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6498189 No.6498189 [Reply] [Original]

New Tales series thread.

Next PS3 game title Tales of Xillia
>The game will utilize the contrast between light and shadow, which will lead to the game having a different art style direction than Vesperia's anime-style graphics or Graces's watercolor-style graphics (it could be more of a hand-painted or oil painting-like feel if the concept artwork is any indication). Baba stated that when he saw some of the concept artwork images running on actual hardware he was very impressed.

What do you think?

>> No.6498195

I'm glad they've settled on the PS3. Makes it less of a pain to import.

>> No.6498194

It doesn't matter, it's not like it'll ever come out in English.

>> No.6498202
File: 61 KB, 487x359, 1281463764872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it'll never be translated. Fucking Bamco.

>> No.6498203

Based on what? That they've released on on every system?

>> No.6498205

There will probably be a fan translation.

>> No.6498208


Both Vesperia and Graces, the last two high-profile Tales games, got PS3 remakes a little under a year after the original games were released.

This new Tales is on PS3 right from the start.

>> No.6498210


>> No.6498212


Too hard.

>> No.6498216

How do you figure?

>> No.6498218


Sony really really hates piracy?


Yeah, the thread was deleted due to mad mod.

>> No.6498227

>Sony really really hates piracy?
What, do you think Sony is going to track down any group that tries to translate it? It's already pointlessly throwing out enough resources just going after "big" targets.

>> No.6498235

Looks nice. Too bad I'm afraid of liking another rpg franchise.

>> No.6498237


But wouldn't you need to hack a PS3 to play any kind of fan translation?

The upgraded Jailbreak thing isn't going to work forever.

>> No.6498242

>Fan translating modern console games

>> No.6498243

>Implying another Tales game that isn't on a handheld will ever be localized again.

>> No.6498246

That's pretty strange, anon.

>> No.6498248

So you're suggesting everyone in the entire world is going to intentionally upgrade their PS3s past 3.50, preventing a fan translation?


>> No.6498253

The Tales of Graces translation project seems to be going pretty well.

>> No.6498251
File: 72 KB, 825x720, [Hiryuu] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls 07 [1280x720 H264 AAC] [8FCEE137].mkv_snapshot_20.58_[2010.11.18_19.54.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan translations
>assume it's totally viable
>call out others who know your idea won't ever work
>be a typical /jp/er

>> No.6498256

>Implying any Tales game period will ever be localized again


The new Jailbreak works by rolling back the firmware, right?

What happens when Sony responds to that somehow? Like forcing a firmware upgrade if the user wants to even start the console up?

>> No.6498257

The Tales of Graces translation team already did a proof-of-concept with Tales of Vesperia PS3. Of course it's viable.

>> No.6498263

>Like forcing a firmware upgrade if the user wants to even start the console up?
They'd have to force you to update in order to be able to add something to force you to update. For people who don't know any better, it will have limited effectiveness in possibly making it more difficult to hack in the future. For everyone who already has hacked or knows about the hack, they can't do shit.

>> No.6498268

I get the feeling they'll never release another Tales game to America, not after Tales of Vesperia didn't do well even with all the effort they put into actually getting good voice actors and voicing skits for the first time. For those of you that don't speak the language, start learning I guess, since Namco fucking hates you.

>> No.6498272

leave unconnected and it won't know there's a new firmware
there is spoofing for the current firmware for when you do want to connect

>> No.6498278

>Tales of Vesperia didn't do well
It was the third best selling Tales game outside of Japan ever.

Namco is just fucking retarded.

>> No.6498284


Vesperia did extremely well for a JRPG, if I recall correctly, just not as well as Abyss and Symphonia.

It's racism, not a money issue.


Right, I'm an idiot.

Don't think Sony won't come up with some kind of response, though, like all new PS3s coming pre-programmed with anti-Jailbreak defenses or something.

>> No.6498290

also there is downgrading from 3.5 to 3.41 so you can go that route too and just ping pong back and forth. you can install updates manually without connecting to psn so you could do it without sony even knowing

>> No.6498291

Well, it did do well, I know I bought the 360 port and imported the PS3, but the market simply isn't what they think it is. I guess they just have unreasonable expectations. It's sad people don't play what I consider to be one of the most fleshed out and solid JRPGs to date, they're too busy coming for second helpings of dick from Square Enix, who hasn't released a good game since they took on that name.

>> No.6498302

>I guess they just have unreasonable expectations.

Again, their current CEO is racist.

>who hasn't released a good game since they took on that name.

The World Ends With You, Dissidia, and Birth By Sleep would like to disagree with you.

>> No.6498314
File: 40 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Koe de Oshigoto! - 01 [480p Blu-ray AAC][F89FC686].mkv_snapshot_03.31_[2010.11.17_11.46.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The World Ends With You, Dissidia, and Birth By Sleep

>> No.6498322

I bet the new game will deal with racism. The cutest side character will also die.

>> No.6498327


>> No.6498328


You might have a case for calling Dissidia and BBS bad, since they both have mediocre and unoriginal plotlines, but The World Ends With You is the best and most original game Square has ever released and is good in every possible aspect, including story, which is rare for the genre.

>> No.6498337

You can make a case for TWEWY, but Dissidia is pretty bad and Birth By Sleep is similar to Sonic Heroes in Kingdom Hearts form--forcing you to replay through most of the exact same shit over and over just to get a few slightly different scenes in order to unlock the actual ending.

>> No.6498348


Dissidia's gameplay is excellent though. I got back into it due to the sequel's announcement and I haven't stopped playing for two weeks.

>> No.6498347

Enix-associated games are still good. Square games are shit since FF7, though.

>> No.6498354

Dissidia is a game for bored asian-americans who are too bad at fighting games other than Naruto's.

>> No.6498377

I don't think anyone sane consider Dissidia a fighter, it's just a fan-service game targeted toward FF fans in order to milk the franchise even more.
And also a pretty fun game

>> No.6498378


>> No.6498381
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it'll never be translated just like the two last Tales games released on the PS3

>> No.6498399

>The World Ends With You, Dissidia, and Birth By Sleep would like to disagree with you.
>Dissidia, and Birth By Sleep
Obvious squeenix fanboy. Those games are complete shit. TWEWY is the ONLY decent game Square has made since the merge. 3rd birthday MIGHT be good, but who knows seeing as how shitty PE2 was.

>> No.6498403

Out of curiosity, considering picking up a PS3 for Vesperia and Graces. Anything I need to know about importing, like needing a specific PS3 for regional locks?

>> No.6498415

All PS3 games are region free.
Importing Japanese games from Asia will be exactly the same as the Japanese version except for having a Chinese manual.

>> No.6498432

Do they still shout their techniques as they attack?


>> No.6498470

Wouldn't be a Tales game without it.

>> No.6498473

Just by looking at the concept art I already love the new tales.

Reminds me of Ar Tonelico.

>> No.6498494

BTW I fucking bet a "non-beta" version will be released 1 year after the initial PS3 release, on the 360.

You're a retard if you buy any bamco games at launch.

>> No.6498520

Vesperia localization when? ;_;

>> No.6498525

Calling your attacks is a staple of the series, though Yuri in Tales of Vesperia had multiple voice clips for each skill, either shortening the attack name or simply yelling.

>> No.6498533

PS3 version? never.

fucking bamco

>> No.6498535


Actually, all of them did this.

A hell of a lot of work was put into Vesperia.

>> No.6498548


Both Square and Bamco's CEOs should be fired due to angry shareholders eventually. We just have to wait.

>> No.6498553
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>> No.6498558

we can only hope

>release vesperia... on the console that nobody who fucking want jrpg cares about
>nobody fucking buys
>release the complete version exclusively on the console that people actually cared about

>> No.6498570

They do this shit since Symphonia

It's actually nintendo/microsoft's fault. They buy it as a exclusive... but only in the west. So Bamco isn't able to release it here.

>> No.6498579


It's not the same issue as with Symphonia; Nintendo did the localization themselves, so they own the rights in the West.

A PS3 version of Vesperia could be released here with no problems; it's just that Namco doesn't want to do it because racism.

>> No.6498589

>Vesperia did extremely well for a JRPG

244k units or so isn't exactly what I would call "extremely well", even for a JRPG.

>It's racism

Indeed, but not in the way you claim. The racist ones are actually your own countrymen, refusing to buy anything remotely Japanese because it is "weeaboo", while not hesitating to buy millions of copies of Call of duty and Madden on their precious amerhukkan console to show how much of a patriot they are. The PS3 userbase is in low numbers in the USA, obviously there is no point in releasing a game on this when it didn't sold on the dominating console.

>> No.6498605

>244k units or so isn't exactly what I would call "extremely well", even for a JRPG.

...Those numbers sound pretty damn good to me. They can't possibly think it would ever sell as well as a Square game.

>precious amerhukkan console

I dunno dude, you're the one sounding like the weeaboo here.

The PS3 seems to be getting more and more popular these days, from what I've seen.

>> No.6498639

>I dunno dude, you're the one sounding like the weeaboo here.

In your country, I'm afraid you would be considered the weeaboo by your peers for the reasons I stated. Not that I give a fuck about it, continue to delude yourself into thinking Japan is racist and that it's not Americans gamers' fault for refusing to buy anything foreign. Easier to place the blame on something you can't touch rather than your own people.

>> No.6498647

yes but bamco still think that no americuns have ps3 and that all americuns only own xbawks 360

they also cant tell apart americuns and europeans and assume theres no ps3 in both murrica and europe

>> No.6498687

Different anon here. It's not just America.

I'm pretty sure wherever you live, the game would have sold proportionally less. Unless you live in South Korea/Taiwan. Western gamers just don't accept "anime" like graphics, unless they were already anime/manga/etc fans.

I'm from Brazil, by the way.

>> No.6498689


Atlus, a considerably poorer company than Bamco, continues to localize unprofitable JRPGs every year. Most of them are developed by other companies, even.

It has nothing to do with the money. Even a hypothetical ToVPS3 US release does poorly, it will still make enough money to cover the localization costs; it's a no-risk venture.

It's merely that the CEO is anti-American and doesn't care about what Western fans think, nothing more.

Also, I'm not American.

>> No.6498694

Obviously it's because they don't want a retarded American fanbase ruining their games.

>> No.6498708

Are you really this autistic? The Japanese fanbase is even more retarded than the western fanbase (due to the popularity differences). Your weeaboo is showing.

>> No.6498724


No one but anime/manga fans bought their games in the first place. There is nothing to ruin.

>> No.6498773

