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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6509974 No.6509974 [Reply] [Original]

China shichai na chai!

Watashi ni shichai na chai!

>> No.6509981
File: 114 KB, 500x374, catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6509984
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China in Watercolors, No. 7.

>> No.6509987

i want to exercise with china

>> No.6509998
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Vigorous exercise yields a healthy mind and body.

>> No.6510007
File: 482 KB, 1000x1412, da873edc04015b392d33016e49a74a6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love his arts.

>> No.6510064
File: 394 KB, 600x790, 0d68d84155f9b235ec3fbbd276791863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jikou deso

>> No.6510101

Isn´t China just Chuugoku in japanese?

Oh and by the way, Chuugoku ningen reporting in here.

>> No.6510104

Post some China pics please.

>> No.6510113
File: 64 KB, 558x450, photo_lg_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510119
File: 84 KB, 640x480, china1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510124
File: 171 KB, 1524x2032, ChinaAnhuiHuangshanMountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I´m more of a Sakuya man, anyway.

>> No.6510132


>> No.6510144
File: 937 KB, 2400x1800, natural_wonders_china01772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China dump end

>> No.6510153


>> No.6510166


>> No.6510177

农民 my ass.
Manchurian master race reporting in.

>> No.6510180

peasants are better than unemployed fat nerds.

>> No.6510187

>Implying Manchu aren't pretty much Han nowadays
Have fun with your Han genes and lack of knowledge of Manchu language.

>> No.6510197

han master race here, i'm going out to have corean bbq with friends

>> No.6510203

Do you get death threats when people in China find out about your hobbies? Do they treat you as a traitor to glorious China?

>> No.6510214

corean bbq is well established in China.

>> No.6510217

the corner newspaper stall sells a pirated copy of dengeki hime among others, so no.

>> No.6510220

I was talking about the more /jp/ related of his hobbies. That's not to say Korean food isn't /jp/ related, of course.

>> No.6510286

what? these are pirated?!

never knew it.

you just opened my mind for a new dimension of the exciting universe of shanzai-culture...

>> No.6510363

I wonder when China will start giving a damn about copyright and intellectual property. It will be a sad day.

>> No.6510375


I don't believe in intellectual property. If a thing cannot be expressed in a tangible form, it is simply an idea, regardless of complexity.

>> No.6510429

This isn't about you believing or not, Anon.

>> No.6510431

Korean BBQ is too expensive around here ;_;


>> No.6510452



Never was getting things one cannot get otherwise, so easy than with glorious shanzai!

>> No.6510461

Can't you just put a dog on a bbq and do it yourself?

>> No.6510494




>> No.6510600

>chinese otakus

more of this please.

>> No.6510616

Chinese (race, not nationality) otaku here.

>> No.6510677

海外 (overseas) chinese reporting in.

Manga is just as acceptable as in Japan here.
It´s mostly labeled kids stuff.

But hey, a manga volume costs only 18 RMB, for crissakes.
(Well, you do need a fucking dictionary everytime you decide to read it, but meh)

>> No.6510691

>海外 (overseas) chinese reporting in.

>Manga is just as acceptable as in Japan here.
>in here

So you mean you live in a Chinatown?

>> No.6510769

Overseas Chinese returnee.

I´m currently at Tsinghua college.
Foreigners get into Tsinghua pretty easily, compared to chinese people who have to study their asses off.

>> No.6510776

Oh, and second Generation, I might add.

>> No.6510785

But isn't it so that once you're in college, you don't have to do shit, even less than in the west?

>> No.6510795

Compared to the insanely hard entry exams, yes.
The fact that both my parents went to Tsinghua was trivial.
So don´t expect getting into colleges by "knowing people".

>> No.6510821

A teacher once told us how he handed in two assignments, one was completely his own, the other one was just copied from the handbook written by his professor. He got a 9 out of 10 for the latter because the professor couldn't possibly give himself a bad score.

>> No.6510823

But I'd have to get a healthy dog, kill it, skin it, remove the meat and season it. The Koreans (朝鲜族 in fact) do it for you! You just have to put the meat in the grill and eat away! They also provide you with a rice and a lot of side dishes free of charge.

Have 2 maids clumsily dancing Cirno's perfect's math class.

I've been told that foreigners (returnees included) in 台大 have all classes imparted in English. But as their English level isn't very good they don't fail your exams (however bad they are) so you don't make any fuss over them.

How the situation at the mainland?

>> No.6510837

The classes are in chinese and the people there think I´m chinese and I live like a chinese.


>> No.6510840

Will you ever go back to wherever your parents migrated to, or are you going to try to make it in China?

>> No.6510850

The future looks bleak either way, I haven´t decided yet.

>> No.6510866

What? You can plagiarize word by word and you get a 9? What kind of joke is that?

>> No.6510872

Remember, chinese academics is all about memorizing shit.

>> No.6510880
File: 714 KB, 900x562, 408306a22421858b28ec777c09055f5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - China/General

>> No.6510889

So, do you actually learn anything at university?

>> No.6510897

If it´s not learning for exams, I actually learn stuff.

>> No.6510905

Those who pay attention and do their own research, learn something useful.

Otherwise you are another monkey like >>6510872

>> No.6510910


>> No.6510930

This is an amazing picture of her.

>> No.6510931

>do their own research
That's very un-Chinese. If your professor's already done research about it, what makes you think you can be better than him?

>> No.6510946
File: 649 KB, 1000x1415, 1288590383359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attend a Russian university
>students actively undermine the professors at every turn because of a pervasive "us vs. them" mentality
>every professor I met was actually quite nice once you got to know them

>> No.6510949
File: 1.77 MB, 3508x2480, f7fafdfef7e103190e481f9d268a776c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you noticed how a lot of Hong Meiling fanart is really crap?

>> No.6510956


A lot of all fanart is really crap.

>> No.6510958

At our university we are trying to get a whole bunch of professors fired due incompetence.

>> No.6510960

You're fucks, you know that?

>> No.6510973

What's that? The white man keeping you down?

Because you sound like this annoying little shit who says the professor doesn't explain well despite him being an utter moron.

>> No.6511012 [DELETED] 


>> No.6511130

/jp/, I am proud.

>> No.6511141


>> No.6511924

If the best explanation for JavaBean is:
"Well, JavaBeans are... you know, beans"
He proceeds to draw a bean on the board
"You can encapsulate methods inside them... and that's it. It's just a bean"

I want to see you sign up for his systems design classes.

>> No.6511963
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I want to be trained, beaten and abused by her.

>> No.6512140

Damn I'm too late.

Well this ended up becoming a country discussion thread. Not so bad I guess, but you won't get away next time.
