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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 1659x258, test170_charles bronson zionist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504320 No.6504320 [Reply] [Original]

this is just my opinion, dont be mad, help me understand what u weeaboos like about this nation full of slant eyes

Why japanese culture is shit:

1, What does it provide?
2, How can it not be gay?
3, Why do japnese always act so fucking retarted
4, why do you pretend to be faggotnese?
5, gaynamie is gay

>> No.6504322


>> No.6504323

Obligatory pity reply.

>> No.6504326

>Welcome, new user to /jp/ - Japan/General! Hah, just kidding, this isn't Japan/General. This is Touhou/Visual Novels/Doujin Games.

>If you want to discuss the different places you can visit in Japan, I suggest you go to /trv/ (though they also seem to hate Japan there, so don't annoy them too much). If you want to discuss the Japanese language, go to /lang/ (yes, 4chan has text boards!). If you want to discuss anime and manga, go to /a/ (some series that are based on light novels/VNs/games like Marimite and Higurashi can also be discussed in /jp/, it really depends, so lurk a bit to see what's acceptable). Finally, if you want to talk about Japanese history and culture, go somewhere else, nobody here knows or cares for that stuff.

>/jp/ was created as a board to get rid of Touhou and visual novels from /a/, it was never intended to be a board about Japanese culture. Most of the users here don't care about Japan, we only care about lolis and doujin games.

>> No.6504329

You can't troll in an agressive way.

You should troll transparently. People must not know if they are being trolled or not, you know? make people rage confused and all that shit.

Try again.

>> No.6504330

grammer nazi is only for faggots

instead of being an elitist weeaboo faggot, enlighten me why u like japan so much?

>> No.6504333

not trolling, this is genuine curiosity as to why u like a gay country (my opinion)

>> No.6504334

OP, can I ask you an honest question?

Do you have a fetish for men?

>> No.6504336

Do you mean, why do we like America?

I don't know, we like black presidents... the land of the oportunities and all that things.

>> No.6504340

what is


also what u replyed was NOTHING that was on the first page, its all weeaboos sucking each others dicks

why so japane like?

>> No.6504343
File: 155 KB, 622x616, autism-colorful-bright-nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, do you like this image? I bet you do.

>> No.6504344

no i have fetish for cheese, dont chnage subject

gay country = japan

why u like japan so much

>> No.6504346

no that looks pretty gay

>> No.6504350

OP, I bet your boyfriend is Japanese.

>> No.6504353

not one person can answer me, it is because deep down u are ashamed that u are gay for japan?

>> No.6504354

no i dont have a boy friend or girl friend, i fuck hookers at discount prices

>> No.6504355

Much like your ass, right? Stop being in denial, uttering the word "gay" so many times has a lot to say about your sexuality.

>> No.6504356
File: 15 KB, 256x290, that smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujin games are independent games

Touhou is a popular independent game where all the characters are little girls that have silly hats

>> No.6504357
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, 1286635082765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao @ this scrub

>> No.6504358
File: 330 KB, 480x567, 1290255989993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6504359

Probably because it's one of the non-gay countries. And there are only a very few non-gay countries in this world. Most of them in Europe.

>> No.6504363

So "hookers" is the new nickname for your dad?

>> No.6504364

OP why u so mad


go cry in you're moms chest

oh that's right you can't becoz shes sleeping wit me LMAO

>> No.6504365

I love those images.

>> No.6504368

all you guys are trying to troll me, im being 100% serious and all i get is faggot weeaboos being faggot weeaboos

stop being gay and realise that u are all faggots

im outa here, enjoy fapping to cartoons and not knowing what vagina tastes like

thank you for acctually answering me, u are not 100% faggot but u are still about 85% faggotized

>> No.6504370

OP just got..........


>> No.6504375

Can someone post the image with Shanoa saying "You're mad..."? Pretty please?

>> No.6504377

ownd too hard


i did enjoy raping you're butt and you're tears

now run lik the coward u are

>> No.6504379
File: 404 KB, 1280x720, 1282499274623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bawwww im backpedaling and got trolled to the sky and im gay

No point in sperging around just because you cant retort.
Go drink sperm from youre sperm bottle, noob

>> No.6504380

1, What does it provide?
2, How can it not be gay?
3, Why do japnese always act so fucking retarted
4, why do you pretend to be faggotnese?
5, gaynamie is gay

Anyone care to try answer these?

>> No.6504384

Sadly, they are one of /jp/'s best products.
By the way, can someone post the rest? I swear I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.6504386 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 1239273851149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you guys are trying to troll me

dont claim victory when u havnt won, i said try, no where did i mention i mad cos im so peaceful, unlike weeaboos who get butthurt and post in my thread beacuse they are al butthurt faggot slant eye wannabees

pic related

>> No.6504391

Someone post the /jp/ trolling image

>> No.6504392

ur just mad cuz you cant be KAWAII UGUU, u fart commander


>> No.6504395
File: 175 KB, 351x1697, antitroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504396


Sorry bro, but /jp/ has less of a life than you, and you're sitting here replying to this thread. On a holiday no less, assuming you're American.

Are you frustrated?

>> No.6504397

u mad because u realised just how fail weeaboo is

is all u can say im butthurt? real orginal u gayaboo

>> No.6504398

The wishful thinking one? Trolls are not in the least bit harmed by verbal abuse.

>> No.6504399

Yep. Thanks.

>> No.6504400
File: 48 KB, 268x240, 1289856969491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fail at trolling. You are a failure. This thread is a failure, and everyone who is posting here except me, the only one telling you to stop this shit, is a failure.

>Try harder next time, noob.

>> No.6504401

You just went FULL AUTSISM, NERD

Go cry to dad, buugum

>> No.6504402

im not gaymerican, u are a typical gaymerican, always asume that merica is the whole world

not everyone is gaymerican gayaboo like u

go die in a fire

>> No.6504403


>> No.6504407

if weabo is so fail


too easy to own u

come back when ur kawaii uguu u jealous faggot

>> No.6504411

claiming u are not faggot doesnt make u a not faggot

u are a weeaboo and fail hard

SHINRYAKU whatt is this? i dont know gayanese gayaboo talk so i dont know

>> No.6504412

read my posts, i ask questions about weeaboo and japan and no one has answered, im here for answer all u faggots do is be gay

>> No.6504416

At least hes not gay liek YOU

>> No.6504417

I spy with my little eyes, mugen

>> No.6504418

u are weeaboo and therefore automaticly gay on the gayness calender of gays, whitch u own and display on ur tiny patch of wall that isnt taken up by gayanese fartoons gaynamie

>> No.6504419

u butthurt fart commander? u want 2 cry to mommy?

>> No.6504421
File: 29 KB, 330x248, ownedforlifenoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What questions? Youre gay language is incomprehensible.

Do you even know what "incomprehensible" means? I think not, youre dad's sperm can be damaging to your brain.

>> No.6504422


>> No.6504424

we cannot be gay

when there is GAY HOMOLORD like u here

lmao go back to having you're fetishes fore men

>> No.6504425

I miss kopipe anon.

>> No.6504427

Stop trolling /jp/ please, it makes me anus angry.

>> No.6504428
File: 543 KB, 1099x1200, tissues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even all those gays are amazed at how homosexual you are.

Here use these to clean youre buttblood.

>> No.6504431

no u are buttfart commander of dicks

ok i rephrase so ur stupid gayaboo can understand




you have yet to asnwer my questions

>> No.6504432
File: 49 KB, 300x300, Laughing_Chimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6504434

For fuck sake, just read (>>6504326)
>Welcome, new user to /jp/ - Japan/General! Hah, just kidding, this isn't Japan/General. This is Touhou/Visual Novels/Doujin Games.

>If you want to discuss the different places you can visit in Japan, I suggest you go to /trv/ (though they also seem to hate Japan there, so don't annoy them too much). If you want to discuss the Japanese language, go to /lang/ (yes, 4chan has text boards!). If you want to discuss anime and manga, go to /a/ (some series that are based on light novels/VNs/games like Marimite and Higurashi can also be discussed in /jp/, it really depends, so lurk a bit to see what's acceptable). Finally, if you want to talk about Japanese history and culture, go somewhere else, nobody here knows or cares for that stuff.

>/jp/ was created as a board to get rid of Touhou and visual novels from /a/, it was never intended to be a board about Japanese culture. Most of the users here don't care about Japan, we only care about lolis and doujin games.

>> No.6504436

u are a bad troll 0/10

im not trolling, if i was i would be subtle

i have no buttblood becasue u are hte butthurt replying to my poist

>> No.6504437


What anime does that blue-haired girl come from anyway?

>> No.6504439

Thanks for rephrasing it into total word salad, you little buugum, now I can confirm youre brain is permaowned from youre dad's gay milk

>> No.6504442

i did read and all i see is oposite of what was posted on this board

thats like saying this is a macdonalds store, we dont rub our gay dicks on chicken nuggets, and then u walk in the store and there are gay dicks rubbing chicken nuggets everywhere

>> No.6504443

Koihime Musou, a gender bend of the romance of the 3 kingdom/dynasty warrior/something similar to ikki tousen

>> No.6504445

instead of answering my questions, u become faggot. truth is u cant answer because u cry on inside

>> No.6504446

Look at the little red ass riding butthood boy, resorting to ad hominems. What's next, you're going to godwin your own thread? Damn, I didn't expect you to be THAT BUTTOWNED

>> No.6504447

Ok, this is enough. Thanks for you're butthole, OP. Your thread will now die.

>> No.6504449


Now stop being so owned.

>> No.6504450

No, I'm serious. Few if any of us actually cares about japan. Personally, I'm here only for panzermoe, touhou and lolis.

>> No.6504452

ITT: trolls trolling troll

>> No.6504453
File: 21 KB, 399x288, Jy1qc1tmgo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6504455
File: 41 KB, 492x432, 1287987429479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember the name but it has 3 seasons.

I'm not sure, but I think it was based off of the Romance of Three Kingdoms too.

I hope this helps.

>> No.6504456

wow u are faggot u are the riding hood i am wolf who eat ur grandma and then rape
who th fuck are u to decide when thread die? u are the worst weeaboo, an elitist gayaboo

>> No.6504458

if u dont then why u act like weeaboo?


>> No.6504459

see this gayaboo

>> No.6504460

>i am wolf

Lol furry, go fuck handsome vampires like the gayass you are listen to your emo metal.

>> No.6504463

Because your autismic.

>> No.6504466

I still don't understand what that post says. Stop typing so autistically

>> No.6504467

>1, What does it provide?
What does what provide? Please readdress your question.

>2, How can it not be gay?
How can what not be gay? Please readdress your question.

3, Why do japnese always act so fucking retarted
Every race act retarded in the eyes of another race. After all, everyone believes their own race is superior and look down on the others. You just happen to be another race other than Japanese.

>4, why do you pretend to be faggotnese?
Only way to talk to people like you.

>5, gaynamie is gay
Pretty sure this is a statement, not a question.

>> No.6504471

what i see on front page

1 therad abuot some gaynamie
2table make me look fat? how respond? that is ultra gayaboo
3 how do make money for hobbies (weeaboo shit)
4 women be better if with dicks
5 some gay pic someone made spinoof of moot banner
6 asking for translation for some gay japanese cartoon
7 another translation
8 gay japanese music
9 best tohow game? thats what v is for gayaboo retard
10 my thread, asking why u like this shit

>> No.6504472

>i am wolf

Holy Jesus, you are a furry, OP!
I am out of here.

>> No.6504477

no u are furry gayaboo
read again u retart


>> No.6504478

Who asked you what do you see, you asspergers boy?
Go play w/ youre colorful puzzles.
Or better with youre dad's dick.
I bet youre dads mustache feels nice when he licks yure asshole.

>> No.6504479

9/10, good to see that a troll can keep on going and keep the thread entertaining. A bit too obvious, though.

>> No.6504484

>Every race act retarded in the eyes of another race. After all, everyone believes their own race is superior and look down on the others. You just happen to be another race other than Japanese.

but u are not japanese u are weeaboo who copy japan, they think u are gay

>> No.6504486

>garp hurp herp im so gay i catn type for shit

Not our fault nobody understands you. You have to be at least cohesive to properly troll.

Do you know what "cohesive" means? It means "to make sense".

>> No.6504487

Samefag. Now delete your "epic troll" thread.

>> No.6504489


i say this to show u that this whole board is full of gay weeaboos, look at urselfs in mirrior, is this what u want to be? u are rejects of society but u can not be if u stop being weaboos, EVEN JAPAN HATE WEEABOO

>> No.6504490

I know, that guy is kinda awesome. We didn't even go full OWNworks on him.

>> No.6504493

I can't speak for others, but for myself, I'm asian - I grew up watching dubbed animes and reading translated mangas. To me, Japanese media is heavily embedded into my childhood and lifestyle. I don't think your question was appropriate; it's like asking an American child why he's watching cartoons like transformers, family guy, or simpson.

>> No.6504494

why would i samefag look at post time u fucking retard

typical retard cant even understand enclish, just cos im no grammer nazi means u cant read for shit

fucking weeaboo so used to gaynamine he cant read

>> No.6504497

Only people with brain damaged from cum like you talk to themselves.
>look at urselfs in mirrior
Sorry, the hot bitch riding my dick is blocking my vision


>> No.6504503

u are nipanese, then u are not weeaboo

weeaboo is someone who copy japan to be japanese and be white but fail hard because they are not nipanese

u are nip, so u ok, and thank you for honestly trying to answer

full ownworks? typical weeaboo thinking he is awesome when he is faggot

>> No.6504506

What did you say? I don't speak autistish or retardish like you

captcha: owned OP

>> No.6504510

u are really spastic if u cant read my talkings, and u have no bitch but fat man who fuck u in ass and then make u suck chocolate from his penors

>> No.6504512
File: 32 KB, 619x343, u mad shanoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp youtube capture

>> No.6504515

>u are nip, so u ok



>> No.6504516

u cant read then u are faggot weeaboo

me 10000
u -100000

>> No.6504519

i am russian not gayanese u faggot ass chicken vagina fuckers

>> No.6504520

Hey, nerd, stop looking at youre mirror, the computer screen is over here, noob.

>> No.6504523

I'm not Japanese though, I'm Chinese. I don't believe anyone tries to pretend they're Japanese, rather, they're simply just fond of the products they've made. It's like Americans buying Japanese brand hardwares like televisions and computers, or how females are always love to buy Italian or French perfume/purses.

>> No.6504524

year is 2010 who call noob anymore? wow u are in time machine from ur gay ass gaynamie?

>> No.6504529


You guys are full of weeaboos


Here, enjoy youre president in weeaboo language

>> No.6504533

When youre noob, your noob, noob doestn matter what year it is.

PS You're still a weaboo

>> No.6504535

Thank you!

>> No.6504536
File: 268 KB, 800x524, 21k9qud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my pic then say that again, this is typical weeaboo. they try be japanese in every aspect of life including trying to talk like them

>> No.6504543

Mr. troll, please consider looking up what weeaboo means before you come in here. I don't think you understand what weeaboo means.

>> No.6504544

Which one of these gays in this pic are you, OP?

>> No.6504546

every country have weeaboo, because they want to be gayanese
u are a faggot use a better word than noob only jews and faggoweeaboo use it like u are

>> No.6504549

You messed up the quotes, OP.

>> No.6504552



im the one in the building behind them doing coke off hookers ass

>> No.6504554
File: 87 KB, 469x428, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, fart commander?

>> No.6504556

i am op and that wasnt me u gayabo what are u even talking aobut

>> No.6504562

no problem just u being a gay wegayboo and trying to troll when u fail so hard that when u go to toilet u shit seamens and poo at same time them u scoop it up and draw "waifu" on wall with cumpoo

>> No.6504566

Yes, that was you, desperately trying to keep your thread afloat among the sageing hordes. Don't try to hide it.

>> No.6504567

this thread is awesome

>> No.6504571

dude ur gonna need a buttplug to stop ur anal hemorrhaging

>> No.6504572

wow u are really spastic, look at post times i post at same time u fauking retart u are the bad gayaboo shitfucker why do i need keep my thread alive? this is such slow mobing board i could go take shit and come back and still on front page this isnt /b/ this is WEEABOO CENTRAL and thread dont move, sostop being failtroll and dont be gayaboo

>> No.6504573

i dont need anyhting because u are so gay that u shove fish in ur bum like japanese do i saw it on video once, thats why weeaboo virus speard to ohter countrys from fish that were in anus from japan swining and getting caught and eating in food in countrys, thats how weeaboo spread

>> No.6504575
File: 55 KB, 500x360, boy-with-down-syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raging austist weeaboo fatass gayfag

>> No.6504578

>Weeaboo (a.k.a Wapanese) is an English slang used to describe a person (typically of non-Asian descent) who prefers Japan and all things in Japanese over one’s indigenous culture. The term is a successive mutation of “Wapanese,” a derogatory slur referring to western Japanophiles with a strong bias towards Japanese cultural and tech imports.
>who prefers Japan and all things in Japanese over one’s indigenous culture
>over one’s indigenous culture
I don't believe anyone here prefer japanese culture that much over their own, and if they do, they would already be at the other site instead of here

>> No.6504579

ОП - хуй, его мать - побитая шлюха, а отец - членодевка. Катись к хуям.

Now watch how he won't be able to react to this in proper Russian and get his cover blown.

>> No.6504582

>OPs life story

>> No.6504584

i like ur pic is it a elf portratit? because u are gay fat spastic retartese weeaboo, and maybe a nigger, but then again even niggers are better than weeabo so no u are not a nigger

>> No.6504588
File: 13 KB, 300x226, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OPs life story

>> No.6504590

Пошел на хуй я ебу твою мать

in denial u fuking assweeaboo

>> No.6504593

this is ur 2 life story

one day my mother gave birth to 2 spastics and then she smashed there face in with broom, so there retart spastic, then u went and found somepoo and ate it

>> No.6504594

Ты вкуснее, чем я думал, пацанчик. Осталось только сгущёнкой заправить.

>> No.6504598

Sir, I'm Chinese. You might want to consider dropping all the slang and foul languages, they're unnecessary and they're interfering with your communication and persuasion abilities.

>> No.6504600

Что ебать?

you are all pathetic retart weeaboo spastics

>> No.6504601

This thread is really an eyesore.
Did you get your lunch money stolen from the anime geeks at your school, OP?

>> No.6504602
File: 8 KB, 294x400, un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would seem that the starter of this topic has vainly begun denouncing people he believes are similar to him in an attempt to prove that he is NOT like them, when in fact he is far, far worse.

>> No.6504604


>> No.6504607

fuck u chinaman i thought u were ok and maybe somne cool but u are now 100% gay

drop my words? u cant drop them u gay shit, FUCK FUCK FUCK POO SHIT CUNT FUCK

happy now chinaman? i bet u eat dogs because u faggot

>> No.6504614

Wait, I thought these words were in your opening post. Oh, right you're a troll. Checkmated. Reported.

>> No.6504615

>I'm Chinese
In China? If so, how well do you hide the fact you like consuming Japanese products and enjoy their perversions? Do you sometimes fear your compatriots will slice you up when they're protesting against Japan again or are forcing a Chinese girl wearing Chinese clothes to undress becuase they think she's wearing Japanese clothes?

>> No.6504616

I bet you eat dogs because you're a Mexican and you can't even type English because they didn't let you go to autist school and you're about to get deported back to the toilet like the legged turd you are.

>> No.6504619

u are eyesore gayaboo
frued = fruad
u are not psych so dont dare try analise me or u will become so gay that hundreds of men will find u and do poo on u lioke they did with ur mother, how u were born was ur mother do a fat shit and then sucked off 100 men and all sperm into her poo and then she shoved it in her cunt so htat all the poo and sperm make baby and u are apoo baby, it is in ur blood to be a shit

>> No.6504621

i am russian not mexican, i eat cats fucking gayaboo

>> No.6504624

Мы в курсе. И ты уже опустился до нашего уровня, где мы добрую сотню постов давим на тебя своим опытом.

Мне даже интересно, что ты забыл здесь, и чем тебя не устроил двач или ычан. Виабу там не меньше, чем здесь.

>> No.6504627

Oh wow. Ok, you made me laugh.

I'm born in Hong Kong (british ruled), immigrated to the US about ten years ago, currently a proud voting citizen.

>> No.6504631

перестать говорить, вы делаете смущения

>> No.6504634

You're in denial go back to turd country.

>> No.6504639

i bet u work at dog shelter, instead of killing homelss dog u bring home to ur 10 child family because u cant have more than 1 in chingland, fucking chinashit

>> No.6504640

Are you OP? Because if you are, you've just completely blown your Russian cover. Congratulations.

>> No.6504642

go back to u? because u are turd country

>> No.6504648

i already prove im russian, that is imposter, i dont give a fuck what >>6504624 think because he is a weeaboo faggot

>> No.6504651
File: 90 KB, 225x350, frustrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, you seems frustrated. So, you hate Chinese too now? What's next? Mexicans? Canadians? French? British? Germans?

>> No.6504656

>i already prove im russian
Speaking Russian mat =/= being Russian. You've proven nothing.

>> No.6504657

so u do eat dog for family of 10 little chings? fucking disgrase

>> No.6504659

i give proof and u sitll be faggot dont be a weeaboo. u are spastic and i dont care wjat u think because u are weeagay

>> No.6504660
File: 71 KB, 395x500, kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're lost

>> No.6504661

Скорее всего, ему уже въебали на русских бордах.
И дурашка пришел попытать счастья здесь.

Most likely though is that he likes to get owned.

>> No.6504664

God. Damnit. OP. You fucking /b/tard. I'll brake it down for you.

We don't care about japanese culture.
We just like obscure japanese games. And music. That's it. Get out of here. We don't like japanese people or culture. In fact we mostly think japanese have shit taste and we're far superior to them.

>> No.6504666

Funny how you say you don't care about our opinions, but still reply to each and every post here AND expect us to care about you.

I take my rating back, I already have my doubts that you're just a troll and not a complete idiot. Here, have 10/10.

>> No.6504669
File: 61 KB, 353x445, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6504670

Я только посетить 4chan другие геев

i am lost because u are a whole country devote to turd? wow u are mega turn country

>> No.6504672

Naw, I'm rich like fuck. I'm Chinese after all. Haven't you notice why I can stay home all day and waste my time with trolls like you? Exactly, it's because I am rich like fuck, I don't need to work or go to school.

>> No.6504675

i head what u say yet u post on a baord for OTAKU CULTRE i read what otaku mean and it is weeaboo

>> No.6504678

Ahhh, so you do simply use Google to translate your sentences into Russian. Sorry bro, that won't do if you want to troll. It's much easier to pretend you speak some language no one speaks, so no one will blow your cover.

>> No.6504679

typical chinamerican, thinks i know he stay home all day because it must be same time everywhere becayse he is in gaymerica, also u not rich u eat off dog

>> No.6504680
File: 11 KB, 300x300, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504684

Nope. Weeaboo = wannabe japanese and thinking everything japan does is fucking great.

We just happen to enjoy some japanese media. That's all.

>> No.6504686

мудак i dont use google translate 2chan is full of faggot ass

>> No.6504692

Sorry, no such thing in Russia. You've blown your cover yet again. Stop trying before it gets even more miserable.

>> No.6504700

Well, actually they refer to http://2-ch.ru/ as 2chan...

>> No.6504701
File: 109 KB, 1280x1024, broken robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Я только посетить 4chan другие геев

>> No.6504706

ok fuck it i spent way to much time in this thread, to everyone who replyed to my posts U GOT TROLLED HARD

i win u all lose

u can reply from this point on to say u didnt get trolled and how mad i am but really, ur all pathetic weeaboos and u got trolled HARD. u will deny it till the cows comehome but u really are all trolled retrads. im off to te brothels, laters faggots

>> No.6504708

No they don't. 2ch is двач/дватиреч.

>> No.6504712

Ahh, backpedaling at last. That makes you half as awesome as you were before. 4/10, 3/10 for blowing your Russian cover.

>> No.6504715

It was nice talking to you. Sorry that we couldn't explain our point to you so that you could understand it. But that's life. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, bye.

>> No.6504720
File: 172 KB, 637x479, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he goes to brothels

>> No.6504727

Wow, so defensive just to say you're tired and owned.
