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6516194 No.6516194 [Reply] [Original]

I, for one, welcome the fated destruction of the Korean Peninsula and its inhabitants. The brilliance of nuclear fire will purify their bodies and souls.

>> No.6516199

Yes, that's all very nice and well, but I'm really just hoping they don't take us down with 'em.

>> No.6516202

Or give us cancer. Either way.

>> No.6516204


I'm sure they would love to hear your ideas.

>> No.6516212

Where will we get our kimchi and Samsung TVs?

>> No.6516213


They have, at most, a handful of operational nuclear devices. Though it's far from perfect, our missile interdiction technology is unsurpassed in this world. The United States and her protectorates have very little to worry about

>> No.6516218

>our missile interdiction technology is unsurpassed in this world
That doesn't mean that it actually works.

>> No.6516224

North Korea wouldn't nuke anyone. They just want people to take them seriously and give them aid.

>> No.6516227

Don't jizz your pants too soon, OP. I guarantee American and Chinese diplomats are being sent back and forth and negotiating urgently to make sure another war doesn't break out. Everything you're seeing on the news is purely public posturing. Even the Kims know they don't have actually have shit in the way of nuclear power or otherwise.

>> No.6516233


While it leaves something to be desired against MIRV-based ICBM technology, it is quite effective against SSM techology, to which North Korea is limited.

>> No.6516242

"Missile interdiction technology" isn't going to do jack shit against radioactive fallout or polluted air and water, and it sure as fuck won't stop mutant babies from eating their mothers.

>> No.6516257

Neutrons aren't gonna irradiate much if the warhead fails to detonate.

>> No.6516280

You obviously don't understand how detonation works. The worst that happens with an interdicted warhead is undetonated material fallout, which is an infinitely superior scenario to an actual detonation.

>> No.6516295

>take us down with 'em
Hahahaha. Hahahaha.
NK does not have the capability to shoot nukes anywhere near important places. Their range is limited to japan or something.
The only country that will get fucked is SK, and not because of the nukes anyway. It's all about chemical and biological weapons. Northern part of the country will be uninhabitable.
Plus the horrible horrible reunification nobody really wants.

>> No.6516316

North Korea doesn't have a deliverable nuclear device. It's only confirmed achievement to date is a failed low yield test device (test devices are about the size of a semi-detached house and, needless to say, cannot be deployed quickly).

If there was an invasion, you can bet they'd try and use one as a nuclear landmine, but as for offensive purposes? Forget it.

On the conventional side of things they have hundreds of artillery cannons aimed at Seoul. That's something to be afraid of.

>> No.6516328

I hate people who know jack shit of what they're talking about.

>> No.6516329

You know what? You're right. I don't. I guess I'll just revel blissfully in my ignorance as I camp out in my Bethesda™ approved panic room over in the Catskills.

>> No.6516382



Nuclear deployment theory/general.

>> No.6516394
File: 42 KB, 900x586, AGM-129A_-_2006_0306_b52_2lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gonna hate. After all, the easiest way to meet the arms reduction guidelines laid out in START is to deploy the offending nuclear weapons.

>> No.6516403

>implying North Korea can deliver a nuke
They don't even fucking need to, of course; they have enough conventional artillery aimed at Seoul to level it in an hour.

>> No.6516400


When I see a North Korean artillery piece, I just want to hug it and tell it everything's going to be okay and that mommy's going to give it a good new home.

>> No.6516409

Not when the ion cannons pointed at them make short work of the sites.

>> No.6516420


I think you are overestimating the effectiveness of conventional artillery. Sustained shelling would cause a good number of civilian casualties and infrastructure damage, but it would hardly level a city the size of Seoul. In doing so, they would also reveal the locations of said artillery pieces, which would allow the South Korean or United States Armed Forces to neutralize them without further delay.

The fact that they are currently hidden across North Korea is their only saving grace.

>> No.6516430

>>6516409 implying ion cannons

>> No.6516436

Implying we don't have ion cannons, and that we are not GDI.

>> No.6516438

He probably just means the civilian casualties.

>> No.6516446


>implying NK is competent enough to be considered an equivalent to NOD

>> No.6516449

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>> No.6516453

Of course they're not NOD.

/jp/ is NOD.

>> No.6516469

>>6516446 implying North Korea isn't China's proxy war client

Welcome to Cold War 2.

>> No.6516480

And I am Seth.

Just Seth. From God, to Kane, to Seth.

>> No.6516486

Russia is Nod. Putin is Kane. They are both bald.

>> No.6516493
File: 22 KB, 500x338, kane_command_conquer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putin is not sexy enough to be Kane.

>> No.6516501

The United States and China are too wrapped up economically and have too few real conflicting interests to go to war. China does use North Korea as a convenient arm to stir things up in the Pacific, but they don't truly want to start shit.

>> No.6516523

I love the people saying NK did this just so that they can be taken seriously and receive aid.

Maybe if you stopped being super assholes and realized your shithole of mountain is but a speck in the worlds eye, all you doing is making everyone just want to kill you to preserve world stability, not "cave in" to the "superpower of NK"

>> No.6516519

I imagine they'd be on board with anything that'd indirectly hurt the US.

>> No.6516541

I don't. China relies on the US just as much as the US relies on China. I think they genuinely want to maintain good relations with the US, but they also want to throw their weight around in the region. There are already some strong suspicions that they knew about the North Korean attack before it happened, so they might not be willing to take more risks.

>> No.6516556


They know that starting shit would doom them economically. The only way they'd come out on top is if they attacked the United States directly in order to take over their resources and financial systems.

>> No.6516617

North Korea is in big trouble and its leadership knows it. IMO, its continued militarization is the only way it thinks it can carve out a slightly easier place in the world for itself (i.e. relaxing of sanctions) while still maintaining control over the people.
