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6491887 No.6491887 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /jp/, I just drank some alcohol for the first time in my life and went out in public somewhat drunk. I have to say, the experience is something different altogether. I was nervous buying the vodka, but it was worth it.

I didn't feel nervous at all, and didn't have a care in the world. It was actually fun, even though I was by myself. I went and got a sandwich at quiznos, which I've never done before, and then I went to the grocery store and got a hot pot pie from the deli, some chocolates and some roasted nuts.

I just got back and I'm enjoying the spoils of the war, and thinking about another couple of shots of vodka (I think I'm starting to come down now),

>> No.6491895

You're going down a dangerous path, anon.

That Quiznos will kill you.

>> No.6491898

You are still drunk, aren't you?

Don't worry, you'll regret it later, when you actually start caring about embarrassment

>> No.6491903

Welcome To Alcoholism!

>> No.6491915

A little drunk still. I don't know, right now, I don't care anymore. It feels... good. I'm 227 and have spent most of my lfie in seclusion. I don't care anymore.

>> No.6491925


>> No.6491924

Quite a path you're now walking.

And a fun one, just remember to master alcohol, don't let it master you.

>> No.6491916

Really, that's how it is. That's how everyone else is, and why drinking and partying is so popular. It really takes away your inhibitions, along with your ability to care about yourself or how you look.

>> No.6491919

Whatever makes you happy.

>> No.6491935

you shouldn't drink and rive bro

>> No.6491948

I walked, I don't have a car.

>> No.6491953

just drink and stay inside man.

>> No.6491980
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also, I have now discovered that roasted and salted almonds and cashews are awesome with vodka

>> No.6491986

Drinking makes life worth living

Welcome to the real time, son

>> No.6491995

hmm maybe its just me but if i drink alone i just get all depressed

>> No.6492002
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Anyway, thanks for the encouragement everyone. If this were real life, I'd buy you all a drink.

>> No.6492008

Drinking is for normals.

>> No.6492010

Is there some point to this story other than listen to my cool story?

>> No.6492011

fuck now i want a subway sandwich, but the nearest one is a 20 minute walk and it's -10C out..

>> No.6492016

Take it to the next level and get drunk in a bar, OP. You might get to take a 3d pig home while being just the right ammount of drunk to be able to get an erection and be somewhat desensetized.

>> No.6492017

It is. I've never drank any alcohol in my life, but I won't hate others for doing so. Still, there really is no point to this thread.

>> No.6492037
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So is eating and sleeping. What's your point?

There's nothing wrong with drinking if you enjoy the taste of alcohol. Besides, you can drink by yourself instead of being sociable.

>> No.6492050
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Now combine Vodka with redbull!

>> No.6492060

Drinking is for the normals, we will never earn the right to do so.
If you ever drink people will be all like 'Hey look who's drinking'
Reminds me of this guy I knew who would drink anything people told him to. His drink was spiked once and he got his money stolen from him.
I'd go out drinking with you guys or alone though.

>> No.6492062



I always get drunk alone and i enjoy it a lot.

>> No.6492068

Drinking in the company of others if for normals, but drinking alone is for NEETs.

>> No.6492080

If Suika can drink, I can drink.

>> No.6492085

You don't deserve the right to drink if you think like this...
"If you ever drink people will be all like 'Hey look who's drinking' "
Everyone will listen to this at least one time on this life if they wanna to start drink, even you will say the same shit when you be a regular and some newbie starts to drink.

>> No.6492123

When I went out to drink once, they said 'Hey looks who's drinking'. I threw my drink down and stormed out never to return. That was my first and last alcoholic beverage.

>> No.6492142

It's just a ritual.
You should not have felt left out or mad, they were not mocking you, not until you have freaked out of course.
If someone ever invite you to drink again, accept it, and when they say this, you just smile and do Victory signal with your hands.

>> No.6492158

Fat chance, no one has talked to me since I made the error of 'coming out' to my family as a pedophile. I explained to them I knew I could never look at naked pictures or have sex with a child but no one ever wants to hang out with me. I know it was a mistake, /jp/, you don't have to tell me. How can I get past it?

>> No.6492161


They'll do mock you if you do that.

>> No.6492169

Honesty is not always the best policy. I dunno what you can do, maybe you can try and convince them that you're not into that stuff anymore, but that's all I can think of.

>> No.6492167


You are pretty stupid, did you know that?

>> No.6492175

Don't talk to them ever again, cut off all contact completely and forever. Move out and move far away. And stop being a pedophile.

>> No.6492185

I would but I'm completely reliant on my parents. Luckily they never talk to me any more.

And I am waay past being a pedophile, it was just a phase brought on by loli moe

>> No.6492191
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>'coming out' to my family as a pedophile.

Why would you do that? seriously, i'm a pedo too but i always do my best to hide it, if there is a hot little girl around me i don't even look at her if there is other people around.

>> No.6492192

It's not like mock, it's more like tease.
When you are around your friends you will want to tease them to rise the mood of the party, and the new guy will probably be always a good target to do that, it just depends how you take it.
I learned to take it easy with time , I'm sure you will get there too anon.

>> No.6492210

Why would they tease me? I haven't done anything wrong.

>> No.6492213


You can't stop being a pedophile, you can put limits to your desires but you can't stop being one.

>> No.6492228

Friends tease friends just for being friends. It's supposed to be a light-hearted thing, you don't have to do something wrong for them to rib you a little about it. If somebody fucks up and dies to Icicle Fall - Easy, or eats something they've never eaten before and make a face, people will laugh without having any malicious intent behind it.

>> No.6492234

Glad to hear you had a good time. Just drink occasionally and in moderation and you will be fine. Take it easy.

>> No.6492244

Well you didn't.
It's just to rise the mood in the group like i said.
It's like a joke, if you get angry over it, they will tease you longer, when you see they are teasing you, go thinking in a comeback tease to the guy who did it in the first place so people will see you as a cool guy (depending in your comeback) and those rituals help too in keep the conversation going.

>> No.6492241

>if there is a hot little girl around me i don't even look at her if there is other people around.

You're pretty stupid for coming out as a pedophile, but at the same time that requires a kind of naive trust in those people you came out for. You must have really believed they'd accept you. I can't blame you for that, it's their own fault for betraying that trust. In a better place we might all be able to come out about being pedophiles without it ruining our lives.

>> No.6492248

I'm not a pedophile, but it's so fucked up how you guys are in the exact situation homosexuals were in 100 years ago and nobody even realises it. Pisses me off to no end.

>> No.6492269

Congratulations, you are probably the first and last supporter of pedophilia as a non-pedo

>> No.6492271

Probably because when you compare it to homosexuality people will go SO YOU THINK FUCKING LITTLE KIDS IS THE SAME AS CONSENTING ADULTS HUH SICKO GO DIE IN HELL

Which I can't disagree with but it's switching the argument around. I never said I wanted to legalize sex with children, just because I'm a pedophile doesn't mean I want to do that.

>> No.6492274

Well it's nice to know at least ONE person doesn't have auto logic-shutdown as soon as they hear "pedophile"

>> No.6492266

I'm glad I have a loving family who... ah, what I am I kidding, they ignore me so much I can blatantly tell them I want to fuck children and they won't care. "That's great dear, call me back later, I'm in the middle of something important."

>> No.6492279

I bet if you say that to them , even if they don't give a damn to what you say, they will call the police to arrest you and be free of you.

>> No.6492283

>Fat chance, no one has talked to me since I made the error of 'coming out' to my family as a pedophile.
I salute you for being true to yourself and not giving into what your oppressors may say or do. You deserve a lot of respect for that, don't let anyone put you down.

>I explained to them I knew I could never look at naked pictures or have sex with a child but no one ever wants to hang out with me.
If they're not open-minded enough to accept you for who you are I'd say they're not worth it.

>> No.6492289


Even among pedos there are different types, not all pedos are potential rapists, infact most pedos i talk to are moralfags, we love child models and we hate child molestors and hardcore CP but of course there is some really sick pedos out there, to be honest i think that pedophilia should remain as a taboo.

>> No.6492290

Nah, I leech of the government. It's my big brother who leeches off of my parents. They buy him presents all the time, too.

>> No.6492299

Exactly. Kids can't consent so it will always be 3DCG or drawings for pedophiles, which makes it even harder. When you condemn just BEING a pedophile you make it so most just think 'Well damned if I do, damned if I don't'
And no one is going to argue against banning artificial child pornography: 'What are you? A pedophile?'

>> No.6492301

How comes a thread that begins about a guy speaking about his drinking adventures go to a guy confessing that he is a pedo?
Oh the powerful magic of /jp/ ~~

>> No.6492307

I don't know, in the US they keep overturning child pornography laws as being over-broad and unconstitutional.

>> No.6492312

Sorry to say it like that , but if it's your brother that gets the gifts and if it's your little brother (depending on his age) is all more the reason to them rat you to the cops.

>> No.6492313

I think /jp/ actually has a fair number of people who aren't particularly into loli, but don't mind it either.

>> No.6492321

And by don't mind, I don't mean don't-mind-fapping-to-it, I mean they don't look at loli, but don't mind the people who do. The previous statement was ambiguous.

>> No.6492326

I envy your constitution so much. In my country I'd get more time for possession of drawn pictures (which are classes as actual pictures) than I would a rape charge.

>> No.6492335

i have read it the other way at the first stance.
it's more like most people here on /jp/ don't give a damn about the rest of the world as long they pirate/buy their entertainment, myself included.

>> No.6492336

Hey drink up buddy.

I am on a new bender now that I get to spend Thanksgiving all alone. I am fucking sick of being forever alone. I haven't even really eaten anything the past couple of days. Unless beer is food.

>> No.6492339

as long as they can*

>> No.6492349

I already said he was my big brother. He's 27.

>> No.6492353

He is 27, and your parents still give him gifts?
Man, i pity your parents.

>> No.6492397

I pity them, too. Which is saying something considering how pathetic I am.

>> No.6492395 [DELETED] 

Im pretty sure /jp/ is full of people who aren't pedophiles yet understand you guys. The thing is, some pedophiles go raping around little childrens, something homosexual adults dont usually do. Funny thing is, atleast in my country most child rapers (not molesters) aren't pedophiles, they just target children for their innosence, and because they are easy targets. It has more of a link with sadism than with pedophile, its been reported 30% cant even get an erection so they insert other stuff. (Yeah, it seems we research some weird stuff here).
Since this seems to be a take it easy thread i allways wanted to ask, and i'm pretty sure i can't ask it to the people i know who studies psychology. I seem to be an omnisexual beeing, almost everything is able to arouse me, childrens age 5 to people age 50, males, females, transexuals, i've been able to masturbate to zoophilia, both in a sadist way (humilliation of the human partner) and even just plain "I want to try fucking an animal). Its the same for fetish, rape,both S and M, feet, hands, belly buttons, ears, hair, etc. The only thing im not confortable with is shit, maybe puke, but blood is OK.
wtf am i?

>> No.6492432

I drunk alone and in group of people on many occasions and never experienced what you're describing. After drinking lot my motor functions were noticeably getting worse, but my brain was functioning in the very same way as usually. I could name powers of two up to 32 and solve differential equations, and more importantly, I didn't feel any more satisfied than I usually am.

I feel sad about not enjoying drink, bug happy about alcoholism not being a threat to me.

>> No.6492442

I hate the taste, and don't feel comfortable losing control over my mind.

>> No.6492469

The only alcohol I drink is mixed drinks and very sweet brandys.

Not that I can really afford it too often as a NEET

>> No.6492485

>and don't feel comfortable losing control over my mind.
Do stimulants instead of depressants then

>> No.6492503

Welcome to lifelong alcoholism. I'm glad I'm not 21 yet, or I'd be in sorry shape.

>> No.6492540

oh great another blog thread... this won't end well, I'm sure there will be butts hurt eventually.

As far as alcohol, I seriously wish it affected me like it seems to affect everyone else. I can't help but just think they are pretending. Yes I get drunk, and slur my words and have trouble walking and all the physical effects, but mentally I'm still reserved and all my inhibitions are still there. I hate in media when the stereotypical reserved character goes nuts when drunk, it sets the bar way to high.

>> No.6492545


Maybe it only works for some, and the ones who don't get some kind of placebo effect?
I know how you feel though, I'm the same way.

>> No.6492550

I think we just expect too much, after all it'd be nice if alcohol was a magical cure for social retardation.

>> No.6492647

You are aproaching the subject wrong, you should drink to increase your social retardation and to enjoy your time alone in /jp/.
Either way, alcohol effect isn't making you out going, happy and all party like, you will just lose you inhibitions. If you actually want to be an idiot, and adapt to society, sure you will be more outgoing. I, on the other hand, usually end up saying "Fuck you guys, you are boring and mediocre, i would rather stay at home using the computer like i allways do, im tired of pretending i have a good time with you"
I still dont know why they still ask me to hang around from time to time.

>> No.6492650

Why is this in /jp/? Take this shit to /a/.

>> No.6492659

Because it's about pedophilia.

>> No.6492661

Like /a/ would understand the pleasures of an intelectual discussion regarding the issues of alcoholism in neets and oprimed pedophiles.

>> No.6492665

Do you use this reply for any thread you dislike?

>> No.6492686

If that's the case, I was at the store yesterday buying a shirt for myself. I was in line and a mother and her daughter walk up to stand behind me in line. It was late and the little girl asked her mother, "Are we the only ones here?" to which her mother replied, "Yup".

It made me feel weird. I had to stop myself from looking at the girl.

>> No.6492687

I was known as a pedophile in high school... as a joke.

I was actually a pedophile the whole time, but they didn't need to know that. It was hard enough with everyone assuming I was a rich gay furry stoner who listened to country music.

>> No.6492693

Like the other guy in this thread, I also "came out" as a pedophile to my parent. Similarly, it was also because I was into loli moe. I don't regret it, but it was a bad choice, in retrospect.

>> No.6492707

So are you saying you weren't really a pedophile?

>> No.6492832
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The last time I was publicly drunk was back in high school. I showed up to my precalculus class after drinking about half a bottle of vodka. I managed to remain incognito due to the fact I was right at the back of the room and the teacher didn't really care about me too much. I think it was obvious to some of the other students though. The alcohol made the whole experience so much more tolerable. I even retained my ability to do math but when I tried to speak and maintain a conversation I think my inebriation was clear to everyone. That or being drunk doesn't make up for crippled social skills.

Before you get angry and call me a normal, know that I did this completely on my own. Fuck, I didn't even have any friends I "hung out" with back then.

Alcohol is wonderful, guys. Drinking alone in your room while on the internet can be a poetic experience.

>> No.6492841

Enjoy it while you can.
