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6508295 No.6508295 [Reply] [Original]

I am on my first playthrough, if that matters.

1. What are Fell arms and what do they do?

2. How did you guys beat Duke? What level were you guys? I'm there, but i can only seem to beat his first form.

3. What is a good Yuri combo on Duke and what skills are needed?

>> No.6508317

/jp/ is too poor to afford consoles

>> No.6508319

1) Fell Arms are rare and legendary weapons. There is one for each party member. Initially, they hold no power, but after beating a 'certain boss' they gain attack strength depending on how many enemies are defeated after that point. With enough grinding, the Fell Arms can become the strongest weapons in the game.

Don't bother hunting them down now, though, it's too late. Next playthrough.

2&3) I hammered him until he died. It's a goddamn Tales game, there's no real strategy. Just cure the status ailments he throws at you and beat the shit out of him the way you do every other boss. If you're still having trouble, take the other elevator down the other half of the tower and go grind there.

>> No.6508328

1. The fell arms get you an extra boss battle against duke or something. Its a weapon last time i checked

2. I grinded a bunch didn't fight duke till i was 80 or 90.

3. Don't remember.

>> No.6508337

1. They're worthless normally, but collect all 7 to fight the true final battle. After successfully beating him, you gain the real Fell Weapons which are much stronger and evolve as you kill foes.

2. Fucking heal more.

3. Last Fencer breaks the game, just keep swinging.

>> No.6508343

Collect Fel Arms and Get Duke III. Also monster slayed = increased attack power

80+. Spam Meteor Storm. Estelle as your heal. Spam Judith's moonbeam after MS to knock him down for a seconds. Yuri - Ghost Wolf + Crushing Eagle + Ghost Wolf + Final Gale. You need Last Fencer (Grind them on the starfishes.

>> No.6508344


Gah. You're not supposed to tell him about Duke's third form, it's way better if it blindsides you out of nowhere.

>> No.6508345

Wasn't there some cheap move Yuri can spam in overlimit that juggles the enemy indefinitely?

>> No.6508350

>Collect Fel Arms

I'm pretty sure a couple of them become unavailable after a certain point; Vesperia is unkind about that.

>> No.6508351


I collected all the Fell Weapons BEFORE I fought Duke and didn't realize it was supposed to be a hidden attribute.

>> No.6508360


...Even though he's the one who powers them up, and even though every other Team Symphonia game prior to this had an identical sidequest involving a boss like that?

>> No.6508367


>...Even though he's the one who powers them up

What I meant was, I wasn't aware his third form was a result of the Fell Weapons, I thought he always had it, but we wouldn't get our suped-up gear if we didn't collect all 7.

>even though every other Team Symphonia game prior to this had an identical sidequest involving a boss like that?

The only other Tales game I've played is Tales of Phantasia.

>> No.6508384

My question for /jp/ is how the fuck can you collect all the Fell Arms and not know what lies ahead. Seriously.

I was 70 or so. I main Judith. Final Gale helps, if you use Yuri. If you can stagger him and manage to keep him pinned, Shining Fang series does well (if you're a cheap faggot). During Overlimit, spam moves that down the enemy to try and keep him down. Also, Level 1 Overlimit + healer = very useful.

>> No.6508397


Ever heard of walkthrough?

>> No.6508446
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Why are we talking about gameplay and not how absurdly moe Rita is?

>> No.6508465
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She's cute but Judith is better.

Raven is superior to both of them, though.

>> No.6508470

Dat Rika Morinaga voice.


>> No.6508483


Michelle Ruff's take on the character is extremely different, but FAR sexier.

Her voice gets me hard.

>> No.6508506

Huh. It's a good thing I know Japanese. I don't think I could suffer through English voices. The Japanese VA cast is amazing as usual. I don't think there's a single bad VA cast except for Phantasia, but that's because it's super old.

>> No.6508515


ToV's english cast is quite good, except for Karol.

>> No.6508516

>implying the English voices are bad when, excluding Karol, Vesperia has a better dub than any other JRPG to come before it

Hell, Karol sucks in Japanese, too.

>> No.6508525


Karol's VA killed NieR for me.

>> No.6508541

Understatement of the century

>> No.6508558

>Why are we talking about gameplay and not how absurdly tsundere Rita is?

also, Meteor Swarm and Tidal Wave. The End.

>> No.6508580

Karol's voice fits him well in the Japanese version.

>> No.6508592




Vesperia has the best battle system.

>> No.6508593
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Nier is still awesome, though. It's my personal favorite game of the year.
