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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6485664 No.6485664 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard you like VN's.


>> No.6485674 [DELETED] 

Warning: I downloaded this and now my PC is beyond fucked up.

>> No.6485682 [DELETED] 

Derek, get in here.

>> No.6485691 [DELETED] 

Warning: You're a tremendous faggot. It's fine.

>> No.6485700 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 537x432, p01721-11-2010, 3-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just somehow lost /jp/ radio from Foobar. Google isn't helping so can someone link me to the stream please?

>> No.6485707 [DELETED] 

No VN. Only virus. ):

>> No.6485705 [DELETED] 

The purple monkey on my desktop says otherwise.

>> No.6485708 [DELETED] 


Check the archive next time, friend.

>> No.6485710 [DELETED] 

I fucking knew it.

Thanks Derek.

>> No.6485727 [DELETED] 


>> No.6485743 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1280x1024, liars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, /jp/ is filled with faggots tonight. Pic related.

>> No.6485759 [DELETED] 

I sure hope you ran Malwarebytes after taking that.

>> No.6485769 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your bot net.

>> No.6485774 [DELETED] 

What is it with virus trolling in this thread? Autistic children can't get to sleep?

>> No.6485778

Maybe you should describe what it is you're posting instead of just shitting out a link.

>> No.6485782 [DELETED] 

I hate you all.

>> No.6485784 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, what?

>> No.6485785

A VN. It's about ghosts and such. Enjoy. Or don't.

Or delete your damn sage posts.

>> No.6485788

Yeah. Exactly.

>> No.6485794

Sage does nothing?

But seriosuly, perhaps a description beyond that would help. You might as well be Kimmo-chan for all we know.

>> No.6485790 [DELETED] 

Janitor is trying to draw attention to his thread.

>> No.6485801

Fucking- Fine.

It's a VN. There's ghosts. Also murder. And violence. And possibly wincest.

>> No.6485810

More details please.......

>> No.6485819

Maker? Official site? Is it a doujin? Old game? Do you have any art to post? It is not western made, right?

>> No.6485826

It is a western novel made in Renpy.......pretty good actually.....

>> No.6485832 [DELETED] 

Virus confirmed
don't download it

>> No.6485838

A young man visits his family's old Summer House in order to confront his inner demons. Want moar? DL IT.

None, None, No, No, No, Western-Made like I'm fucking Piro or something. Good God. Shoot me in the face why don't you.

Hey, thanks, bro.

>> No.6485837

Is that you mugen?

>> No.6485843

Are there any literal demons involved?

>> No.6485849

>Western-Made like I'm fucking Piro or something

This is supposed to make me want to try it?

>> No.6485853

Google just brings up the WIP forum thread for this game. Doesn't seem to be much else there.


>> No.6485855

Sort of? It's complicated.

>> No.6485864

No, it's supposed to encourage you to refrain from comparing me to horrible, horrible american mangaka. I don't mind being called a faggot or a virus, but dammit, sir, there are some things I WILL NOT ABIDE.

>> No.6485873

Wish there was a bit more to go by, but guess it deserves a try.

Review and comments later, but not as I read. It gets tiresome.

>> No.6485882

Finished my first playthrough. Interesting story. Very vivid language and interesting gray-scale art style. Very noir. Could use some music, maybe.

>> No.6485884
File: 122 KB, 1600x1200, 1195781144237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6485892

You should make more options and try to use more music..........also the story needs to be a little longer.....

>> No.6485893

Kind of a mindfuck, isn't it?

>> No.6485908

Aaaaand then things got real.


>> No.6485919


>> No.6485921

I like the adventure-esque feel.
I don't like the abruptness of the whole thing, and the interaction with Em felt really rushed and kinda forced.

I guess I'll go through it again to see what I missed.

>> No.6485925

Nice narrative, sounds complementing the story and decent enough characterization. Really liking the grayscale nature, gives it an otherworldly feeling.

Got an obvious good guy end and was left sort of surprised at the short length and abrupt ending. So I retried and went for something more subtle.

Holy fucking shit.

I am hooked. The sound and narration for all the stopping scene was superb, if a bit morbid. But it served so well. Don't know if it was a subtle queue, but my heart was racing afterward.

Guess I'll keep exploring now. By the way, like that the design is not so much classic decision tree as in any VN, but more inspired in adventure games. It was a nice detail, brings up more the western feeling of the whole thing.

>> No.6485931

Oh. Well, that was unexpected.

>> No.6485952

Game is unfinished, judging by the "Work in Progress" post. But damn, son. It's coming together.

>> No.6485957

The adventure style was good, but I feel like I'm not getting something. It's not finished, is it?

>> No.6485959

4 endings so far, and not finished, yeah.

>> No.6485968

I think I would have liked it better without the leukemia bit.
And it feels like there is more to explore - the upstairs rooms, the call at the first ending.

Good work, though!

>> No.6485973

Wait, four? I only got three and I thought I played it systematically.

>> No.6485981

Okay, it was still a bit abrupt, but at least this time the ending was more conclusive and satisfactory.

Better post the rest as spoilers
Looking back, I like how the lack of character sprite or color sort of reflect that it's a memory that doesn't want to be recovered that easily, and the slightly unhinged nature of the mc.

I have one issue though. Autopsy wouldn't come back as suffocation from the fire. There should be respiratory tract inflammation that is telltale when the victim breaths in smoke. They actually look for that since it can reveal the fire was post mortem and an attempt at smudging the evidence. Nothing big though, but enough to stick in my mind.

Achieves a lot within a short frame, I rather liked it. Could use more music and a better sigh sfx. Writing wise, if I would add anything would be more description of smells. For some reason memories have some smells really vivid, even clearer than the actual visual. I think it could bring a lot to the burning scene.

>> No.6485983

Well, there's kind of a 'hidden' ending.

>> No.6485991

How you get it?

I got Fuck Em and drive car ending (which I think it's implied that she was behind the accident?), kill Em and have discussion with father (that I'm really confuse) and the end where she tells me to die and I don't get what really happens.

>> No.6486002

Oh, I see, going to the car without first taking care of business shows you a fourth ending.

>> No.6486001 [DELETED] 

Just got it.
You have to be thorough with Em. Douse her in gasoline and check the stove to open the gas. When you go for your car, hidden ending that I'm reading now.

It's actually pretty good, the reveal of the nature of the wine is opening to a lot.

It makes me happy to learn this is a WIP, would like to see how it looks like finished.

>> No.6486013 [DELETED] 

Oh, got it now.

But I'm still confused about the things I listed above, and now got even more confuse with this additional ending: [/spoiler] Why burn the house again? MC is insane or something? or I'm just dumb?[/spoiler] Can someone please clear those things for me?

>> No.6486024

WOW there are a lot of deleted posts in this thread in the archive. This sure isn't a thread made by the janitor.

>> No.6486027

To destroy the evidence?
Except I suppose there was no evidence, since it's a ghost story.

>> No.6486040

By your brilliant logic, every thread that has spam excised from it is a meido thread.
Stop being so anally anxious over your 'herp derp virus' post being deleted and either read it or hide the thread.

>> No.6486041

Probably a dumb way of trying to claim the cause of death was something other than the MC in the what if scenario.

Can parents close a bank account of a 17 year old? Lowest possible age of the MC is 16 due to exposition of a "good" child and driving age I believe.

>> No.6486075

If you assume that the MC is at least partially unhinged, then it was in order to destroy the 'evidence' he thought existed. What probably happened was that the police figured out it was arson (using a propellant like gasoline tends to clue them into that). It kind of makes it creepier when you realize the MC is an unreliable narrator. Kinda like the end of "American Psycho."

>> No.6486094

>since it's a ghost story.
Ooohh what a twist.

Deleted previous post because of spoilers tags not used properly.

>> No.6486107

>oooh what a twist

Not really. It says so on the main title of the game. Have you even played it?

>> No.6486116

Yeah but I didn't gave it much thought derp.

>> No.6486120

Jones, can you make a script that makes it so that you can see ghost board posts and deleted ones from the normal board? This kind of thing sounds interesting (though I'd imagine it be hard as fuck. And not exactly useful if downright annoying most of the time)

>> No.6486123

He made one before. Go look on userscripts.

>> No.6486124


>> No.6486127

sage does what now?

>> No.6486138 [DELETED] 

I'm impressed. Definitely the best amateur VN I've read. If you take into acknowledge the criticism made in this thread, well, I'm excited (if it is your work).

>> No.6486147

I'm impressed. Definitely the best amateur English VN I've read. If you take into acknowledge the criticism made in this thread, well, I'm excited (if it is your work).

>> No.6486160

Anybody knows a good erotic VN ? It should be 18+ and no incest or any other psychological disorders

>> No.6486165

Yes. Pick one from the countless list.

>> No.6486177

what list

>> No.6486183


>> No.6486188

That's why I asked for a recommendation so I wouldn't have to go trhough all that

>> No.6486206

I'll do you a favor just this once, but you have to lurk for a month after in exchange.

Go play Cross Channel, Sharin no Kuni, Saya no Uta, Yume Miru Kusuri, Tsukihime, and F/SN. If you're willing to play something without porn, Ever17, Symphonic Rain, and Clannad are god tier too.

>> No.6486230

You got it

>> No.6486355

>Yume Miru Kusuri
Generic reaction image.jpg

>> No.6488608


>> No.6488637

>implying Sharin no Kuni and Clannad are good

>> No.6488650

>seriously replying to shitty /v/ refugee
>Cross Channel
Oh, you were trolling, good show, good show.

>> No.6488655

What's the matter? Too intelligent for you?

>> No.6488660

Mirai Nikki was more intelligent than CC.

>> No.6488819

What was this thread about again?

>> No.6488830

misinformation, mainly.
We hate VNs, as this thread shows.

>> No.6488845

>>6486206 's suggestions are good. The VNs are VNs that are mentioned a lot and these are probably the VNs I see the most threads about excluding VNs that have come out or been translated recently. It's arguable if the VN's he's listed are good or not but I think they're a reasonable foundation.

It's just very tiresome to see the same old comments whenever so and so VN is brought up.

>> No.6488849
File: 17 KB, 175x165, 1289772116708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to check this out, but it actually does make my anti-virus go wild.
Weird, since a lot of people didn't seem to have any problems.

>> No.6488907

Just disable your antivirus and then reenable it when you're done. It's a very short read, including the different endings. What antivirus software do you use? I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials and didn't get an alert for it.

>> No.6489010

Why the constant sage?

>> No.6489017

Why are you trolling?

>> No.6489061

It is rude to not sage here if you don't post anything useful. Some people also use it because they are shy and they are not sure if they should bump.
You should see how "funny" it is when someone from an other board start crying about "u all so mad" and "y u so sage"?

>> No.6489253

So what's the canon, then? She died? He killed her? She never existed? What?

>> No.6490655

Anyone else have any thoughts on this game? I thought the length was pretty good, as long as you consider the 'good end' a sort of 'false end.' I wasn't sure it should be longer, necessarily.

>> No.6490699

It was a pretty good length but so many things were left unanswered, I'd certainly want to see more.

>> No.6490853
File: 15 KB, 476x356, 1246409694438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Em: Kill Yourself
Me: Yeah right like that's going to-
MC: Goodbye World

>> No.6491643
File: 377 KB, 700x512, samsungcctv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize em is me backwards

>> No.6491659

and then who was sister

>> No.6491922

Congratulations, OP. So far, I think this might be deserving of the "Least Terrible OELVN" Commendation.

>> No.6492143

New theory, Em was the sister all allooooooooong

>> No.6495126

Awesome game.

>> No.6495253

OP, there's something I don't get here:

After Em is killed, if I leave the house (without opening the gas and spread the gasoline over the corpse), everything goes BOOM and the house is on fire.


IF I open the gas, take the gasoline, use it over the body and THEN leave the house, I get dad's scene. There's something wrong here or is it just me?

Also, there's more sfx files in the directory than those that there are used in the novel. Am I missing something, or...?

>> No.6495296

/jp/ beeing nice, critical, and supportive to a western VN?
I have to read it, it has to be a masterpiece.
