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File: 163 KB, 390x297, MzDbA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6508402 No.6508402 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting warmly...

>> No.6508422

I can't wait for the inevitable crossover involving Sam Shorter encountering Shiki.

>> No.6508453

Shikkoku no Sharnoth needs to be translated.

>> No.6508787


>> No.6508797

Really legit?

>> No.6508828

I hope.

>> No.6508879
File: 119 KB, 500x500, sona_cheer19Eqw40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's image
ixrec will do it after Forest

>> No.6509053

anyone can confirm it it's legit?

>> No.6509458
File: 143 KB, 500x741, sn_instorenow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509464

still downloading, but post as much fanart as you want.

>> No.6509484
File: 101 KB, 500x500, sona_cheer11hHma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, yes sir!

>> No.6509505
File: 235 KB, 650x909, 795421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKIRA so good.

>> No.6509517

it's legit.

I've never played any of Liar-soft's games, anyone want to tell me what to expect?

>> No.6509567

Maybe you should start with one, to know what to expect.
But in this case
>great chemistry between the main characters
>endearing side characters and stories
>melancholic atmosphere
>strong themathics that are permanent in the whole game (in this case, memories)
>Sakurai WAB style (echoes, repetitions, but with a reason)
>monster of the chapter that is defeated
>mini game, can be mroe or less annoying
>wonderful art
Maybe you should try Inganock, it's great and translated if you don't feel like reading it, though Sona Nyl is more similar to Sharnoth

>> No.6509577
File: 246 KB, 500x705, sona_cheer18Fl1KQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those others weren't half bad, though.

>> No.6509585
File: 140 KB, 500x500, sona_cheer16jH0cQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some pretty good ones.

>> No.6509692
File: 189 KB, 500x259, sona_otsc_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we've a download link? Glorious. The trial was fantastic, and if the rest of it is as good, it has a strong chance at becoming my favourite WAB title.

>> No.6509700

>2 hours till finishing

>> No.6509720

Ixrec has since said that he wants to translate Sharnoth before Forest, since he wants to work on it with someone who'll be moving somewhere next year.

>> No.6509733

No solid confirmation whether he'll do Sharnoth or Forest first after Alternative. It's just that one of Amaterasu editor is a Britfag who might be capable of researching all the British references and rewriting the tl to British-English for Sharnoth.

Anyway Alternative lacks military_expert as consultant since they got the ranks wrong in the partial patch. Forest needs folklore_expert, and Sharnoth needs worldwar2_expert.

>> No.6509810

Ahhh, the download is done, but god damn it why is the installation taking so long.

Does anyone has a link for the soundtrack? I've been itching to get the op and the other tracks in the trial since they first came out.

>> No.6509848

I agree, the music we heard in the trial was gorgeous. Especially the song which played during Lily's transformation into the Rose Witch.

>> No.6509853

Pre-trial I thought Rose Witch is going to be the series' main villain. How wrong I was.

>> No.6509858

I think a game-rip of the music would be the most possible thing to do.

>> No.6509861

I agree, it was fantastic.
Same, she screamed troll

>> No.6509882


Does anyone have the links to the VNs related to this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but going by vndb.org, they are:

Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People-
Shikkoku no Sharnoth -What a Beautiful Tomorrow-
Hikari no Valusia ~What a Beautiful Hopes~

>> No.6509887



>> No.6509890

You forgot Celenaria.

>> No.6509894

You forgot
Souten no Celenaria - what a beautiful world.
hongfire has ddl/torrents for all.

>> No.6509901

Why are postmen so cool in fiction but so boring in real life?

>> No.6509937

Thanks for the update, totally missed that.

>> No.6509961

>Download finished
Also, anyone knwos if the art countdown finished?
I still want to collect them.

>> No.6509964


Oh wow, why didn't I think of that? I still want the soundtrack but this definitely satisfies my need for the musics for now. Thanks for the tips! Here's an upload in case anybody want it too http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9LXS1NJP

>> No.6509973

A lot.

>> No.6509995

>Still using that fucktarded RScript
I hate you Liar soft, sometimes I like looping the song I'm currently listening to in the game, but noooo.

>> No.6510037

I'm downloading this. NOW.
Thanks a bunch, bro.

>> No.6510055

can someone upload it to MF or similar, it's been half an hour and it's still
>the file you're trying to access is temporaly disabled

>> No.6510274


>> No.6510358


No problem. I'm just glad I could help other liarsoft fans.


Uhh, I tried accessing mediafire, but it didn't work for some reason. http://rapidshare.com/files/433294548/sona-nyl_bgm_rip.rar i uploaded it to rapidshare though. Hopefully, it will work for you here.

Just a note, but the files don't work with vlc players for some reason. It works fine with window media player though.

>> No.6510671
File: 95 KB, 801x599, rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, finally.
It STILL gives me an error in MU.

And related to Sona Nyl, why the fuck does A have this creepy rapist sprite?

>> No.6510758
File: 117 KB, 800x600, Capture_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 《Deep》 is this game again?

>> No.6510774

Speaking of liarsoft, does anyone have a link to the Ingarock soundtrack? Those violin tracks were quite orgasmic.

>> No.6510777

Because he's obviously related to Alva in some way.

I'd love if it turned out that A was the chessmaster all along while Alva was actually the good guy. Or something.

>> No.6510797


>> No.6510802

Thank you sir!!! :D

>> No.6511047
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1000, shiei14313677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, downloading at the speed of light.

>> No.6511068

OST is out already?

>> No.6511190

No CG rip yet?

>> No.6511201

I don't see how getting a translation would make a difference, since it's still reading. It's okay, I took a short glimpse at the dictionary, and can kind of guess what I might be getting into.

>> No.6511231

Now that you remind me, please do check the spoiler box once the CG rips come out and you want to post something in here, since a few people are going to play this.

>> No.6511328


>> No.6511380

Since we've been getting such gorgeous countdown images for this, does anyone happen to know where the Sharnoth ones were uploaded in full?

>> No.6511399

did they even do it for Sharnoth?
I remember people posting here about Churchill and other characters before it was released, but no countdown pics.

>> No.6511572

Just maybe if it was lighter for you, but yeah, it's the same.
But I'd actually advise you to read at least either Inganock or Sharnoth before, the whole series has some things given context in other novels (golden eyes, the research society plans and the like)

>> No.6511576 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 800x600, 0292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CGs are out, portraits aren't included in the folder, though. Once my torrent finishes, I'll try to figure out how to rip them.

>> No.6511595

Kind of butthurt about what cinematograph did to Ernest Hemingway, AKA Wizard of Oz
Loving the references to it, honestly.

>> No.6511613

Why is a fucking VN so good for reactionfaces.

>> No.6511713

What's the pw?

>> No.6511729

yeah, you kind of need the pass.

>> No.6511733

Sorry about that, completely forgot about the password. fac1ca55

>> No.6511749

And thanks for your work.

>> No.6511766 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 797x602, cat-Lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck Liar Soft?
Not that she doesn't look cute.

>> No.6512133

>>6511733 here!
In the process of ripping the backgrounds and portraits, will upload when I'm done.

>> No.6513090


Well, I think this was the countdown pictures? http://www.liar.co.jp/shar_cheer.html I can never find any on the net though so maybe it is a lost cause.

>> No.6513407

Possibly going undercover among the catgirls, if I had to guess.

And fanservice.

>> No.6514031

Liar soft really had fun with this.

>> No.6514123

since there's apparently a running theme in liarsoft's games, someone want to tell me what's the significance of the cat eye?

Also, this game monologues like there's no tomorrow. It's okay and while I understand what they're aiming for, I could do without reading and listening to repeated lines over and over. Hilariously short first boss, though.

>> No.6514432
File: 212 KB, 800x601, 1275162326453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The golden eye basically sees the truth.
Ati aged slower than everyone else because her eye saw the "real" time outside Inganock, and not the warped one inside it.
Mary could see the monsters which are usually invisibile and even see through Moran's camouflage equipment.
Xerxes could see the spirits asking for help. In Kadath actually, the Imperial family makes golden features their own pride/distinctive feature.
Dunno about Celenaria and Calberti, though, all I know is that he's a distant relative of Xerxes or something.

And yeah, that's how the writer rolls. Monologues, poetic/theatrical flair, monster-of-the-chapter type of battles that get resolved in one hit or two at most. If the trial is any indication, at least we have some sort of advancement instead of pure copypasta like Inganock and Sharnoth, so it's good.

Anyways, I quite liked what they did with the overlapping of different voiced lines and written dialogue. I was fearing a mere rip-off of Forest, but they actually found their own peculiar way of using the gimmick.

>> No.6514789

Hopefully this thread will last till you finish.

>> No.6515007 [SPOILER] 
File: 339 KB, 1300x600, 0411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought she would just use an axe.
Alternating between her and A in battles helos a lot to avoid repetition.

>> No.6516041
File: 991 KB, 736x1000, 13915497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are all of your opinions so far? Is this set to be the best WAB title yet?

>> No.6516057

I took a break during chapter 6.
I'll wait till it ends, because Valusia cheated in that regard, great chapters, fucktarded ending.

>> No.6516118

Still in runes right?

>> No.6516182

wow, you're quick.
Got it yesterday night and it took me the better part of today to read 2 chapters, it sucks being a slow reader

>> No.6516245 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 316x600, 6113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would've had it done by now, but I fell asleep, whoops. Uploading now. tomorrow

>> No.6516435
File: 360 KB, 807x2000, 14276913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The soundtrack in .mp3 format, pinched from http://blog.xuite.net/a26885078/aasg2248/40340739..

>> No.6516454

Keep going, and if you read the trial you don't need chapter 3.
But I think it's going to have 7-8 chapters, I'm at 6 and the only one left is Edison
Since this chapter has Judy from Daddy Long Legs with her hair dyed being fucked by an angel

>> No.6516478
File: 127 KB, 400x300, 20101126_4188190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6516481

if I had the money...
One month of wait won't kill me.

>> No.6516547


my copy just won't ship. sobs, curse you, weekends.

>> No.6516586 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 800x600, 0451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding this, I love looking at liar soft H scenes.

>> No.6516644

Wondering if I should read it.
I loved Forest that clearly inspired the writer of WAB and liked Inganock but thought that both Sharnoth and Valcia were pretty mediocre.
The setting does seem pretty interesting.

>> No.6516717

>and liked Inganock but thought that both Sharnoth and Valcia

Really? If anything I thought that Inganock wasn't all that great in comparison to Sharnoth, but I suppose it boils down to one man's meat, and all that.

>> No.6516739

Sharnoth just felt more "meaningless" to me, they both suffer from the "monster of the week" kind of deal but at least I cared about most characters in Inganock.
In Sharnoth I only cared about Mary, the "monster of the week" storylines also felt weaker, the overall plot as well.
And Valcia is even worse in this area.

>> No.6516772

I don't know, in Inganock I couldn't care much about, say, half the cast, which means Kerkan, kia, ati, Gii, Ruaha, transgender, plant girl and the little sheeps.
Sharnoth kind of developed the characters better in my opinion, since it gave it more time, and the themes about tomorrow were really strong.
But give Sona Nyl a chance if you liked Inganock, it does some pretty interesting things and makes me feel bad for its characters..

>> No.6516797

It all depends on personal preferences, since these games rely heavily on setting and characters to pull you in. If they don't, it just becomes a chore to read through.
I liked Sharnoth's characters overall a bit more than Inganock's, but hardly cared for Valusia's ones (well, except for a few sub-characters like Hild and Luna), and this reflects the order in which I'd put them. But I can see how people that like different characters would come to a totally different conclusion, and so on.

>> No.6516801

OK, so it REALLY has seven chapters.
Kinda sad, used to 10-11 in each, but I guess, given how it's going, adding more would be filler since the thing is closing up and most has been revealed.
Please don't fuck up the end, please.

>> No.6516804

That's short.

>> No.6516806

I'd rank Valusia at Sharnoth's level if it wasn't for what they did to the plot, so I agree.
It's the fucking definition of wasted potential.

>> No.6516820

Didn't Ixrec rate Valcia higher than Sharnoth?

>> No.6516824

Since every chapter is like 2 hours, the usual.
Unlike the rest,m the chapters are pretty even so there are not really short ones (inganock had 3 shorter ones, smae for introductory chapters in Sharnoth and the second half ofn Valusia's)
But I expect chapter seven to be massive given how many scenes there are left (about eleven and the average chapter has like 5-6, so I expect something long)

>> No.6516835

Don't ask me why, because everyone would disagree.
Though the art is pretty and it's fully voiced... but not even then.

>> No.6516842

Yeah, it felt like Sakurai wasn't really inspirated when she wrote it. Actually, now that you remind me, if I might ask...
Did the whole thing just flew over my head, or was it ever explained properly why the end of the Maze was empty? At the time I think I guessed it was something like to keep Adepts going there, fuel the fear illness, and so keep the people under control, was that it?

>> No.6516866

I suppose? I actually expected something big from that place, like REALLY big and important.
hat along several other unused/badly used plot points and how she completely failed at making any killed it for me.
And don't worry, Valusia's little plot tends to fly over pretty much everyone'snm head since it started to make little sense like two hours before the end, just about characterization flew out the window.
Sona Nyl actuallly has a chance to be her best WAB, it can be even funny, like chapter four and neko test. It's also lighter so there may be people that don't like that.

>> No.6516869

Yes, which is why I think he either went in with negative expectations and got suprised by the few positive aspects, or actually likes those kinds of characters and developments.
Personally, I couldn't stand a weak and passive female lead after Kia/Ati and Mary's inner strength, and the incest theme felt a bit overdone.

>> No.6516896

>she completely failed at making any climax killed it for me.

>> No.6516915

With the passive part, I kinda disagree since I think it felt a bit refreshing to have a little princess that needs you to save for once, sometimes a damsel in distress is good. and she had a god tier wardrobe.
But I really agree with the incest part, it was really forced and could have been done in better ways than ''I really love Kashim'

>> No.6516990

>>6511733 again. Finally done.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=10MU5ZPQ Picture rip! Includes tachi-e, CGs, and backgrounds.

>> No.6516994
File: 763 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』08O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she had a god tier wardrobe.
oh yes, I agree on that. I don't even dislike Xerxes herself that much actually, it's just that the "there's a problem? let's call Azu~r" act got old fast for me.

>> No.6517064


oooh, do you have the source or more of the valusia's wallpaper? I've been looking forever for those and I can't find it anywhere on the usual sites.

>> No.6517192

Сhapter 1 and I'm already tired of this copysta of copysta of copysta of copysta shit and stammer girlish text. Enjoy your next end full of vagueness.

>> No.6517210

By chapter six everything there's to say about the world has been said.
Also Sharnoth didn't have a vague end.

>> No.6517228

>stammer girlish text

Enjoy your nukige about girls who have some sort of semen dependence syndrome, then.

>> No.6518006


>> No.6519113
File: 687 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』05O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the delay, I went to bed soon after posting that
the source was a Techgiant dvd a few months ago, they had a beautiful series wallpaper specials. I saved just a few, gelbooru has them all
Amusingly I can't seem to find valusia's tag on the boorus no matter what I look for, but they should be there

>> No.6519136
File: 743 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』04O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519153
File: 749 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』07O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519166
File: 738 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』09O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519180
File: 763 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』10O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519183
File: 916 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』12O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519186


Oh wow, thank you very much for the links. I got the sharnoth's ones before but I couldn't find the inganock one before here. Time to save all of them now.

>> No.6519195


....and I just saw you post these too. Thank you so much, kind sir. let me know if I can try to do anything for you in return.

>> No.6519196
File: 699 KB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』15O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6519205 [DELETED] 

and that's all the valusia wallpapers I have

>> No.6519210
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1200, TG_2010_10『白光のヴァルーシア -What a beautiful hopes-』16O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's the last valusia wallpaper I have

>> No.6519513

thanks for the wallpapers.

>> No.6519525

Kinda sad the countdown finished

>> No.6519528

is it just me or has the valusia tag disappeared completely from dan/gelbooru? I tried every variation of the title and character names I could think of, tried uploading a few fan/official arts through iqdb but there's nothing at all.

>> No.6519879

I can't believe A and Lily actually fucked

>> No.6519955

How well do Liar-Soft games usually sell? I'm guessing well enough, considering that both Inganock and Sharnoth were in the top ten eroge for their respective years.

>> No.6520178

The ending was too sad.
It even made me cry.
This is how you truly do a climax, Sakurai.

>> No.6520620

regarding the list, the name of the enhding is Wisteria, like the violet flower, lacks an s.

>> No.6520636

And if anyone wants the lyrics of the part of the opening that appears in the game or a translation, say so.

>> No.6521334

So, overall there are seven chapters?

>> No.6521337

Yes, seven.
But do not think it's short for that.

>> No.6521420

No one else has finished it yet?
Kinda want to talk about it.

>> No.6521461
File: 1004 KB, 785x596, untitleda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, I've barely even started it. I'm at the point in the first chapter where Milia is speaking about the poem of the underground. I've the third chapter done and dusted with from when I read the trial, so I suppose I've almost two chapters finished with.

>> No.6521481

There are three poems per chapter, except in the last one. Till you don't listen to them all, you know there's still a long way.
Though I admit I rushed my reading since I have to sencd my PC to repair/get changed on Tuesday.

>> No.6521647

In the end, it had a meaning.

>> No.6521750

Please, enlighten us about the ending.

>> No.6521760

Spoilers detract from the experience.
But it has some of the sweetest and most romantic scenes I've read.

>> No.6522394


oho, yes please!

>> No.6523682 [DELETED] 

oka, give me some minutes

>> No.6523691

nevermind, I'm not a m PC, so I can't type in jap.

>> No.6523705

I stopped when I ran into the doors in Chapter 2 after meeting lolHemmingwaylol, being the cowardfag I am, I don't know what to choose; I don't know how big choices usually are in liar-soft games.

>> No.6523712

the don't matter, you hae to open them all.

>> No.6523719

dammit, it's okay, I had stuff to do anyways.


Just for future reference, the story is probably linear, correct? The only things I can miss are the story book shorts if I mistaken which parts of the newspaper is wrong. Right?

>> No.6523739

The story shortooks are imporant, so get them.
And there are actually (obvious) choices that can bad end you.
But yes, it's completely linear, but do Elysia's job and fix the articles.

>> No.6523777

I did and will.

Problem is, while I can read, it's pretty hard to tell which parts are wrong. I still reload to do it again, but it's kind of pathetic that my understanding is not good enough.

>> No.6523780

>but it's kind of pathetic that my understanding is not good enough.
It's not, the articles are kind of trck an rely on what you HEAR during the poetry most of the time since they talk about the accident and what actually happened.

>> No.6523785

Hm, I knew what they were saying, but I sort of tuned them out precisely because they talked about the incident; I just assumed that they'll go over it again since it's such a big deal. I guess I should pay more attention from now on.

>> No.6523799


Oh that's too bad then, but thanks for the offer anyway.

>> No.6523823

Just finished chapter 4, oh god why did it go from nekotest comedy gold to incredibly depressing?. After reading what Ruth had to say, it looks like my original speculation from the trial was more spot-on than I thought, (well except for the whole angel thing, so far, but I said that because of how Elisia found the carillion, while in the complete game she finds it sooner than in the trial).

>> No.6523827

Yeah, but just you wait, there's a reason it was revealed halfway.

>> No.6523830

思い出は無い もう無い 思い出すことできない
There's nothing to remember, nothing left, I cannot remember anything
空渡りゆく 鐘の音を聞く
Hearing the sound of a bell ringing through the air
without understanding the meaning behind these flowing tears yet-
心の中 掻き消えた
The scratch on my heart fades
あの記憶たち もう一度探し
so I search for those memories, once again
紫苑の空 手を広げ
Extend your hand, out to that purple sky
最果ての向こう 時間回廊 走る
Through the corridor of time, head for the end

I think. took some liberty to make it sound logical, though.

>> No.6523837

in the full version, it switches between searching for a memory and a person, so you might conjecture what the memory is.

not>>6523691, but thought if someone opted to do and can't, might as well help out as much as I can.

>> No.6523840

>purple sky
I think it was actually referring more to the color of an aster than just violet.

>> No.6523848

I didn't how how to describe a different shade of purple, I know it wasn't violet, it's lighter, but I didn't know what to call it. Sorry.

>looks up asters
that's probably about right, but again, I didn't know what color that is in English. Feel free to post a better one if mine's not good.

>> No.6523854

No, aster is a flower, it's referring to this shade of violet, it doesn't really need a translation since it's mroe 'extend your hand, out to the aster sky', a bit poetic, relating the color of astair.
But your translation is pretty good, you just need to change purple for violet, since the official translation of shiei acording to LS is violet shadow, to fit it all together.

>> No.6523859
File: 373 KB, 1900x1425, aster-alpinus-4642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of an aster, the whole game has this shade of violet, really.

>> No.6523870

Don't tell me you wouldn'ty kill for some CGs with neko-Lily doing the test.

>> No.6523884

It's okay, I'm fine with it as it is. It wasn't for me, anyways, and you already noted the problem.
>>6523859 I just called it wonderland purple, personally. first description that came to mind

>> No.6523891

Whatever sounds better, really.
I was >>6520636, who offered initially and I used them to make an .ass file for the game, since it actually works in game, most times you can see the subs.
I did the same for the Inganock, Sharnoth and Valusia and just wanted to fix and share them.
But you saved me the work, so thanks.

>> No.6523895

Can't say I wouldn't. Also, I just realized. Are A's shadows supposed to be interpretations of Dorothy's companions? Lumberjack = Tin Woodman, Antlion = Cowardly Lion, and I guess the last one will be some Scarecrow reimagining?

>> No.6523896

Feels good that I helped.
I will be resting then.

>> No.6523904

Yes, it's easy to see, really.
But this theme is duplicated, since Lily also has three companions, A, who is often referred as an airhead, the scarecrow, Lucciano, the metal man, the reason for his heart is in chapter five, and Mao, the cowardly lion, she's never there when something happens
the servants basically follow the inganock formula even how they were created

>> No.6523913

Ah, I didn't think that far, makes a lot of sense actually.

>> No.6523928


o wow, thank you very much, you two. I really appreciate your help here.

>> No.6523952

Also wait since Lily will repeat what she did in chapter three with the other two, so you have new weapons for her, and all those CGs look great.

>> No.6524069

I only read Sona Nyl once in the whole VN bump.

>> No.6525004


>> No.6525614

no one wants to talk about anything at all?

>> No.6525867

Give me perhaps a fortnight anon and I'll happily discuss everything with you.

>> No.6525876

please, let it be so.
Because not having anyone else is pretty frustrating.
Furthermore the ending sealed it as my favourite.
Even if Japan raped my childhood again with Jerusha.

>> No.6525881

Just read the ero scene between A and Lily ahah oh god did they try to make it as awkward and ridiculous as possible or what?

>> No.6525891

You are halfway thorugh the ending, yeah!
And yes, they did, I usually don't read them, but I couldn't stop laughing.
it's probably for the people who complained about the lack of a Mary H scene.

>> No.6525899

Also one thing when lily meets Edison don't skip the voices, they'll change around some of the words they say.

>> No.6525909

see you in like 12 hours in hopes of a good conversation.
Because I want to talk about DAT END

>> No.6526769


>> No.6527751

Cleared it. Obviously spoilers for the ending.

I admit I expected a whole lot more from Edison, the "but these things had meaning!" retort could be seen coming from miles away during the game, and they showed the gun before Lily used it against him, so you knew what was coming. It's solid, but I was hoping for something a bit more "surprising".
Though the part where they talk in unison to him was pretty good, and I almost teared up when all the hands appeared to grab Lily from the vortex.
Alan being able to clear the sky at the end and Elysia confessing to his memory was also moving.
All in all, it was quite awesome, but I think Sharnoth remains my favorite. Maybe it's just my nostalgia goggles speaking.
Who/what do you think Jaguarman was, by the way?

>> No.6528070

Finally someone else.
I don't know who the fuck jaguarman is, he describes himself as a ticktack man who is also alive in the ground, so it remains a mystery.
About the part
>the "but these things had meaning!" retort could be seen coming from miles
I liked it a lot because of Little Busters, since well, they are all dead and you think all that development goes to nhothing if they hadn't been saved, so I was proved wrong, reason it was so moving
Did you catch the part where he says
>even the moon is laughing at me
or something similar but instead of moon he says azatoth? maybe azatoth is hermes toth whatever and is actually the ctulthu deity?
I doubt it's nostalgia googels with Sharnoth, but I always liked Inganock better, but Sona Nyl was too awesome, Inganock lacked a more cohesive ploit and Sharnoth a more moving finmale, in my opinion. In Sona Nyl, the clear sky scene killed me after holding back the tears their whole conversation.
All in all I loved it

>> No.6528157


>they are all dead and you think all that development goes to nhothing if they hadn't been saved
Yes, I agree on that it's a really beautiful theme. It's just that, the whole game is so chock-full with "this is meaningless" and "everything is devoid of meaning" that I kinda knew the final reversal would be like that. Instead, Sharnoth's "I'm going to drag the fuck out of you down from that throne" just hit me full force. I guess it's just a matter on what tropes work with you, I guess.
And yes, the Azatoth thing took me completely by surprise, though it's not really explained what it's about. Now that you made me think about the assonance with Toth, it could be a link. Toth behaves a lot more different than the canonic Azatoth, but then again M is heavily implied to be or having been based on Nyarlathothep so...

>> No.6528218

I would have liked Sharnoth's end better if the obvious feeling of whatever Clarissa had for A had been said, even the ending, Saudade, means a deep state of nostalgia, it would have been better.
I know it was predictable, but that retard of Edison just wouldn't concede, it all had a meaning even if they were dead, I mean, the only time Sona nyl is said in the whole VN he instead says it like playground.
I REALLY wanted that message to get into his head, since he obviously couldn't understand such an easy concept.
Also, I've been thinking about Jaguarman and maybe he's the one fixing the newspapers, since the minigame only appears when he's alive in the underground, but really, I don't know who he is.

>> No.6528326

I've wikied the aztec god he makes a reference to, maybe he's a shaman or something that can "access" Sona-nyl even though he's alive? Tezcatlipoca is a deity honored during the feast of the dead amongst other things.
I don't get why he would be against Lily meeting Edison though. It's probable he's supposed to be just that, a mystery character without any information.
Maybe they'll reveal something in the next webnovel.

>> No.6528361


not the above anon, but when do the webnovels for WAB usually come out anyway?

>> No.6528379

I'll take that, I mean, the only info we have about Hermes Toth is taht is a god and likes to dress as the little red riding hood.
I think he was testing her resolution more than anything, he always appears before her when she's about to give in.
But that wouldn't make sense with not wanting to disappear, unless he didn't expect it and scarecrow killed him for real.

>> No.6528392

I don't know, I didn't pay attention to them until recently, though since they serve as sort of a bridge-gap I'd guess before the next game is announced.
So anywhere between six and ten months from now.
I've just finished Sharnoth ones and they do provide interesting snippets and setting background information. For example, Sona-nyl mass disappearance event was already foreshadowed in there, and the Steam Empire foreseeing something in 1914 (WWI?) and trying to make counter-preparations that will only probably make it worse.

>> No.6528395

Valusia was already foreshadowed in Inganock's so it isn't really strange.

>> No.6528399

really? I can't remember all that well, what was the foreshadowing?

>> No.6528408

The last line of the webnovel and how the madman said goodbye, Valusia's tradition since Shin, Mytho and Alma destroyed the cover.

>> No.6528500
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Ahh well, thanks anyway. Well, I have to finish the game first, but time to be prepared to stalk the official site in one or two months later for more WAB goodness.

>> No.6528545

Do create a thread if they are released.

>> No.6528562

Bram was a quite the creepy pedo.

>> No.6529087


>> No.6529125

Anyone has those OP only CGs?

>> No.6529926


>> No.6529935

why keep bumping if there's not even any discussion going on?

>> No.6530619

don't you even dare to die in the spam
