng?

>> No.6516787

Every extend in Garegga is each 100000 points

>> No.6516790
File: 36 KB, 640x400, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I've got one.

You know that binary pseudotree branching path shit you see in Darius?

Taito added that onto the most recent version of Space Invaders Infinity Gene.

Not to mention the actual Darius DLC that adds in the Silver Hawk as a usable ship,...

...At this point, they could probably just make a fullblown Darius game using SIIG...

/v/ is only good for nostalgia attacks over old dos shooters, though...

>> No.6516794

Derp pardon me it is 1 million per extend

>> No.6516802

5.3 million is about an average score for someone who has put some time into the game. If you know how to score well you can pull 5 million by stage 3 if you play Gain.

And it's 5 extends.

>> No.6516811

That would be an extra life every ten medals.

I'm pretty certain that is not how the game works.

>> No.6516813

I always somehow missed final 0 on each score..... dont ask me how..

But my max score is 4,2 million on stage 7 with Golden Bat just doing a lowrank run for a clear then after that il concentrate more on scoring

>> No.6516816

Because Cave is the only company left that's making high quality shooters? Moss puts out decent games once in a while too.

Maybe if Psikyo, Takumi, Raizing, Toaplan and shit would rise from their grave people talk about them too.

>> No.6516822

I had a friend that had no idea what Gradius was. Somehow I doubt the percentage of people that play shmups, even occasionally, is very high.

>> No.6516828

Fuck fuck I hate the stage 6 midboss fuck him I am always out of bombs so I die on him I just cant beat him without bombing...
I find him harder then Stage 6 boss and Black Heart MKII i shit you not...

>> No.6516843

Since when doesn't playing games marketed on places like Xbox marketplace make them not at least known by a fair share of actual gamers?

Just because something looks different that what is popular nowadays, does not make it niche in anyway.

>> No.6516845

Fly to the Leaden Sky is one of the best stg tracks ever.

DOJ and Ketsui still have better OSTs though.

>> No.6516854

G Darius has my favorite OST. I'm curious to know if the new Darius Burst is as good.

>> No.6516856
File: 921 KB, 525x750, 4249f3f52bcb76a79406882c3c25ba18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit; sales are what make shooting games niche. Retail releases are lucky to break 15,000 units sold, while $10 XBLA games don't fare much better.

>> No.6516860

Quit twisting words or believing that the casual player who barely knows how to turn on an 360 is an actual gamer.

People do know about CAVE and other shooters and people do play them; if there wasn't at least somewhat a sizable market for them, then they wouldn't even be marketed or sold in the West.

>> No.6516863

Hey, hey, there's still Konami. Don't you just love Otomedius?

Yeah okay I'll shut up now.

>> No.6516870

Sales figure != number of people who played the game.

Especially in less mainstream genres.

>> No.6516871

TOAPLAN SOUND SAMPLES(get sound in Batsugun etc)

You need thundermame though

vfive http://www.mediafire.com/?9j31vsfvb70s2750
,Ghox http://www.mediafire.com/?ot70bkukngibrkf
Dogyuun http://www.mediafire.com/?a6v6w3udvugbvh6
Batsugun http://www.mediafire.com/?x5zzlnjyz9xwlcs
Vimana http://www.mediafire.com/?agzvvazqwdr602u


>> No.6516884

Any tips for this fucker I just cant dodge the shit with like 4 rocket turrets shooting shit at me

>> No.6516890

G-REV Is good

Under Defeat and the upcoming Strania

>> No.6516902

I love all the Gradius games, and the Parodius series too. I like you.

>> No.6516912

I thought it was good, but some people don't enjoy the wailing...

>> No.6516916

I don't think anyone dislikes the Gradius series and especially the Parodius series (for those who know of it).

>> No.6516927

Gradius and G-Darius aren't SHMUPs.

Also, most of the games mentioned in this thread are standard mechanical shooters, which are completely different from CAVE-level stuff.

>> No.6516929

I don't think there are any tips. That guy is just a dick.
If you like Gradius and Parodius then you should like Otomedius even less, for trying to ride off people's good feelings for them instead of actually being a good game. Shit like the Canada level just being a knockoff of Gradius stage 1 and the last level being the most boring fortress ever but with pictures of old games that were actually good to try and distract you is just shameful.

Also if that love of Gradius extends to Gradius 3 then you're a weirdo.

>> No.6516931

Battle Garegga aint

>> No.6516940


Twin Bee up in this bitch.

>> No.6516943

What the hell are they then?

>> No.6516947
File: 2.70 MB, 2414x1613, Raiden Fighter Aces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected alot more people discussing these games but seems barely anyone picked them up


>> No.6516951

>Gradius and G Darius aren't shmups

I'm loath to argue semantics, but how do you figure, exactly? If the game is about dodging and shooting, it's a shmup, in my opinion.

>> No.6516955

Why are people relating mechanical shooters with actual manic-SHMUPs?

They're not even the same genre and have entirely different gameplay and techniques.

>> No.6516958

I think he thinks it has to be a vert because up=vertical.

Not sure if anyone can be that stupid, though.

>> No.6516960

Are you implying Raiden Fighters and Battle Garegga are not manic shooters?

>> No.6516965

I think everyone picked them up in MAME quite a few years ago.

I play 2 every once in a while, but I always get killed by bullets that travel at the speed of light and get frustrated. Hell Diver is a cool plane though.

>> No.6516969

Yes I am.

>> No.6516971

They are still faggots for not picking it up 3 games for what?

10 USD

>> No.6516979
File: 56 KB, 640x480, MOFscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One has smaller hitboxes and more bullets. Wow, it's almost as if every other characteristic of the game isn't the same.

You sound like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.6516983

I see you must be mentally retarded not to think Battle Garegga is manic especially since it was the first true one.

Raiden Fighters games are manic too

>> No.6516986

Playing on a console is no way to play a SHMUP.

Also, having to play it on such a social and twinking standard makes it far less enjoyable.

>> No.6516992

Of course he's a gigantic faggot. Not only is he using the word "shmup", he's spelling it in all caps. Don't need any more proof than that.

>> No.6517001

Just because it's vertical, does not make it manic (Raiden, Garegga, DonPatch) and horizontal does not mean mechanical (Death Smiles).

It's relies on the tactics needed and the goal of the game.

>> No.6517004

And the vagueness of "shooter" makes it much better?

>> No.6517018

What the hell are you talking about do you even know what a manic shooter is?

Manic=Alot of bullets,screen full of shit going around

Raiden Fighters,Battle Garegga did all of this you just need to compare them with a shooter made in 1992 to see that these games literally shit out bullets compared to the older ones

Both the Raiden Fighter series and Battle Garegga have unique scoring systems

>> No.6517020

You need to understand the differnce between genres and sub-genres, I think, but defining borders are a matter of opinion anyway, so I can't really say you're wrong. You're just wrong to me.

To me, shooting and dodging in the 2d plane as the primary game mechanic is a shmup.

>> No.6517022

Well, not everyone lives in the US. By the time I got my J360 it was long outta print there, too.

>> No.6517023

>implying garegga and raiden fighters are not manic
those are the epitome of a manic shmup you silly troll

>> No.6517034

Manic shooters rely on pattern memorization and simple orienting (to dodge/graze), rather than the reflexology of mechanical.

I guess.

>> No.6517037

You seem to have mixed up bullet hell/barrage shooters with manic ones boy

>> No.6517047

They're the exact same, you know.

>> No.6517051

>Manic shooters rely on pattern memorization and simple orienting (to dodge/graze)
You realize the games that you consider "mechanical shmups" are usually referred to as "memorizers", yes? Both rely on pattern memorization, both rely on making simple movements and positioning to avoid bullets. Neither style is any more reflexive or memorization intensive than the other.

You try to hard to define things, and then you shit up a thread with LOL GUYS THESE GAMES ARE DIFFERENT WHY ARE YOU MENTIONING THEM IN THE SAME THREAD!?!? Stop.

>> No.6517055

>Battle Garegga,Raiden Fighters
>Not Manic
What the hell am I reading, oh wait now I remember I am on 4chan what did I expect?

>> No.6517063

I know that, I consider them the same too but some people seem to think

manic=many but very fast bullets
barrage=shittons but slow

But infact its just two different names for the same shit

>> No.6517067

I know, but the it's more of a rotational.

And yet you don't say how they are manic.

>> No.6517071

manic-shmups are hard to define. They have a smaller hitbox and more bullets, but how many bullets makes a manic-shmup? How small does the hitbox have to be?
He's using the word "shmup" because "shooter" has sadly been stolen by FPS and TPS games, and "shoot 'em up" is a bit too big and clunky to type several times in a post. It doesn't really roll off the tongue (or keyboard) as well as "shmup". Not sure why he's spelling it in caps, though, or why he doesn't accept conventional shoot 'em ups as part of the genre.

>> No.6517078



>> No.6517079

So, Touhou is a barrage while Mushihimesama is a manic, despite being the same type of game?

Might as well have a different genre for every major game series out there at that point.

>> No.6517090

Differentiation is all in the mind. Everything is equal in its individuality everything else is semantics.

>> No.6517104
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Manic Shooter isn't a genre.

It's a sub-genre.

>> No.6517123

STG is best, I think.

>> No.6517152

"STG" is fine by me, but I don't complain when people use "shmups".
"Shooter" works if the topic of discussion is already known, but just saying "I like shooters" out of the blue doesn't convey the point.
The problem comes when people start calling them "schwumps".

>> No.6517604

This thread made me decide to try out Battle Garegga...

Oh wow this is pretty fu-
I am dead.

Is the game really unwinnable if you completely disregard the ranking system, or could you actually survive while playing recklessly?

>> No.6517616


I have tried to bring up other shooters in purely CAVE XBOX 360 threads before, but it just disappears beneath the waves.

>> No.6517633

I dunno, what do you think?
stage 4

>> No.6518173

...I dunno.


>> No.6518200

No, you pretty much have to play it that way..

>> No.6518274

Looks tedious and boring. Some parts are far too drawn out without even being challenging. Not to say that there aren't parts that look difficult.
Also, 3:20, LOL bullet cancelling!

>> No.6518900

Looks like somebody hasn't actually played Garegga before.

>> No.6519031

battle garegga? more like battle gayregga. game sucks.

>> No.6519414

>bullet cancels
>Battle Garegga

I mean wow if its one game does not even cancel the bosses shots when he has died its Battle Garegga you clearly have not played now fuck off you fucking troll

>> No.6519420

>garegga suck

I smell a faggot who did not play the genre for 20 years then found out about it in 2009-2010

your opinion isnt worth shit anyway

>> No.6519472

Manic=alot of shit going on the screen

BG,RFJ does all of this

stop making up what the fuck manic means


>> No.6519932

I never said I played it. I just dropped a comment on the video that was posted. It just didn't give me a good impression of the game. Deal with it.

Well, that's what happens. Games usually tend to get better with time (with the obvious exceptions and timeless classics). Someone has a new idea, makes a game about it and then, if it's good, others and probably they themselves copy and refine it as they go. Just because Space Invaders invented shooting games doesn't mean it's a good game today. Sometimes games get attention not because they're good but because they bring something new and exciting to the table. I'm not saying that it wasn't an important game or didn't have a lasting impact but unless you have nostalgia glasses on it's not going to be fun for too long. Then there are games like R-Type which you can pick up even today and still have fun with them even after all the years but that's certainly not the rule.

>> No.6520135

>he is implying battle garegga is not good

Go eat a dick, and you have not even played it

You dont even have the right to judge it.

>> No.6520141

>. It just didn't give me a good impression of the game. Deal with it.

You got shit taste deal with it newcomer.

>> No.6520142


You would never hear such a stupid thing 1 year ago, but then I remember since Death Smiles USA and the Iphone ports the genre has been overrun by idiots.

>> No.6520152

>lasting impact but unless you have nostalgia glasses on it's not going to be fun for too long.

>implying there has been a any major changes from manic shooters designed in 1996 and one in 2000s outside of bullet cancels.

yet another clueless buffoon

>> No.6520154

>nostalgia googles
>Battle Garegga

I didnt even play it till 2005, I find it funny how you think a shooter created today is any different from Battle Garegga it's not.

>> No.6520186

i started playing shooters because i saw the HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS EVER XD video on youtube and that was EPIC so i bought mushihime futari and its the best game ever.

it's too short though, it only take like 30 minutes to beat it.

>> No.6520194

You are not even trying anymore you disgrace trolling


You should be ashamed of yourself go sit in the corner

>> No.6520227
File: 103 KB, 512x384, Tyrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm a pretty awesome terrible casual.
Picture related, the shmup I play most.
I've also played various amounts of Gradius and R-Type games.

>> No.6520251

Funny thing about the final boss in Mushishima, I didn't think it was that hard.

>> No.6520264

It was not that hard , I mean it was not easy but you have acouple of extra lives and the fact that you can see your hitbox in Mushihime Sama makes it alot easier.

>> No.6520289

I wish people would stop calling mechanical shooters shmups and place them in the same category as manic ones (even the generic ones from xbox).

>> No.6520400

I didn't judge the game, I just told you what impression I got from the video. You sure sound mad.

I don't even own a Xbox360 or iPhone. If you want to know, Touhou was my first shmup back in 2006. There were no arcades where I live and shooters weren't popular at all when I was young so I never played anything like it before. Since then I branched out to lots of other games, my personal favorite being the original Mushihimesama which I still play regularly on my PS2.

They're different. They have tons more bullets and more interesting patterns for one. Yes, even the games without bullet cancelling.

I was talking about Space Invaders there. Battle Garegga may be a great game, how would I know without having played it first? But that video sure didn't convince me that it is.

>> No.6520462

I can't really speak for anyone else, but I certainly couldn't appreciate Garegga from a video. The real magic in that game for me is learning all the secrets in the game and how to take advantage of them, and no video can get that across.
If you ever do end up playing it, you might wanna put some time into it. It'll seem awful at first, but it gets a lot better when you know how things work. Just try to ignore all the stuff that seems put in to troll you while you learn. Or don't, the game's not for everyone.

>> No.6520467

Why do you guys continue to talk about this...

>> No.6520477

Because I'm a generous man and if I can spread the joy of video games to another soul my life will have meaning.

>> No.6520482

Why is the STG genre filled with so many people stressing out over shit. You need to take it easy.

>> No.6520496

They're pretty stressful games. I guess the fans just like stress.

>> No.6520500

>They're different. They have tons more bullets and more interesting patterns for one

A certain different company style does not make it a new sub genre by that logic everydamn companies unique style would be a new genre

>> No.6520504

> Touhou was my first shmup back in 2006
>Touhou was my first shmup back in 2006
Your opinion is not worth jack then

>> No.6520527

With a fanbase so myopic and stuck up its own ass what do you expect?

>> No.6520536

Thanks for the hints.
I will definitely try it some day, if just because it's seems so popular. Not sure how much time "some time" is but I usually spend at least 2-3 hours on a game before I decide whether I like it or not.

Lots of people seem to get angry if you don't sing their favorite games praise. Especially if that game is a little older and not as widely known. They should really mellow out a bit.

I'm not talking about Cave exclusively if that's what you mean.
There are others who still make these games, both professional as well as doujin. The direction is clear: More bullets and interesting patterns.

Well, deal with it.

>> No.6520545

Lots of shmup fans are bitter infighting faggots who judge people by how much of their life they've wasted playing spaceship games, don't worry over it.

>> No.6520644

as opposed to /jp/ users who judge others based on how much eroge they've fapped to and how many touhou's armpits they'd like to fuck.

>> No.6520669

When saying a game is shit with you even admitting that you have not played it what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.6520675

>I'm not talking about Cave exclusively if that's what you mean.
>There are others who still make these games, both professional as well as doujin. The direction is clear: More bullets and interesting patterns.

I'll give you Touhou and Castle Shikigami when it comes to "pretty" patterns but CAVE?

I mean wow I have doubt you have even played their games.

>> No.6520706

Just a big disgustin' sloppy mess. Of purple.

>> No.6520777

I never said that. Learn to read.

Sure, DDP is pretty plain as far as patterns go but their newer games have some pretty cool stuff going. Some would say style over substance I guess. Not the same way as in Touhou and to a lesser degree Castle Shikigami with tons of colors on the screen but those are also slower paced and play very differently. I'd say Cave started getting more creative around the time they released DoJ.

I just expected
>A certain different company style
to mean Cave since I mentioned Mushihimesama. I don't even like many of their older games.

>> No.6520945
File: 304 KB, 800x463, danmaku art gallery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u serious bro?

many cave games have very nice looking patterns. mushihime-sama, mushi futari, espgaluda 2, deathsmiles, and ketsui for starters.

>> No.6521142

Mushihime Sama Futari has like 2 "pretty" patterns and thats really it

>espgaluda II
>DoJ style patterns
DoJ style patterns yet again
1 nice looking patterns

>> No.6521478


More like Seibu

>> No.6521555

Seibu licenses their games to MOSS though.

Which brings me to another point: Another reason why people only talk about Cave is because they are the only ones putting effort into making beautiful 2D games. Nearly every other developers makes shmups with pig disgusting 3D models. And as we all know, 3D looks like shit 99% of the time.

Even Cave tried their hand at 3D and they failed miserably. Glad they recognized their mistake and went back to sprites with Akai Katana.

>> No.6521564
File: 29 KB, 384x224, 0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is the last boss of Giga Wing so utterly fucking bullshit? What the fuck is the point of giving me a reflect barrier if he shoots out cheap shots at the speed of light that are completely impossible to dodge if you don't already know they're coming?
Fuck this game fucking fuck I was so close. So close. ;_;

>> No.6521573

Otomedius doesn't look bad. Plays bad, yes, but doesn't look bad. The Tokyo level looks very nice, I like the streets and buildings and tower in the background. Very nice.

>> No.6521591

>seibu license their games to MOSS

Seibu is MOSS, Seibu went bankrupt so they started another company called MOSS which they then "sold" the rights to their games to.

Same folks working at Seibu works at MOSS

>> No.6521604
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The other 1% of the time, it makes for some pretty cool scenic shit, but apparently that's a big no for shooters...

>> No.6521621

...that's a fucking terrible score.

Why do you guys play manic shooters as mechanical?

>> No.6521649

Why are you such a gigantic faggot? is a better question

>> No.6521666

I figure I may as well try to get good enough to actually survive before I worry about getting good scores.
Sorry I'm not up to your standards.

>> No.6521896

>THIS thread


>> No.6521908

If you have a problem with it you probably shouldn't be bumping it.

>> No.6521916

It had so much potential. But then again, this is 4chan, so the fucking shit thread should've been expected.

>> No.6522070
File: 710 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, shitty thread. Let's boost your potential with a nice picture of a game who's sequel I prefer.

>> No.6522080
File: 26 KB, 224x320, Strikers 1945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All alone here...

Actually, what got me interested in Strikers '45 was the completely unrelated 1943: The Battle of Midway.

Something about the two games feels like they go hand in hand, despite the two being nothing like each other...

>> No.6522094

It's running into a 1945 cabinet that is the difficult part since every single one I've seen is 1945 Plus.

Still working my war through the first three stages and I've finally gotten used to the randomization of which stage is given to me first.

>> No.6522098

Who -doesn't- prefer Futari over the original? Futari is one of the best shooters ever created.

Love Strikers as well. That game's fairly underappreciated. As is Dimahoo.

>> No.6522102


>> No.6522112
File: 173 KB, 1000x833, Marion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Marisa.

Pic related.

>> No.6522121
File: 99 KB, 671x639, Strikers 1945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah! I like Strikers too.

>> No.6522170
File: 1019 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get the hang of Espgaluda II's system.
Without watching videos of it, I mean.

Having it on an iTouch is handy in memorizing what comes next but the difference between using a finger or a joystick for movement is drastic. I sorta wish Cave had used the controls similar to iOS SFIV instead.

>> No.6522173

This is still awful and sad.

>> No.6522206

But to answer your question, OP. It's also largely in part because Cave games wind up showing up everywhere. Then again, if you see a Cave cabinet chances are a Strikers 1945 PLUS isn't too far away.

If you're talking about the thread, why don't you contribute to the betterment of it instead of complaining?

>> No.6522270

raizing is unpopular in japan, too. most touhou and cave only.
I'm japanese gamer.but, i love shmups.
Cave is desired by the HD mode. arcade mode is not done. the situation is x360 console environment.
for west gamer, buying requirement are high. 2-dimensional game think like "2D, represent for XBLA" else "2D is secondary because 3D graphic presents"
but this is wrong. 3d shmup is where?
i think all shmups should be enjoyed.
but, raizing is bygones.
where raizing 360 shmup?
i hope for 1990s year raizing release to 360. today, i do not believe eighting does good jobs.
i think touhou is tired.
many danmaku to the fans discredit outside gamer from making an inquiry.
perhaps, touhou is not shmups, just 'enjoy as others enjoy'
i mean,
touhou fans is made by the touhou fans.
honestly, i think doujin game are same level as western doujin game. but west otaku always, "this game is made japan, amazing game!!!" even if shitgame is made.
but, other doujin shmup.. you play? i have not seen /jp/ doujin shmup talk without touhou. unless, doujin shmup is also touhou.

>> No.6522284

HELLSINKER is my favorite doujin shmup.

>> No.6522291


>this game is made japan, amazing game!!!


>> No.6522339

>honestly, i think doujin game are same level as western doujin game
And you might be wrong.
The Japanese doujin scene is vastly superior to the western one, even with all the "Touhou version of X well known franchise" crap.
Western doujin/indie is flooded with terrible platformers and little else.

>> No.6522343

Ethervapor, I guess?

It's a cool game. Once came across it while researching about 3d shmups (kinda wanted to take a crack at something relatively original), and heard about it along with Philosoma for the PSX.

Both games, from a technical standpoint, are pretty cool in my opinion. Perspective shift all over the place makes for some dynamic gameplay.

>> No.6522353

There are games like World of Goo...

>> No.6522386

>where raizing 360 shmup?
I hope for not only theirs but also all the other older shmups/STGs/manic games get released.
I know it may seem like an empty prayer, but at least they could follow Cave's example and release them bit by bit. It's not like Raizing died off. They should have made enough money to publish a few of the games with their involvement making Tatsunoko v. Capcom.

>i have not seen /jp/ doujin shmup talk without touhou. unless, doujin shmup is also touhou.
That's because the doujin threads wind up focusing on music and doujinshi.
And the only two that I recall being talked about was an isometric touhou shmup and Vampirish Night.

I was really looking forward to Vampirish Night...

But the crap drastically outnumbers the decent.
And whoever tries putting out a decent one gets ripped to shreds on what they did wrong... or get people bitching about how it's "too hard"

>> No.6522398

I don't think there's much of an indie scene over here compared to what Japan has...

US feels a bit more dictated by big name publishers and devs, though you get the occasional VIRAL-TIER indie game...

You don't get much of the "self published, for-profit" shenanigans, though amidst the tons of free shit online, you'll find a few gems. Maybe. Depends on your tastes, though... still, there's more of a corporate presence than there is an indie scene. Isn't it sad?

Blame it on the whole (perceived) learning curve for programming, perhaps. The world is full of dreamers, but always seems to lack those who can make those dreams a reality...

>> No.6522426

Shitty "art" game.

>> No.6522430


>> No.6523163
File: 44 KB, 222x299, 1943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't need a thousand bullets to punish stupidity.

But which do you think is better, Vanilla '43 or '43 Kai?

>> No.6523335

i would like to like shmups. played a few "good ones" via mame and the cave one on the ds.
liked that shit in the arcades back in the day ...1942, tiger heli. thrill is gone 4 me baby nowadays all shmup means to me is Shake My Uncircumcized Penis. time to come up with some new shit, japs.

>> No.6523560

CAVE is the biggest company still putting out quality shmups, so it would make sense CAVE gets brought up often. Especially recently with DFK 1.5 just released on 360 and the ketsupachi arrange announced with DFK BL package. A lot of people who hate CAVE are hipsters, trying to be edgy and cool. That is seriously the case in my opinion. People who focus only on CAVE are stupid as well.

We've spoken a lot about other shmups on here in the past in any case.

>> No.6523652

Because Cave have character designs in their shmups that are appeal to our penises of course.

Just like how Touhou games are (well the doujins moreso than the actual in game art)

>> No.6523659

Is that the Casino arcade in London?
I've always wanted to check that place out should I ever go to the UK

>> No.6523758

Other side of the world. Cal State Fullerton's arcade

>> No.6524287

Dai Fukkatsu is not even a DoDonPachi games just like like Raiden Fighters or should I say Gun Dogs is not a Raiden game

>> No.6525465

Armed Police Batrider is the ultimate fanservice game

>> No.6525783
File: 329 KB, 850x1187, Rayforce Gunlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has yet been a shooter that looks visually nicer.

such a beautiful game

>> No.6525840 [DELETED] 

What part of
>/jp/ - weeabo subhuman scum culture
You do not understand?
