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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6504583 No.6504583 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, time to get rid of that fucking rat.

>> No.6504589

Wait, WHAT?


>> No.6504596

Better looking than I was expecting.

>> No.6504599

Yeah, it's a quest on Loch Modan.

>> No.6504605

>longest candle

>> No.6504620


Is there any more Touhou in WoW that we should be aware of?

>> No.6504628

Not that I know of, personally.

>> No.6504633


They try to add in at least 1 piece of reference from something.

>> No.6504643

Blizzards needs to cut out that fucking "hurr we're making random references with no rhyme or reason, we're so funni durr".
The expansion doesn't look really bad though.

>> No.6504644
File: 58 KB, 312x445, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone love Nazrin references so much?

>> No.6504655
File: 17 KB, 381x235, realization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love Blizzard.
Do you know one of their motos is:
"Embrace your inner geek."
Or something like that??

>> No.6504663

GEEK - IS [insert love]

>> No.6504693


Blizzard, I love you THIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS much more!

>> No.6504704

Ali only:

>> No.6504707
File: 30 KB, 511x226, WoW_BERN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true.

>> No.6504713

Is this DK start?
Its older than Umineko.

>> No.6504731


>> No.6504738

The guy called his character Bernkastel, there was no Umineko reference.

>> No.6504744

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.6504750
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>> No.6504754
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 461136639ymkJIJ_ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you're like, the only one saying that, huh?

Honk honk.

>> No.6504759 [DELETED] 

I'm too busy looking at the awkward smile girl to girl.

>> No.6504758

Oooold news.

>> No.6504762

I'm too busy looking at awkward smile girl to care about some WoW kiddie.

>> No.6504768

It's over, Nazrin is finished.

>> No.6504770

>Only one saying that.
Wrong. Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.6504775

A: You're not holding the majority view right now.
B: It's Touhou-related anyway.

>> No.6504786

I dont give a single fuck. WoW is not /jp/ related. Just because it made a single reference to Touhou does not make it /jp/ related, either.

>> No.6504806

Only tanks are welcome in /jp/

>> No.6504810

Damn tanks.

>> No.6504817

Hey, it's not like we get daily WoW threads anyway, let it pass.

>> No.6504821

No. That is a dangerous slope I will take no part in.

>> No.6504834

Yeah, and /I/ don't care about the occasional semi-off-topic thread.

>> No.6504837

Thanks, jerks. Every board I go on is talking about WoW. Now I have to download it again.

>> No.6504838

Well maybe you should go to /i/ then.

>> No.6504840
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1285081180069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW is not /jp/ related. Blizzard makes geek chic hipster games.

>> No.6504841

So what we get one WoW thread in 2 years and it's so bad?

It's the godamn most played game in the world.

>> No.6504844
File: 160 KB, 500x500, 1287923646968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lulz references give yourself a cookie xDDDDDDDD

>> No.6504850

/This text is in italics/

>> No.6504849

You must be joking, this exact thread has been posted 50 times already.

>> No.6504846

I can think of at least 2 other threads about this exact topic. All within the last month. It wasnt /jp/ related than, and it isn't now.

>> No.6504851


>> No.6504855

>It's the godamn most played game in the world.

Fuck, it must be /jp/ related.

>> No.6504856

No, we do have WoW threads.

>> No.6504857
File: 56 KB, 200x200, 1287553136402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family Guy has referenced japanese shit, it doesn't make it a good show or /jp/ related. Get the fuck out.

>> No.6504860

>It's the godamn most played game in the world.

Its still not Japanese or Otaku related.

>> No.6504863
File: 47 KB, 298x474, 1086478484059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God damn samefag...

I never played WoW for 2 hours till level 7 and I don't fucking care so what one of the 100 threads on /jp/ is about wow... who the fuck cares.

>> No.6504866

>Otaku (おたく / オタク?) (oh-tah-kooh) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games.

Last time I looked WoW was a video game.

>> No.6504868
File: 10 KB, 249x238, 1283496019882s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504871

I care. Now shut the fuck up and stop bumping this eyesore

>> No.6504872

I think you just owned the guy who's shitposting in here.

>> No.6504874

There are weapon otaku, too. Let's turn /jp/ into /k/ as well as /v/, then.

>> No.6504875

We don't have Counter Strike and Halo threads. /jp/ is already a dumping ground for shit /a/ can't discuss, we don't need to suck /v/'s asshole at the same time.

>> No.6504878

>we don't need to suck /v/'s asshole at the same time.
Too late for that.

>> No.6504881

Anyone wanna trade Facebooks so we can network while we play? Mines in mail field.

>> No.6504883

kids are home for thanksgiving, we have a board for videogame you know

>> No.6504884

How is World of Tanks any different from Counter Strike or Halo?

>> No.6504888

VIRAL and we knew it since it was spammed for few months.

>> No.6504889

>Last time I looked WoW was a video game.
Oh jeasus christ I seriously laughed like a maniac when I read that.
Hey, maybe you aren't retarded, maybe you just didn't notice how wrong you are, so I'll explain something to you: WoW isn't a video game, it's a job that you pay for.

>> No.6504890
File: 420 KB, 1280x1024, 1265885833539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious you're samefaging there exactly 1 minute interwals betwen your posts. Stop trying so hard. You're just wasting your time, your efforts are not going to be remembered or will they yield any results. You're literally wasting your time even more then the average /jp/er.

So play some games or watch some anime, if you're not at least multitasking right now you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6504891

>Quoting Yahtzee
I'm wondering which /jp/-er will get anal about you liking something so mainstream.

>> No.6504893

But I wanted to discuss WoW here, we can't on /v/ because they get mad.

>> No.6504895

>But I wanted to discuss WoW
Well there is your problem. Go talk about your shitstain of a game on WoW forums, keep this filth out of 4chan.

>> No.6504901

I very much doubt that's the OP, and you just got trolled.

>> No.6504902
File: 58 KB, 854x579, 1282644388439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U buttmad? There's like 5 different mmo threads on first 3 pages, not counting other jrpg/farming shit.
Our janitor not only doesn't delete them, he even protects hotglue threads and deletes sage posts.
Actually I've already sent email to moot asking to rename /jp/ to mmo/general, so you better go be butthurt somewhere else, weeaboo faggot.

>> No.6504904


>> No.6504905

Stop disliking what I like!

>> No.6504909

Now you're just derping.

>> No.6504910

Whatever man, simmer down. If you don't like the thread, keep away from it. It's not exactly hurting the board in any way, and you don't have the juristiction to tell everyone to fuck off either. /jp/ could use threads with good discussions right now.

>> No.6504911

Cool story. Reported

>> No.6504917

>Good discussions
>Good discussions about Wow

I am afraid you are asking for something impossible.

>> No.6504919

>and you don't have the juristiction to tell everyone to fuck off either
I believe you must be new to /jp/

>> No.6504920

The thread was heading on a good direction until you showed up. But of course, you don't give a fuck.

>> No.6504921

>You've already reported enough posts.
Godamnit. Anyone know when I can report more posts, and how many it takes to get this message?

>> No.6504923

Your sense of entitlement staggers me. You're hardly discussing the topics /jp/ was created for, so either the board should be deleted, or it can find something new.

>> No.6504925

>Your sense of entitlement staggers me.
haha oh wow you really haven't been here before, have you?

>> No.6504931

Whatever. I'm not going to discuss because it's a lost cause, but I just want to say that I ADMIRE the sager that takes his time to come everyday to /jp/, look for threads he simply doesn't likes, report them and shitpost them to the graveyard.

I mean, you truly are helping /jp/ here, man. Keep up the good work! We're all counting on you!

>> No.6504935

All I know about MMOs is that my mother made a loli on Champions Online. The fact that she managed to make the breasts go away was quite impressive.

>> No.6504932

So buttmad.

Threads like
are ok and wow is not?
Lol hypocrite weeaboo faggots, if you want to discuss your waifus get the fuck out to /a/, here on /jp/ we talk about video games.

>> No.6504941

>We talk about video games

1/10 I felt a twinge in my gut. It was the barest hint of slight annoyance.

>> No.6504942

Trolls everywhere.

I don't know why Croat thinks everyone who hates WoW is samefag either. That is dissapointing.

OBscure MMOs /jp/ plays together is one thing, WoW is another. I'm waiting for a hotglue UO shard to be honest.

WoW is the most watered, bullshit excuse for an MMO, let alone a "video game" in years. Fuck it.

>> No.6504945

This! This so much! Anyone who does this has sunk to the level of the raiders, spammers and trolls. They're not helping in any way, except to make /jp/ even worse to look at.

>> No.6504954
File: 76 KB, 400x321, 1284550311209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hurtbutt, tripfags like Croatia who only post in video game threads are the ones saving /jp/ and all of you sagefags are just sad /a/ trolls.

>> No.6504957


I realize you are being utterly sarcastic here, but I echo your statement. I earnestly appreciate the work that /jp/'s wandering band of marauding reporters do.

>> No.6504959

I love this thread so much.

>> No.6504968 [DELETED] 

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

>> No.6504971 [DELETED] 

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

>> No.6504967

Are you the Pedonymous trip guy? Have you done your Nue yet?

>> No.6504977 [DELETED] 

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

>> No.6504976

FUUUUCK. I've been procrastinating like fuck lately... I'll get it done soon, don't worry. I'll post pics of what I've got done so far to prove I'm almost finished.

>> No.6504978 [DELETED] 

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
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Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

>> No.6504979 [DELETED] 

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
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Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW
Cosmic Break >>>>>>>WoW

>> No.6504980
File: 45 KB, 713x342, 1199136816393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters are just mad that epic video game World of Tanks threads reaches 300 posts while their stupid weeaboo touhou and visual noel (shit's not even a proper vidya) die after their 5 samefag posts.

>> No.6504981

True, but they're both different games. And CB isn't around, and wont be for a few months.

>> No.6504987

WoW thread and not one Draenai cock?

>> No.6504989

Oh, look, someone's inner /b/tard has awoken. You don't really honor your MMO of choice like that, you know.

>> No.6504996


>> No.6505003
File: 177 KB, 681x869, 1288842208300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6505007


>> No.6505014


That's what I'm talking about!

>> No.6505024

Oh look, its the guy who spammed /jp/ and was upset for weeks at having his thread deleted shitposting about WoW.
