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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6508053 No.6508053 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who thinks /jp/ needs a mod?

No offence to our lovely janitor but you can't ban.

>> No.6508057

I'll take up the burden

>> No.6508058

Mods must be fair a unbiased

>> No.6508060

Why would you need to ban them?

They eventually give up if you delete all of their posts.

>> No.6508059

It would be exactly the same. The spammers have been banned before, they just evade.

>> No.6508062


Our janitor should be a mod.

>> No.6508064

Backtalk me again and you'll end up on the ban list.

>> No.6508065

We already have a severely autistic janitor.

>> No.6508068

This is an example of why nobody on /jp/ should be mods

>> No.6508069

I'd love to see Meido going berserk on /a/, maybe i would start lurking there again.

>> No.6508071


I'm sure meido is pretending to be us at the very moment.

>> No.6508075

That berserker? I would rather have someone more easygoing and not as zealous. It's okay to think they have to protect the board from the spam, but there are limits. Regular mediocre threads don't break rules, they shouldn't be deleted. Sure, it's better to not have to deal with "which touhou would you fuck", but there are limits to overseeing.

This is not a panopticon, 4chan is about freedom, a freedom that stops where the freedom of others begins.

>> No.6508077

Did Meido delete the OC thread?

>> No.6508082

If it's gone, it was pushed off the board by a raid.

>> No.6508084
File: 4 KB, 368x64, JP-NO RULES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to have actual rules for board content before it's worth having a mod hanging around to kick out all the /a/ and /v/ shitposters. "Otaku Culture" is pretty subjective.

>> No.6508086

Bald raid (Someone won the raid roulette in /b/ or something), it pushed a number of pages off the board.

This wouldn't have happened if meido was here instead of lazying all day.

>> No.6508087


Sup spammer, did you organize that raid against /jp/ a few hours ago?

>> No.6508089


/b/ is about freedom, not 4chan.

And that's exactly why it's shit.

>> No.6508090

The Maid's ruthlesness is what keeps us from being /a/, I'd rather have too much moderation than none.

>> No.6508091

It's your responsibility to save threads from page fifteen during a raid. You can't rely on meido for everything.

>> No.6508093

I just wish moot would hire a shitload of janitors for all boards. Unlike mods janitors don't wield a mighty power (they just delete shit) so it's not like a tragedy would happen if a shitty janitor slipped through the cracks

>> No.6508094 [DELETED] 

It's like we already have a board for drawing, or something!

>> No.6508095

Why do I always get called spammer for making properly worded critiques to the janitor? Every single time for fucksake...

Not a spammer, never a spammer. Not even a shitposter that believes that /jp/ is No Fun Allowed when meido is around. Just saying that the janitor sometimes goes too far, gets a bit funny in the head and does some silly things.

>> No.6508100


And that's exactly why we love our silly meido.

Besides, if you wanna keep talking, you always have the ghost board.

>> No.6508103


For some unknown reason i went to /b/ and immediately saw an image with text saying "Post ending in triples decides how we raid /jp/" yes, /jp/ only, not any other board.

Obviously that's the work of a spammer, /b/tards don't give a shit about /jp/, some faggot from this board organizes these raids.

>> No.6508105

The power meido wields is a great and terrible one.

You, too, would be hard-pressed to wield the thread axe with restraint.

Far more tempting to just lay waste to everything.

>> No.6508106

The janitor is fine. It's only bad when they aren't here

>> No.6508115

I just went there and saw moot posted there. It's a shame he's become everything we hate

>> No.6508122

Do you remember when somebody posted the "party in /jp/ and everyone's invited" picture in several dozen boards? I still want to know who thought that one up.

>> No.6508121


Moot always posts in /b/.

It's the most popular board after all.

>> No.6508120

Well now, what happened is... ahm... one of our janitors, he had a sort of... well, he went a little funny in the head... you know... just a little... funny. And, ah... he went and did a silly thing... Well, I'll tell you what he did. He deleted all pages... on your board... Ah... Well, let me finish, anonymous... Let me finish, anon...

>> No.6508128

When did we get a Mod-tan?(We don't even have a mod)

>> No.6508134

Next time you find anything like that, link it here. I know it doesn't feel like a good idea, to bring attention to an invasion thread just as the raid is going to start. But if janitor is around they go there and take care of the original thread.

Linking to the raid sources is a great help, I think. They last seconds.

>> No.6508135

Probably /b/, since they seem intent on slowly ruining every board. They already did it to /v/ and they are working hard of /a/. I've mostly started going to off-site boards since sharing 4chan with /b/ is like sharing a car ride with a retard

>> No.6508141

Hell, no. I couldn't come here anymore if she were.

>> No.6508147


You weren't here during the raid, weren't you?

There was some faggot linking /b/'s thread in every one of our threads, derailing every conversation.
He was even linking it in the raid threads, and /b/ got it's amusement.

>> No.6508155

You're right, I wasn't here.

Man, what an idiot. I said specifically if a janitor is around, otherwise it's useless.

>> No.6508156

Still though off site boards are too slow for my tastes

>> No.6508163

I'm still hoping canv.as takes a lot of /b/ and other shitposters away from here. I mean it's a facebook imageboard! What could be more appealing to normal fucks?

>> No.6508160

Go for it anon, I'm 100% behind you.

>> No.6508165

The solution to fixing most of /jp/s problems.

1, Get about 10 more janitors on /a/ and more mods. Then most of the people that /jp/ hates would go back to /a/.

>> No.6508168

I couldn't agree more, /b/ was the end of 4chan before it began.

They can't keep their retardation to themselves, either.

>> No.6508173


He posted saying that we should all go and report /b/'s thread.

I mean, seriously? Report a thread in /b/?

>> No.6508174


I did, i posted the link in a couple of threads, i think many anons reported the thread and it 404'd like 15 minutes later or maybe it was just pushed beyond page 15, i don't know.

>> No.6508182

/a/ is lost ground, nothing can be done to fix it. Their current culture is rooted in and no matter how many humans you throw at the problem it won't be solved. Same with /v/, it's beyond salvation now.

>> No.6508184


Well it's not that /b/ killed 4chan.

Popularity killed /b/ first, and the wound started spreading.

>> No.6508186


I don't know if the thread 404'd thanks to us or it was just pushed beyond page 15 but as far as i know /b/ has very active janitors.

>> No.6508191

Are you a cute blonde girl with a school uniform?

>> No.6508192

I don't think /a/ is that bad.....yet. It will be though unless moot does something (he won't)

>> No.6508193


No, it's just that is fucking fast.

Every thread you make last 30 minutes before it starts autosaging.

>> No.6508204
File: 68 KB, 600x186, mods are fags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods can't fix a shitty board culture.

Hell, look at /v/, what passes for mods over there, they've given up and shitpost.

>> No.6508214

I knew /v/ was fucked when the mods decided to put that OH SO WACKY RANDUM robot unicorn shit on again in the middle of E3 stuff.

>> No.6508218


>> No.6508233 [DELETED] 

>Q: /jp/ would move at the speed of snails!
A: Back in 2008, when /jp/ wasn't as shitty or as spammed as it is now, the board moved really slowly. In fact, I'm sure if it wasn't for all the raids and spam, /jp/ would still be at around 3000000 posts.
>Q:But what if threads hit bump limit!
A:Not a problem since those threads won't get deleted at all.
>Q:Your idea is BORING I want to have FUN on /jp/ fuck yeah seaking!! *posts an assload of shitty threads, is 600 pounds*
A: The boards to have FUN are /b/ /r9k/ /a/ and /v/
>Q:But what if I want to make X thread about X subject that was discussed on /jp/ a billion times and the maid doesn't allow it.
A: Chances is it's probably another "Which Touhou would you fuck" thread or something similar
>Q: No, it was a thread about Y, the same Y we discussed every day without it getting deleted.
A: Complain to the janitors/mods by making a new thread and show them proof that those threads aren't spam by linking to the archive!
>Q:But what if the spam gets inside threads, like if morons start spamming "board related thread" with anime pictures or doubles.
A: Filter them and wait for the maid. They need to post 300 times to make a thread enter bump limit and even that won't make the thread get pruned by other threads until the maid comes back.
>Q:Your idea is no better than having the maid deleting threads left and right.
A: And losing 6-10 pages every 6 hours due to spam? Sure it might be harder for the maid to delete all the shitty posts in all of the board without them being so noticeable but that's when the report system enters in play.
>Q:And what would we lose with this idea?
A:Anime threads, meta threads, a few QUALITY threads, Daily doses, Bangkok and mugen posting off topic shitty threads, raids would lose 90% of their strength, Sion would stop being a baby, no more >greentext stories threads, no more >mfw threads, no more >/jp/ threads, literally no off topic threads.

>> No.6508225

Aren't mods usually moot's friends? Does it surprise you that moot has shitty friends?

>> No.6508227
File: 97 KB, 1343x428, mods4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when they ban, they leave the thread alone.

Causing shit like this.

>> No.6508237

Hey, I like Canabalt clones.

>> No.6508242
File: 28 KB, 738x458, how to fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q: /jp/ would move at the speed of snails!
A: Back in 2008, when /jp/ wasn't as shitty or as spammed as it is now, the board moved really slowly. In fact, I'm sure if it wasn't for all the raids and spam, /jp/ would still be at around 3000000 posts.
>Q:But what if threads hit bump limit!
A:Not a problem since those threads won't get deleted at all.
>Q:Your idea is BORING I want to have FUN on /jp/ fuck yeah seaking!! *posts an assload of shitty threads, is 600 pounds*
A: The boards to have FUN are /b/ /r9k/ /a/ and /v/
>Q:But what if I want to make X thread about X subject that was discussed on /jp/ a billion times and the maid doesn't allow it.
A: Chances is it's probably another "Which Touhou would you fuck" thread or something similar
>Q: No, it was a thread about Y, the same Y we discussed every day without it getting deleted.
A: Complain to the janitors/mods by making a new thread and show them proof that those threads aren't spam by linking to the archive!
>Q:But what if the spam gets inside threads, like if morons start spamming "board related thread" with anime pictures or doubles.
A: Filter them and wait for the maid. They need to post 300 times to make a thread enter bump limit and even that won't make the thread get pruned by other threads until the maid comes back.
>Q:Your idea is no better than having the maid deleting threads left and right.
A: And losing 6-10 pages every 6 hours due to spam? Sure it might be harder for the maid to delete all the shitty posts in all of the board without them being so noticeable but that's when the report system enters in play.
>Q:And what would we lose with this idea?
A:Anime threads, meta threads, a few QUALITY threads, Daily doses, Bangkok and mugen posting off topic shitty threads, raids would lose 90% of their strength, Sion would stop being a baby, no more >greentext stories threads, no more >mfw threads, no more >/jp/ threads, literally no off topic threads.

>> No.6508249

/a/ had the same thing the other day. It's like mods don't understand the minds of posters at all. Anything out of the ordinary (background music, board title changes, public bans) will draw shitposters like catnip, yet they still do it.

>> No.6508252


Who answered those question?

>> No.6508256

The point is doing that causes every single thread to be "MFW MUSIC LULZ" and in the middle of one of the largest gaming events of the year it's a really stupid thing to do

>> No.6508259

Most boards only require the first post from a unique IP to be approved in order to prevent proxy abuse.

>> No.6508262
File: 37 KB, 753x267, mods7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many screencaps of mod faggotry I could tear down the moon.

>> No.6508273

Alternatively, canv.as becomes popular enough/fails hard enough that moot shuts down 4chan so that new chans will be born (not the typical "one post every few hours" kind either)

>> No.6508277

>yet they still do it.
Probably because they want attention.

>> No.6508290


I'm starting to believe that Moot posted that thread on /a/ about the wikipedia guy.

>> No.6508293

That's why I like janitors more than mods. They can't get attention, it's in the rules.

>> No.6508294

That one is obviously fake.

>> No.6508304
File: 42 KB, 550x394, janitor-yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the worst idea I've heard so far in any metathread.
Turn us not only into a board, but a board that requires human intervention to post.

New touhou game announced! Share the news and discuss the cast! What's that? Meido is taking a long nap again!?

It destroys more than what it achieves. Just think of /jp/ as having the traditional 10 pages instead of the 15. It will make losing a couple pages far more bearable.

I know this is not the best of solutions, but I'd rather have pages lost than slowly turning this board into a forum.

>> No.6508323


In any case you should increase the number of pages, not decrease them.
That way the good threads would survive the raid while meido wakes up from her nap.

>> No.6508362

>The boards to have FUN are /b/ /r9k/ /a/ and /v/
/jp/ used to be fun. This board has just changed so much now. I think that for the people who have been here since the beginning, myself included, what we really need to do is move on. It's not only the spammers, it's the whole general population, and the painfully new-to-the-board janitor. You've all made /jp/ so miserable, so serious and devoid of any sense of playfulness or community. I think I'm finally ready to outgrow you /jp/

>> No.6508386

Maybe the meido changed as well. Used to be more easy going but the constant spam and raids made him snap, deleting everything that could be even remotely related to the spammers.

As for the fun we used to have it was more about running with ideas, quietly tolerating what you didn't have interest in and keep long discussions that went for days. Imagedumping for the sake of sharing, creativity and reactions that make /jp/ special.

We tried to keep it that way by being hostile to everyone else, but soon enough we turned to ourselves. The biggest problem /jp/ has is that it forgot to take it easy.

If you leave, best of luck. May we meet again one day.

>> No.6508406

I think it's more likely that the month straight of CP threads resulted in the addition of another janitor or two. Or maybe just instructions to people to keep a closer eye on /jp/ which resulted in more cleanup in general.

>> No.6508413
File: 7 KB, 411x104, mods5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508421 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up. Do you honestly think anyone cares? You sound like you think you're doing a favor. News flash. You would have been better off with just getting your opinion out of the way instead of posting that steaming pile of microwaved horse dick cheese

>> No.6508432

That CP wasn't limited to /jp/. It went for a long time in /v/ and other lesser boards during the same time period.

I stick to my burned out meido that somehow keeps going for everyone's sake theory.

>> No.6508452

I visited /v/ again after 6 months. Facebook, food, childhood stories, dragon dildos, basically nothing but /b/ shit. At least /jp/ is slower and the off topic threads get saged.

>> No.6508492

